Tuesday, August 28, 2018

In all thy getting

 My mentor, "Dr. Jesse Nash", head of education at Cansius college, Buffalo, NY. once told me, "Nick, in all thy getting, gain some knowledge".
 I was paying attention yet I didn't fully implement the task with the voraciousness that I should have. Please don't be like me.

 Many years ago when I was somewhat on my ass, I was constantly looking for the avenue to greater amounts of money. So, when I "stumbled" across the correct path I was clueless as to what to do next.
Large amounts of money were wasted because I had not learned some key notes along the way.

 Please pay more attention to your failures than your successes, the lessons will come in handy.

 Also, keep in mind that Michael Jorden will always be remembered by the awesome shots he made "yet" it was the misses that taught him how to be the great player that he is and was.

RIP Dr. Nash.

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