Friday, July 13, 2018

Care to take the, "Am I full of shit test"?

 People amaze me with their theological utterings that they attempt to convey to me. "Christians", tell me that heaven is a million times better than being here on earth while Islamists stand before  Munkar and Naki to be judged and if they lived correctly they enjoy peace and harmony.
Judaism speaks of "heaven and hell" and the resurrection yet it gets kind of vague as to how it really works, oh well.

 Here's the question, "If you "believe" the afterlife promised you via your preferred book and following, why do you fight so Hard to remain here"?
I mean you run for pills, do the risky surgery, you fly overseas for  unapproved FDA procedures, you take vitamins and jog at 80 years of age, people are even willing to be frozen with cryogenics...

 I think you're full of shit!

 You talk it but you don't walk it and Then you try and push the same belief you don't believe in on others. I have never witnessed a greater form of hypocrisy in my life!
You may have your neighbors fooled but you don't fool me.

 Well how did you do, are you full of shit?

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