Monday, February 29, 2016

Word perfect: how to become a freelance writer

If you're a graduate wanting to start your career in writing or journalism, freelancing could be for you. Here is some advice on finding opportunities, and building your portfolio.
Woman Using Laptop in Bed

There are more graduates than ever entering an increasingly diminished job market. With opportunities in the arts and media as scarce as they've ever been, graduates are having to be more creative in the ways they earn money and gain experience in their chosen field. Although for many, freelancing is synonymous with living in your pyjamas and rejoicing you're not stuck in a 9-5 job, this wears off pretty swiftly, usually around rent day. However, for those with a flair for the written word, freelance writing can be worthwhile.
Everyone's path to getting freelance work is different, but as long as it leads to money in the bank, they're all just as viable. When starting out, many people turn to websites such as FreelancerElance or oDesk where you can bid for work. These can be great for building experience and a portfolio while getting paid for it. Just make sure the employers are verified to avoid getting into a situation where you've spent hours on work for them to conveniently disappear.
When looking to get work for magazines and newspapers, keep pitches short, sweet and interesting. Even if you're sending your fifth in a row of rejected pitches, be polite and professional. If your writing and ideas are interesting and relevant, then you will eventually get a response.
Whichever way you get into freelancing, the absolute key to success is persistence. Chances are you'll get knocked back a fair bit but keeping going is the only way to ensure that you get noticed. Once you've managed to get your foot in the door with a good idea, things should get a little bit easier and more work should start coming your way. Building contacts and maintaining a good relationship is important in any profession but when you're responsible for finding your own work everyday this is even more essential.

The pros

The positives of freelancing as a graduate are numerous. It's incredibly satisfying to be working for yourself and having the responsibility of determining your own workload. Making a living doing what you love is hugely rewarding, and of course it's extremely flexible work. New graduates are generally used to working unusual hours thanks to energy drinks and 24/7 library opening hours. So, if you're most comfortable working late at night or at the weekend, then freelancing may be the way to go. Depending on how much work you manage to get, which can vary wildly, especially when you're just starting out, it also leaves open the possibility of working part-time in something which might pay you a steadier wage.

The cons

It is not steady and it is not always a money maker. Graduate writers are notorious for always working for free, and it's because there are so many people willing to do it that companies simply choose not to pay. This is often wrapped up as a "great opportunity" but it's important to be wise about what's an opportunity to get some great experience, and what's an opportunity for them to get some work done for free. Websites and magazines which don't make a profit but have a wide audience are usually worthwhile writing for, as you're likely to get bigger exposure for your piece than on your own blog or online platform. However, any commercial publication worth its salt should be paying professional writers, just like they pay their designers, printers and publishers.
Freelancing is probably not for people who lack self-motivation. If you don't go looking for work, spending your days shooting off emails and writing pitches, then it is very unlikely the work will come to you. For most people, freelancing does not provide regular work at the beginning. So if you find it stressful not having a steady income then it's worth looking at other options, or indeed getting a second paid job for some initial security.
Graduates should not be afraid of freelancing, in the field of writing it's a fantastic option. It may take a while to break into but this world isn't as closed as you might initially think. The key is to write constantly, pitch all your ideas clearly and concisely to the appropriate publications and don't give up when you get knocked back. Rejection will become like water off a duck's back, which is pretty handy in all areas of your life, and when your work does get the green light, it will all be worth it.
This content is brought to you by Guardian Professional. To get more content and advice like this direct to your inbox, sign up for our weekly update and careers ebook.
*Y0u d0n't have to be a graduate. Get the course requirements and read. Approach the smaller news companies and throw your hat in the rink.

Sunday, February 28, 2016

How To Diversify Your Life

One time I wanted to sell my company to HBO. The CFO was looking at the numbers. They were willing to buy it for a tiny amount but it was an amount that would’ve taken me about one billion years to save because that’s just the way I roll. I figured I would quit after a decent amount of time and spend a year doing nothing but writing a novel.
They said no.
All I had been thinking about for months was whether or not they would buy the company. And it took only one or two decision makers to say no. To ruin my life, I thought then.
One time I had an idea for a TV show for HBO. I wired up a restaurant with video and audio. A good friend of mine who was very pretty and funny put an ad in the Village Voice looking for a blind date. She would then go on the dates being fully aware they were being videotaped but the guy wouldn’t know. We did two dates. On the first one the guy told her he wasn’t sure if he was gay or straight and was debating the pros and cons of both right in the middle of the date. On the second date the guy received a phone call. From his wife. He then refused to sign the release form unless my friend would sleep with him. Which she didn’t (I assume).
As they say, it was good TV.
I showed it to HBO Independent Productions. They “Loved it!!” I had all sorts of fantasies about how I was going to spend the money. I was definitely living in the future. I was going to be a big TV guy. BIG.
And then suddenly I couldn’t get in touch with them. The guy in charge, Dave B., wouldn’t return my calls. He was always in a meeting. He would “call me right back”. I couldn’t get in touch with him. Not knowing this meant “no”, I called him 15 times a day until finally he confessed, “you know, you have another project going with [he named another division within HBO] so they got upset at me for looking at this project. So I can’t touch it.”
I eventually had lunch with the head of the other division. She said, “your idea seems a bit mean to me.” Her division had just aired “Hookers at Hunts Point” and other family-oriented features so I sort of understood.
Another time I started another company. I wanted Google to buy it. I mean, I really wanted Google to buy it. Google was like some sort of Internet Disneyworld to me. People were riding around in skateboards (technically I signed a contract saying I couldn’t say what I saw in the building. They accidentally had me sign the wrong document  so I actually had to GO BACK a day later and sign the right one. But, fuck it, everyone was skateboarding in there while eating fusion lasagna). Everyone was smiling. Everyone was SMART. We all sat around this big conference table and when I say “we all sat around” half of us were in NYC and the other half was web-exed or whatever in from SF. Everyone asked smart questions. I felt like I was in graduate school again.
That night I woke up in the middle of the night sweating. I literally felt like I wanted to call Google at 2 in the morning and asked her if she still loved me. And  then say, “but are you SURE you love me?” I wanted them to love me. I wanted to buy a skateboard. I wanted to say “Google bought my company”. I wanted to sexually harass the other employees there. I couldn’t help myself. I was in Google Fever.
They said “no”.
I’m permanently sick of it!
I got sick of one person, or one company, or one decision-maker having any power over me. It’s an internal choice, of course, but also an external one. You can set up your entire life to be diversified in every way so a “no” turns from shit to fertilizer.
Everyone knows this in investing. One time, with my last dollars left, I bought a bazillion shares of Sonus Networks only to watch it go from $7 to 18 cents before it rebounded (long after I sold it for a mega-loss). I got crushed and left on the floor. My 3 year old wanted to play with me. There was zero chance I was getting up off that floor to take her to the park. She had to bounce a ball up and down right next to me. It was annoying me so I picked her up and put her on the pool table so she could’t get off until someone came and got her.
The only way to survive, to get off the floor, to build, to have ideas, to create businesses, to have flourishing relationships, is with diversification. And with the greatest invention since the wheel, the Internet, it’s easier to do it now than ever before.
9 Ways To Diversify Your Life
– Start more than one business. Start many businesses. Or jobs. Or careers. Start them at the same time. Eventually one will stand out as the one flourishing. I’m watching this happen to a good friend of mine right now. He has his hand in ten different businesses. He also has at least one fulltime job. One is bursting through and he’s able to make his decision as to where to go – the one that will make him fabulously wealthy while having fun.
Well, what if you have a job? Get two jobs. Apply for more jobs. Always figure out what your value is on the job marketplace. I just went on the board of a temp-staffing company called “Corporate Resource Services”. I don’t know what I can legally say about it (it’s a public company). All I can say is: it fits my idea that the 21st century is moving towards an “employee-less economy” because of all the regulatory and economic uncertainty. Companies are not hiring permanent employees. So you’re going to need to diversify your sources of income starting right now.
– Diversify the way you meet people. We are no longer limited to just our coworkers and neighbors. Life is global. We can meet people through the Internet, through travel, through classes on every topic possible. Pick the people who will be the most positive in your life. People who you can look up to, who can look up to you. Eliminate everyone else. Not in a cold or cruel way. But in a way that makes sure you put the importance back on yourself. Make sure you are your own center of gravity. Anyone whose gravitational pull becomes too great needs to be put on “Halley’s Comet” status  – once every 76 years and that’s it.
– Diversify ideas. Many people ask me, “when I’m working on my list of ten ideas for the day so as to build the idea muscle, should they all be business ideas, or ideas around one sector?” No! Write ideas about anything you can. Then mate them. Here’s an exercise right now. Make  two columns. At the top of each column, write an interest.  Then write down five ideas for each that has to do with each idea. Now cross-fertilize them. Come up with many ideas combining the two columns as possible. You will never be the best in the world at anything (unless you are, then ignore this), but you can be good at many things. The beauty of that is that you then become the best in the world at the intersection of all these things. It’s at that intersection that you can completely direct traffic and change the world.
– Creative output. Everyone wants to create their “masterpiece” whether it’s a business, an article, a book, a speech, whatever. Here’s the problem: you can’t do it. It”s not going to happen. The only way you have any control over it is by sheer output. You have to crank it out. Woody Allen has written over 46 movies. A good chunk of them I’m sure he would never want to look at again. Isaac Asimov has written over 500 books, some of them outright boring and yet he created The Foundation series and I,Robot.  Thomas Edison has 1093 patents but we remember him today for just one of them. Einstein wrote 245 papers but we remember  him for one equation. Buddha taught every day for almost 60 years and we remember him for his “eightfold path”. Bukowski wrote 71 books and probably only three or four of them stand out as truly stunning. I can go on and on. The list is endless. being prolific means you diversify your creativity, means you create the platform by which people can find you. Gives you more stop signs you can put up  in front of people’s lives to direct them back to the home  where you live.
THIS MEANS  YOU WILL FAIL A LOT. Failure is an acquired taste. You have to really experience it quite a bit to savor it. And then your roll with it without the extra burden of disappointment. When you are disappointed in a failure it’s as if you’ve not only paid the price but you got nothing for it. Eventually you learn to get something for it.
One more note: reading this one makes me feel stressed out. You don’t have to do it all in a single day. Isaac Asimov took 40 years to write his 500 books. So did Bukowski and others. Take your time. But mark the “X” each day that says “I did it”, even if it was only a little.
–  Diversify your platform. If you are trying to build a presence in social media, then you can’t just blog. You can’t just be on Facebook or Twitter. You have to self-publish on Amazon, you have to blog, you have to tweet, you have to be on Facebook and have a fan page there, you have be on Quora, Pinterest, LinkedIn. And you have to be there repeatedly. If you self-publish once, do it twice. There’s two schools of thought: wait until you have your masterpiece, or just do it. In this world, “just do it” works best. Because what you do will be forgotten ten seconds later so you’re going to need to do it again. Hopefully better.
I did this because I got sick of waiting around for mainstream media (or mainstream anything) to “pick me”. I wanted to choose myself and not  wait for some unhappy college graduate to say no to me.
– Diversify the people you meet and the people who inspire you. I’m shy. And I like to sit at home and not answer the phone or return emails. So here’s what I do.  I try to meet three or four people a week to see what I can learn from them. I usually schedule it Monday-Tuesdays so I stay overnight in the city and schedule the meetings back to back in the same place. This is a little different than “Diversify the way you meet people”. That above  one applies to going places and just throwing yourself in situations where you are bound to meet new people in your life.
– Diversify what you read. Or learn. When you go out today for a cafe take four books with you: one about your top career, one about your top interest or hobby (unrelated to your career), one thriller, and one book about spirituality or history. Read a little from each. Is there a reason to do this? I have no idea! But I know after about twenty years of doing this trick every day it’s helped me to come up with better ideas (and also some pretty bad ones).
– Diversify your health. Just because you eat well, doesn’t mean you’re healthy. You need to be honest with yourself here. List the things you do that you KNOW are not the healthiest for yourself. You don’t need to cut everything at once. But figure it out. It’s got to be painful to be 90 years old and know that if you had done just a few things differently it wouldn’t hurt so much every time you went to the bathroom.
– Diversify your thoughts. I spent too much of my life thinking about money. And then thinking about women. And sometimes thinking about money and women at the same time. I don’t know how they counted this but someone once told me we think 60,000 thoughts a day. All 60,000 of mine would sometimes be about money and women, with a little about food and defecation. Meanwhile, there’s 100 billion other fun things to think about each day. I live 100 feet from the Hudson River. Across from me on the river is West Point. Mountains and leaves surround all of it. It would be so easy for me to diversify into pleasant things but too often I’m obsessed down one category. Obsession and Anxiety is equivalent to Subtraction of thoughts. It makes you a counterfeit person instead of an authentic person. 
Diversification of thoughts is the only way to slow life down, to let the thoughts simmer instead of boil, to marinate instead of just lightly spice the insides of our spirit.
When properly diversfied, nobody can say “no” to you anymore. Disappointments and failures become a natural part of life that you learn from, in the same way you learn from success and opportunity. Intelligence springs forward from the additional creativity. Love comes from the most blossoming part of the social tree you build for yourself.
Your center becomes a powerful gravitational force, drawing people, success, and presence you haven’t felt before. Nobody can hold you prisoner. You don’t need “fuck you” money to fly away. You just to spread your wings.

Saturday, February 27, 2016

Don't get overzealous about the next president of the USA

They're all shady!
Concern yourself with the obstacles you have overcame & guess what.....

You'll overcome the "next" as well!


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Anonymous shuts down Tokyo airport website for arrested anti-whaling activist

Anonymous shuts down Tokyo airport website for arrested anti-whaling activist

January 29th, 2016 | by AnonWatcher
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What is thing called "Love"?


My Deepest Inversion of Spirit


   My Deepest Inversion of Spirit - 2012'

 I was talking / chatting on a social site and unknowingly, stumbled over my deepest inversion of Spirit.

 I met an older White woman about a year or so ago. We chatted and emailed, so on and so forth.

 She began trying to recruit me into Christianity. That rubbed me wrong right from the beginning yet we continued to talk.

 Days came and days went. At some point in time; she straight out told me that I was wrong. I had shared a trusted belief that if a person were only to be allowed to eat rabbit; that person would starve to death due to the theory that a rabbit requires more calories for digestion than it provides in sustenance.

 Mind you, I never said this to be a fact. I said it based on, “How to Survive Anything, Anywhere” by Chris McNab.

 I should have cut off communication at that point yet “Nick” often desires to, “play the game”. (First portion of my inversion of spirit).

 I don't believe in facts; anything “factual” today can and may be destroyed when held over the test of time. Infinite does not mean indefinite.


 Minute conflicts of opinion took place randomly and I interpreted this as idle crap not to be concerned about;
 I was still in denial or unaware of true self.

 I found out that I AM truly undesirable to myself when it comes to, “letting go” and True Forgiveness.
 I have doubt in ever having witnessed a model of True Forgiveness to contemplate such thoughts for myself. My past environments certainly provided no nurturing for what, “then” seemed lofty thought.
 I actually have been lying to myself under the false pretense of forgiving.

 Wait, it goes to a much greater depth.

 This potion of my manifested spirit will bait others into a false sense of being forgiven only to create the vortex of security for that individual.
 This portion of me is so devious, so treacherous as to wait any length of time to exact the psychological blow that I deem appropriate.

 Remember when I wrote about “feeling” off balance?

 I find myself questioning whether or not if I have ever forgiven anyone for anything.

 I'm confessing that I have waited beyond the length of other's lives and still feel ill will towards some for utterances, vibrations through air.

 I admit that I AM a psychological sinner by these means yet this is not to convey that this concludes my list. I dare trust that I'm a psychological sociopath / terrorist if such a label exists.

 I'm disgusted with “self” for the moment and have but one healthy choice. My quest for Peace by Divine Guidance leaves no option.
 I must aggressively attack and remove this character defect now with no substitutions in ambiguity.

 Nick laid in wait on so many people over the years and psychologically destroyed so many moments. Though a person may have made the first remark, that has no bearing on my properly guided responses if “proper” they were to be.
 Why would I harbor such depths of vindictiveness and at what costs?

 Something must be eating at my core in order for this manifestation to carry such magnitude and volatility.
 I gather it's origin created within the bullying from my past as well as my childhood memories of my family as such. I was verbally assassinated as a child along with other forms of abuse.

 My past provides no shield for defense of action or the luxury of excuse!


 I trust myself to create the Wholeness needed.

 My conscious / subconscious thoughts and actions have been abhorrently cruel, vindictive, inhumane deeds of emotional grand larceny...for lack of any better terms. (I don't believe in the devil; this was me).

 My only saving grace and glimmer of light is that I have identified the thief of my Wholeness that allows me to be Whole with you.
 No, I don't do the, “work on it” thingy. All my thoughts and actions are in the “Now” and so too the resolution is to be found and implemented in the “Now”.
 This simply can not continue on any level of my being.

 Some may believe I'm appealing to some fear of hell. That's not it, there is no hell and there is no evil, simply lack of Love.

 The opposite of Love is no more than a void or an abyss.
I'm appealing to the Divine Wholeness created by Divine Guidance in which lack of either creates the imbalanced self unable to extend Peace so therefore unable to receive Peace.

 Thinking thinking, I must hold in reserve ill will towards my mother, ex-wives, friends and family long gone.
 I fully trust that I can not make any type of apology that would suffice the thoughts and behavior. However, I can change the thoughts and fill the void of the originating lack of Love.


 Fully apologizing to all individuals by adding positivity and “Better Will” to the Universal Equation in the belief that these actions will be felt by the latter victims is taking place with absolute urgency at greater depth with each stroke of the key.

 If the opportunity ever arises, I will apologize in that moment. I further trust that adding any form of communication at this time would be similar to, “fuel upon the fire”.

 That was the easy part.
 The more difficult portion of this is in the creating of the solution for the very “Now” second and all the next seconds that follow.

 This is where it really begins.

 I now must seek a stronger means by which I deal with verbal attacks upon myself. The Tiger is asking for a reprieve within sympathy where none exists.
 It seems no words have ever harmed me as much as I've harmed others with them. Perhaps early words did nurture this portion of being as rightly defined by the symbol of this writing.

 Is this the case and does it matter when it comes to completing, “I AM's” tasks at hand? It does not.

 The I AM dictates that I must endure whatever that it may take to never psychologically sin “Now”.

 Fully interpreting that there is no tomorrow for those of the I AM.
I take this moment to say, “I was of the void” and apologize for any harm that I may have caused voluntarily or involuntarily. The level of consciousness in which I created this void is of no significance.

 I fully trust that the readers of this writing will feel the incidentals of my essentials as put forth in purity of thought, speech and deed.

 Had this woman earned her reward of being emotionally raped with her innuendo of racist White supremest remarks? I do not know. I do feel I was not chosen for such retaliation and that this has nothing to do with my realm of “Forgiveness”.
 I did not alter in the substance of my “Now” action.

 I give fair warning that I am new at this creation of deeper thoughts and actions of Forgiveness. To play with me is to play at your own risk. My old self may emerge and HE WILL win within the loss suffered by all.
 My old self objectifies everything and everyone down to a fraction within his equation. You were no more than a variable within a constant.


And God spoke – did a bit of better work on yourself; how do you feel?


Nick– I'm not lost yet that punk in me has his fears about my success in turning the page.

God– Did I give you fear or the “I AM” which you possess?

Nick– You are the I AM to which I AM you, to a lesser degree, that should have no fear.

God– Hahahaha, PUNK, was fear on the list of things I told you to bring to my boot camp?

Nick– I got you, HAH, you're speaking of my “void” of Love in self, not me. Are you feeling tricky this morning Old Man?
God– No my Son, I badger in the greatest form of Admiration and Love, “Nikko”, when I created your spirit in the conditions as such; I made you “One of Those Kind”.
 Pssst, if fear wasn't on my list of items to have, it has no reason of being in any form. Fear is also of the abyss.
But before you smile, you have a list of've been a busy boy.
 Lets see, 456,000,000 Inverted Spirit A Felonies; 278,943,500,31.041 Misdemeanors; shit, I'll just skip the citations, I have less planets than your number in that sense.

Nick– What, do you think me ignorant enough to speak?


God– Hahahaha, that's the best move yet, “Slick One”.
Here's what we're going to do; I'm going to reduce all these charges to a symbol yet to be created.
 I'm going to adjudicate sentencing and put you on Divine Probation for life!
 Every moment of your being, you will seek to define, implement and maintain a Greater sense of Forgiveness as set forth by Divine Guidance.
 Look at your charges my Son and see clearly that I have shown you “By” best example.

Nick– Yeeaaahhh, I was going to ask, “What's next” and thought better of it.
 Dude, what man in his right mind would want to blow himself up within the belief of getting 44, 77, virgins as a prize.? Are they nuts? I was a pimp and couldn't handle 3 complaining, bleeding pissing and moaning....
God– STOP, I KNEW IT! You couldn't make it through one damn prayer without another charge.......HAHAHAH
 GO TO SLEEP and think about your responsibility of Forgiveness and *&%$$%, what others say about you is true to a degree. You are Shot Out yet your vigilant efforts in seeking the Light does provide me with a many a yuk yuk.

Baali grows towards the Ishi.

    Niko J
*This is a very old writing and my outlook on life has changed, Great reference.

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