Promising to transform the ways we live, work, and play, the Internet of Things (IoT) offers impressive benefits but presents significant challenges.
Today billions of devices are connected to the Internet in what we call the "Internet of Things" or "IoT". These devices are already transforming our lives, but as they do, there are also serious challenges that must be addressed to maximize the potential benefits.
Please read Karen Rose's blog post about this paper and then download a version yourself to understand more.
The document begins by exploring four areas:
- the challenge with defining exactly what the "IoT" is;
- an overview of the technologies that enable the IoT;
- the connectivity models of IoT devices;
- the transformational potential of the IoT.
The largest portion of the paper presents five primary challenge areas:
- security;
- privacy;
- interoperability and standards;
- legal, regulatory, and rights; and
- emerging economies and development.
Each issue area is highlighted overview of existing challenges and questions raised in order to advance dialog on developing solutions to current and future challenges. The document concludes with thoughts on future activity and an lengthy list of links for further investigation.
We encourage you to please read - and share - this document so that we can increase the level of dialogue about these important topics related to the Internet of Things.
Over the weeks and months ahead we will be adding more material and documents to this IoT page here on our site. Please check back often to learn more - and please join us in our Connect forums where IoT issues are among the many topics being discussed by our members.
Document Library
17 February 2016
02 February 2016
02 February 2016