Monday, August 13, 2018

Take a moment "just" for yourself

 Take a moment and close your eye, now think of all the rules that you follow. Think of all the customary traditions you follow and the beliefs you follow. Think of all the thiongs you don't like doing but feel pressured to do. Even think of the "good morning's" you may say that you really feel nothing about and just release...

 With your eyes closed, count each of your breaths to 10 and then begin again.

 Imagine yourself with no reason to do what you feel compelled to do. There are no reasons to follow rules here, this is your space.
*Counting your breaths will create a breathing and thinking rhythm.
 If you'd like, hum your favorite tune, imagine your favorite scene, there are no critics here.
 Picture what you'd really like to do in life and mentally do it, immerse yourself in the warmth it creates.

 When you learn to do this effectively you'll return often.

Peace, "Niko J"

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