Wednesday, August 29, 2018

Why Most People Will Remain in Mediocrity

“It’s lonely at the top. 99% of people are convinced they are incapable of achieving great things, so they aim for mediocre. The level of competition is thus fiercest for ‘realistic’ goals, paradoxically making them the most competitive.”

Most people will never be truly successful.

The pull towards mediocrity is too strong. As David Schwartz once penned, “All around you is an environment that is trying to pull you down to Second-Class Street.”

Most people will never escape the pull.

Much of the thinking around us is small-minded. Most people are overly concerned with “beating the other guy,” usually through manipulation and politics. As a result, they’re left fighting for scraps with the other 99%.

It doesn’t have to be this way.

A life of your deepest dreams — 100% financial independence, being your own boss, traveling the world with your family, whatever — is available, if you know where to start.

But most people will never turn away from the safety and security of the crowd to realize this.

“All of us, more than we recognize, are products of the thinking around us. And much of this thinking is small.” -David Schwartz
Most People Are Not Willing to Fail
“We can be truly successful only at things we are willing to fail at.” -Mark Manson
Most people hate failure. They run from it.

In their eyes, if they suck at something, it means they suck. Since their self-worth is tied directly to their performance, any failure is proof they aren’t good enough.

But this is exactly why they’ll stay in mediocrity. If they aren’t willing to fail, they aren’t able to learn from their mistakes. If they never learn, they’ll never grow and develop into something more.

“Would you like me to give you a formula for success? It’s quite simple, really: Double your rate of failure. You are thinking of failure as the enemy of success. But it isn’t at all. You can be discouraged by failure or you can learn from it, so go ahead and make mistakes. Make all you can. Because remember that’s where you will find success.”
-Thomas J. Watson
If you’re not willing to fail, you guarantee you’ll stay average-at-best.

If you want to grow into an extraordinary version of yourself, you must be willing to fail — a lot.

Failure brings humility. It develops your character. It helps you laugh at your mistakes and not take things so seriously. Like a plant placed from the shade into sunlight, your growth rate will accelerate 10x.

When I first started blogging, I was terrified of one thing in particular — negative feedback. I still remember to this day a comment from an early article that read, “This is the worst article I’ve ever read.” I was broken up about it for months.

After that, I made all my articles as vanilla and non-controversial as possible. Before I hit “publish,” I would ask myself: “No one could criticize this, right??”

I was terrified of failure and rejection. As a result, my writing stayed mediocre and average for years until I finally started to embrace the possibility of failure.

Benjamin Hardy put it this way: “Don’t seek praise, seek criticism.”

If you embrace the possibility of failure, you open yourself up to enormous success you’ve never seen before.

“If I fail more than you, I win.” -Seth Godin

The Mediocre Majority Doesn’t Value Learning
“Every skill you acquire doubles your odds of success.” -Scott Adams
Most people would choose entertainment and distraction instead of learning and growing.

It’s not surprising. Learning is hard. Going to counseling, becoming a student of your craft, and constantly failing aren’t fun.

In the words of Hal Elrod:

“Repetition can be boring or tedious, which is why so few people ever master anything.”
This is great news for the rest of us, though.

Uber-successful entrepreneur Darren Hardy once remarked that he’s always glad when something is difficult, because that means most people won’t ever do it. The competition will always be low.

Prioritizing learning and self-education may be new for you. But know this:

For every day you read a book, millions of others didn’t.
For every morning you woke up early to create and produce, millions of others slept in.
For every day you kept going, millions of others quit.
Ironically, the fiercest competition is for the second-class prizes.

Once you prioritize learning, you become aware of the 1% of opportunities that are truly life-changing. More importantly — these opportunities have incredibly less competition!

Most people will continue fighting for scraps with the “mediocre majority.” That’s a game you don’t want to win.

Instead, quit the game entirely. Leave the crowd. Choose learning and self-education instead of entertainment and distraction.

“Ordinary people seek entertainment. Extraordinary people seek education and learning.” -Benjamin Hardy
Winners Act Like Winners Before They Become a Winner
“Winners act like winners before they become winners. That’s how they become winners.” -Bill Walsh
Deep down, most people don’t think they have what it takes to be extraordinary.

It’s a self-fulfilling prophecy, of course — if you don’t believe you can, you surely won’t!

I blogged for 4 years and never got more than 200 subscribers. Looking back, I see now that I never really believed I could produce truly great writing.

In the past couple months, I’ve gained more than 5,000 subscribers. This is because I started to take my writing seriously — started to take myself seriously.

I began believing in myself. I started acting like a winner before I found any success.

So what did I do?

I bought a $500 writing course. I started waking up at 6 A.M. every day to write. I’ve spent hundreds of dollars on personal development books.

I treat myself like someone who knows they’re one of the best writers on the Internet. Soon, I will be.

“No one is ready for a thing until he believes he can acquire it.” -Napoleon Hill
I’ve found that once you tell your mind what to do, it will make it happen.

Right now, my sole goal is to gain 100,000 email subscribers over 6 months.

What’s crazy is I actually believe this can happen. As a result, my mind is always subconsciously finding solutions to make this happen.

Most people will never experience the surge of excitement after beginning to truly believe enormous success is possible.

Winners act like winners before they become winners. They believe they can succeed, and their mind starts working on how to get there.

“If you want to live an exceptional and extraordinary life, you have to give up many of the things that are part of a normal one.” -Srinivas Rao

Why You Need to Man Up and Chase Your Dreams

After I started going to college I’ve been experiencing something really sad, a fact that makes me really mad. Almost 80 % of the students going into college, don’t even know why they are there in the first place and so I decided to ask a few of my colleagues why are they actually there, what’s their goal?
1st answer: Because I was told I need to from my parents. 50 % of the students I asked
2nd answer: Because I can’t get a decent job without having a university degree. 30%
3rd answer:  Because I want to work what I am studying. 10 %
Isn’t that really sad? 80 % of the students, are getting a degree not because they would like to work in that particular area, but just because their parents told them they need a degree or they thought they wouldn’t get a decent job without it (Thank God,  Steve Jobs and Bill Gates “finished” college or they wouldn’t work a “decent” job!).
So today I’ve decided to write about Why You Need to Man Up and Chase Your Dreams.

To Chase Your Dreams or Not?

From my own experience in todays world just 1 out of 10 people actually likes his job. And 1 out of 200 actually works their dream job, no matter what kind of income they make. And that’s freaking bullshit and the biggest reasons this is true is that our educating system actually doesn’t support us to chase their dreams, doesn’t guide us in that direction, it guides us toward one direction and that’s the direction of slavery, study – go to college – find a job – work your whole life  and just die.. I was asked by my teacher when I was still 1st grade – What do you want to become when you grow big? And I said “A billionaire” of course she laughed and said you should choose something realistic and up to this day I still don’t understand her and I hope, I never will, even though I am not a billionaire and still not even close at the moment.
So why am I saying this to you, you see in school they teach you that you can’t argue with the authority, if the teacher says it’s wrong then, it is, and if you try to argue with the authority you get suspended or a bad grade, and if he says you can’t chase your dreams, it means you can’t, if they tell you to give up on your dreams, because they are impossible, you think you should listen to them? Of course not!
And in the end what school is providing you is not just knowledge.  They actually try to force you to become something you are not. All you need to get from school, university is the knowledge, you don’t need to play by your teachers’ rules. I am not telling you school or university is a bad thing, I am telling you all you need from there is knowledge!

Man Up and Chase Your Dreams

And this is why you need to man up, why you need to start listening to your heart, what’s that one thing you could do for the rest of your life, every day for free, find that thing even if you don’t know it at the moment, FIND YOUR PASSION!
You don’t need to work a boring job, because some old fat lady told you and made you think so, seriously all you need from school is the knowledge. And if the school has fucked you up, It’s time to change. It’s time to start taking a different approach towards life, it’s time to choose your dreams, not the path that was written for you by your parents or your teachers. You need to create your own unique path and this takes courage, this takes balls and you see most people don’t have the courage and the balls all they have is – EXCUSES.
But for those who have the courage to go out of their comfort zone life has a different meaning. You see I will tell you the truth now, when you start chasing your dreams, you will experience many failures, you will lose faith all the time, maybe you won’t even see results for very long time, you see you won’t be happy all the time, but that’s the real truth. It won’t be easy, but it’s going to be worth it. Even if you die before getting there, at least you tried.

Is it bad to Chase Your Dreams?

Sounds bad? For me it doesn’t, I would always choose to chase my dreams, even if I knew that I would I fail every single, because it’s 10 times better to try and fail than to do something I hate for the rest of my life, because “someone” told me to do so.
Death is not the greatest loss in life; the greatest loss is what dies inside while you’re still alive.
Like seriously guys, If you do not chase your dreams in your lifetime, when we get to live only once, you have been dead your whole life.
I don’t care how crazy or big your dreams are, they are possible, don’t listen to others except that weak sound in the back of your head saying  – IT’S POSSIBLE. You don’t need to be perfect, you don’t need to be the best, you don’t need to be an expert. But you need to have courage to chase your dreams – You see for others your dreams, might be crazy, but does that even matter – You live your own life, don’t make your life boring, just because others think your dream is impossible or crazy..
Be Crazy, Be who you want to be, Be Superman if you want to, but never  be someone who you don’t want  to be, always chase your dreams! Grab life for the balls, and squeeze them in whatever direction you would like you to see yourself going in! You choose your destiny, you know your life is not written, and even if there is such book where your life is written, the pages are blank, and you hold the pen and decide the content!

I may have to put my puppy down

 "When" did I have to come to terms that my puppy may have to be put down or that he might die? Before I purchased him.
I knew that he or I might die at some point in our relationship, he would then become a memory to me or I would become a memory to him.
 Do you remember my post about "discipline of emotions"? I won't go out and drink, I won't pout and neither will I treat anyone differently throughout my day. This is how life works.

 I'm a bit saddened by this turn of events yet I will not go far from my zero or center.

On my grandma's grave, my prayer to God years ago & now

"Lord, look, I've done some rough shit but I'm not asking for forgiveness now. Instead, I'd like you to forgive me after I stop sinning. Me being me, there might be a very short duration of time between my last sin and when I see you. I mean, why keep going back and forth with this bullshit, you must be busy.
 Hey, thanks for taking my mom peacefully, that was cool and I'm working to accept it.
 Thanks for the life I've had and have but I'll be damned if I thank you for bringing me here, nothing I do will ever mean shit. Folks can't even name the first five presidents.
 Why didn't you ever come back and straighten out this heaven and hell bullshit? There was nothing before you so you brought him with you.
 You already know that I don't believe in hell "after death". Hell is right now if I live like that which I don't.
 I was weak and asked you for help a couple times in the last year, that was stupid. Your playbook is set and my prayers don't mean jack shit.
 How about this? You keep throwing the ball and I'll keep trying to knock it out of the park, one day I'll fail and join all those before me?
 Please don't place me with all them folks turning up their self-righteous noses up at my prayer, being with them would be worse than any conceivable hell!
 Like I asked, my only request, "If you're going to forgive me, make it after my last sin".
I'm going to fuck up a whole lot more, plan on it! 
 At least I told the truth".

                     Hell yeah, AwwwITE, Amen, later, whatever...

Don't you ever call me an American! I'm a hell of a lot to attempt to handle

 It just so happens that I was born in America and to the feeble minded that makes me American. Here are a few questions if I might. "What were the children of the 3 ships that Christopher Columbus sailed to an inhabited country labeled"? "What were the children born in Pangea labeled"?
"If we met alien life forms, would I be labeled a Milky Way baby"?

 I served "this" country on more than a few occasions and I agree with a very small percentage of what I witness.
 Your politicians pimp you for a vote and then forget all about their promise. Even when they keep a promise, they bring a ton of shit that they never said anything about during their campaign.

 Public schools were designed to indoctrinate your children and you still believe it's teaching. Your children are being molded into cogs, springs and parts to keep the clock that is America ticking. You have concerns about this but you'll never bring it up.

 You send your teens off on Navy ships to face death 4 years sooner than they're "legally" able to purchase a beer. Your military might has raped and killed more people around the globe than any other single entity ever. You know it but you won't say shit.
America creates the skirmishes, steps in and "pretends" to end the conflicts But then the fuckers don't go home. The remain until the wealth is gone.
 Some of you goofy fuckers think that America did some great deed by capturing Saddam Hussain because you're stupid! Daddy Bush put Saddam in power and supplied him the nerve gas to kill his own people, America was cool with that. Here's where he fucked up. he was collaborating on building an oil pipe under Turkey to supply other regions. America said, "Hell No" to that shit. The US went in and pretended to liberate the people when they were really enslaving them. 
 Haliburton and KBR, a subsidiary of Haliburton got the majority of the contracts.

 There are more pedophiles in this country, especially around Orlando, FL. but you send your kids out to play each day.

You can't even see Orlando!
Sex Offender Map

 A man can't even go on a date because by the second drink the woman is begging for money, company, extreme amounts of time or to move in.

 I watch as people yell "America first"! When I have the chance, I ask these idiots some practical questions, "Is America the greatest country on the planet"? They smile with glee and scream "Yes"! I then ask them,  "What other counties have you visited to make such a comparison"? They say, "I see it on the news". LMFAO
 I ask these same idiots, "Are minorities treated the same as whites here"? They say "Yes" while the minorities say "Fuck no"! Hahaha, America has some amusing people that's for sure!

Then there's the incest and inbreeding, oh hell yeah you know about it or have heard about it as it's in a large percentage of the population.

 Next you have the whole thing with faggots, dykes, tri sex, bi sex, o shit. America has pressed the LGBDSHIT thing so far, you have dumb assed Blacks fighting for the rights of faggots and they won't even fight for their own rights. Friggin Loons *You have to have spent some time in Canada to appreciate the disrespect I've just shown that group.

 What else? Oh, America's GDP is based on "consumer spending" HAHAHAHAHA, nuff said.


 You Americans are some embarrassing MO%^^$$ FU$&*s

 What else do they do here?

 Oh yeah. in the "supposed" most developed country in the world, you still allow dope fiends, pill heads, drunks and crack whores to reproduce because they have rights LMAO

 No, I'm not American because I can't identify with the "status quo's" values, you're retarded. I was simply born on a plot of dirt that just so happened to be in the states.

 But you see, I have a solution! Do you remember my post where I said, "Given 60 seconds an intelligent individual will spend about 10 seconds identifying the problem and the other 50 seconds devising the best solution"? Well, I have a great solution!
I'm going to take this > 

 I almost forgot, I advise you not to call me American, your ancestors killed half my family. I'm not indoctrinated, I don't forgive shit and I don't forget shit.

 Anyone feel like pizza? LOL

Tuesday, August 28, 2018

My Philosophy of Wind Walkers

 Every living thing is created walking into the wind. All living things must acquire food, water and shelter of sorts and these endeavors have always presented a challenge.
Amazingly there are the select that were created with a "leaning into the wind" posture. These select creatures will have to endure a bit less than all the rest.
There many that were created in a straight up posture, the wind will find more purchase in these individuals. These living things will have to fight harder than the forward postured living things. (Darwin coined it as, "Selected for as opposed to selected against")
 Finally, there are living things created leaning back, in aerodynamics this would be a gift yet "life" has nothing to do with the actual wind so... These individuals will have the most difficult time in life to succeed and prosper. *There is always hope for the anomalies.

 Not so surprisingly, those created leaning back have the ability to out do us all! If and when they overcome the obstacles of their treacherous trek, they become stronger than the other two groups combined.

 What is your inherent posture? Will you overcome the wind that is yours? I don't care who you are or what you think you are, you can not and will not deviate from your path as it is yours. Thomas Troward labeled it an individual's "Octave".
 Your thoughts attract everything that lay in wait along your path, if you know about quantum mechanics or the sheet floating in the middle of a room with a marble as it's center creating a vortex, You Will Walk This Philosophy Down And Hand It Back To Me.

I eat 5000 calories per day

 I have posted how to up your matabolism, I hope you were paying attention.
 My x wife use to get so angry with me, I ate 24/7 and she gained the weight. I'm on my feet at 5 or 6am every morning and between riding the bike, the auto shop, cooking for Chart House, taking care of my puppy, taking care of "JP" my mini yacht, running everyday errands and reading deep philosophies from the greats, I burn every bit of 5000 and 1 calories per day. That's correct, deep thought burns calories.

 I'm 6'3, 195 and a Geechy

 You are what you eat.

*Results "will" vary, an individual must factor in genetics, gender, race, lifestyle, metabolism, yadda yadda, just do your best.

Good Night

Do you bank at one place, trade at another & invest at yet another institution

Do it all in one location.

Are you a fried food lover

 Here are some tips that may allow you to live long enough to see your grandchildren.

 - Never eat fried foods from a take-out or restaurant unless you know that they use peanut oil.

 - Never fry foods at home without using peanut oil.

 - Use good quality Olive oil for salads, mixes and quality sides.

- Do your best to not use coatings when you fry foods.

 - Always fry your foods at high temp which is another reason to use peanut oil.

 - Keep your cooking oil clean by straining it after every use.

 - Never cover your fryer while cooking "unless" it's a high pressure fryer designed for the task.

 - *Use caution if you do not know how to season your cooking oil.

 - If you ever want to question what I have said here, place your cooking oil in the freezer overnight.    When you wake up, pull the oil from the freezer, what's white will kill you = Saturated fats. What's    clear is safe to eat. You will find that peanut oil will be as clear as when you placed it in the freezer.

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I'll catch you later

 I'm going anywhere but my own restaurant to have a snack and a cup of coffee, CARRIBEAN JACKS"!

Par for the course to a Techy

 Add links to your HTML .doc, forms, blog, website, hell I even linked my email > 

The 6 Types Of Cyber Attacks To Protect Against In 2018

It’s every system administrator’s worst nightmare. Hackers gain access to your system, stealing mission-critical information, locking sensitive files, or leaking proprietary information to the public.
Frankly, it can be hard for companies to recover from such an attack. The data breach at Equifax in 2017 is turning out to be one of the most costly in history, costing the company upwards $275 million.
And even if the consequences aren’t that high for your company, you can be sure that you won’t escape unscathed. Whether it’s a damaged reputation, lost data, or even federal sanctions, cyber attacks are tremendously destructive.
But not all cyber attacks are the same. They utilize different methods to achieve different ends, and as such, require different prevention strategies.

Here are the top six cyber attacks you need to be ready for in 2018.


This is as scary as it sounds. Ransomware is, essentially, the digital version of kidnapping. It works something like this.
A hacker manages to get a ransomware file onto your servers. Typically, hackers will use some form of phishing, in which a user in your system receives an email with a malicious file attached. Of course, this file doesn’t look malicious. It looks completely legitimate, like something they receive every day.
When the user opens the file, the ransomware file is deployed, encrypting and locking specific, highly sensitive files on the user’s computer or your servers. When the user attempts to open the files, they are confronted with a message stating that their files have been locked, and that they will only receive the encryption key if they pay a specified amount to the hacker, usually through an untraceable Bitcoin payment.
This type of attack is massively on the rise, with ransomware attacks growing 2,502% in 2017.
Who is at risk for ransomware attacks? While there’s a sense in which everyone is at risk, hackers often target organizations that need quick access to their files, such as medical facilities or government agencies.
The effects of a ransomware attack can be crippling. As David Bisson at Tripwire notes:
On 26 July 2017, Arkansas Oral & Facial Surgery Center suffered an attack at the hands of an unknown ransomware. The incident didn’t affect its patient database. However, it did affect imaging files like X-rays along with other documents such as email attachments. It also rendered patient data pertaining to appointments that occurred three weeks prior to the attack inaccessible.
At the time of discovery in September 2017, Arkansas Oral & Facial Surgery could not determine whether the ransomware attackers accessed any patients’ personal or medical data. It therefore decided to notify 128,000 customers of the attack and set them up with a year of free credit-monitoring services.
Unfortunately, a ransomware attack places an organization between a rock and a really, really hard place. They can pay the ransom to release their files, but that will mean instant bad publicity for them and the widespread knowledge that they’re willing to pay for locked files. If they refuse to pay, they may lose business-critical files, which can also cost them enormous sums of money.


The Internet of Things is made up of all the digitally connected items that, in the past, have never been able to connect to the internet. We’re talking appliances, thermostats, cars, and thousands of other things. And while these smart home innovations can certainly make life easier, they also make your company much more vulnerable to attack.
The unfortunate reality is that many IoT devices are riddled with security holes which smart hackers can slip through, usually without notice. And if hundreds of IoT devices can be coordinated for an attack, it can create chaos and catastrophe on an enormous scale.
In 2016, a coordinated IoT attack was launched that resulted in huge portions of the internet simply being inaccessible. Sites from HBO to Etsy to Fox News and PayPal were affected, and eventually led to an investigation by the Department of Homeland Security.
This problem isn’t going anywhere and presents a significant threat to your company, especially as more IoT devices are incorporated into your network.
As Greg Nichols noted in ZDNet in March of 2018:
The average number of IoT devices in the workplace is expected to increase by nearly 9,000 to an average of 24,762 devices.
97 percent of respondents [to a survey] say an attack related to unsecured IoT devices could be catastrophic for their organization and 60 percent are concerned the IoT ecosystem is vulnerable to a ransomware attack.
81 percent say that a data breach caused by an unsecured IoT device is likely to occur in the next 24 months.
Only 28 percent say they currently include IoT-related risk as part of the third-party due diligence.
These are staggering numbers and indicate just how large this problem is. Expect this to be one of the prime areas targeted by hackers in the next few years.


These hacker methods sound as old school as they are, but they likely aren’t going anywhere. Why do they still work? Because they rely solely on people. Social engineering and phishing involve hackers posing as legitimate institutions in order to trick people into entering sensitive information.
For example, a hacker may email employees at your company, posing as a system administrator, asking them to reset their password. A link is included in the email that directs the employees to a page that looks like one of your legitimate password reset pages, including fields for the username and old password. When the employee enters their old password, the hacker gets access to what is actually their current password. They can then immediately log into your system without any detection.
These types of attacks are getting increasingly sophisticated. For example, hackers often launch these attacks in the wake of legitimate security breaches. People who would normally never fall for such a scam are much more liable because they know there was a security breach and that password resets are standard protocol following a breach.
The stats indicate that phishing isn’t going anywhere. Dashlane notes:

  • Phishing attempts are up 65% over the last year
  • 76% of businesses reported being the victims of a phishing attack
  • Phishing rates are increasing across all industries, meaning no business is immune

This is an example of a 2017 phishing scam that hit nearly 1 billion Gmail users. It looks like a Google sign in, but imputing your data would give hackers access to your Gmail.
These types of attacks will continue simply because humans don’t change. There will always be ways to deceive people into giving up sensitive information, no matter how many measures are put into place.


Cracking is when hackers use high-powered computer programs to systematically enter millions of potential passwords in the hope of “cracking” some of the easier ones.
And we all know that millions of people still use laughably simple passwords, including the ones they use to log in to your system. We’re talking passwords like:
  • “Password”
  • “Abc123”
  • “111111”
  • Their own name
  • Their birthday
recent study showed that a staggering 35% of people have what are considered to be “weak” passwords. These are easily crackable passwords. And most of the other 65% use passwords that can be cracked, given enough time.
As computers grow increasingly powerful, cracking programs can quickly generate billions of potential passwords to try. If passwords aren’t sophisticated enough (i.e. they don’t contain enough random characters), they can still be somewhat easily cracked.
And while system administrators are increasingly forcing users to devise more complicated passcodes, cracking attacks will always be a danger until users are forced to create completely unique passcodes that are very difficult to crack.


Man in the middle attacks happen when one of your employees conducts company business on an unsecured wireless network. For example, let’s say an employee is traveling and they stop in a coffee shop to catch up on a bit of work.
If the wifi in the coffeeshop is unsecured, a hacker may be able to intercept any information being sent from the employee’s computer. This could include passwords, sensitive emails, contact information, and anything else they might transmit over the network.
While there are certainly precautions that can be taken against this, such as installing VPN software on employee computers, there’s still the risk of information being captured from personal devices, such as tablets and mobile phones.


Given that WordPress powers approximately 30% of the internet, it should come as no surprise that WordPress specific attacks are increasing in number. WordPress is generally secure out of the box, but as a site gains more traffic and notoriety, hackers will resort to increasingly sophisticated methods to take down WordPress sites.
One area of particular vulnerability is third-party plugins. If these aren’t updated on a regular basis, they can introduce risks to your system. A recent study by Securi noted that 25% of hacked WordPress sites were exploited because of out-of-date plugins.
Additionally, WordPress sites that don’t use SSL certificates are vulnerable when being accessed through unsecured networks. Hackers on the networks can use Man In The Middle attacks to sniff out login details, then login into the site and deface it.
Finally, failing to disable pingbacks can put your site squarely in the middle of a DDoS botnet.
As WordPress continues to expand its reach, it will be increasingly important to lock down sites against attacks directed specifically at the platform.


There are number of basic precautions that can and should be taken regarding security, such as regularly training employees on the basics of security, forcing employees to use VPNs on all work related devices, implementing the latest security software, etc.
However, as the threat of cyberattacks grows, you should also consider more sophisticated measures such as secure WordPress hosting. If you truly want to protect your company, you’re going to want to utilize such techniques as a dynamic web application firewall, chroot user separation, real-time malware scanning, and full restoration processes in the event of a breach.
When it comes to web security, don’t settle for half-measures. When they fail, the costs are enormous and you’re left to pick up the pieces.

A NY "Styled" Sub is Not a NY Sub

 When I began coming south years ago I noticed something right off the bat, I had to ask for my buns to be toasted. If you don't toast the buns, call it a "Hero" or a long assed sandwich but not a NY sub.

Don't smother it, we want a toasted outside with a soft inside.

Gather up your garden, anything goes.

Grab anything else you want on your sub, I'm a carnivore so...

Don't be stingy, topped with hot chili sauce & there you have it.

Over 48,000 viewers

 Like I had mentioned, if you'd like to make a comfortable life on the net, grow your audience.

After the invitation, I didn't join Mensa

 There has to be some individuals among my visitors with high IQ's and here's how you can make that work for you.
 First of all you'll need to be in the appropriate circle of individuals and this is why I hung out on college campuses, at cigar bars and at state and federal courthouses. Who you surround yourself with has a great deal to do with your measure of success. *Here's a hint, "If you find that you are the smartest person in the room, leave"! There's nothing there but "what not to do's".

 I was invited before there was a test that you could simply take but it seems that has changed.
Click the link that I'll provide and take the test, this will set you apart from the crowd in ways that I don't even fully fathom myself.

 Employers are offering careers to Mensa invited and Mensa joined individuals.

In all thy getting

 My mentor, "Dr. Jesse Nash", head of education at Cansius college, Buffalo, NY. once told me, "Nick, in all thy getting, gain some knowledge".
 I was paying attention yet I didn't fully implement the task with the voraciousness that I should have. Please don't be like me.

 Many years ago when I was somewhat on my ass, I was constantly looking for the avenue to greater amounts of money. So, when I "stumbled" across the correct path I was clueless as to what to do next.
Large amounts of money were wasted because I had not learned some key notes along the way.

 Please pay more attention to your failures than your successes, the lessons will come in handy.

 Also, keep in mind that Michael Jorden will always be remembered by the awesome shots he made "yet" it was the misses that taught him how to be the great player that he is and was.

RIP Dr. Nash.

I Work, I Play, I Blog & I Own A Business = I'm All Over the Map

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