Tuesday, August 28, 2018

After the invitation, I didn't join Mensa

 There has to be some individuals among my visitors with high IQ's and here's how you can make that work for you.
 First of all you'll need to be in the appropriate circle of individuals and this is why I hung out on college campuses, at cigar bars and at state and federal courthouses. Who you surround yourself with has a great deal to do with your measure of success. *Here's a hint, "If you find that you are the smartest person in the room, leave"! There's nothing there but "what not to do's".

 I was invited before there was a test that you could simply take but it seems that has changed.
Click the link that I'll provide and take the test, this will set you apart from the crowd in ways that I don't even fully fathom myself.

 Employers are offering careers to Mensa invited and Mensa joined individuals.

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