Monday, August 6, 2018

The Changing Balance of Power

 In the history of mankind world superpowers have exchanged hands on numerous occasions and do you know who the last ones to see and or accept the change was? The citizens of the nation that was being replaced. "It just can't happen to us, we're the Billy bad-asses of the planet"!

As things stand now, Western Civilization remains in a position of international dominance. With the Soviet Union no longer a threat, the one remaining superpower, the United States, in conjunction with Britain, France, and to a lesser extent Japan, is able to exert influence on the affairs of the world in a way that affects the security and well-being of every other civilization. Moreover, while this perception of the current state of the world is accurate, there is also another view that suggests that Western influence is in a state of decline. From this vantage point, it seems that the West’s victory over the Soviet Union required huge expenditures of resources, talent, and energy. As a result, Western countries are now characterized by slow economic growth and social disintegration (as evidenced by the growing use of illegal drugs, single parent families, and exploding crime rates), stagnating populations, huge government deficits, and a declining work ethic. Moreover, the economic hegemony of the West is now being effectively challenged by China, Korea, India, and Japan. Additionally, the Trump Administration's positions relative to Western alliances such as NATO, is currently motivating some European leaders to suggest that Europe may no longer be able to fully rely on American support.
Which of these two pictures of the Western Civilization is accurate? According to Samuel Huntington, both. He believes that whereas Western Civilization will continue to be in a dominant position for many years to come, it is nonetheless in a state of decline. He is convinced that the primacy of Western Civilization is eroding and that, as a result, its power will gradually diminish. Conversely, the Asian Civilizations with China in the lead, are gradually emerging as strong competitors to Western dominance.
Huntington notes that the decline of the West is a slow process that began with a diminishment of Western Civilization’s near total control of key resources, and that it will not proceed in a straight line. For example, in the year 1920, Western countries controlled approximately 25.5 million square miles of the earth’s surface (about half). By 1993, this had dropped to about 12.7 million square miles (the European core, North America, Australia, and New Zealand). In contrast, the territory of Islamic societies grew from 1.8 million square miles in 1920 to 11 million square miles by 1993.
The dynamics of human population growth also suggest a gradual decline in Western power. In 1900, approximately 30% of the world’s human population resided in Western countries, and Western powers ruled about 45% of the people on earth. By 1993, the population of Western nations accounted for only 13% of the world’s total.
In addition to a diminished level of control over land and resources, and a declining level of relative growth in population, Western Civilization is also losing its qualitative advantages as well. While that does not mean that life in the West is getting worse, it does mean that life in many other parts of the world is getting better. Where universal literacy was once uncommon outside the Western nations, many countries now approach almost total literacy. This is also true of health care and life expectancies. The gap between the West and the rest, in almost all areas that impact the quality of life, continues to narrow.
Since the end of World War II, the Western share of the global economy has been in decline. In 1950, 64% of world production occurred in Western nations. By 1980, this had dropped to 49%, and it is estimated that by the year 2013, the West will account for only 30% of the world’s gross production. Additionally, in 1992, the United States had the largest economy in the world. At the time, five of the world’s top ten economies were part of the Western block. By 2020, economists project that only three Western nations will be among the world’s top ten economies.
In the 1920s, the Western world contained the most powerful militaries on earth (by a wide margin). Over the last ninety years, however, the military power of the West, while still very formidable, has declined relative to that of other civilizations (even so, the United States is currently the most powerful military force on earth). Nevertheless, other civilizations now have access to sophisticated weapons (e.g., jet fighters) and weapons of mass destruction. They also have the ability to deliver them. Such weapons tend to be equalizers. After all, China’s immense population would constitute a greater threat if it were not for nuclear deterrents. In 1945, only the United State possessed nuclear strike capabilities. By the mid-1950s, the Soviet Union was also a nuclear power, and in 1964, China acquired nuclear weapons. Currently the “nuclear power club” includes all Western European nations (in one way or another), India, and Pakistan (and though this has not been officially confirmed, open-source information makes it obvious that Israel is also a member of the club). Furthermore, it is likely that Iran and North Korea will probably also soon be able to produce and deliver nuclear weapons.
International terrorism presents a growing threat to international security because terrorists (who often identify with a civilization, but not with any particular nation state) now have access to weapons that are not easily detected or defeated by modern military forces. Therefore, military organizations in many nations are struggling to find effective ways in which to neutralize terrorists before they are able to kill thousands of people and spread havoc. The development of counter-terrorism units able to respond to a wide variety of terrorist attacks is very expensive. As a result, many Western nations are finding the “War on Terror” to be a serious financial burden.  

6 Insane Conspiracy Theories That Actually Turned Out To Be True

con·spir·a·cy the·o·ry
plural noun: conspiracy theories
  1. a belief that some covert but influential organization is responsible for a circumstance or event.

It’s getting harder to separate truth from fiction in the age of fake news. But conspiracy theories and propaganda are as old as society itself. Perhaps most disturbing of all is the growing wealth of scientific evidence suggesting that we’re influenced even by news we know to be fake.
How many disproven JFK assassination theories are floating around in your brain thanks to Oliver Stone? Do you sometimes wonder if anyone has ever really landed on the Moon? And do you think just maybe it’s possible that Adolf Hitler actually survived World War II and lived out his days in Brazil? If so, you’re not alone.
And that’s to say nothing of more modern conspiracy theories driven by social media, making unfounded claims about everything from diets to money to the state of reality itself.
But sometimes the wildest conspiracies are true. Like these six seemingly insane conspiracy theories that are quite real:


Who doesn’t love Canada? Well, 1960’s Canada wasn’t quite the squishy utopia it seems to be today. The Canadian government hired Carleton University professor Frank Robert Wake to create something it maliciously called the “fruit machine,” which they believed could detect and identify gay men. It wasn’t part of some benign effort to understand human sexuality. It was part of a sick bit of McCarthyism with the stated goal of getting all gay men out of the country’s government. More than 400 people lost their jobs, and 9,000 more were kept on a file of “suspects.” The device claimed to work by measuring how much a subject’s pupils dilated after being forced to look at same-sex erotic imagery.


Back in the 1950s the CIA secretly dosed individuals with LSD in order to test the potential effects of mind control. Although the practice reportedly continued for two decades, it was launched before the drug movement of the 1960s made LSD into a popular counterculture symbol. And while being given some free acid might sound like a great time to some, or at least the plot to a bad hipster action movie, dozens of people were reportedly left with permanent disabilities after secretly being subjected to massive amounts of LSD and electroshock therapy after seeking treatment for “minor psychiatric complaints.”

Sunday, August 5, 2018

When people tell you that you can't do something...

 It's typically true "for the speaker" but you can achieve anything. The greatest inventors in the existence of mankind most often heard, "You can't do that, it's impossible'.
 Tell the naysayers to kiss your wrist!

*You may wish to look up my, "Crab Theory".

8 Definite Signs You’re Dating an Alpha Male

Each guy has an alpha male living inside of him. But not all of them are actually alpha males. There are many benefits of dating an alpha male, but this kind of relationship can bring many troubles into your life. Alpha males are confident, strong, dominant, even-tempered, brave and patient, but all these traits (that women are looking for in men) don’t make them perfect partners. Alpha males are driven by their needs, passion, wishes, goals and dreams. They are selfish at times and they don’t let women prevent them from doing what they want. Anyway, if you believe an alpha male is an ideal partner for you, here are a few surefire ways to figure out if you are dating an alpha male.

1. He’s confident when speaking

There’s no ‘um’ in his speech. He doesn’t hide his eyes. He is confident about what he says and expresses his opinions without hesitation and regret. He rarely lies, which is why he’s not afraid to keep eye contact. But don’t expect him to keep your conversation going all the time. Alpha males don’t handle women with kid gloves. Plus, they don’t like shy girls.

2. He’s dominant

Alpha males know their power and show it whenever and wherever possible. If your boyfriend has a dominant body language, it’s one of the signs he’s an alpha male. He never crosses his legs and arms, but always walks tall and confident. He avoids dominant, strong and independent women because he likes to give orders more than carry them out.

3. He’s calm and reasonable

Men cope with problems in different ways. Some of them are anxious, nervous and hesitant, while others stay calm and solve even the hardest situation without all those worries and emotions. Alpha males believe that only women can be emotional and hesitant. Alpha males are confident. They know what to do and they won’t stop until they do it. If your boyfriend always keeps his word, you might be dating a real alpha male.

4. He’s brave

When it comes to dating an alpha male, doubt and shyness have no place in this relationship. Instead of saying, “would you like to take a road trip,” “maybe we will go to a party tonight,” or “where would you like to spend your vacation this year,” he’ll say something like, “let’s take a short road trip today” or “let’s go to Greece this year.” He’s always ready for any action and isn’t afraid to take a responsibility.

5. He knows his words’ worth

When an alpha male tells something, he really means it. If he thinks there’s nothing to say, he won’t say a word. He is straightforward. The advantage is you shouldn’t spend hours guessing the meaning of his words because he says what he thinks. The disadvantage is that his words can often hurt you because he doesn’t care about how you feel. It doesn’t mean that he is rude or selfish. The thing is that when speaking, an alpha male doesn’t worry about what others think about his words.

6. It’s hard to make him smile

Alpha males are mostly serious and thoughtful. They don’t smile and laugh just like we do when see or hear some funny things. They usually give half smile and think it’s enough for them. However if you’ve made your alpha male smile or even laugh, it’s a sign he truly likes you.

7. He takes care of his body

Even though men can’t decide what weight and height they want to have, they do anything possible to look like a real man. They work out regularly to build and tone up their muscles. They don’t drink too much alcohol and avoid eating fast food to stay fit. An alpha male strives to look athletic and learn how to protect himself and people he loves in a dangerous situation. He doesn’t afraid to fight because he is aware of his own strength.

8. He avoids drama

An alpha male won’t spend hours fighting with you over trifles. All those boyfriend/girlfriend dramas aren’t for him. He will listen to you for a few minutes to understand what you want. Then, he will express his own opinions and your conversation is over. He will teach you to cope with problems without fights and dramas. If you don’t learn this lesson, chances are he will break up with you.
If you are dating an alpha male, perhaps you are lucky. Be smart but don’t lose your self-worth. Just because alpha males run away from strong and independent women doesn’t mean you should be quiet and humble. Love and respect yourself too. Are you looking for an alpha male? Why?

Strictly for the intellectuals

 You don't have any friends and you don't have any enemies outside yourself. *There's an individual pleading for death and along comes a man that kills him. Was the assailant friend or foe? Your level of "conviction" within your answer directly equates to your "belief" that the others of the world should think and do as you have determined.

This blog is my study hall

 I care about individuals in the microcosm yet in the macrocosm people mean nothing to me at all. You may think I blog for you, no I don't. What you see here is my note book of all my learned knowledge and the things I'm learning about, all I'm doing is sharing.

*I have "respect" for those who have emailed notes of appreciation.

Donald Trump is a very sick man.

 The president of the United States begins a tweet war with a sports figure, Really? In the macrocosm of it all, we need to look to the 51% of sick Americans that support him.

Morning shots... Just because

Saturday, August 4, 2018

A Short Thesis on the Philosophy of 'Thug Life' and Its Effect on Today's Youth.

Written By Eugene D. Watson III
A.k.A. Commiebastard.

In today's youth there seems to be a new attitude toward life and toward situations in that are faced in everyday life. The general malaise has seemed to spawn from the predominantly black ghettos of our modern era. The attitude is one of disdain toward fellow man and a belief that there lives are destined to nothing more than working at a local grocery store, selling drugs or playing professional sports. This attitude is called 'Thug Life', and it is no longer contained to the underprivileged areas of America. In today's generation it has reached into even the richest of communities to infect the youth that inhabit them.
This thesis will focus on four major points. The first question will ask 'what is the 'Thug Life' and what does it philosophy entail'. Secondly, 'What leads a youth to take on the 'Thug Life' attitude? Another question we must ask is 'why would one want to have the 'Thug Life' attitude. And lastly, what can be done to change the acceptance of this terrible mantra in the lives of today's highly impressionable suburban youth.
Since we have already partly discussed what 'Thug Life' is and where it has come from we must now ask ourselves why anyone would want to dedicate there life to such an negative path as this. Critics often state that the idea of thug life is associated with music and/or growing upon in an impoverished environment. Could this be the cause of the 'Thug Life' attitude that is being picked up by today's modern youth? I would have to disagree. Let use the cities of Hampton and Newport News, Virginia as a limited reference. The median household income of Hampton, Virginia is approximately 31,000 dollars. The population spread is a 48-48-4 percent mix, that being 48% white, 48% black and 4% being a part of a race which in not stated. Yet this 'Thug Mentality' seems to be present in over 85% of the youth of the area.
None of these have been exposed to the hardships of the traditional ghettos that we know. There families live in middle and upper class areas. So we ask 'What other factors lead to integration of this attitude in there daily routine. Could it be the music? Hardly. If we try to pin the problem on rap music, we are only looking for an easy way out. Yes, some of the genre does enforce the mentality but is human intelligence so low that it would affect someone's daily routine? I think not. And to blame rap music in general is racist. In rap there are positive musicians such as Jurassic 5, Fugees, and George Clinton and Parliament Funkadelic.
This rap music doesn't use the 'Thug Life' to sell records. Yet instead they use creativity to define there music. So what else could be left to influence these youth?
One of the main questions that must be asked is 'Is this a fad?' something fashionable to do, or is it a true mental condition. Are these youth doing this to relate better with there friends and to participate in something that there parents are clueless about? Or are these youth truly lacking something that was given to the youth of earlier generations. This is one of the questions we must try to understand before we can fully understand the 'Thug Life' mentality.
So as responsible citizens of our society, we must ask 'What can we do to change this?' Some suggestions from the writer follow.

1. Integrate the arts back into schools. This is one of the few things that I can see that link the 'Thug Life' of the 80's to the thug life of today. Students no longer have an effective way to display there abilities like the used to. The lack of art programs first hit the ghettos and impoverished area of the country because the areas could no longer support them. It has been proven that children who participate in the arts (art, theater, dance), are less likely to ever be jailed in there lifetime. Also the arts stimulate the brain and allow students to use creativity more.

2. We must try to cull the idea that 'It is just the black race who is the cause of this problem.' It's the general problem that parents no longer support them in social activities. No longer to children participate in activities such as 4-H, Boy Scout/Brownies, and Little league. These students don't learn the value of presenting themselves properly in the community.
3. Instill Morals into children. Just general social morals will do. Religion is NOT a necessity, just an idea of how to conduct one's self around others.
These are just a couple of suggestions that should be taken into consideration. Yet there could always be more. But without taking this problem seriously we are allowing a generation of youth to lack the moral abilities to be affective in today's society. I ask myself 'Could I possibly hire an individual who cannot portray him/her self in a positive way, someone who could care less what people think of them or how they are seen in others eyes.' The answer is NO, I would rather much hire an individual who was incompetent rather that someone who is involved in the 'Thug Life'. Yet until we take this problem seriously we will never stop in infestation of our youth.

Please let me know how you feel about this thesis and your ideas on the subject.
This writing is property of Eugene D. Watson III and can only be reposted outside of ArsTechnica with my written consent. I can be reached at

In my opinion

 When I post I sometimes add my own opinions to the post but keep in mind one thing > My opinion means absolutely nothing in the real world. The universe, the solar system and the world does Not revolve around my opinions.
 Everyone on this planet believes that they are right when it comes to their views, this is why they live the way that they do > They are correct "in their own minds". It is Only the egotistical fool that believes that others should fall in line with their way of being".

List of Free Online Cooking Classes, Courses and Learning Materials

Free Online Class Info

Free online cooking classes, courses and learning materials aren't commonly offered through public or not-for-profit private schools. If a student completes a free online cooking class, it's for personal fulfillment as he or she won't be able to earn college credit.

Free Online Cooking Classes


  • Cooking Techniques covers topics in fruit and vegetables, meat, fish, desserts, pastries, sauces and pasta preparation. Depending on the category, students may learn how to roast a duck, dice an onion, skin a tomato, fillet cooked fish, knead bread dough, ice a cupcake or skin flatfish.

The New York Times

  • Cooking with The Times offers 39 cooking lessons that cover topics including lasagna, pizza, calamari, side dishes, fish, deep-frying and omelets. Each lesson provides recipes and cooking tips. Some lessons also provide video guides.

Texas A&M

  • Dinner Tonight covers various recipes, including guilt-free chicken enchiladas, apple tuna salad and zesty lemon chicken. Students can also find a number of printable recipes. Videos are typically less than 10 minutes each and include step-by-step instructions using basic cooking techniques.

Delia Online

  • How to Cook features categories that specialize in cooking poultry, meat, eggs, fish, pasta, fruit and vegetables. Each category offers training for various techniques by offering step-by-step instructions that are accompanied by visual references. This website also offers recipes for students to cook after they feel confident in their training.

  • How to Videos show students how to make deviled eggs, grill steak, stir-fry, scramble eggs, cut mangos, roast garlic and freeze cookies. There are over 90 cooking tutorials. Each lesson consists of a video tutorial and description article.

Massachusetts Institute of Technology

  • Kitchen Chemistry covers cooking topics such as pancakes, bread, cheese, molecular gastronomy, spaghetti, coffee and meringues. With resources including homework assignments and related readings, this course uses cooking to provide hands-on chemistry training. The required book for this course isn't included for free.

  • Online Cooking Class covers basic and advanced cooking techniques, including cooking meat, using herbs, working with seafood, creating sauces, assembling appetizers, cooking vegetables and using pastry dough. Lessons include written instructions with the ingredients and preparation steps instead of visual guides.

Millennials don’t trust anyone. That’s a big deal.

Millennials aren't, it seems, the trusting type.
Of 10 major societal institutions, just two — the military and scientists — garnered majority support from millennials on the question of whom they trust to do the right thing most of the time. That's according to new polling by Harvard University's Institute of Politics of this most-written-and-talked-about generation, which encompasses those ranging in age from 18 to 29.
The lack of trust in longtime pillars of society among millennials is striking both for its depth and its breadth. No one is spared their side-eyed looks.
The media gets its worst — with 88 percent of millennials saying they only "sometimes" or "never" trust the press. Wall Street doesn't fare much better, with 86 percent of millennials expressing distrust. Congress is at 82 percent. Three in four millennials (74 percent) sometimes or never trust the federal government to do the right thing, and two in three (63 percent) feel the same way about the president.  The Supreme Court, once a beacon of trust societywide, isn't seen that way by millennials, with 58 percent saying they only sometimes or never trust the nation's highest court to do the right thing. Heck, even local police aren't spared; 50 percent say they trust the cops only sometimes or never to do the right thing, while 49 percent said they trust police "all" or "most" of the time.
Now, it's easy if you are not a millennial to roll your eyes at these numbers. What could be more distinctly millennial (or just plain young) than not trusting institutions? After all, Jack Weinberg insisted not to trust anyone older than 30 in the mid-1960s, when the parents of today's millennials probably hadn't even met yet.
But, to dismiss millennials' distrust in institutions is to miss something bigger at work here. Societywide trust in institutions is at or near record lows. Check out this chart from Gallup's annual national, survey on confidence in institutions. (This is the 2014 edition because 2015's hasn't come out yet.)

Why Trump hasn’t been impeached – and likely won’t be

Editor’s note: Removing a president from office is a two-step process. The first step is impeachment. That’s when members of the House indict, or charge, an official with an impeachable offense. Impeachment does not remove the president from office. That only happens if a second step is taken and the president is convicted of the alleged crimes.
Jacob Neiheisel, an assistant professor at the University at Buffalo, SUNY answers five questions about how impeachment works.
1. What sort of crime can lead to impeachment?
The U.S. Constitution states that the president can be removed from office after being both impeached and convicted for “Treason, Bribery, or other High Crimes and Misdemeanors.”
Treason is notoriously difficult to prove. For example, Aaron Burr – a former vice president – was caught stockpiling supplies and gathering a force to take over some of the lands that would eventually be obtained through the Louisiana Purchase. And yet, he still wasn’t convicted of treason.
To date, no president has been charged with bribery.
What exactly constitutes a “high crime” or “misdemeanor” has always been open to interpretation, but it is clear that partisan politics plays a role.
Scholars argue that Andrew Johnson, the first American president to be impeached, was targeted because of his “soft” approach to states of the former Confederacy during Reconstruction. The official reason was his violation of the Tenure of Office Act, which was later declared unconstitutional by the Supreme Court.
Articles of impeachment were brought against Bill Clinton for perjury, or lying under oath, and obstruction of justice, but there is little doubt that there was also a Republican desire to weaken Clinton’s presidency behind the charges.
Even Alexander Hamilton expected the process of impeachment to be overtly political. President Gerald Ford put the matter bluntly when he described an impeachable offense as “whatever a majority of the House of Representatives considers it to be at a given moment in history.”
2. How does the process work?
The process usually begins when a member of the House brings forth articles of impeachment. Last year, five Democrats in the House did just that.
Next comes a vote on the articles of impeachment by the House Judiciary Committee. The Judiciary Committee can choose to investigate the matter – or opt out, as they did in the case of the Clinton impeachment. The committee can then recommend for or against impeachment. Either way, their recommendation isn’t binding – meaning the House can impeach over their recommendation. The current chair of the committee, Virginia Republican Bob Goodlatte, is a strong supporter of the president, but he is set to retire in 2019.
Next comes a vote in the full House, with only a simple majority required.
If the House votes to impeach, the case is referred to the Senate for trial. The trial runs much like a criminal case, and witnesses can be called on either side. A supermajority, or two-thirds, of the Senate then has to vote to convict and remove the president from office.
Although two presidents, Andrew Johnson and Bill Clinton, have been impeached by the House, both avoided a conviction in the Senate and a resulting removal from office.
A common misconception is that the Supreme Court plays a major role in the proceedings. The chief justice does preside over impeachment trials in the Senate, but that is the court’s only role.
3. Republicans have a majority in the House and the Senate. Does that essentially make Trump bulletproof?
More or less.
Although it is possible that Republican members of Congress could join with Democrats in calling for Trump’s removal, as we saw happen in the run-up to Nixon’s resignation over the Watergate scandal, today’s polarized political environment makes such an occurrence unlikely absent clear and convincing evidence of major wrongdoing.
While Nixon’s impeachment was likely inevitable, with Democratic majorities in both houses of Congress in 1974, today substantial Republican defections from Trump would be essential to any movement toward impeachment.
Currently, there are 236 Republican House members. That means 22 Republicans would have to join with all of the Democrats in the House to impeach Trump. However, the 2018 midterm election could change this math if the Democrats pick up seats.
The articles of impeachment against Trump might look remarkably similar to those levied against Nixon and Clinton. The articles of impeachment drawn up by Democrats in November 2017 accuse the president of obstruction of justice related to the firing of FBI director James Comey, undermining the independence of the federal judiciary, accepting emoluments from a foreign government and other charges. Any attempt to accuse him of treason is extremely unlikely, in my opinion.
4. If the president is removed, who takes over? What would happen if the vice president was also implicated in the president’s crime?
If President Trump was removed from office, Vice President Mike Pence would be immediately sworn in. In the unlikely event that both the president and the vice president are impeached by the House and convicted by the Senate, Speaker of the House Paul Ryan would become president.
5. Can officers other than the president be impeached?
Absolutely. In fact, 15 federal judges have been impeached, although only eight have been removed from the bench. The most recent example was in 2010 when federal Judge G. Thomas Porteous was found guilty on multiple articles of impeachment by the U.S. Senate. Porteous was found to have accepted bribes from lawyers with dealings before his court.
This story updates a version posted on May 17, 2017.

17 Animals That Became Extinct In Our Lifetime

 I love animals more than I love people on any day so I'll just provide the link.

The last of his kind, Lonesome George died this weekend in his pen at a research facility. His exact age isn't known, but he was estimated to be over 100.

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