Thursday, September 6, 2018

While you were distracted watching the Gulf oil spill

Kalamazoo River oil spill timeline after 6 years, billion-plus dollars spent

To begin another day

Wednesday, September 5, 2018

Your mind & your body are the same, feed either garbage today & pay tomorrow

There are no positive or negative words including phrases, believe it or not

So,  three women are talking about one having a baby, positive right? Perhaps not so positive to the father who doesn't want the baby.

 There are a group of guys talking about blowing up a building in New York, negative right? Not to them.

 This blog attempts to show you various ways to be yourself and not follow the status quo, here's a few more.

 There's a naval ship headed to destroy a country, is this positive or negative? Step away from your mental box. Is your family invested in warheads? Is your son aboard this vessel? Is the country to be destroyed America or Iran? I bet your emotions about positive and negative are all over the map.

 Here's a great one.

 I man stands up in a crowded room, put's a gun to his head and says, "I'm sick of life, I'm going to kill myself"! Positive or negative? The coroner has a family, someone must do the forensics and an autopsy. Maybe he had been beating his wife and it got to him? Maybe he's from Japan and this is a modern day Hari-kari?
Many will draw upon their indoctrinated values to answer these simple questions while also drawing on past experiences yadda yadda yadda.

 The point of what I'm saying is that whether you're the minority or the majority, no one has to agree with or see it your way. That's your ego on full blast.
 There are people who are offended by discussions of Trump while others are enriched, no matter what crosses their lips "it's only positive or negative to you" and whoever agrees or disagrees.

 I, personally, did battle with very much the same as I have illustrated here.  Life taught me that "I am NOT the center of the universe", my feelings are my own.
As far as fitting in, ask yourself, "What am I fitting in to"?

In conclusion, there are a group of individuals that always stuck out like a sore thumb. Their statements were labeled harshly positive and or negative and they always stood alone *for the most part. Who are they?
They're the greatest inventors, researchers, studiers and discover's of all time! I wonder what the positive/negative ratio was in the room when someone decided to invent the condom or tampon?

7 sure-fire ways to drastically improve your vocabulary

 No one can exceed their vocabulary and you'll look quite the buffoon in your attempts.

 Words are the basic blocks of the language, and one of the key predictors of someone’s education level, profession and social status. Yet most students struggle to increase their vocabulary effectively, as new words go one into one ear and out the other.
It’s not that we have difficulties grasping the vocabulary when we see it. Rather, we struggle to recall when we get the opportunity to use it, or worse yet, forget to use frequently enough only to end up back where we begun.
Below I describe ten proven tactics to overcome this struggle and learn new words faster, recall them more effectively, and remember them forever.

How to improve your vocabulary

1. Make use of spaced repetition algorithms (SRSs)

Although the scientific community is still debating some aspects of learning, there is consensus on how memories form, and solidify in our brains.
You can read more about spaced repetition in my earlier blog post, but the basic concept is that memories begin to fade shortly after they’re formed, and disappear into oblivion lest we are exposed to the information again.
With each exposure, the ‘forgetting curve’ of the memory becomes longer, and longer until it eventually outlasts your lifetime. This is why reviewing what you’ve learned regularly is so important to effective learning.
The biggest benefit of using a spaced repetition approach to learning, whether you follow the Leitner system with your old paper flashcards, or go for spaced repetition software on your phone or computer (have you tried LinguaLift yet?), is that it prevents you from wasting time on vocabulary that is still fresh in your memory.
The way most students use flashcards is by adding more and more cards to the deck, and then reviewing them all together every day, or every week, or eventually never at all. No surprise, given how unmanageable the pile becomes after a few learning sessions.
SRS goes beyond regular flashcards by predicting the point when the memory is about to fade based on your past performance, and then reminding you at this optimal moment. In theory, if you review regularly every day, you shouldn’t see the word more than 4-5 times before it enters your long term memory!

2. Study vocabulary in context

Research shows that the vast majority of words are learned from context. I can’t emphasize this enough, as learning in context of situations and sentences has huge benefits for all three aspects of vocabulary acquisition: learning, recall and retention.
This means that you should never learn vocabulary from isolated lists of unrelated vocabulary, without seeing them as part of a wider picture.
Think of words as puzzle pieces--when they’re scattered around the table, it’s almost impossible to remember or use them for anything useful. But once you combine even just a couple of the pieces together, a more meaningful context begins to appear, and the end result no longer appears unattainable.
There are many ways of introducing context into your vocabulary learning, the simplest being to learn vocabulary in sentences. This has additional benefits of introducing you to several words at a time, and clarifying their meaning, which may not always be obvious from a simple dictionary translation.
Beyond sentences, you can experiment with learning words with stories, songs or just everyday situations. For example, rather than learning weather related words on their own, look up a weather forecast online, and try to imagine a conversation about weather next week, and how it’ll affect the fishing trip you’ve been looking forward to so much.
Finally, you can also embed the vocabulary right into your surroundings with post-it notes. You’ve probably tried this method with nouns, but there’s no reason to stop there! Simply prepend the label on the fridge with ‘white,’ the clock with ‘wall,’ and the notebook with ‘my.’

3. Make the vocabulary personal, and emotional

You’ve probably heard stories of car crash survivors who can remember every little detail before the accident. We’ve also all experienced how difficult it can be to forget something we’ve been told that touched us to the heart.
Neuroscientists have flashed different words and sentences in front of subjects, scanning their brain activity. Unsurprisingly, the heatmaps lit up like a christmas tree whenever the subjects were exposed to personally relevant and emotionally notable information.
This effect can be put to great effect in vocabulary learning when combined with the previous tip. Rather than settling for a boring sentence like “The photo is on the table,” try something like “The photo of my wife fell of the desk just when I got the call.”
The benefit is three-fold. There’s now a very visual story forming around the vocab, it is emotionally impactful, and assuming you keep a photo of your significant other on your desk, also immediately relatable!
Throw that sentence into your SRS, and I can guarantee that you’ll never forget the words photo, desk, or wife ever again!
Try to think of new vocabulary in context of the people you know, places you’re familiar with or important events in your life. Just make sure not to go overboard with the imagery, lest you get traumatized every time you need to use one of the words...

4. Read regularly, and from a variety of sources

Reading exposes you to the same vocabulary at regular intervals, integrated it into the context of a longer story, personally relatable once you identify with the main protagonist... all central characteristics of effective vocabulary learning.
This makes reading one of the most effective ways to increase your vocabulary. The stereotype might portray bookworms as boring and asocial, but studies have in fact confirmed repeatedly that regular readers are much more expressive if you give them a chance to speak.
While you read, pay close attention to words you don't know, but don’t try to look up everything right away or you’ll fail to appreciate the narrative and eventually burn out. Instead, highlight words that appear to be particularly useful or central to the story, then try to figure out their meanings from context before checking the official definition.
Make sure to engage with material on many different subjects, and in different formats. The language will be very different depending on whether you’re reading pulp fiction, a glamour magazine, or daily newspaper.
If you the book you’re reading is also available in audio form, you should also consider listening to each chapter before or after you read it. If the text and the audio match accurately, also make sure to try shadowing, an extremely effective learning method I’ve covered before.

"There Is No Such Thing As Time"

The "rebels" who fight the Big Bang theory are mostly attempting to grapple with the concept of time. They are philosophers as much as cosmologists, unsatisfied with the Big Bang, unimpressed with string theory and unconvinced of the multiverse. Julian Barbour, British physicist, author, and major proponent of the idea of timeless physics, is one of those rebels--so thoroughly a rebel that he has spurned the world of academics.

Julian Barbour's solution to the problem of time in physics and cosmology is as simply stated as it is radical: there is no such thing as time.
"If you try to get your hands on time, it's always slipping through your fingers," says Barbour. "People are sure time is there, but they can't get hold of it. My feeling is that they can't get hold of it because it isn't there at all." Barbour speaks with a disarming English charm that belies an iron resolve and confidence in his science. His extreme perspective comes from years of looking into the heart of both classical and quantum physics. Isaac Newton thought of time as a river flowing at the same rate everywhere. Einstein changed this picture by unifying space and time into a single 4-D entity. But even Einstein failed to challenge the concept of time as a measure of change. In Barbour's view, the question must be turned on its head. It is change that provides the illusion of time. Channeling the ghost of Parmenides, Barbour sees each individual moment as a whole, complete and existing in its own right. He calls these moments "Nows."
"As we live, we seem to move through a succession of Nows," says Barbour, "and the question is, what are they?" For Barbour each Now is an arrangement of everything in the universe. "We have the strong impression that things have definite positions relative to each other. I aim to abstract away everything we cannot see (directly or indirectly) and simply keep this idea of many different things coexisting at once. There are simply the Nows, nothing more, nothing less."
Barbour's Nows can be imagined as pages of a novel ripped from the book's spine and tossed randomly onto the floor. Each page is a separate entity existing without time, existing outside of time. Arranging the pages in some special order and moving through them in a step-by-step fashion makes a story unfold. Still, no matter how we arrange the sheets, each page is complete and independent. As Barbour says, "The cat that jumps is not the same cat that lands." The physics of reality for Barbour is the physics of these Nows taken together as a whole. There is no past moment that flows into a future moment. Instead all the different possible configurations of the universe, every possible location of every atom throughout all of creation, exist simultaneously. Barbour's Nows all exist at once in a vast Platonic realm that stands completely and absolutely without time.
"What really intrigues me," says Barbour, "is that the totality of all possible Nows has a very special structure. You can think of it as a landscape or country. Each point in this country is a Now and I call the country Platonia, because it is timeless and created by perfect mathematical
rules." The question of "before" the Big Bang never arises for Barbour because his cosmology has no time. All that exists is a landscape of configurations, the landscape of Nows. "Platonia is the true arena of the universe," he says, "and its structure has a deep influence on whatever
physics, classical or quantum, is played out in it." For Barbour, the Big Bang is not an explosion in the distant past. It's just a special place in Platonia, his terrain of independent Nows.
Our illusion of the past arises because each Now in Platonia contains objects that appear as "records" in Barbour's language. "The only evidence you have of last week is your memory. But memory comes from a stable structure of neurons in your brain now. The only evidence we have of the Earth's past is rocks and fossils. But these are just stable structures in the form of an arrangement of minerals we examine in the present. The point is, all we have are these records and you only have them in this Now." Barbour's theory explains the existence of these records through relationships between the Nows in Platonia. Some Nows are linked to others in Platonia's landscape even though they all exist simultaneously. Those links give the appearance of records lining up in sequence from past to future. In spite of that appearance, the actual flow of time from one Now to another is nowhere to be found.

Your and my college professors taught us incorrectly

 The goal I have set is to enlighten every individual that visits my blog, I'd like to see you reach your full potential, are you ready?

This is a box.

 Your professors most likely suggested you think outside the box, wrong! (Thinking outside the box still keeps you in proximity to the box, but nice try)

 This is a box but nice try, I'll give you an "E" for effort.

 You aren't doing jack shit until you think with no box at all! Cut your ties with the status quo.

  You may wish to think about who the owner of this blog is.

You're going to have to think to get this

 I see people all in an uproar about this and that, attempting to achieve this way and that way and it's because you live by laws while others live by loopholes.

 This by no means suggests breaking laws but for the "few", this was a mute statement.

*Some will never get this because you can't walk looking at your feet and see the sun at the same time.

Colin Kaepernick Kicked the Status Quo Straight Up the Ass

Colin Kaepernick’s Nike Campaign Keeps N.F.L. Anthem Kneeling in Spotlight

Colin Kaepernick, the former N.F.L. quarterback who inspired a player protest movement but who has been out of a job for more than a year, has signed a new, multiyear deal with Nike that makes him a face of the 30th anniversary of the sports apparel company’s “Just Do It” campaign, Nike confirmed on Monday.
The first advertisement from Nike, one of the league’s top partners, debuted Monday afternoon, when Kaepernick tweeted it, assuring that his activism and the protest movement against racism and social injustice he started would continue to loom over one of the country’s most powerful sports leagues.
Nike will produce new Kaepernick apparel, including a shoe and a T-shirt, and if the merchandise sells well, the value of the deal will rival those of other top N.F.L. players, according to people close to the negotiations who spoke on condition of anonymity because Nike had not formally announced it. Nike will also donate money to Kaepernick’s “Know Your Rights” campaign.

The N.F.L. did not immediately respond to requests for comment. The ad and the campaign, coming a few days before the start of the N.F.L. season on Thursday, is likely to annoy the league’s top executives and its owners. On Thursday, Kaepernick won a victory in his grievance against the league when an arbitrator let his case, in which he accuses the league of conspiring to keep him off the field because of his activism, advance.

Glossary of Political Jargon *Admit It, Most Don't Have a Clue of What They're Hearing

Have use for a Carolina Skiff

I traded an older Camaro for this Skiff last year and I have a way to get the title but I'm no longer moving forward with it. I'll take $500 for the boat and $300 for the Evinrude.

I still have the VIN from the trade so there shouldn't be too big a problem. I'm also selling my 39' Mainship that's listed here on C List

If you want the engine, bring some help, it's heavy. The motor runs great but you'd also need to bring some new gas as the gas in it is old.

Desensitized to Everything : The Information Age of Enjoyment Burnout

*I care about everything and don't give a shit about anything all at the same time. No matter what I see, hear or read, there's nothing truly new. It's all the same thing with small twists this way or that way.

Our modern lives are filled with instant digital gratification. Unfortunately this instant gratification is causing many of us to feel depressed, always trying to fill a void with a new thing or an upgrade of something, be that a home, a car, a phone, or you name it.

People are always looking for new movies, new music, new TV shows or something new to read. The difference between "needs" and "wants" have been blurred by material wealth, even poor Americans enjoying large flat screen TV's, a warm home, running hot water, etc.

Advertisements and commercials condition people to engage in unwise credit debt spending, needless consumption, and waste creating lifestyles that are good for "Sales" but perhaps not necessarily good for anything else. Happiness is not for sale, no matter what someone tries to tell or sell you. 

The Age of Instant

Liquid credit faucets open to college students who get spammed with hundreds of credit card applications, many sign up and plug in by dropping debt spending like our Government example on "cool stuff", plugged into the hedonistic treadmill of consumerism, always upgrading, often without cause, like a form of mental illness expressing itself through spending choices. Instant access to content via broadband internet is now even reaching average people through their smartphones. With netflix, pandora, iTunes, Amazon and powerful search engines like Google, instant access to content, news, and information about almost anything is at the fingertips of a generation that tweets and face books their lives. Now you can shop, bank, pay your bills, research, email, etc. all online instantly. Targeted marketing that takes into account your income level, your physical location, the type of home you life in and type of vehicle you use: as the information age progresses the marketing of "materialism" will become even more precise to surgically implant "Consumer" ideas into the minds of everyone from young to old, rich to poor, faith filled or atheist, everyone that has access to the "Screens" of information that the information age exists within.

The Bar Rises

It takes more and more to get that sense of joy that simple things used to give you. As you grow up and embrace "grown up" things, the simple pleasures of childhood are often replaced by elaborate investments and endeavors as adults. With enough liquid discretionary income, lots of normal people are able to embrace of life of increasingly expensive "enjoyments", but it is now well accepted that you cannot buy happiness. Many modern people, normal middle class people, actually live like royalty lived a few hundred years ago. Even have access to hot water 24/7 would have been considered an expensive luxury less than 150 years ago.

True Fulfillment

Once you are able to meet all your basic needs, you are technically able to be as happy as you can be. Perspective is clearly everything. Once you start moving up the socio-economic latter to higher levels of wealth, getting a "feeling" often becomes more expensive and more complicated, fueled by lies from media that tell you that you do not have enough or the right one or that the new one is better. If you "buy into" these lies you will find yourself constantly spending money, racking up debt on mortgages for oversized homes, oversized cars, and oversized everything: America the land where "Bigger" is sold as "Better".


Instant internet pornography gives a good example of cognitive burnout. Many men report that after years of looking at adult content online they become completely desensitized to pornography, moving to harder and harder core content to get a feel, but after a while nothing seems to do it.

The initial magic effects of MDMA on its end user is replaced by the speedier aspects of its effect as the magic disappears. Once you "know what it is like" the subsequent experiences tend to be less and less "intense" : getting those magic feelings becomes elusive and impossible to find.

Burnout is the consequence of ongoing exposure and desensitization to content and experiences. Many experience adaptive burnout when listening to music. They buy an album and listen to it repeatedly until the songs sound "over played" where the end user becomes "tired" of listening to certain sound combinations and patterns. Humans are complex beings and we need diversity to keep things interesting, so that things continue to make us "Feel" something.

Emotional burnout is called disassociated depression and detachment, where a person withdraws from life unable to experience normal states of happiness or for that matter any emotions, withdrawing into a cold calculating state of emotional detachment. We see depression and apathy at record rates in "wealthy" countries where the average person enjoys relatively high standards of living, where luxuries that would have been unimaginable even 100 years age are now considered completely average and normal.

Random Acts of Kindness

The motif of your heart is what defines the intentions in your actions. Everything you do as a person starts as ideas in your mind. These ideas are the software applications running on your consciousness brain computer network. Your ideas and feeling combine to control your actions and choices. Your actions and choices define your behaviors, your character as a person developing as behaviors occur together in a sequences in your life that define your history in the future. One day your life will become a memory to other living humans. We will all die one day and leave behind a legacy of impacts. What we choose today will affect tomorrow, and the collective choices of everyone affects the collective trajectory of our future as a people. What kind of legacy are you leaving behind with your choices?

What Happened Polite ? 

Are you inspired to show other people kindness, by holding the door, saying hello in passing, being polite and considerate, and patient with other people? Do you find that simple random acts of kindness like holding the door  no longer seem to be appreciated by strangers ? Are the people around you failing to feel something when someone shows them simple kindness ? Do people around you seem arrogant and antisocial ? Do you know people that are narcissistic and selfish ? Does it make sense that evil people are a common problem that holds back all human systems, businesses, governments, and theological organizations alike. The burnout and desensitization common to our age, causes many of these symptoms and problems. Think about government corruption for a moment.

Ethics for Sale

Do people around you seem to be easily swayed by money, are they easily purchased politicians ? Corruption is the result of sick individuals living in dishonest and immoral way. The lives of evil people are such they they bring harm and imbalances to the lives of other people, people whom they suck dry, of resources to amass wealth in the billions for seemingly insane reasons. Why would Bill Gates the billionaire beneficiary of WinTel/ Microsoft support evil GMO technology, indirectly funding the no campaigns of i522, when an honest person would support the consumers right to know what they are eating. 

GMO Secrets 

If it is GMO we have a right to know what we are eating. Pesticides or GMO's, consumers have the right to know if they are eating engineered and biochemically toxic technologies like pesticides. $25.1 million USD dollars from the GMA and other evil companies to defeat i522 the GMO Labeling act. Does this mean the the people at the certain companies are corrupt and evil, for sale to other evil companies ?  This is clearly an example where chemical and bioengineering companies are attempting to purchase our freedoms to information. We deserve to have access to the truth, and only sleazy evil liars seek to keep us from the truth.

What is with all the corruption ? 

What kind of people are so desensitized to life that harming other people for personal profit seems acceptable to their understanding of what is ok to do to other people?  Essentially many of these crooks and criminals are sociopaths suffering from clinical mental illness that causes evil or is rather the physical and psychological manifestation of evil. Sick evil people are mentally dysfunctional, and other sane people need to stop these people from harming others. Not all of the 1%ters in Washington State or anywhere for that matter are evil. A small group of humans, perhaps several thousand people at most, are truly evil, sick, wealthy and powerful. It is these disturbed sick powerful people that are causing all of the large scale problems that affect everyone negatively.

Individuals Made the Difference

A county is only as a great as its individuals. A state is only as great as the people from that state. A business is only as successful as the ideas of the people running the business. If we want to live in a world of other decent people then we need to hold all people accountable. This is where faith becomes important. Become the change you want to see in the world. Each person needs to be honest, kind and productive if the people want to live in a country that is honest, compassionate and productive.

Faith Helps

Positive social norms encouraged by Faith give rise to social cohesion and peer group developments, partnerships, creations, innovation, technology, and positive changes. When you have a business filled with driven, honest, innovative and kind individuals you get a strong, fair and adaptive business that thrives on quality ethics and customer kindness and complete satisfaction.

Focusing Only on Money

See the GMO farmer does not care about complete customer satisfaction, they are thinking in business terms with GMO how to make a technology profit from agriculture technologies with questionable or toxic safety. Think of the Pesticide manufacturers employees. Are all of the people working for a toxic pesticide company also psychic toxic individuals ? No, the sick ethics of a powerful business come from cleaver dishonest and sleazy people within the company. I am reminded of many business leaders who put the interests of profit above the interests of people.

Life is Not Free

Neither is faith, things that are exceptional tend to also be expensive. You have to choose what it is that you "buy into" as a person, figuratively and literally. Free is when people are being generous with one another. Generosity is an interesting social application that seems to help rich people share the joy ^^ When God blesses someone with lots of wealth that person is supposed to use the money and resources to help other people. Imagine if everyone one that "could", did, imagine if you had a country full of honest successful people. Philanthropy is the richest persons example of generosity. 1%ters are the ones able to throw lots of money at different issues. Some use their wealth to just live in a paradise, others use their wealth to change the world.

The Legacy You Leave Behind

What do you want your legacy on earth to look like if someone is reading a book about you 300 or 30,000 years in the future? Do you want your examples in the book to inspire other people? Do you want to be remembered for creating positive change, for standing up for what it good and right? Do you want to be remembered in a positive light? Do you care about the future?  Our lives on earth are actually very small time-frames in the grand scheme of history. The clock is ticking, every remaining day of your life is clicking off the calendar, every day you live your are one day closer to dying. What are you waiting for, what is holding you back from becoming the best version of yourself ? A kind, balanced, honest, hard working, decent and fair person, you can become a world changing, positive creative, inspiring, kind, honest person if you take on the responsibility and gain the wisdom to understand that every choice you make leaves a legacy behind, on your mind, your body, your soul, and on every future generation. If you care about your family, if you care about you friends, if you care about things of real value that cannot be purchased with money, then you are already thinking about it in the right light.

Choose the Right (CTR) 

Stand up for what is right. Start to care about life, your own and the lives of other people. Life is not trivial or insignificant and our lives affect the lives of other people, even when we are not fully able to understand it. We need to become a brighter, smarter and more creative people to create positive changes and improvements in our future. If we want to make America amazing, we have to make each person amazing. We need to create whole new generations of super kind and super intelligent fun loving people that work together to share and build at better future, a legacy worth writing about.

Let love be the guiding light to your heart and mind, and let kindness and forgiveness set you free from toxic deadly negative emotions or ideas. God loves you and so do I : I love all people, even stupid fools and mean people, evil people : showing other people love is the key to setting the world free from evil. We can rise above and overcome the toxic effects of evil pollution, evil ideas, evil actions, and evil people. The kind honest and creative people can unite to overcome anything, we can, and we will. Together we can make a better future, a better planet, a better civilization. Together we can produce outstanding people, that will produce outstanding companies and countries, and solutions to problems that are impossible to solve without a world of good people.

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