Sunday, September 2, 2018

From one of my own books

  The Equation.....of Sorts

 I sit here with no MS Word and a need to write. This writing is important at least to me and I need to pen these thoughts before they vanish as a simple notion.

 My equation may be simple to some but it's a chore for me at the moment.

 How do I guide the ship that others call my life?

 I look at the top carnivore on the planet, the world banks and bankers first. This group includes the Bilderberg Group and other unknown players at the top of my food chain.

 Next I look at their movements as best I can observe from deciphering an alien code. The code has to be alien because the networks that feed me my information are also controlled by them.

 I add in the religious aspect "as I understand it" and once again, these books were written by mankind. Yes, I believe in my God yet my belief stops where the corruption of man enters.
 Canonized, not canonized, who gave whom the authority to decide what goes in to the Bible, Torah, and Quran? Who is it that has walked amongst us except for Jesus that did not walk in corruption?

 Then i move on to the strategies, even my old coach would yell, "GET IN THE GAME, YOU CAN DO IT" when we were down 28 zip with a minute left on the clock.
 I don't fool myself into believing that the system in place simply sprung up from a few. I vehemently believe the games we observe today began when we were still hunter / gatherers.

 All man's energy boils down to money, power and prestige.

 The world bankers have all the money.....could they want more power or prestige? Are they actually finding joy in creating this atmosphere of hate that we all live in? Black against White, Christian against Muslim, etc.
 I understand this is a learned negative action or why would children of all colors play with one another until their old enough to inherit the social backwardness that we accept as "The norm"?

 Enough of that.

 Lets factor in the lies such as you have money in your pocket. That's not 100 dollars of money as we are indoctrinated to believe. That's part profit, debt, liability, responsibility, blood, death gore, persecution and a host of other things that I don't have enough gigs to store.
 Oh yeah, the same dollars you carry have been in dope, human trafficking, ethnic cleansing and all the just see a bill.

 I need to look at the distractions. I'm speaking of the commercials, sales, tits, ass, doughnuts, Cheetos and other crap we looked at even as all that oil spilled in the gulf and simply vanished.
 The Washington Post estimated 4.9 million gallons, another site said 190,120,055 gallons, while the Exxon Valdez was said to have spilled 53,084,510 try and get a straight answer through all the distractions. I couldn't even Google two sites that agreed upon an answer.

 Yes, the distractions that kept you from knowing your 401K was going to disappear, your high school grad can't read, your 15 year old daughter is pregnant, so on and so forth simply because you had to get to fucking Wal-Mart.

 Indoctrination is more sinister than denial but with the same devastating effects. The horn sounds and you pledge allegiance to whom and you don't even know the words; headache = aspirin; brushing your teeth = tooth paste. You never once thought of another route?
 You claim to be Christian or any other faith? How can there be words such as good and bad, right and wrong when it comes down to human nature? Wouldn't your belief dictate that everything is Godly, un Godly, more Godly or less Godly?
 Bet you'll never untwist that one which some will see proves the depth of indoctrination.

 My mom has seen her best days and when that day comes I will grieve but...........what has to happen is natural, it's nature or are you that caught up in what you have been mentally fed?

 Let’s observe poverty.........fat assed Americans on TV infomercials all night long buying shit to lose weight. Another family that may only see the television in a store window has only rice and some greenery to eat.
..............still sitting there wondering why someone may think Americans are an abomination to be done away with?

 Let’s move on to the belief systems (You do realize I had to chop all this shit down right?) My goodness......I can only share what I observe; belief systems must number as many as living human beings on the planet.
 You and another work together, attend the same church; eat the same crap.....almost. Here's the kicker, your belief systems would crash and burn if you spent more than 4 hours with each other's family.
 The smiling "Fuck you" hasn't escaped my attention, he has a new car, her hubby is built, her kids go to private school.........Your hidden agendas aren't hidden.

 This brings me to stupidity which seems to be the running norm. How are you going to buy a pair of shoes that hurt before you leave the store; your getting an iPad, explain to me the apps on your old phone; you want kids, think you might want a job first; woman ain't shit, look at who they have been sleeping with......nuff said.

 These are simple aspects of the equation....of sorts.

 If you’re lost now, this little writing won't help you, trash it.

 Those still here, lets look at what I call "My" solution.

 Simple: Food, clothes and shelter. It's back to living more or less how I lived in NC. It's time to plant your own, drop a well and have your own water. I'm not caring about the latest fashion, a new iPad, phat rims or the goof wondering what I'm saying. By the way, bartering does work you know?

 .........but I'm trying to give you a glimpse of my equation and I try not to lie which is a lie so this lie is the truth......keep reading that while I work on the equation.

Money+power+prestige=structures/mind sets/social situations/beliefs/trust/mistrust/corruption/hatred/bias/etc=my world/through my perception/based on my beliefs/searching for/safety/well being/peace/which requires money/knowledge/skills/nature/humanity/based on reason/my belief system/dependant on/systems/cleanliness/intelligence/practicality/affordability/hygiene/a sense of well being/dependent upon/self worth/ability/communication/tolerance/game/wholeness/created by/family/friends/work/social security/food/clothes/water/which required skills/which required/me/which required/money/house/mom/grand mom/cars/trucks/tools and all together required/a monetary system/supplied by/world banks/governments/Bilderberg Groups/based on/money+power+prestige=

 Do you have an answer for me? No worries, I have one for myself.

 Here's a clue, the first thing out of your mouth should be "I".

 For those of you that know my style, I pushed it all the way to the limit on this one. I did it for a reason though, I did it to separate those whom are actually working at learning and those that never will.

 Truth be told, we all can't cross the many rivers ahead, one shall drown me.....while u were tripping on my words, I just took one more step towards my answer to the equation.

Written edited and sent via msn....aint that a bitch?


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