Thursday, July 6, 2017

How to Hack Bluetooth

**Don't attempt whatever this person writes. There use to be a time where all we concerned ourselves with is "cookies", those days are long gone and if a 38 year old man can sit in his mother's basement and access darknet, so can the feds.

Welcome back, my novice hackers!
Episode 6 of Mr. Robot has come and gone and, as usual, it did not disappoint. Once again, our hero, Elliot, has used his extraordinary intellect and hacking skills to awe and inspire us.
In this episode, Elliot is being blackmailed by the ruthless and unrelenting drug dealer, Vera, to hack him out of jail. He is holding Elliot's new love interest, Shayla, hostage and has given Elliot until midnight to hack the jail's computer system in order to release him.

Elliot tries to explain to Vera that such a hack can't be done in a matter of hours, but rather days or weeks to find a security vulnerability that he can exploit. Vera, being the vicious and feeble-minded killer that he is, will not relent to give Elliot more time. As a result, Elliot has to attempt some less-than-optimal techniques to try to hack Vera out of jail to save the lovely Shayla (as you remember, Shayla is also his morphine supplier).

Malicious Flash Drive

In his first attempt to hack the jail, Elliot has Darlene, his friend and nemesis from f/society, "accidentally" drop infected flash drives outside the jail. The strategy here is that if someone inside the jail's network picks one up and inserts it into their computer system, which will then inject malware and give Elliot a connection on the outside.

As expected, a dimwitted corrections officer does pick one up and inserts it into his computer. Elliot is able to get a SSH connection to it, but before he is able to do anything, the AV software detects it and disconnects Elliot. Elliot then chides Darlene as a "script-kiddie" for using a well-known malware from Rapid9 (a reference to Metasploit's developer, Rapid7) rather than develop a new exploit, and Darlene defends herself saying "I only had one hour." (She could have possibly re-encoded it with Veil-Evasion and it might have gone past the AV software undetected.)
Some have questioned whether this approach could work. Before the disabling of the automatic autorun feature on modern operating systems, you could have an EXE file on the flash drive that would automatically execute. On a modern OS, autorun is disabled by default.
We might assume that this machine had the autorun feature enabled or, more likely, Darlene had installed the malware on a flash drive that has been reprogrammed to emulate a USB keyboard. When the flash drive is installed on the system, the operating system then recognizes the flash drive as a USB keyboard, giving it access with the rights of the logged in user and then injects its malicious code into the operating system. So, this approach may have worked had Darlene re-encoded the malware with Veil-Evasion.

Hack WPA2

While Elliot is visiting Vera in jail, he brings his phone with him, on which he has installed a Wi-Fi scanner app. With that scanner, he can see all the Wireless APs and sees that they are all secured with WPA2. Although he knows he can crack WPA2, he recognizes that the short time frame he is working with is inadequate to brute-force WPA2.

You'll have to go the rest of the way on your own >

*When you have large "URL's", go to >

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