Thursday, August 30, 2018

What does the scholarly research say about the well-being of children with gay or lesbian parents?

****At least I'm fair, I post things that I'm vehemently Against!

Overview: We identified 79 scholarly studies that met our criteria for adding to knowledge about the well-being of children with gay or lesbian parents. Of those studies, 75 concluded that children of gay or lesbian parents fare no worse than other children. While many of the sample sizes were small, and some studies lacked a control group, researchers regard such studies as providing the best available knowledge about child adjustment, and do not view large, representative samples as essential. We identified four studies concluding that children of gay or lesbian parents face added disadvantages. Since all four took their samples from children who endured family break-ups, a cohort known to face added risks, these studies have been criticized by many scholars as unreliable assessments of the well-being of LGB-headed households. Taken together, this research forms an overwhelming scholarly consensus, based on over three decades of peer-reviewed research, that having a gay or lesbian parent does not harm children.
Evaluating Studies that Conclude Gay Parenting Raises Risks: With regard to the four outlier studies, all share the same flaw. At most a handful of the children who were studied were actually raised by same-sex parents; the rest came from families in which opposite-sex parents raised their children for a period of time, but in which, often, one or more parent(s) subsequently came out as gay or lesbian and left the family or had a same-sex relationship. The result was a family that endured added stress and often disruption or family breakup. Including such children among those labeled as having been “raised by same-sex parents” is so misleading as to be inaccurate, since these children were generally raised by opposite-sex families and only later, after a family disruption, did they live in households with one or more gay parent(s), and only rarely did two parents of the same sex, in a stable, long-term relationship, actually raise the children together. Authors of these outlier studies argue that, nevertheless, such configurations often represent families with gay or lesbian parents, and hence it is reasonable to count them as indicators of what happens when children live with one or more gay parent(s).
Evaluating Studies that Find No Differences Resulting from Having a Gay Parent: Some critics of the LGB parenting research object to the small, non-random sampling methods known as “convenience sampling” that researchers in the field often use to gather their data. Yet within the field, convenience sampling is not considered a methodological flaw, but simply a limitation to generalizability. Within sociology and especially psychology, small, qualitative and longitudinal studies are considered to have certain advantages over probability studies: Such data can allow investigators to notice and analyze subtleties and texture in child development over time that large, statistical studies often miss. It is important to note, moreover, that some of the research that finds no differences among children with same-sex parents does use large, representative data. A 2010 study by Stanford researcher Michael Rosenfeld used census data to examine the school advancement of 3,500 children with same-sex parents, finding no significant differences between households headed by same-sex and opposite-sex parents when controlling for family background. Another study drew on nationally representative, longitudinal data using a sampling pool of over 20,000 children, of which 158 lived in a same-sex parent household. Controlling for family disruptions, those children showed no significant differences from their peers in school outcomes.

I don't "expect" people to treat me well, I treat myself well leaving others no choice

Remember - Peanut Oil

How to Streamline Your Network Monitoring Deployment *Link

Go for it!

3 Ways to Make Your Car Audio System Sound Better Than Your Friend’s

1. Do it right from the start. It all starts with the head unit. That’s where your sound comes from, and it should start by purchasing the best aftermarket option you can afford. Even the fanciest OEM head unit options can’t hold a candle to a $300 Alpine or Kenwood aftermarket unit with dedicated pre-amp outputs, built-in crossovers, multiple equalization options, time alignment and numerous other ways to adjust your sound.
Factory units don’t have any of that, and they are simply not designed with aftermarket components in mind. All of the adapters, converters, and signal processors in the world won’t fix the terrible things those OEM systems do to your music.
If you want to sound better than your buddy, you need a better head unit! You want to be the best, don’t you? We can place a solid bet that he or she has already made the replacement. What will you do?
2. POWER! After the head unit, nothing beats power. The more you have, the better your system will sound. Of course, that doesn’t mean you have to use all your power—you’ll want to have plenty to spare for those necessary moments.
When I say power, I mean you need amplification. Again, do it right the first time and don’t settle for “enough” power. Even if the speakers say 150 watts max power. That is the max, but remember: with great power comes great responsibility. And with a bit of self-control on your volume knob and proper amplifier gain settings, your speakers will play louder and more clearly than you ever thought possible. When it comes to sound quality at high volume, power is everything.
3. The details, are in the details.  Hushmat, foam baffles, F.A.S.T. rings, and custom built enclosures can all have an effect on how much music you can actually hear coming from your speakers. Speaker angle adjustments can make a huge difference on where your sound seems to originate from and what you hear coming from your speakers. It’s far more important to have two speakers mounted and aimed properly than half a dozen speakers slapped anywhere they fit. Proper amp gain adjustments can mean the difference between loud and crystal clear sound and speakers blown from distortion.
Saving up for higher quality equipment the first time around will go a long way towards building a better car audio system. You’ll be happier with the results and spend less by doing it right the first time. It’ll be cheaper than buying a smaller, more budget minded system now and upgrading it later because it’s not loud enough or doesn’t sound as good as you hoped it would. With a little planning and attention to detail, you’ll have the best sounding system on the block!

Is “To say which method is better, it's a relative thing” correct?

Are you saying it correctly?

3G, 4G,5G,6G Cell Phone Scam

 I buy refurbished cell phones from Amazon for less than $50, why? I'm aware of the average capacity of the human mind.
I.E. I hypothetically pick up my phone to make random calls to explain Pythagoras' theorem.

 I can only "imagine" the number of people that wouldn't have a frickin clue of what I was talking about. Next, I purchase a $750 Samsung Galaxy with super high speed transfer and begin to make the same phone calls explaining the Pythagorean theorem.

 Oh my, I get the same results, hmmmm. 

 Here's why. I forgot one thing > The people I'm calling think at a half a "G" and delivering my information at light speed is a waste of time and money! By SMS, graphics, pictures, etc. all I did was confuse them a little faster than by old fashioned fax.

*Between the shop, Chart House and daily excursions into the world, I meet someone almost daily that has a 5 or $600 phone but no home, no car and no money. And there I stand with my $40 phone, a paid for yacht, $1500 dog and $23,000 hot rod S-10 as well as money in the bank.

 You make the determination, are faster phones a scam? LOL

Do you run your mouth beyond your scope

 I often observe men talking about abortion, not being a woman, not being able to carry a child, isn't this beyond their scope? People who have never had an Akita attempt to give me advice on raising an Akita and this is my 4th one. Once again, I believe this is beyond their scope.
 I could get very technical by using the tool of perception yet I won't due to the fact my nature often has me doing quite the same. I'd like to defend Nietzsche from other authors/philosopher's attacks on his person or style but I can clearly see it's beyond my scope.

 As you go through your day observing occurrences, before you speak, ask yourself, "Do I really have the experience to offer an opinion"?

Majority believe US will be on downward spiral through 2050

A majority of people in the United States believe the country will be on a downward spiral for decades, according to a new poll.
More than half, 54 percent, expect American life to go downhill until 2050, according to a recent poll by Associated Press-NORC Center for Public Affairs Research.
That same percentage say life in America is worse today than four decades ago. Pollsters had asked people to rate the change in American life from 1972 until 2012.
The poll indicates that more of those who are pessimistic are middle-aged and older, those who earn mid-level incomes and those who identify as Protestants.
Even young people, racial and ethnic minorities, and nonreligious people, however, do not envision a better future.
Twenty-three percent think life will improve though, the poll indicates; 21 percent predict life will remain the same.
Only three in 10 who think life is better now largely credit computers and technology as the change that contributed to those improvements. Racial and ethnic minorities, the poll suggests, are more likely to point to domestic issues like civil rights. 
Although an increasing percentage of people predict the U.S. is heading down a negative path, nine out of 10 individuals rated themselves as being pretty or very happy. 

From Destructive to Constructive Conversations in 6 Steps

Let's assume that you already know that trying to express your feelings and thoughts while you are physically and psychologically aroused (angry, exasperated, deeply disappointed) is unlikely to help you communicate productively (unless you count number of insults or volume level as part of your productivity quotient).
Let's also assume that like me, you have adopted a number of "calming down" techniques (time out from the other person, breathing, going for a walk, standing on your head, eating chocolate, ok - I digress) before trying to talk with the person about what happened (or simply re-engaging with them at all).
Perhaps you have then discovered, like I have, that these calming down strategies work fairly well while the two of you are apart, but don't do much good when you actually try to communicate about the issue (whether in person or over email).
This is because most calming down techniques do not fundamentally change the thoughts and judgments you are holding about the person or their behavior.
Thus, when you communicate with the person, those negative thoughts and judgments ("She's careless and incompetent" "That was so inconsiderate and disrespectful!") get woven into your tone and word choices. And - sensing these barbed messages within your communication, the person will have a much harder time focusing on what you are saying - or hearing you the way you'd like to be heard.
So, what is one to do? Marshall Rosenberg, the father of Non Violent Communication (NVC), urges us to engage in "empathy before education."
The most effective and efficient way I know of doing this on my own is to fill out an Empathy Worksheet.
There are different variations of these in the NVC community; this one is a slight modification of one used by Newt Bailey, effective communication coach and conflict resolution trainer, facilitator and mediator - as well as one of the stars of the Conflict Hotline, a show on conflict resolution hosted by BayNVC's non violence guru Miki Kashtan.
What I love about my Empathy Worksheet:
  • Quick (10 - 20 min depending on how deep you want to go)
  • Easy (my 8 yr. old does it on his own)
  • Empowering (moves me past self-pity, anger, judgments and criticisms to what really matters to me)
  • Effective (allows me to communicate in a way that greatly increases my chances of being heard and to hear the other person)
So, what's involved?

1: Stop, Drop and Write!

STOP what you are doing and take 10 minutes to fill out the Worksheet!
BEFORE YOU PRESS SEND. Don't send that angry email you just composed! Go do the Worksheet and then edit the email before sending it out.
BEFORE YOU ESCALATE. If you are in an escalating argument, STOP. Tell the other person this is not going anywhere productive and that you'd like to take some time out and continue in 30 minutes. Go do the Worksheet and then reboot the conversation using what you discovered.
BEFORE YOU CONFRONT. If you are upset and rehearsing all the things you are going to say when you see that person, find 10 minutes to do the Worksheet first.
BEFORE YOU LOSE ANY MORE SLEEP. If you are ruminating about something, do the Worksheet for some relief and some movement forward.
Preparing the Worksheet: You can create the Worksheet on any piece of paper. Divide the paper in thirds by letterfolding it. Label the top third "Judgments", the middle third "Feelings" and the bottom third "Needs".

2: Choose one specific incident.

Choose a specific incident and describe it as objectively as you can at the very BOTTOM of the page (the top will get thrown out later).
Even if you are angry or disappointed by a series of incidents, it will help if you choose one (either the most recent or the one that is MOST symbolic of the whole thing).
Let's say the issue is your partner repeatedly not following through with agreements you have made. The most recent incident might be that they did not mail a package they said they would mail for you.
Got home and saw the package on the table.
A less objective description would be: "The package was still on the table..." or "You forgot to mail the package" or "Once again, something I care about was not..."  etc.

3: Write down your Judgments.

This is the part where you get to vent!
In the TOP THIRD of your Worksheet, write down all the nasty, brutal, attacking, judgmental, self-pitying, analytical, diagnostic, despairing, evaluative judgments and thoughts you are having about the person or incident. Don't hold back (they will NOT get to see this part of the sheet).
So inconsiderate!        Oh my god can't take it anymore!        Self centered, uncaring, no feelings.        Really in trouble this time.       Why why why???        Can't trust anymore.        Unbearable! etc.

4: Write down your Feelings.

In the MIDDLE THIRD of your Worksheet, write down all the feelings you have about the person or incident. If your feeling vocabulary is a bit under-nourished, use a list such as this one:
Angry.     Furious.      Frustrated.      Surprised.     Actually - NOT surprised!       Exasperated.        Fuming.          Despair.        Hopeless.         Super sad.        etc.

Wednesday, August 29, 2018

What is my grudge with the status quo *Gosh damn I knew this day would come

 First, attempt to grasp the hierarchy of people > There's the feed, the herd, the herders, the kings and the gods. Tangent = Toss the Bible, Jesus only said one thing that really matters, "You come to crucify me for blasphemy? I came here to tell you that ye are "gods" and I Am The Son Of God" Talk to your preacher, teacher, shamen whatever about that one.

 The status quo tends to reside between the feed and the herd, they need leaders/herders because they can't lead themselves. They call 911 because their child has a serious cut but they have no common sense or a first aid kit. (People always say "common sense" when we're living in common ignorance")
The status quo/the herd is predictable. If I were to see a crowd of people running south, I'm running east or west.
The status quo/feed tend to go along with their friends on any point made. *I can't risk my friendships by having a voice of opposition.
 I've even witnessed the status quo/herd have a family dinner menu so everyone knows what they're eating every night.... What type of shit?

 Beyond being boring as sitting in a doctor's waiting room, intelligence says we need you. Who else is going to do cheap labor, get super high APR credit cards, have 4 kids when they can't feed themselves, who else is going to vote Democrat or Republican with no definition of either, who else is going to eat tons of fats, sugar and garbage to keep pimply faced kids employed, who else would vote for Trump triggering a redistribution of wealth and lastly, "Who else in the world would go to a church, place money in a bowl to support the church feeding the poor INSTEAD of taking a fucking sandwich to the poor?

Care to check your own mental state quickly, efficiently and for free

 Every space that you control is an extension of your mind, care to see where you're at? No one but you will know the answers to these simple illustrated questions except you so be honest.

 Is this more like you?

 Or is this more like you?

Is this ordinary?

Or is this ordinary?

Does this seem familiar?

Or is this more familiar?

This ring a bell?

Or does this ring a bell?

Is this typical?

Or is it more like this?

 And there you have your answer with no embarrassment or person to person intrusive questions.

If your outside is cluttered, lacking order and symmetry, then your inside is cluttered, lacking order and symmetry.

"Ty" asked me when I was coming back

 I told her I was headed down Mexico way and that I'd like to spend my birthday in Rio. No matter if it's Thailand, Cambodia or Vietnam, these women spoil the hell out of you but "not like you may think".
 As long as you can provide them with a job they work their asses off. I've been told the men treat them horribly, I say goodbye before I do all that.
 When they can feed their families, they wake up cooking and cleaning but here's what gets me > They wear shoes even on the back of a motto. Straight out of the bed they shower, do their makeup and are waiting to see what you want to do next.
 I explained that you're not a friggin slave, take some bucks and go shopping. "Ty" got offended, try that shit in the US.

 She even smokes her cigarettes classy.

I'm selling the race truck and the yacht

..and I have created .gifs for potential buyers to view on my website. It would really be nice to sell the two as a combo package. I'm leaving one way or the other so...

My veterinarian looked at me like I was an alien LOL

 I arrived at my vet as usual and tossed a few words around with the staff. When called I went on in the examination room, everything as usual.
 When the actual vet arrived she asked me what was going on and I began LMAO
"Nietzsche" was fine a few days ago until I purchased him some new chew toys, yadda yadda, blahza blahza. Then I went on to say that it seems that with his pink paws and underbelly skin tone, he's probably only a few genes off from being an albino. This would explain quite a few things such as an immune deficiency. Seeing that he just turned 14 months, perhaps, oooo what was it, "A-T / G-C", his genetic clock has begun to turn on genes while turning off others.
 Then again, he had this problem before yadda yadda, blahza blaha. LOL

 She looked at me and asked, "Why did you bother bringing him here? *My social graces aren't what the use to be and I bluntly stated, "Because I can't write the prescriptions". Then her humor dawned on me LOL

 Read a book or two every month and this might happen to you.

The OSI Model – What It Is; Why It Matters; Why It Doesn’t Matter. *Future Tachy's Really Need This

The OSI Model was created based on recommendations from the International Organization for Standardization (ISO) in 1980, which started expanding on the DoD model in the late 1970s. The current standard was published in 1996. The official title for the model is the ISO OSI (Open Systems Interconnection) Reference Model since it describes or relates to connecting systems that are open for communication with other systems. In the model, the functions of the communication system are standardized by categorizing them into abstract layers. The functions which are similar are grouped into the same layer and provide services to the layers above their existing layer.

What Does the OSI Model Do?

The OSI model depicts how data communications should take place. It splits the functions or processes into seven groups that are described as layers. When protocols or other standards are developed by other organizations such as the American National Standards Institute (ANSI), Institute of Electrical and Electronic Engineers (IEEE), and the International Telecommunications Union (ITU) formerly known as the CCITT (Comite Consultatif Internationale de Telegraphique et Telephone), they are placed into a layer of the model to help with communication protocol integration and conceptual understanding. The majority of major network and computer vendors, large commercial entities, and governments support the use of the OSI model. Each of the layers of the OSI model is intended to function with those above and below it respectfully within the model definition.
The OSI model defines standards for:
  • The way in which devices communicate between each other.
  • The means used to inform devices when to send data and when not to transmit data.
  • The methods which ensure that devices have a correct data flow rate
  • The means used to ensure that data is passed to, and received by the intended recipient.
  • The manner in which physical transmission media is arranged and connected.

What Are the Seven Layers of the OSI Model?

The OSI model is made up of seven layers which are presented as a stack. Each of the layers of the OSI model has a numerical level or layer, and a plain text descriptor. Data which is passed over the network moves through each layer.
The seven layers of the OSI model are:
A common mnemonic used to remember the OSI model layers starting with the seventh layer (Application) is: “All People Seem to Need Data Processing.” The lower two layers of the model are normally implemented through software and hardware solutions, while the upper five layers are typically implemented through the use of software only.
Each layer of the OSI model has its own unique functions. The process of sending data is typically started at the Application layer, is sent through the stack to the Physical layer, and then over the network to the recipient. Data is received at the Physical layer, and the data packet is then passed up the stack to the Application layer.
Different protocols operate at the different layers of the OSI model. Each layer of the OSI model has its own protocols. TCP and IP are collectively called the protocol stack or the network/transport protocols. This is due to the protocols operating at the Network and Transport layers to make it possible for computers to communicate. A protocol stack, r stack, is a group of protocols which are arranged in layers to enable communication. In the protocol stack, each layer provides services to the layer above it; and each layer also receives services from the layer beneath it. For two computers to partake in communications, each computer has to be running the same protocol stack. They can however have different operating systems.
The published “advantages” of the OSI Model are: enhanced learning/teaching, reduced intricacy, modular engineering, interoperable technology, accelerated advancement, and standard interface definitions. Unfortunately; however, the OSI Model has not been found to map well to real world networking implementations or issues as the technical world has evolved. It is the most recognized model; however, and is still often used to describe networking protocols, gear, problems, and solutions.

This Article is a Must

Why You’ll Never Be Happy Keeping Up With the Joneses

Many of us have gotten the message, however there are still a large number of people and families chasing after the “privileged” life of the Joneses.  Having been a troll of the Joneses for many years, my family and I have finally learned the truth about the perceived happiness of the Joneses’ lifestyle, and friends, it’s all based on a web of lies.  We’d like to share with you today what we’ve learned about the lifestyle of the Joneses, and why we believe you’ll never be happy keeping up with the Joneses’


Keeping up with the Joneses is a Life Based on Selfishness
You see, the thing about selfishness is although it promises satisfaction, what it really leads to is emptiness.  Nearly every study shown on selfishness proves that humans are much happier when they are lovingly and selflessly serving others.  The Joneses live their lives always searching to satisfy “me, me and more me”, however, it leaves them only feeling more and more empty, looking for the next spend that will, they hope, bring them their next “high”.  But the high always goes away, and the void always returns.
Looking for a permanent fill to that void?  Find a charity that you can serve that grabs your heart and see how wonderful (and fulfilling) serving others really is.  Stop chasing the empty promise that “stuff” will give you what you need.
Keeping up with the Joneses is a Life Based on a Desire to Seek Approval from Others
Often times when we’re looking to match the Joneses lifestyle, it’s because we desire the approval of others.  The irony in this, though, is that most people will never give us that approval for more than a brief time period.  Why?  Because they, too, are often looking to be accepted by the biggest and the best, and there will always be someone cooler/richer/”better” than you, at which point the approval you thought you had from those you thought you admired will be long gone, leaving you again searching for other ways to gain acceptance and approval from your peers or those whom you want to be associated with.  Don’t let yourself fall prey to the lie that if you have enough stuff, that others will accept you or approve of you.  Instead, learn to love yourself and accept yourself just as you are, even as you work on your “faults”, and others will do the same.  And if they don’t, who cares?
No “thing” you can buy will ever make you feel truly happy, and no person or group of people will ever make you feel truly accepted.  Any time you’re looking outside of yourself for approval or happiness, you’re setting yourself up for disappointment.  True peace and contentment comes only from within your spirit and from following your heart, not from the outside, short-term gratification of other people or things.
Keeping up with the Joneses is a Life Full of Deception
Things do not have the ability to satisfy, at least not long-term, and popularity is fleeting.   But like a drug, the Joneses lifestyle works to convince you that if you simply have all of the money/possessions/freedoms/approval you want, you’ll be happy.  That happiness, however is always short-lived.   This is why you see people with nothing being happy and people with more than they know what to do with being miserable.   Pride and low self-esteem, which are at the root of our need to keep up with the Joneses, are one in the same.  They’re both based on an over-attention to self, an inward focus, based on a need to feel loved and accepted.  And the Joneses have cornered the market on convincing folks that the lifestyles of the rich and famous will usher in that love, acceptance and happiness.  The truth, however, is that once you stop looking to outward people and stuff to fill that inward void, and start dissecting the reasons why you haven’t accepted yourself as you are, you’ll then learn to reject the lies that tell you you’re not “good enough”, and start focusing on what truly brings purpose and meaning to your life.

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