Saturday, May 12, 2018
"I know that I know nothing", Socrates's, "Socratic Paradox".
Socrates said, "All I know is that I know nothing". What I'm trying to figure out is this: if I know NOTHING, how do I KNOW that I know nothing? It just goes round in circles thus becoming nothing more than a paradox. Would you agree?
I agree that the sentence "All I know is that I know nothing" is paradoxical, or anyway false, since if there is one thing that you know than you can't know that you know nothing since that isn't true. But we can probably avoid the problem by saying instead "All I know is that I know nothing else".
Just to set the record straight. Some such claim is often attributed to Socrates on the basis of his remarks in Plato’s Apology (21a-e), but the claim that he actually makes is much less paradoxical. Socrates reports that his friend Chaerephon went to the oracle at Delphi to ask if any person was wiser than Socrates. The oracle apparently answered, no. After having cross-examined lots of people who had a reputation for wisdom and having discovered as a result that their reputation was undeserved, Socrates drew the following conclusion about the significance of the oracle’s answer: “I am wiser than this man; it is likely that neither of us knows anything worthwhile, but he thinks he knows something when he does not, whereas when I do not know, neither do I think I know; so I am likely to be wiser than he to this small extent, that I do not think I know when I do not know” (Ap. 21d-e).
Can we really defend Socrates here though? (Note: It's early Saturday morning and this is relevant to present fearless wading into rough waters.) He says that he is "likely to be wiser" by virtue of not asserting that he knows something worthwhile. But isn't wisdom knowledge? Doesn't being wiser require knowing a little more? If so, then it seems that Socrates really is saying that he knows that he doesn't know anything worthwhile. (That's the knowledge that makes him just a tad wiser.) And now we're back to worrying whether Socrates' assertion is paradoxical.
I can imagine two responses: (A) one might claim that one's failure to know anything worthwhile isn't itself a worthwhile thing to know (and so Socrates' claim to knowledge doesn't clash with what he claims to know, viz. that he knows nothing worthwhile). Or (B) one might hold that one could be wiser simply by failing to claim knowledge that one doesn't have (so we can make sense of Socrates' claim to being slightly wiser without imputing some paradox-threatening knowledge to him).
About (A): but surely what Socrates knows must be worthwhile for that knowledge to make him a little wiser! And about (B): if I'm wise to the degree that I'm failing to claim to know things that are false, then, since there are infinitely many false statements we all fail to claim to know, it's hard to see how anyone's wiser than anyone else.
Time for hasty retreat to shore and coffee.
This dimension of Socrates' thought has been, of course, highly influential with skeptics. Indeed, it was in part on the basis of this sort of gesture in Plato's works that the Academic skeptics regarded themselves as inheritors of Platonic philosophy. Later the idea became known as "learned ignorance," for example in Nicholas of Cusa's work by the same name. It's an interesting thing to examine the different ways philosophers have tried to cope with the constellation of ideas involved with coming to understand one's ignorance, as well as other dimensions of human finitude. Hellenistic and Greco-Roman skeptics explored the ways in which doubt my characterize humanity's relationship to knowlegdge and whether skeptical arguments advance any positive wisdom or simply tear things down. Montaigne formulated the now-classic, "What do I know?" Erasmus called himself a "foolospher." Hume explored concepts of "natural," "common," ordinary, and non-dogmatic forms of belief while still acknowledging skeptical doubt. Wittgenstein in On Certainty and elsewhere considered whether it's even meaningful to speak about not knowing or doubting various locutions; and in a related way Stanley Cavell in The Claim of Reason tries to produce an acknowledgment of the way the deepest way human beings relate to the world is not one of knowledge/knowing. Kiekegaard opted for what he called "indirect" discourse. And perhaps that's the best way of understanding Socrates here--not as trying to state a fact or formulate a proposition but instead to point to or show something important about human wisdom.
Peter is right. Many have taken the Socrates of Plato’s early dialogues to be a skeptic at least with regard to knowledge of the most worthwhile things. My own view is that, at least as he’s represented in the Platonic dialogues, Socrates is not a skeptic. He did not believe that it was impossible to acquire such knowledge. In fact, he devotes his life to acquiring such knowledge. He simply believed that it was very difficult to acquire such knowledge and that no one that he had yet met had done so.
How, then, might he respond to Alex’s worries that his position is paradoxical? He would first have to explain that he could be wiser than someone else without being in a cognitive state that would qualify as knowledge. He would then have to explain that when he speaks of knowledge of worthwhile things, he primarily has in mind knowledge of what things are most worthwhile, that is, what things are the most worthy goals to which we should devote our lives (Ap. 29d-30b). On Socrates’ view, the problem with his fellow Athenians was that they thought that they already knew how they should live their lives. Socrates believed that not only did they have false beliefs about these matters; worse, their belief that they already had knowledge prevented them from being motivated to continue thinking about these matters and eventually getting themselves into a better place. To the extent that he did not believe that he already had knowledge of these important matters, Socrates was one step closer toward achieving knowledge and was thus, to this extent, wiser.
*People that think they have bypassed sensory perceptions and actually know things get on my fucking nerves.
FEMA Awards More Than $5 Million For Old Parish Prison Docks
*Could all the bullshit with Donald Trump be an invented distraction?
BATON ROUGE, LA — The Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) has awarded more than $5 million to the City of New Orleans for the renovations of the Old Parish Prison Docks following Hurricane Katrina. Most of the city’s fire, police and criminal justice facilities were damaged or destroyed in the aftermath of the storm. The City of New Orleans has been approved for a funding option to facilitate the renovations under the Omnibus Bill Section 546 of the Consolidated Security and Disaster Assistance and Continuing Appropriations Act of 2009, Public Law 110-329.
The $5 million grant for the Criminal Justice and Public Safety project includes funding for the interior demolition and reconfiguration of the existing space at the Old Parish Prison Docks to provide a more efficient and secure means of transporting prisoners from the Old Parish Prison into the Criminal District Court for trial purposes. These renovations include a complete demolition and reworking of the floor to provide more visibility, installation of new heating, ventilation and air-conditioning, life safety and security systems, Americans with Disabilities Act upgrades, and the installation of a new freight elevator.
This grant is funded through FEMA’s Public Assistance grant program which reimburses communities for actions taken in the immediate response and during recovery from a disaster. Eligible applicants include states, federally recognized tribal governments, U.S. territories, local governments, and certain private non-profit organizations. The grant applications are submitted from the state, which coordinates the process with local governments.
FEMA obligates funding directly to the state. It is the state's responsibility to ensure that the City of New Orleans receives this award. Following the state's review process, and upon receipt of appropriate documentation, they will provide the funds on a reimbursable basis.
FEMA has a long-term commitment to help Louisiana communities recover and to restore critical infrastructure damaged or destroyed by Hurricane Katrina.
Last Updated:
March 21, 2018 - 11:04
Google Just Discovered A Massive Web Leak... And You Might Want To Change All Your Passwords
A Google researcher has uncovered what may be the most worrying web leak of 2017 so far, possibly exposing passwords, private messages and other sensitive data from a vast number of sites, including major services like Uber, FitBit and OKCupid.
It's being dubbed CloudBleed by some, as the problem was caused by a vulnerability in code from a hugely popular web company, CloudFlare, and was not dissimilar to the infamous Heartbleed bug of 2015 (though possibly more severe in terms of the potential for data leakage). It's similar to Heartbleed in that CloudFlare, which hosts and serves content for a at least 2 million websites, was returning random chunks of memory from vulnerable servers when requests came in.
Making the issue even more severe was the fact that search engines were caching that leaked information. Another major concern was that CloudFlare typically hosts content from different sites on the same server, so a request to one vulnerable website could reveal information about a separate, unrelated CloudFlare site.
"For example, you could have visited a page on, and a chunk of memory from a previous request/response to would be returned," explained Pen Test Partners whitehat hacker Andrew Tierney. "This sensitive data could have been returned to anyone. There was no need to carry out an active attack to obtain the data - my mum may have someone else's passwords stored in her browser cache just by visiting another CloudFlare fronted site."
Famous Google bug hunter Tavis Ormandy uncovered the issue, describing it in a brief post, noting that he informed CloudFlare of the problem on February 17. In his own proof-of-concept attack he was able to have the server return encryption keys, passwords and even HTTPS requests of other users from major CloudFlare-hosted sites.
In a later post, he found the issue to be even more severe: "I'm finding private messages from major dating sites, full messages from a well-known chat service, online password manager data, frames from adult video sites, hotel bookings. We're talking full HTTPS requests, client IP addresses, full responses, cookies, passwords, keys, data, everything."
Ormandy wrote that CloudFlare sent him a draft post that "severely downplays the risk to customers," though he didn't say what he thought about the final public notification that went out Thursday. In that post, CloudFlare wrote: "The bug was serious because the leaked memory could contain private information and because it had been cached by search engines. We have also not discovered any evidence of malicious exploits of the bug or other reports of its existence.
"The greatest period of impact was from February 13 and February 18 with around 1 in every 3,300,000 HTTP requests through CloudFlare potentially resulting in memory leakage (that’s about 0.00003 per cent of requests)." It admitted that the earliest date memory could have leaked was September 22 2016. CloudFlare also said one of its own private keys leaked, one for internal machine-to-machine encryption.
A large list of CloudFlare websites has been uploaded to GitHub, though it's not clear just which ones leaked any data (another list found a handful of affected domains). The user who posted the Github list still recommended users of all those sites change their passwords as a precaution. Security entrepreneur Ryan Lackey recommended the same, though noted it was unlikely the average web user's password was in danger of being stolen.
What's the bug?
The problem lay in the way CloudFlare parsed and modified web pages when a user hit the site. When certain data was sent to the server, it would fail to parse the information properly and cough up sections of memory, jumping over the "buffer" designed to keep secret info secure. That memory might have contained sensitive data, like passwords or private communications.
Ormandy found the issue by firing a load of junk data at CloudFlare servers, a process called "fuzzing." In some cases, he received responses that contained information from memory. He could then easily replicate the process to guarantee that sensitive information would be returned.
CloudFlare, Google and other search engine providers have been scouring the web looking for sites that may have leaked information via the CloudBleed bug. They found 161 unique domains where leaked memory had been cached by the search engines, and that data has now been purged. "We also undertook other search expeditions looking for potentially leaked information on sites like Pastebin and did not find anything," CloudFlare added.
Regardless of that cleanup and the continuing efforts of CloudFlare to remove the bug from its customers' servers, Google security researchers like Natalie Silvanovich believe the ultimate impact might be severe.
Full article >
Are you ready? Here is all the data Facebook and Google have on you Dylan Curran
Want to freak yourself out? I’m going to show just how much of your information the likes of Facebook and Google store about you without you even realising it.
Google knows where you’ve been
Google stores your location (if you have location tracking turned on) every time you turn on your phone. You can see a timeline of where you’ve been from the very first day you started using Google on your phone.
Click on this link to see your own data:…
Here is every place I have been in the last 12 months in Ireland. You can see the time of day that I was in the location and how long it took me to get to that location from my previous one.
Google knows everything you’ve ever searched – and deleted
Google stores search history across all your devices. That can mean that, even if you delete your search history and phone history on one device, it may still have data saved from other devices.
Click on this link to see your own data:
Google has an advertisement profile of you
Google creates an advertisement profile based on your information, including your location, gender, age, hobbies, career, interests, relationship status, possible weight (need to lose 10lb in one day?) and income.
Click on this link to see your own data:
Google knows all the apps you use
Google stores information on every app and extension you use. They know how often you use them, where you use them, and who you use them to interact with. That means they know who you talk to on Facebook, what countries are you speaking with, what time you go to sleep.
Click on this link to see your own data:…
Google has all of your YouTube history
Google stores all of your YouTube history, so they probably know whether you’re going to be a parent soon, if you’re a conservative, if you’re a progressive, if you’re Jewish, Christian, or Muslim, if you’re feeling depressed or suicidal, if you’re anorexic …
Click on this link to see your own data:…
The data Google has on you can fill millions of Word documents
Google offers an option to download all of the data it stores about you. I’ve requested to download it and the file is 5.5GB big, which is roughly 3m Word documents.
This link includes your bookmarks, emails, contacts, your Google Drive files, all of the above information, your YouTube videos, the photos you’ve taken on your phone, the businesses you’ve bought from, the products you’ve bought through Google …
They also have data from your calendar, your Google hangout sessions, your location history, the music you listen to, the Google books you’ve purchased, the Google groups you’re in, the websites you’ve created, the phones you’ve owned, the pages you’ve shared, how many steps you walk in a day …
Click on this link to see your own data:
Facebook has reams and reams of data on you, too
Facebook offers a similar option to download all your information. Mine was roughly 600MB, which is roughly 400,000 Word documents.
This includes every message you’ve ever sent or been sent, every file you’ve ever sent or been sent, all the contacts in your phone, and all the audio messages you’ve ever sent or been sent.
Click here to see your data:
Full article >
10 Best Hacking Tools Of 2018 For Windows, Linux And OS X
10 Best Hacking Tools for Windows, Linux and OS X – 2018 Edition
Technology and hacking, in particular, is a dynamic field with new innovations and tools being released almost every day. If you are a security researcher, pentester or a system admin, you need to have a precise set of tools and apps on your PCs/laptops to find the hidden vulnerabilities and plug them.
We have compiled this list of best hacking tools of 2018 with their description and download links. You can read about them and learn how to use them.
Please note that this article is for educational purpose only and Techworm does not promote any malicious practices.
Nmap is a well-known free and open source tool for hackers. This software is primarily used for security audits and network discovery. Thousands of system admins all around the world use Nmap for network inventory, check for open ports, manage service upgrade schedules, and monitor host or service uptime. As a tool, it makes use of raw IP packets in ways to determine the hosts available on the network, what services (application name and version) are these hosts providing information about, operating systems, type/version of filters/firewalls, etc.
This is one of the most popular pentesting framework around for exploiting (utilising network weakness for making a “backdoor”) vulnerabilities (Weak Points) on Network. Those unfamiliar with it can consider it as a ‘collection of hacking tools and frameworks’ – useful to carry out a range of tasks. It’s the tool of choice for cyber-security professionals and ethical hackers. Metasploit is basically a computer security project that provides users with information regarding known security vulnerabilities, which can be vital as well as help in creating penetration testing and IDS testing plans, strategies and methodologies for exploitation.
The Zed Attack Proxy (ZAP) is now one of the most popular OWASP projects. This hacking and pentesting tool with its easy UI finds vulnerabilities in web applications. ZAP is a popular tool owing to the support it enjoys and thus makes it an excellent choice for those that work in the domain of cyber-security. ZAP provides automated scanners as well as various tools that allow you to discover security vulnerabilities manually. When used as a proxy server it allows the user to manipulate all of the traffic that passes through it, including traffic using https. It can also run in a ‘daemon’ mode which is then controlled via a REST Application programming interface. If one is able to understand and master this tool, it could be advantageous to one’s career as a penetration tester.
This is one of the most popular password cracking pentesting tool that is most commonly used to perform dictionary attacks. John the Ripper takes text string samples (from a text file, referred to as a ‘wordlist’, containing popular and complex words found in a dictionary or real passwords cracked before), encrypting it in the same way as the password being cracked (including both the encryption algorithm and key), and comparing the output to the encrypted string. This tool can also be used to perform a variety of alterations to dictionary attacks including Brute Force and Rainbow attacks.
Usually abbreviated to just Cain – this is highly popular hacking tool that finds many mentions across tutorials. Cain & Abel is a password recovery tool that is mostly used for Microsoft Operating Systems. It allows easy recovery of various kind of passwords by sniffing the network (capturing some of the data packets), cracking encrypted passwords using dictionary, brute-force (generation of hashes out of words and then comparison of encrypted hash with the generated one, this method takes less time than dictionary attack method) and cryptanalysis attacks. The program does not exploit any software vulnerabilities or bugs that could not be fixed with little effort. It covers some security aspects/weakness present in protocol’s standards, authentication methods and caching mechanisms.
Wireshark is a free and open source packet analyser used for network troubleshooting, analysis, software and communications protocol development, and education. In simpler words, it captures data packets in real-time and then displays in a readable format (verbose). The tool (platform) has been highly developed and it includes filters, color-coding and other features that lets the user dig deep into network traffic and inspect individual packets. If you intend to follow pentesting or cyber-security as a career choice, then learning Wireshark is an absolute necessity.
For those of you who need to penetrate and audit wireless networks, you’ve just found your new best friend. The Aircrack suite of Wifi (Wireless) hacking tools are legendary because they are very effectively when used in the right hands. For those new to this wireless-specific hacking program, Aircrack-ng is an 802.11 WEP and WPA-PSK keys cracking hacking tool that can recover keys when sufficient data packets have been captured (in monitor mode). Aircrack-ng implements standard FMS attacks along with some optimizations like KoreK attacks, as well as the PTW attacks to make their attacks more potent.
THC Hydra is hugely popular cracking tool and has a very active and experienced development team. This tool usually works in unison with John the Ripper. Essentially, THC Hydra is a fast and stable Network Login Hacking Tool that will use dictionary or brute-force attacks to try various password and login combinations against an log in page. This hacking tool supports a wide set of protocols including Mail (POP3, IMAP, etc.), Databases, LDAP (Lightweight Directory Access Protocol), SMB, VNC, and SSH (Secure Shell used by VPN softwares).
Although, it is not a complete hacking tool as such, Maltego works within a digital forensics sphere and is quite helpful in data breach incident response. Maltego has been designed as a platform to deliver an overall view of cyber threats to the local working environment of an organization. One of the main reasons for Maltego’s popularity is it’s unique perspective in offering both network and resource based entities to aggregate information available throughout the web.
Nikto is an open source (GPL) web server scanner that is able to identify and detect vulnerabilities in web servers. The system searches against a database of over 6,800 potentially dangerous files/programs when scanning software stacks. Like other scanners, Nikoto also scans for outdated (unpatched) versions of over 1,300 servers, and version specific problems on over 275 servers. It also checks for server configuration items such as the presence of multiple index files, HTTP server options, and will attempt to identify installed web servers and software. Scan items and plugins are frequently updated and can be automatically updated.
What Devices Make Up My Home Network Setup?
Welcome to the first in Fing’s crash course in home networks!
If you are reading this then you are probably sat amongst a load of Ethernet cables and flashing boxes wondering what do all these things do?!
Don’t worry, we at Fing are here to save the day. No longer will you have to nod your head blankly at the sales person whilst they tell you which router to buy. Crying over not knowing what a gateway is will be a thing of the past.
You are about to become a home network genius.
Home Networking: Why Should I Learn This Stuff?
You are not alone in feeling overwhelmed by your own home network setup. The whole reason behind creating Fingbox (our easy-to-use home network security and troubleshooting device) was because of how daunting the majority of homeowners find the topic of home networking.
Although in the back of our minds we know that our lack of knowledge leaves us vulnerable, it tends to not bother us – but then things stop working.
We’ve all glared at our router and politely asked it why it has decided to stop working during the season finale of our latest Netflix binge watch. As the amount of Internet of Things (IoT) devices in our homes increases so will the likelihood of you encountering tech that is refusing to work. Learning the basics of home networking will not only help you troubleshoot any problems that arise, but also help you make more informed choices when purchasing tech for your home.
You may leave all your network worries to a tech support company and so feel even more that you don’t need to learn about your home network setup. However, as smart homes grow we will see more tech and support companies taking advantage of homeowners’ lack of understanding of home networking, pushing products or services they don’t actually need onto their customers. A basic knowledge will give you more power to understand the usefulness of your tech support, and hold them accountable for poor service.
We at Fing are determined you are not going to be caught short on your home network – by the end of our crash course you’ll be making tech companies shake at the knees.
Understanding Your Home Network Setup: Where to Begin?
One of the most difficult things about understanding networking is the fact that most of what is happening isn’t actually visible! It’s harder to grasp how your Wi-Fi works when you can’t physically see what is happening. This is why we decided to start this series with looking at the part of your home network you can see – the networking devices.
Home networking devices are the physical boxes and cables that are required to setup and run your network. The collective term in networking for physical devices is hardware.
Networking hardware comes in all shapes and sizes, and their functions vary massively. We’re going to take you through the 10 most common network devices that you are likely to find in your home.
What Networking Devices Are You Likely to Find in Your Home Setup?
To get things started we’ve made you a cheat sheet of the most common networking devices. You can scroll below the infographic for more detailed explanations.
Friday, May 11, 2018
A New World order and a New World currency in 2018?
With Global debt reaching unprecedented and unserviceable levels it has got me thinking where this is all going.
Current US debt clock:
It has been nearly 30 Years since the Rothschild publication “The Economist” suggested on their front cover that there would be a new World currency in 2018. The picture shows a phoenix rising from the flames of a pile burning bank notes.
If you do not know who the Rothschilds are basically they are the richest family in the World and have a long history in banking and finance.
Whilst this does sound a little far-fetched; in my opinion there could be some truth behind this. It is no secret that the current Gold price is being heavily manipulated. This suggests to me they are trying to dampen the demand by constantly selling naked shorts on the comex (the commodities exchange) hence, gold cannot reach its true value. If they were to allow private investors to hold all the physical gold then creating a new World currency backed by Gold would prove impossible. This is also why there is does not seem to be independent auditing of U.S gold reserves. If there was then I suspect there would probably be far less Gold held centrally than people realise. When you consider over recent Years Russia and China have become major players buying up a lot of gold and not to mention India to.
My observations are that they are losing control when you look at the price of gold in recent Years gold performance has been very good and dumping naked shorts on the comex is starting to lose effect.
This is what Dr Paul Craig Roberts had to say. He was Former editor of the Wall Street Journal and was former US Assistant Secretary of the Treasury for economic policy in 1981 under Ronald Reagan. This is what he said to Greg Hunter in 2014:
Source- Greg Hunter USA Watchdog
“The reason they want to hold the gold price down is they are afraid of its impact on the dollar. The reason why they had to suppress the gold price is they had to protect the dollar from quantitative easing (QE) because they were printing trillions and trillions of new dollars.This was worrying people around the world who hold dollars because the dollar was increasing, but not the goods and services in the American economy. So, when the gold price took off, the Fed said this endangers QE because if the dollar is declining in value relative to gold, it must also be declining in value relative to other currencies. Once the exchange rate starts collapsing, we lose control. So, we got to suppress gold. I don’t know which side of the equation will play out first. I don’t know if they will run out of gold to deliver to India and China or people will say this is a rigged scheme and we are just not participating anymore.”
According to official reports, which I think needs verifying by an independent body, the U.S Holds the most Gold. My question is if they hold all this gold who is the legal owner? And that is assuming there is only one owner per ounce of Gold which is highly unlikely given the amount of leveraging that goes on.
The World’s top holders of Gold (please take these figures with a grain of salt):
Full article >
Endgame Part 2 - How the Bilderberg Group is Secretly Merging the North American Continent
This video clip from the Alex Jones film ”Endgame” explains specifically how the Bilderberg Group has been using stealth for strategically paving the way toward full consolidation of the North American countries, for merging the populations, monetary systems, militaries, and highways of the United States, Canada and Mexico.
Following is a written transcript from the video:
For over 50 years, the Bilderberg group constructed the European Union by stealth, under the guise of trade deals. Now the Elite are using the same secretive approach to complete the North American Union (NAU)— but this time, superstate integration is on the extreme fast track. International agreements like NAFTA, GATT and APEC are just stepping stones in the formation of the NAU.
The North American Union was officially born at Baylor University in Waco, Texas, on March 23, 2005. The leaders of the United States, Canada and Mexico told the press that they were only meeting to discus trade. It soon leaked that a secret meting had been held during the Security and Prosperity Trilateral summit. The three governments had refused to release the secretive deal to the public. In September 2006, their operation was exposed. From September 12 to September 14 in Banff, Canada, hundreds of elected and appointed government leaders from Canada, Mexico, and the United States met in secret. On the last day of the conference, someone inside the forum leaked the agenda, and the front pages of newspapers across Canada carried the story. The Judicial Watch Foundation submitted freedom of information act requests to obtain the full agenda and minutes of the secret assembly. Many federal agencies refused, citing national security. The foundation finally succeeded, and did receive thousands of documents which are the blueprints of a shadow government ruling by bureaucratic and executive fiat. The pages chronicle an already operating North American Union— transportation, law enforcement, agriculture, regulation, banking, manufacturing, construction, education, immigration, and the military— are being merged, with no input from the people, or their elected representatives in congress and parliament. One of the first items on their agenda is to stress how important it is that their plan be ”carried out by stealth.” The controllers also talked about exploiting the public's fear about climate change to push a continent-wide tax to fund the new government.
”Globalist Tool” Robert Pastor tried to push the idea of a continent-wide security perimeter for protecting the North American Continent rather than at the borders.
For the past decade the Pentagon has been training with Canadian and Mexican forces, and has openly discussed using them inside the United States for disasters and to quell domestic unrest.
There are already 100,000 non-us citizens serving in the US armed forces. The Pentagon is now expanding its recruiting centers in Mexico, the Philippines, and Eastern Europe. Big city police departments nationwide are lobbying to change laws so they can recruit non-citizens to join their police force. What we are witnessing is a red dawn scenario in slow motion. Tyrants throughout history have brought in foreigners to oppress their domestic populations.
On April 30, 2007 a summit was held at the White House. The Security and Prosperity Partnership's secretive approach had alarmed the public, so this time President Bush, German Chancellor Merkle, and EU commission president Moruso hid their treachery in plain sight.
The BBC reported that the US and the EU had agreed on a ”single market”, repeating what had been done in America and the EU in a larger scale. The report states that the two blocks will push for regulatory convergence in more than 35 areas, from financial services, intellectual property, military, education, mergers and acquisitions, and they also agreed to jointly push a global carbon tax.
The African Union arose out of the African economic community set up in the early 1980's. The African Union is financed by a group of international bodies, governments and corporations. The african army serves as an enforcement arm for the New World Order's exploitation of Africa.
In Asia, APEC and Asian have announced plans to form an Asian Union consisting of Asian and Pacific nations.
As the unions are formed individually and they are simultaneously merged to form the first planetary government.
Daniel Estulin: ”They are trying to destroy every nation on Earth in the name of promoting process, because you see these people are land owners, they don't need progress because they control the land. They are trying to bring the masses back to the 'middle ages' in a post-industrial age world order.”
Michael Coffman: ”One of the things that is very shocking is that the United Nations Global Diversity Assessment which came out in 1985 clearly states that to protect planet Earth we have to go back to a feudal system— they actually said that in the document.”
To craft a modern feudal society, the globalists are crafting modern standardized North American Union ID cards, to track, trace, and control their surfs as they travel throughout the NAU.
Building on the massive displacement of humanity caused by globalization, the New World Order is rapidly constructing the physical infrastructure of the North American Union— the NAFTA superhighway control grid.
The proposed Trans-Texas corridor would be a patchwork of superhighways and railroads stretching 4,000 miles from the border of Mexico, with a private Spanish company winning the bid to collect the tolls for the next 50 years. These deals with private companies are being negotiated largely in secret.
The roads are instrumental in tearing down borders and merging nation states into larger Federations. Foreign Government and private corporations are seizing infrastructure across North America. In Texas over 8,000 miles of existing roads and land is being handed over to government-backed foreign companies. Foreign companies purchase influence of legislators who then turn over complete control to the same foreigners who finance their campaigns. Government power is then illegally transferred to unelected quasi-governmental regional boards, who circumvent local governments and the will of the people.
More than 80 state and federal highways have been designated as international arteries. The I-35 NAFTA corridor starts deep inside Mexico, travels through the middle of the United States, and ends in central Canada. Container ships from Asia dump their cargo in the Pacific side of Mexico it then travels duty-free by rail to the new Kansas city inland port, now considered sovereign soil of mexico, in the heart of the United States.
Under international agreements, foreign companies are placing tolls on already existing paid for roads. Federal, state, and corporate documents show that they will then use the revenue raised to build up the transportation infrastructure of Mexico— not the United States or Canada, so that Foreign made products can pour in even faster from Mexico. Revenues raised will also be used to fund the fledgling North American Union, and its growing bureaucracy. The bottom line is that they are using our own money to enslave us.
Gina Parker Ford - Chairman for Judicial Reform, National Eagle Forum: ”First of all, they are proposing a North American Tribunal, which would be similar to what we have in chapter 11 in the NAFTA agreement, which is trumped by International law. The US Supreme court and the US Constitution could potentially be rendered invalid, and what we would have is the North American business law that would trump what we have here in the United States.”
In 2005, ”Centra,” a Spanish owned company, signed a secret agreement with the Texas Department of Transportation to erect toll roads on existing roads, and to toll new roads there were completely paid for by tax dollars.
TexDOT— an unelected state agency, claimed that the agreement with the foreign company was even secret from the Texas legislature. When the truth come out, Centra's response was to have its Australian subsidiary make its first newspaper buy. Every newspaper they bought was along branches of the trans-texas corridor, and had been critical of the toll road plan. The cost of 40 or 50 newspapers is nothing compared to the profits that will be made. Just phase one of a state toll road plan is enough to raise 200 billion dollars in just the first fifteen years, and Texas is only a small part of the global panorama. A columbine of trans-national companies is aggressively consolidating public financed infrastructure worldwide, and the same interests are erecting a world government according to their rules, a literal wonderland of corporate corruption, where governments simply act as vacuum cleaners, sucking up the wealth and resources of the middle class, and transferring it to off-shore bank accounts, leaving behind a cultural and economic wasteland of easily managed slaves.
RFID Chips embedded in state inspection stickers are already used to track the population. The new system is meant to control growth and steer development by so-called ”smart growth”.
Michael Coffman: ”'Smart growth' is nothing more than an effort to bring control into the cities.. You have the rewinding of American and the wildlands project in the convention on biological diversity which is to control our rural population.”
Toll roads on interstate highways nationwide are walling off exit ramps to small towns and rural communities, and are creating ghost towns by design. This trend is accelerating under the NAFTA highway system, and is meant to re-wild more than half of the country.
Michael Coffman: ”All of these things are designed to bring more and more control to bureaucracies than to the independent individual of this nation. What brought me into this discussion is the fact that while I was doing this multimillion dollar research effort in the 1980's and the early 1990's, I became aware of an agenda to lock up essentially one half of the United States into wilderness corridors and reserves, what is called the ”Wildlands Project” which is also a key cornerstone of the United Nations Convention on Biological Diversity. It was during that study in which I began to realize that this was not an effort to protect the environment, but an effort to control you and I. They were dividing the United States up into little compartments in which they would rip out whole roads and communities to put them back into the wilderness.”
The federal highway system was designed by Pentagon war planners in the 1950's to serve as a rapid conduit, to move ground forces for the Defense of the United States During invasion. The unconstitutional ”Northern Command” is now using the highway system as a ”forced projection matrix” to dominate populations across the United States. Through federally funded emergency command centers, county and city governments are being quietly federalized nationwide.
Billions of dollars per city is being spent to install millions of surveillance cameras— every town and hamlet, no matter how small— is surveilled. License plate reading software tracks Americans wherever they go. New systems are being employed to read your lips, scan your face, and analyze your walk.
Under the treasonous military commissions act of 2006, american citizens can be secretly arrested, stripped of their, citizenship, flown to offshore torture camps and secretly executed.
Under section 802 of the Patriot Act, all misdemeanors are considered terrorism. Federal police squads called ”Viper Teams” randomly force Americans to line up and show their papers, from the sidewalks of Miami, to the subways of New York, to the streets of Houston, Texas, citizens are being searched by heavily armed gangs of paramilitary police.
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