Monday, July 24, 2017

My personal suggestion for learning about computers (Updated)

Play and have fun with them

 Buy an el-cheapo from a pawn shop, C List, Backpage, Flea Market, anywhere and play with it.

 Try to download, upload, change font, simply try anything you'd like.

 Having fun and laughing about it can beat any post, any school or any training to a given point.


*Only 1 RE: Today
 If I had ever had a child, he / she would have never gone to school past kindergarten, would have never been introduced to any religion and never would have been taught about money.

 It wouldn't have not been "home schooling", it would have been "life" schooling. I would have let the child progress in any way he / she found Joy and I would have guided that child as to how to make it profitable. (Profit is not $$$, it's being able to trade, barter and have the occasional currency to bridge the gaps. Very few Americans will agree with this yet I have no debt, no worries and no headaches except for the occasional layover at various airports)

 1 more then I have to divert the emails to the pond (Learned that in Okinawa)
 I went to 3 colleges and dropped out of all 3 and I'm an electrical systems engineer meeting the minimum required standards of the state of Maryland and IBM / Gaithersburg MD.
*I show up with the .docs in foreign countries and they throw all that in the trash. I'm immediately put to work to prove I can complete the task at hand.

 Ok that's it.

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