Sunday, September 2, 2018

How to Manage Your Website Traffic?

 The original creator of this article failed to mention one thing, "Have something that your viewers are actually interested in".

The success of your advertising revenue relies on number of clicks generated, which needs a lot of traffic to your site. More the traffic more the possibility of generating revenue from advertising or direct product sales. Without traffic it does not make sense for the advertisers to display ads on your site. This article discuss on understanding and managing your website traffic.
Site traffic is classified into four main categories as below:
  • Organic Traffic
  • Paid Traffic through Ad Campaigns
  • Referral Traffic
  • Social Traffic

1. Organic Traffic from Search Engines

Organic traffic from the search engines is considered as a quality traffic to your site, since it is not generated intentionally by the site owner. It is highly recommended to target the traffic from various leading search engines like Google, Bing, Yandex and Baidu. This drives free traffic from across the world to your site from the interested users.
Use Search Engine Optimization techniques to improve your site ranking in search results page to get a good amount of quality traffic to your site from search engines. Submit your site to search engines like GoogleBingBaidu and Yandex and start monitoring your site performance using Webmaster Tools to optimize your website structure and search engine friendliness. This is a simple and completely free way of bringing traffic to your site, you can also submit your site to best free web directories.
Every part of your page like Page TitlesMeta descriptionURL Structure, etc, and every pages in your site are to be optimized for appearing top in the search engine results page. Learn more about SEO basics here.
In general direct traffic is also considered as an organic traffic since most of the users may bookmark or remember your site name and open it directly in the browser without searching for it. For example, mostly users will open Google or Microsoft sites directly in the browser by typing the address rather than searching it through search engines.

2. Paid Advertising

Paid Advertising like Google AdWordsBing Ads and Facebook helps you to get geo-targeted ads on Cost Per Click basis. You can also use click to call option to pay only when a customer calls you through the ad you displayed. Paid advertising is essentially the same as getting traffic from search engines as discussed above with the additional option to display your ads in their partner content network sites.
The important part is to monitor your traffic and find out the least performing page in your site and optimize it for better performance. Learn more about Paid Advertising here.

3. Referral Traffic

Referral traffic is the intentional traffic created by the site owners using free traffic exchange programs or reciprocal links. It is not recommended to use any of the free traffic exchange programs since the traffic through these exchanges are not from the quality sources. If you are using AdSense then any means of traffic through free traffic exchange programs will lead to banning of your AdSense account for life time.
The other kind of referral traffic is creating reciprocal link with another site owner and generating traffic through other site. Search engines considers one way links for calculating the top position and the reciprocal links are considered as a spam. If you use this option unlimitedly then search engines will penalize your site by marking it for manual spam and remove it from the search engine results page.

4. Social Traffic

Nowadays bringing traffic to your site is no more a difficult task with the help of social networking sites. The simple option is to choose a few social networking sites where you have many friends and link your website to your profile. You can authorize those sites to link with each other to share the content on all the sites on single click. For example,  you can select Pinterest and connect your Pinterest account to Twitter and Facebook. This makes your task simple by pinning a single image in Pinterest will auto tweet in your Twitter account and then auto post in your Facebook Page’s timeline.
Site promotion also becomes easy with creating a free Facebook fan Page, Yahoo! group or Company Page in LinkedIn. Another simple way is to start a blog with Tumblr or any popular blogging service in that country (for example Sina Weibo is a famous microblogging platform in China) and start sharing your interested topics from your main site.

Ensuring Proper Traffic Ratio

It is always a good idea to combine organic, paid and social traffic methods to boost traffic to your site. But webmasters should use tools like Google Analytics to monitor various sources of traffic to their site. In order to maintain a good publisher account status with advertisers, it is highly recommended to ensure that search engines are the major source of traffic to your site.

If you are not using any paid ad campaigns or social traffic then search engine / direct traffic should be 90% and the referral traffic shall be of 10%.

Just How Divided Are Americans Since Trump’s Election?

 Wait... I just want to know one thing, "When was America great for people of color"? I remember one of my White friends told me he couldn't see any racism. I told him quite simply, "I've been dating your daughter". HE LIKE TO SHIT! Our friendship ended right there because it was true.

One year after Donald Trump’s upset election victory, it’s not unusual to hear people wonder out loud if the United States is really one country anymore. Last month, the Republican senator from Arizona, Jeff Flake, gave a speech on the Senate floor about the “state of our disunion.”
Recent polls have confirmed that Americans are feeling bitterly split. A Gallup pollconducted just after the 2016 presidential election found 77 percent of Americans see the country as “greatly divided when it comes to the most important values,” up from 66 percent in 2012. A Washington Post-University of Maryland poll, conducted nine months into Trump’s presidency, found that seven in 10 Americans think the nation’s political divisions are as bad as during the Vietnam War.
Some historians are also raising the alarm over division in the country. They say the rise of social media, combined with the decline of the central institutions that once defined the borders of political debate, have created a potentially dangerous moment in our public discourse. Today, even disasters seem to pull us apart more than bring us together. In the wake of mass shootings in Sutherland Springs, Texas, and Las Vegas and the devastation Hurricane Maria caused in Puerto Rico, social media was full of partisan debate over how to think about the events.
Each side has proven adept at deploying information in ways that back up their points. In July, journalist Carl Bernstein, famous for his reporting on Watergate, suggested that we’re now in a “cold civil war” with different groups of people unable to agree even on the basic facts of what’s happening in the country. Could this be true?
To find out, we spoke with five historians and political philosophers to ask whether the current “state of our disunion” was unique in American history.


Kwame Anthony Appiah, a professor of philosophy at Princeton University, said this kind of division has been rare in the U.S. While the country has faced many periods of intense disagreement and strife, he said, what’s unusual is the current tendency of some Americans to argue that others don’t belong in the country at all. This approach to politics has appeared only occasionally in U.S. history. For example, in the Jacksonian period, Andrew Jackson’s supporters sharply defined Americans as English-speaking Christians of European origin, while in the McCarthy years, people with particular political views or lifestyles could be declared un-American and denied basic constitutional protections.
“One way of thinking about what populism is, it’s a movement that denies that the people who disagree with it are really members of the nation,” he says. “They’re not really members of ‘the people.’”


Brian Balogh, cohost of the Backstory podcast and professor of history at the University of Virginia’s Miller Center, said that the level of partisan divide and Washington gridlock is reminiscent of the late 19th century. In those years, he said, the federal government was deeply divided, leaving it unable to address economic changes like the emergence of a large industrial working class and big urban centers.
Eventually, Balogh said, the divisions between the two parties declined, as two world wars and then the Cold War helped unify the country.“There’s nothing like a persistent, identifiable, commonly despised external enemy to bring Americans together,” he said.
At the same time, Progressive Era ideas and an increasingly complicated economy pushed the country toward a new reliance on expert opinion. “Objective journalism” set guardrails on what topics were appropriate for political debate—though not always for the better. “This so-called objective media is the same set of media that accepted on face value that African Americans who were lynched had done something immoral,” Balogh said.
By the 1950s, Balogh said, the political parties were so similar in their devotion to finding technical solutions to social problems that the American Political Science Association “urged the parties to have a backbone—by that I mean to take clear ideological stances that would distinguish them.”
“That definitely falls into the ‘be careful what you wish for’ category,” he added.
Over the decades that followed, Democrats and Republicans became thoroughly divided by ideology. Balogh notes that this “sorting out” was largely rooted in racial ideology. After Lyndon B. Johnson signed the Civil Rights Act of 1964, white backlash turned the South from solidly Democratic to a reliable source of Republican votes.
“That, in turn, allowed the Democrats to align around the northern and midwestern progressive wings of the Democratic Party and become a party that stood for more progressive values,” Balogh said. “Republicans aligned around states’ rights, low taxes, and an emphasis on the individual.”

Stop playing and eat your salad Nietzsche

10 Traits Of A Deep Thinker

 Wholly shit, Have you ever found articles that peg you?

In a fast moving, increasingly automated, and technologically centered world, where we’re encouraged to “think on our feet,” and “hit the ground running,” there are people who completely buck the trend. They prefer to slow down, take the time to mull things over, and consider their actions, the world, and their place in it.

Meet the deep thinker…here are 10 traits that they might commonly exhibit:

1. Introverted
Invariably, many deep thinkers are reserved, quiet and introverted. This isn’t hard to understand. If you spend a lot of time in your head, and not much time outside socializing, you’re not exactly going to be an extrovert.

While this isn’t a hard and fast rule (none of the traits listed are, as there will always be people who stray from “the norm”), many deep thinkers tend to be introverts simply because deep thinking isn’t a social activity. They aren’t social butterflies, and spend a lot of time on their own considering a problem before coming to a conclusion.

Blurt out an answer? Never. Be the center of attention at a party? Not on your life. You’ll most likely find them sitting away from the dance floor, animatedly talking to one person. That’s their jam.

2. Observant
Deep thinkers take in more than they put out, meaning, they say less, and observe more. They fully engage with their interests, exhaustively poring over a topic before forming an opinion, or passing judgement. Because they tend to be more observant and wait before coming to a conclusion, they’re not easily swayed by popular opinion.

They need time to fully consider the topic, and collect all the facts before making a decision. This can be frustrating for people around a deep thinker who demand an immediate answer, and realize it’s never going to happen. In the long run, you can rest assured that with a deep thinker, once they’ve come to a decision, it’s not been made lightly. Their solution has been examined from every angle to minimize potential problems and give the best possible outcome. Who doesn’t want that?!

3. Humorous
Contrary to popular belief, deep thinkers have a wicked sense of humor! Yes, that’s right, they’re not the staid, boring, overly serious party poopers as portrayed in every newspaper or magazine article.

While they certainly aren’t the life of the party, they definitely have a fun, silly, and quirky sense of humor. They can be oddballs, clever, witty, and quick to find the humor in any situation. They are often self-deprecating, and understand how to laugh at themselves.

Some of the greatest philosophers, and writers, from Ancient Rome, Ancient Greece, and the Middle Ages, such as Cicero, Aristophanes, and Thomas Aquinas, believed humor was important to learning. Deep thinkers are not wet blankets and cherish a good laugh.

4. Voracious Readers
Deep thinkers are constantly immersed in books. They have a thirst for knowledge and a deep-seated need to learn more and expand their understanding. Books are their ‘go-to’ places to acquire knowledge. Books are also their friends, and their solace, offering a refuge from the noise and distraction of the outside world. To know more, you need to take in as much information as possible – books are your best bet. Deep thinkers know this and devour books by the truckload.

5. Forgetful
How is this possible, you ask?! They think of everything! Well, that’s the problem, they think so much that day-to-day tasks get pushed out of their heads, or at the very least, put on a back burner. They’d rather ruminate over pressing issues, problem solve, or be actively learning than remember to pick up a loaf of bread at the store on their way home.

Your deep thinker spouse might love you to bits, but has surely forgotten an anniversary, birthday, or failed to turn up to your parent’s place for Sunday dinner. They forget to meet social obligations because these things don’t matter to them that much, i.e., socializing isn’t high on their list of priorities. It’s nothing personal, and it’s not intentionally malicious, it’s just that these situations often involve conforming to societal expectations like making small talk or discussing things that aren’t terribly interesting to them, so attending easily slips their minds.

Thinking about their next big idea, means they have no time to listen to your sister drone on about the latest episode of “Keeping up with the Kardashians," or chat about football scores with your dad. It’s not even on their radar, so some patience, understanding, and gentle reminders will go a long way with the deep person in your life.

6. Curious
Deep thinkers are insatiably curious about the world around them. They want to understand how things work, why some things are done this way, and not that way, and what makes people tick.

History, politics, literature, science, you name it – they want to know more, because knowledge makes them happy. The world is their proverbial oyster. They can be the most fully engaged people you will ever meet, knowing a little something about everything.

Life is fascinating to them, and they are never bored. They don’t need someone to entertain them; they know how to make life interesting for themselves, and those around them.

Deep thinkers might also like (article continues below):

7. Planners

When you think that much, you are bound to take stock of your life and what you want from it. It is no coincidence that successful people tend to be deep thinkers. They’ve taken the time to think about their future, and where they fit in (or don’t), and they have a game plan in life.

Just ‘winging it’ isn’t for them. They don’t fly by the seat of their pants, because they need to know all the options available to them beforehand. Having a concrete plan in life takes patience, a lot of thought, and careful preparation – the core attributes of deep thinkers.

8. Problem Solvers

Deep thinkers make excellent problem solvers. Since deep thinking comes naturally to them, they can see patterns and potential obstacles quickly. Their patience in teasing out all the solutions, means they are less likely to make costly mistakes because they’ve taken the time to think about the options from every possible angle.

These are the people in your office you go to when you’re stuck. They’re the people you want on your team to run those final numbers and check to see that all the i’s are dotted and t’s are crossed. Just don’t expect a quick answer; a solid, well thought out answer, yes, but be prepared to wait.

9. Socially Awkward

Deep thinkers, in addition to tending towards introversion, dislike many of the culturally accepted norms and behaviors expected of us on a day-to-day basis. They detest small talk, a.k.a, ‘elevator conversations.’ They speak only when something is important enough to say, not just for the sake of talking to fill in awkward silences. They don’t find silence off-putting or uncomfortable because they are usually lost in thought, and prefer their own company to mindless chatter with strangers.

This can make socializing a bit difficult for them as they will quickly disengage from gossip and mundane conversations and can come off as snobby, or aloof. It’s far from the truth, as deep thinkers actually tend to be down to earth, pragmatic, and genuine souls, but feel if they don’t have anything meaningful to add, they just won’t say it. They prefer one-on-one conversations where they can focus their time and energy on that particular person and have a deeper connection.

10. Independent

Because deep thinkers tend to be introverted, and loners, they are often misunderstood. As a result, they learn early on to rely on themselves and become fiercely independent. They enjoy spending time alone, not dreading or fearing it, because they know this is when they can recharge, and think over what they want to do without distraction. Also, because typical social events can be uncomfortable and tiresome for them, they learn quickly how to enjoy solitude and make the most of it.

The odds that Democrats will take the House in the 2018 midterms keep looking better

 Some people think I'm pretty intelligent yet I simply can't see how it makes a difference? Perhaps it's because whatever I need to do will get done no matter who wins.

With a little more than three months left until Election Day, Democrats seem to be strengthening their position to win control of the House in the 2018 midterm elections.
Two data points will suffice to explain the situation right now:
  • On Tuesday, the University of Virginia’s Crystal Ball, one of the nation’s premier election forecasters, changed its ratings for 17 House districts — and all of them moved in favor of Democrats.
  • Democrats’ lead in the generic ballot, if you go by the RealClearPolitics polling average, has quietly doubled (and then some) since the beginning of June, from a mere 3.2 percentage points to a healthy 7.1 points. That is roughly the margin political science nerds think they need.

If you want to add a third point, Democrats have been posting very strong fundraising numbers, with Democratic challengers outraising GOP incumbents in some of the nation’s most competitive districts, as Vox’s Tara Golshan recently noted.

“Put it all together, and the Democrats now look like soft favorites to win a House majority with a little more than 100 days to go,” the Crystal Ball’s Kyle Kondik wrote on Tuesday. He emphasized how reluctant they have been to move the odds from 50-50, but the indicators for Democrats keep looking better and better.
A quick assessment of the House battleground further supports the case.
One GOP-held seat — in now de-gerrymandered Pennsylvania — is considered a Safe Democratic win; two others are considered Likely Democratic pickups. Four Republican districts — three of which are open seats with no incumbent — fall in the Lean Democratic camp, and 33 GOP-held seats are rated as toss-ups, according to the Crystal Ball.
If you added the 16 seats that merely Lean Republican, then the 2018 House battlefield equals around 60 districts. Democrats need to flip 24 Republican seats to take back the House. By the looks of things, they could win less than half of the competitive districts and still pull it off.
Just one Democratic seat is considered a Safe Republican win (again, a result of the Pennsylvania redistricting) and only two Democratic-held seats are rated as toss-ups. In other words, almost the entire 2018 campaign will be fought over GOP-held territory.
On the one hand, good Democratic odds shouldn’t be such a shock. The minority party’s gains in midterm elections are a fact of life in American politics. President Trump, in spite of relatively strong economic indicators, is pretty unpopular. Issues like health care promise to dominate the campaign, and voters prefer Democrats to Republicans in key policy debates.
But Democrats are still facing a heavily gerrymandered House map, and the frank reality that their (younger) supporters have historically been less reliable voters in midterm elections than the GOP’s (older) base. Recent polling underscored the real risk that millennial voters won’t turn out as hoped.
So everything could still go wrong for Democrats in the 2018 midterms. But with about 100 days left in the campaign, they have a lot of reasons to be optimistic.

Seriously, are you a special kind of stupid

 I had a brief chat with someone 50+ years old speaking of a relationship. He said, "This time I'm going to find true love". Hold up Tanto, wasn't that the same thing you were looking for in all your previous relationships? You mean to tell me that after 20+ "failed" relationships, you're going to approach it the "same" way?

Only a damned fool drives north on a highway each and every time he wants to go west!

Is HAARP real

The High-frequency Active Auroral Research Program, or HAARP, is a scientific endeavor aimed at studying the properties and behavior of the ionosphere. Operation of the research facility was transferred from the United States Air Force to the University of Alaska Fairbanks on Aug. 11, 2015, allowing HAARP to continue with exploration of ionospheric phenomenology via a land-use cooperative research and development agreement.
HAARP is the world's most capable high-power, high-frequency transmitter for study of the ionosphere. The HAARP program is committed to developing a world-class ionospheric research facility consisting of:
  • The Ionospheric Research Instrument, a high power transmitter facility operating in the High Frequency range. The IRI can be used to temporarily excite a limited area of the ionosphere for scientific study.
  • A sophisticated suite of scientific or diagnostic instruments that can be used to observe the physical processes that occur in the excited region.
Observation of the processes resulting from the use of the IRI in a controlled manner will allow scientists to better understand processes that occur continuously under the natural stimulation of the sun.
Scientific instruments installed at the HAARP Observatory can also be used for a variety of continuing research efforts which do not involve the use of the IRI but are strictly passive. These include ionospheric characterization using satellite beacons, telescopic observation of the fine structure in the aurora and documentation of long-term variations in the ozone layer.
HAARP will hold an open house on August 25, 2018, from 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. at the HAARP facility in Gakona, Alaska. See for more information.
The next research campaign is scheduled for the late fall/early winter of 2018.

*Try finding it's history and uses, good luck.

100 Incredible Life Hacks That Make Life So Much Easier

I'm applying for jobs in Singapore, this isn't going to work out well

 They want me to take a personality test LOL Ok, I'm a contractor and here is the prioritized list > 1 - Safety comes first. 2 - Follow all codes and guidelines according to the country, state and city you're working in. 3- Complete the assigned tasks under budget, on time and with no mistakes (Nearly impossible) 4 - Create contingency plans before you begin. 5 - If it's not in the first 4 listed, it doesn't matter!
 Wife having a baby, you have diarrhea, your kid went to jail, you want to commit suicide, STAY HOME!

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