It seems that within certain communities and cliques, any fortunate occurrence is deemed, "Blessed", ipso facto this must mean that not so good days I'm unblessed. What a load of sh!^.
Yes, people can be Blessed but I'm more inclined to believe "we create our Blessings" by engaging in constructive ideas every second that we breath.
I.E. Take this balloon and blow laziness, drunkenness, disrespectfulness and destructive thinking into it.
Or you can blow creativity, constructive thought, goodwill, lofty ambition, no limits, drive, resiliency and, "I Am, I can & I Will" into this balloon.
Whatever you blow into your ballon is your life right now because whatever you've blown in your ballon is your "only" air. You Will Breath What You've Blown Again, Repeatedly.
You can keep that Blessed stuff.
Yes, people can be Blessed but I'm more inclined to believe "we create our Blessings" by engaging in constructive ideas every second that we breath.
I.E. Take this balloon and blow laziness, drunkenness, disrespectfulness and destructive thinking into it.
Or you can blow creativity, constructive thought, goodwill, lofty ambition, no limits, drive, resiliency and, "I Am, I can & I Will" into this balloon.
Whatever you blow into your ballon is your life right now because whatever you've blown in your ballon is your "only" air. You Will Breath What You've Blown Again, Repeatedly.
You can keep that Blessed stuff.