FOA Guide Table Of Contents
FOA Guide - Table of Contents
This is the FOA's Guide To Fiber Optics & Premises Cabling. It includes almost a thousand pages of materials created by the FOA covering the basics to advanced topics on fiber optics and premises cabling.The goal of this website is educating students, users, designers, installers or anyone interested in the subject of fiber and cabling for communications systems.
Reference Topics
Directions For Using The FOA Guide
This is the FOA's Guide To Fiber Optics & Premises Cabling. It includes almost a thousand pages of materials created by the FOA covering the basics to advanced topics on fiber optics and premises cabling.The goal of this website is educating students, users, designers, installers or anyone interested in the subject of fiber and cabling for communications systems.
Reference Topics
Directions For Using The FOA Guide
Jump To Reference Topics - click on any of the topic below to jump to the complete listing of topics on the subject in the FOA Guide.
Basic Topics
These are essentially the online versions of the FOA textbooks, complete with online topic quizzes, and you can purchase a printed or ebook version. Books
FOA YouTube Videos
FOA Standards For Testing and Links
Self-Study Programs
Resources For Teachers In K-12 And Technical Schools
Additional References - FOA Books and Apps
LINKS To Other Sources of Technical Information
Linking And Use of The FOA Guide Materials
Basic Topics
These are essentially the online versions of the FOA textbooks, complete with online topic quizzes, and you can purchase a printed or ebook version. Books
Specific TopicsOutside Plant Fiber Optics (CFOS/O)
- Fiber Optics, The Basics( CFOT)
Ahora en español! - Now in Spanish!
en français - Now in French too!
- Premises Cabling Systems (CPCT)
- Applications of Fiber Optics
- Fiber Optic Technology and Standards
- Fiber Optic Components
- Designing Fiber Optic Networks
- Installation of FO Cable Plants
- Testing & Troubleshooting Fiber Optic Systems
- Using Fiber Optic Systems for System Owners and Operators
- FOA Tech Bulletins
FOA Standards For Testing and Links
Self-Study Programs
Resources For Teachers In K-12 And Technical Schools
Additional References - FOA Books and Apps
LINKS To Other Sources of Technical Information
Linking And Use of The FOA Guide Materials
Directions For Using The FOA Guide
This is the FOA's Guide To Fiber Optics & Premises Cabling. It includes almost a thousand pages of materials created by the FOA covering the basics to advanced topics on fiber optics and premises cabling.The goal of this website is educating students, users, designers, installers or anyone interested in the subject of fiber and cabling for communications systems.
The Guide is intended to be used as reference material for those working in the industry, studying for FOA Certifications, teaching fiber optic training classes or giving refresher tutorials for FOA CFOTs. It includes what is essentially an online version of the FOA textbooks that you can also purchase a printed or ebook version. Books
There is a tremendous amount of information on this website, so finding things can be a challenge. Here are some guidelines to make it easier.
If you want to look for a subject like standards, components or testing, go directly to the Table of Contents.
If you want a self-study guide, go to Fiber U.
If you are looking for a specific topic, we suggest you use our web site's Google Custom Search which will search just the FOA Online Reference Guide to find relevant materials.
This website will be constantly changing as new information is added. Suggestions regarding the content are welcomed. Send suggestions to .
Printed, Kindle, iBook and iPad/iPhone App versions of the FOA textbooks are available. Details here.
Key To Using the Table of Contents
This is the FOA's Guide To Fiber Optics & Premises Cabling. It includes almost a thousand pages of materials created by the FOA covering the basics to advanced topics on fiber optics and premises cabling.The goal of this website is educating students, users, designers, installers or anyone interested in the subject of fiber and cabling for communications systems.
The Guide is intended to be used as reference material for those working in the industry, studying for FOA Certifications, teaching fiber optic training classes or giving refresher tutorials for FOA CFOTs. It includes what is essentially an online version of the FOA textbooks that you can also purchase a printed or ebook version. Books
There is a tremendous amount of information on this website, so finding things can be a challenge. Here are some guidelines to make it easier.
If you want to look for a subject like standards, components or testing, go directly to the Table of Contents.
If you want a self-study guide, go to Fiber U.
If you are looking for a specific topic, we suggest you use our web site's Google Custom Search which will search just the FOA Online Reference Guide to find relevant materials.
This website will be constantly changing as new information is added. Suggestions regarding the content are welcomed. Send suggestions to .
Printed, Kindle, iBook and iPad/iPhone App versions of the FOA textbooks are available. Details here.
Key To Using the Table of Contents
- Some links are simple documents as webpages or PDF files formatted for printing, some are videos on YouTube and some are online PowerPoint presentations.
- Unmarked links are webpages
- The links marked (TT) are FOA Tech Topics From The FOA website.
- Links marked with the "YouTube" logo take you to the isted video on the FOA YouTube channel "thefoainc".
- The links marked VHO are "virtual hands-on" online PowerPoint presentations that provide a tutorial showing actual installation practices in a step-by-step process designed to lead the reader through a hands-on procedure exactly as it would be performed in the real world. VHO tutorials do not work well with portable web devices like iPhones.
- The links marked (Tutorial) are online PowerPoint presentations that provide a tutorial on the subject. Tutorials do not work well with portable web devices like iPhones.
- All links open in new windows, so you can close that window and return to the Table of Contents.
Fiber Optics, The Basics (CFOT Level)
Ahora en español! - Now in Spanish!
Le Guide de référence pour la fibre optique de la FOA est maintenant disponible en français - Now in French too!.
- Basics of Fiber Optics Home Page
- Basic overview
- The jargon and the technology
- Fiber Optic Networks: basic applications and transmission systems
- Fiber Optic Datalinks, Fiber Optic Transceivers for Datalinks
- Optical Fiber
- Fiber Optic Cables VHO: Cable preparation
- Termination and splicing Termination VHO: Epoxy/Polish, Anaerobic, Hot Melt Pre-Polished Splice termination Singlemode termination Splice VHO: Mech splice Fusion: single fiber ribbon
- Fiber Optic Testing VHO Insertion loss testing Using an OTDR
- Network Design
- Installation
- About Standards
- Glossary of terms
- FAQs on Fiber Optics
See the "Fiber Optic Technology and Standards" Section below for information on networks, WDM, etc.FOA Video Lectures on
FOA videos about cable preparation, termination, splicing and testing on
*This is another website worthy of book marking. I've only shared a fragment of what this site has to offer in training as well as better means and practices.
If you're an apprentice or still in a Bicsci class, this site is a must.