Thursday, August 2, 2018

What the Mayan Calendar was really attempting to convey

Mayan End Age 12-21-2012 heralds a New Age of spiritual enlightenment

“Both the Hopis and Mayans recognize that we are approaching the end of a World Age... In both cases, however, the Hopi and Mayan elders do not prophesy that everything will come to an end. Rather, this is a time of transition from one World Age into another. The message they give concerns our making a choice of how we enter the future ahead. Our moving through with either resistance or acceptance will determine whether the transition will happen with cataclysmic changes or gradual peace and tranquility. The same theme can be found reflected in the prophecies of many other Native American visionaries from Black Elk to Sun Bear.”— Joseph Robert Jochmans

“An Apocalypse (Greek: 'lifting of the veil' or 'revelation') is a disclosure of something hidden from the majority of mankind in an era dominated by falsehood and misconception, i.e. the veil to be lifted.”— Wikipedia
Was the Paraclete (Shakti) sent 1923-2011 or millennia ago to teach, didasko (14:26), remind, hypomimnesko (14:26), testify, martyro (15:26), prove wrong, elencho (16:8), guide into truth, hodego (16:13), speak, laleo (16:13), and declare, anangello (16:13, 14, 15) the full and complete message of Jesus, and empowerbelievers—who receive (lambano), see (theoreo), and know (ginosko) Her—to resurrect themselves and others? 

“The 2012 phenomenon was a range of eschatological beliefs that cataclysmic or transformative events would occur around 21 December 2012.[1][2][3][4][5][6] This date was regarded as the end-date of a 5,126-year-long cycle in the Mesoamerican Long Count calendar,[7] and as such, Mayan festivities to commemorate the date took place on 21 December 2012 in the countries that were part of the Mayan empire (Mexico, Guatemala, Honduras, and El Salvador), with main events at Chichen Itzá in Mexico, and Tikal in Guatemala.[8][9][10]

Various astronomical alignments and numerological formulae were proposed as pertaining to this date, all unequivocally rejected by mainstream scholarship. A New Age interpretation held that the date marked the start of a period during which Earth and its inhabitants would undergo a positive physical or spiritual transformation, and that 21 December 2012 would mark the beginning of a new era.[11]"

Wikipedia (Retrieved. February 27, 2013)
1. Robert K. Sitler (February 2006).”The 2012 Phenomenon: New Age Appropriation of an Ancient Mayan Calendar.” Novo Religio: the Journal of Alternative and Emergent Religions (Berkeley: University of California Press)
2. Sacha Defesche (2007).”'The 2012 Phenomenon': A historical and typological approach to a modern apocalyptic mythology.” skepsis. Retrieved 29 April 2011.
3. G. Jeffrey MacDonald (27 March 2007).”Does Maya calendar predict 2012 apocalypse?.” USA Today. Retrieved 14 October 2009.
4. Hoopes 2011a
5. Hoopes 2011c
6. Hoopes 2011d
7. “2012 Maya Calendar Mystery and Math, Surviving Yucatan.” Retrieved 25 December 2012.
8. “ Miles llegan a Chichen Itzá con la esperanza de una nueva era mejor [Thousands arrive to Chichen Itzá with the hope of a new better era]" (in Spanish). La Nación (Costa Rica). Agence France-Presse. 21 December 2012. Retrieved 22 December 2012.
9. Randal C. Archibold (21 December 2012).”As Doomsday Flops, Rites in Ruins of Mayan Empire.” The New York Times. Retrieved 22 December 2012.
10. Mark Stephenson (2012).”End Of The World 2012? Not Just Yet.” Huffington Post. Retrieved 22 December 2012.
11. Benjamin Anastas (1 July 2007).”The Final Days" (reproduced online, at KSU). The New York Times Magazine (New York: The New York Times Company): Section 6, p. 48. Retrieved 18 May 2009.

Pixel, iPhone, Galaxy, oh my! Why pay a premium when every phone runs the same apps?

When you start talking about a $400 to $600 difference in price, the mystique and perceived advantages of a brand and OS platform look a bit silly when they all run the same applications.

*Do you know what baffles me, the fact that you have a phone that operates at 4G but the person you're talking with only
"thinks" at half a "G" so what's the point?

Ah, that annual smartphone product refresh cycle.
We've managed to merge all of the worst aspects of a secular new year festival with the Super Bowl. We celebrate the bounty of product shipment in the arena of combat, where titans stack up their wares to be judged by the hungry masses and the always-snarky tech industry thought leaders.
The execution of this is practically Roman, with its bread and circuses approach to product release cycles. Thumbs up, thumbs down. Render unto the Twitter feeds. Hunger Games for the technorati.
The latest objects of our obsession are the Google Pixel 2, and the iPhone X.
    And while this cycle is predictable, and the months of product leaks prior to the releases leave nothing to the imagination, some of us still look for innovation where it does not exist, only to find ourselves completely disappointed when the reality sets in.
    With all this anticipation and pre-gaming of the product announcements, it's very hard, nay impossible, to live up to expectations year after year.
    It isn't as if companies like Apple, Google, Samsung, and the others vying for our attention have not been expending resources and enduring long development cycles to make better products.
    They have. There are key quantitative improvements in performance between this year's models and those of prior years. The benchmarks tell us this, as does the spec creep.
    The problem is that the mobile technology has now matured to a certain level where every single product at every single price point is now more than good enough to address every consumers' key needs in almost every conceivable use-case scenario.
    The hardware has now become completely commoditized, and the capabilities of these mobile chipsets and display technology have vastly outstripped the capabilities and functionality of the software applications that run on them.
    tion, the $1,500 PC was overkill.
    For the PC to advance to the next stage of its evolution, two things happened: one was mobility and the move to lightweight portable form factors like ultrabooks; the other was the rise of broadband and ubiquitous Wi-Fi. This allowed more processor- and media-intensive applications to become more commonplace, and the need for more sophisticated OSes to run those applications and make better use of the surplus resources on those PCs.
    Something very similar is happening in the mobile industry right now. Everyone's phones are now so good that it's hard for a consumer to see real improvement over the models from the year or even two years prior.
    My iPhone 6S that I handed down to my wife was already an incredibly powerful and responsive phone. It already did everything I wanted it to do, and so was the 6 Plus I had before it, as was arguably the 5S.
    I upgraded to a 256GB iPhone 7 Plus last year and paid over $1,000 for it. My wife recently took possession of it. I am now using other devices while I wait to get a new iPhone X. More on that in a bit.
    Complete article at >

    Wednesday, August 1, 2018

    Computer networks

    Thank goodness for computer networks! If they'd never been invented, you wouldn't be reading this now (using the 
    Internet) and I wouldn't be writing it either (using a wireless home network to link up my computer equipment). There's no doubt that computer networking is extremely complex when you delve into it deeply, but the basic concept of linking up computers so they can talk to one another is pretty simple. Let's take a closer look at how it works!

    What is a computer network?

    Testing Internet networking at NASA Glenn.
    Photo: Testing a small computer network linked to the Internet. Photo courtesy of NASA Glenn Research Center (NASA-GRC).

    You can do lots of things with a computer but, connect it up to other computers and peripherals (the general name given to add-on bits of computer equipment such as modemsinkjet and laser printers, and scanners) and you can do an awful lot more. A computer network is simply a collection of computer equipment that's connected with wires, optical fibers, or wireless links so the various separate devices (known as nodes) can "talk" to one another and swap data (computerized information).

    Types of networks

    Not all computer networks are the same. The network I'm using to link this laptop to my wireless router, printer, and other equipment is the smallest imaginable. It's an example of what's sometimes called a PAN (personal area network)—essentially a convenient, one-person network. If you work in an office, you probably use a LAN (local area network), which is typically a few separate computers linked to one or two printers, a scanner, and maybe a single, shared connection to the Internet. Networks can be much bigger than this. At the opposite end of the scale, we talk about MANs (metropolitan area networks), which cover a whole town or city, and WANs (wide area networks), which can cover any geographical area. The Internet is a WAN that covers the entire world but, in practice, it's a network of networks as well as individual computers: many of the machines linked to the Net connect up through LANs operated by schools and businesses.


    Computers are all about logic—and logic is all about following rules. Computer networks are a bit like the army: everything in a network has to be arranged with almost military precision and it has to behave according to very clearly defined rules. In a LAN, for example, you can't connect things together any old how: all the nodes (computers and other devices) in the network have to be connected in an orderly pattern known as the network topology. You can connect nodes in a simple line (also called a daisy chain or bus), with each connected to the next in line. You can connect them in a star shape with the various machines radiating out from a central controller known as the network server. Or you can link them into a loop (generally known as a ring). All the devices on a network also have to follow clearly defined rules (called protocols) when they communicate to ensure they understand one another—for example, so they don't all try to send messages at exactly the same time, which causes confusion.

    Permissions and security

    Just because a machine is on a network, it doesn't automatically follow that every other machine and device has access to it (or can be accessed by it). The Internet is an obvious example. If you're online, you get access to billions of Web pages, which are simply files stored on other machines (servers) dotted all over the network. But you can't access every single file on every single computer hooked up to the Internet: you can't read my personal files and I can't read yours, unless we specifically choose for that to happen.
    Permissions and security are central to the idea of networking: you can access files and share resources only if someone gives you permission to do so. Most personal computers that connect to the Internet allow outgoing connections (so you can, theoretically, link to any other computer), but block most incoming connections or prohibit them completely. Servers (the machines on the Internet that hold and serve up Web pages and other files) operate a more relaxed policy to incoming connections. You've probably heard of hacking, which, in one sense of the word, means gaining unauthorized access to a computer network by cracking passwords or defeating other security checks. To make a network more secure, you can add a firewall (either a physical device or a piece of software running on your machine, or both) at the point where your network joints onto another network or the Internet to monitor and prohibit any unauthorized, incoming access attempts.

    What makes a network?

    To make a network, you need nodes and connections (sometimes called links) between them. Linking up the nodes means making some sort of a temporary or permanent connection between them. In the last decade or so, wireless connections have become one of the most popular ways of doing this, especially in homes. In offices, wired connections are still more commonplace—not least because they are generally faster and more secure and because many newer offices have network cabling already in place.
    Netgear PCMCIA laptop wireless card
    Photo: If your laptop doesn't have a network card, you can simply plug in a PCMCIA adapter like this one. The adapter has a network card built into it.
    Apart from computers, peripherals, and the connections between them, what else do you need? Each node on a network needs a special circuit known as a network card (or, more formally, a network interface card or NIC) to tell it how to interact with the network. Most new computers have network cards built in as standard. If you have an older computer or laptop, you may have to fit a separate plug-in circuit board (or, in a laptop, add a PCMCIA card) to make your machine talk to a network. Each network card has its own separate numeric identifier, known as a MAC (media access control) code or LAN MAC address. A MAC code is a bit like a phone number: any machine on the network can communicate with another one by sending a message quoting its MAC code. In a similar way, MAC codes can be used to control which machines on a network can access files and other shared resources. For example, I've set up my wireless link to the Internet so that only two MAC codes can ever gain access to it (restricting access to the network cards built into my two computers). That helps to stop other people in nearby buildings (or in the street) hacking into my connection or using it by mistake.
    The bigger you make a network, the more extra parts you need to add to make it function efficiently. Signals can travel only so far down cables or over wireless links so, if you want to make a big network, you have to add in devices called repeaters—effectively signal boosters. You might also need bridgesswitches, and routers—devices that help to link together networks (or the parts of networks, which are known as segments), regulate the traffic between them, and forward traffic from one part of a network to another part.

    Understanding computer networks with layers

    A typical computer architecture linking the hardware to the applications via the BIOS and the operating system.
    Photo: Computer architecture: We can think of computers in layers, from the hardware and the BIOS at the moment to the operating system and applications at the top. We can think of computer networks in a similar way.
    Computers are general-purpose machines that mean different things to different people. Some of us just want to do basic tasks like word processing or chatting to friends on Facebook and we couldn't care less how that happens under the covers—or even that we're using a computer to do it (if we're using a smartphone, we probably don't even think what we're doing is "computing"—or that installing a new app is effectively computer programming). At the opposite end of the spectrum, some of us like modifying our computers to run faster, fitting quicker processors or more memory, or whatever it might be; for geeks, poking around inside computers is an end in itself. Somewhere in between these extremes, there are moderately tech-savvy people who use computers to do everyday jobs with a reasonabe understanding of how their machines work. Because computers mean different things to different people, it can help us to understand them by thinking of a stack of layers: hardware at the bottom, the operating system somewhere on top of that, then applications running at the highest level. You can "engage" with a computer at any of these levels without necessarily thinking about any of the other layers. Nevertheless, each layer is made possible by things happening at lower levels, whether you're aware of that or not. Things that happen at the higher levels could be carried out in many different ways at the lower levels; for example, you can use a web browser like Firefox (an application) on many different operating systems, and you can run various operating systems on a particular laptop, even though the hardware doesn't change at all.
    Computer networks are similar: we all have different ideas about them and care more or less about what they're doing and why. If you work in a small office with your computer hooked up to other people's machines and shared printers, probably all you care about is that you can send emails to your colleagues and print out your stuff; you're not bothered how that actually happens. But if you're charged with setting up the network in the first place, you have to consider things like how it's physically linked together, what sort of cables you're using and how long they can be, what the MAC addresses are, and all kinds of other nitty gritty. Again, just like with computers, we can think about a network in terms of its different layers—and there are two popular ways of doing that.

    The OSI model

    Perhaps the best-known way is with what's called the OSI (Open Systems Interconnect) model, based on an internationally agreed set of standards devised by a committee of computer experts and first published in 1984. It describes a computer network as a stack of seven layers. The lower layers are closest to the computer hardware; the higher levels are closer to human users; and each layer makes possible things that happen at the higher layers:
    1. Physical: The basic hardware of the network, including cables and connections, and how devices are hooked up into a certain network topology (ring, bus, or whatever). The physical layer isn't concerned in any way with the data the network carries and, as far as most human users of a network are concerned, is uninteresting and irrelevant.
    2. Data link: This covers things like how data is packaged and how errors are detected and corrected.
    3. Network: This layer is concerned with how data is addressed and routed from one device to another.
    4. Transport: This manages the way in which data is efficiently and reliably moved back and forth across the network, ensuring all the bits of a given message are correctly delivered.
    5. Session: This controls how different devices on the network establish temporary "conversations" (sessions) so they can exchange information.
    6. Presentation: This effectively translates data produced by user-friendly applications into computer-friendly formats that are sent over the network. For example, it can include things like compression (to reduce the number of bits and bytes that need transmitting), encryption (to keep data secure), or converting data between different character sets (so you can read emoticons ("smileys") or emojis in your emails).
    7. Application: The top level of the model and the one closest to the user. This covers things like email programs, which use the network in a way that's meaningful to human users and the things they're trying to achieve.
    OSI was conceived as a way of making all kinds of different computers and networks talk to one another, which was a major problem back in the 1960s, 1970s, and 1980s, when virtually all computing hardware was proprietary and one manufacturer's equipment seldom worked with anyone else's.

    The TCP/IP (DARPA) model

    If you've never heard of the OSI model, that's quite probably because a different way of hooking up the world's computers triumphed over it, delivering the amazing computer network you're using right now: the Internet. The Internet is based on a two-part networking system called TCP/IP in which computers hook up over networks (using what's called TCP, Transmission Control Protocol) to exchange information in packets (using the Internet Protocol, IP). We can understand TCP/IP using four slightly simpler layers, sometimes known as the TCP/IP model (or the DARPA model, for the US government's Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency that sponsored its development):
    1. Network Access (sometimes called the Network Interface layer): This represents the basic network hardware, and corresponds to the Physical and Data link layers of the OSI model. Your Ethernet or Wi-Fi connection to the Internet is an example.
    2. Internet (sometimes called the Network layer): This is how data is sent over the network and it's equivalent to the Network layer in the OSI model. IP (Internet Protocol) packet switching—delivering actual packets of data to your computer from the Internet—works at this level.
    3. Transport: This corresponds to the Transport layer in the OSI model. TCP (Transmission Control Protocol) works at this level, administering the delivery of data without actually delivering it. TCP converts transmitted data into packets (and back again when they're received) and ensures those packets are reliably delivered and reassembled in the same order in which they were sent.
    4. Application: Equivalent to the Session, Presentation, and Application layers in the OSI model. Well-known Internet protocols such as HTTP (the under-the-covers "conversation" between web browsers and web servers), FTP (a way of downloading data from servers and uploading them in the opposite direction), and SMTP (the way your email program sends mails through a server at your ISP) all work at this level.
    A practical example of the TCP/IP model of networking and how it relates to the Internet.
    Artwork: The TCP/IP model is easy to understand. In this example, suppose you're emailing someone over the Internet. Your two devices are, in effect, connected by one long "cable" running between their network cards. That's what the green Network Access layer at the bottom represents. Your email is transmitted as packets (orange squares) using the Internet Protocol (IP), illustrated by the orange Internet layer. Transmission Control Protocol (TCP) oversees this process in the blue Transport layer; and, in effect, TCP and IP work together. At the top, in the Application layer, you sit at your computer using an email program (an application) that uses all the layers below.
    While the OSI model is quite an abstract and academic concept, rarely encountered outside books and articles about computer networking, the TCP/IP model is a simpler, easier-to-understand, and more practical proposition: it's the bedrock of the Internet—and the very technology you're using to read these words now.
    As we saw above, higher levels of the basic computing models are independent of the lower levels: you can run your Firefox browser on different Windows operating systems or Linux, for example. The same applies to networking models. So you can run many applications using Internet packet switching, from the World Wide Web and email to Skype (VoIP) and Internet TV. And you can hook your computer to the net using WiFi or wired broadband or dialup over a telephone line (different forms of network access). In other words, the higher levels of the model are doing the same jobs even though the lower levels are working differently.

    I have quite the day tomorrow and you can take it from here > 

    "No man can tell the truth", strictly for intellectuals! Ok, stop the emails, dip shits aren't supposed to get it.

     Was chatting with a friend and had to let him know, "No man tells the truth, not even me! We tell what we have "perceived". 

    Tuesday, July 31, 2018

    Warning Signs of Sex Addiction in Men

     If you have no dick discipline you're really not a man, you're a "male type".

    Although most people know sex addiction exists, many don’t know exactly what it means. Sexual addiction refers to sexual behavior that has become compulsive – no longer just for the sake of pleasure itself – and leads to negative repercussions that seriously disrupt a person’s relationships and work. While sex addiction often involves sexual contact with one or several people, people might be considered addicted because of the extreme use of pornography, internet channels like chat rooms, or sexting with strangers. For example, if a man starts to view pornography for hours a day, he begins to believe that porn truly represents the way real people make love. As his expectations soar, he finds himself losing interest in the wife whom he had previously found sexually alluring. His quest for sexual excitement makes work and family seem dull by comparison.
    To be clear, sex addiction is not exclusively a man’s problem. A small percentage of women also experience sexually compulsive behavior. Women typically experience sex addiction a bit differently than men, so for this post, we’ll focus only on men.
    Here are 5 behaviors that can indicate sex addiction in men:
    • Loss of interest in current sexual partner. When a male suddenly stops wanting sex, it can deeply disturb the relationship. Certainly each partner has differing levels of desire, and the struggle to align those can be difficult. But a complete withdrawal from the sexual relationship for an extended period can be a warning sign that his sexual energy is going in a different direction.
    • Loss of sexual functioning. In my practice, many young male patients who entered therapy to address erectile dysfunction and delayed ejaculation during intercourse are experiencing those issues because of their pornography habits. When a man views many erotic images before reaching climax, his dopamine rises to an excitement level that cannot be matched in sex with his partner. Essentially, he starts to condition his body to need these high levels of arousal, and his ability to function with a partner may decline.
    • A large amount of time spent on sexual activities. When a man’s pornography habit begins to take up large amounts of time, consuming sleep or working hours, it’s likely he has a compulsion. The behavior could be rooted in something other than sex addiction – he could be compensating for depression, for example. Whatever the reason, at this stage he needs help.
    • He neglects responsibilities. If his time involved in sexual activity interrupts relationships with spouse and family or work, sexual behavior has likely become compulsion. And if he takes risks that would alert his employer’s HR department (flirting with colleagues, masturbation at work, view of pornography on work servers), the danger of the compulsion has increased to jeopardize his livelihood.
    • An escalation of sexual danger. While I don’t believe pornography is like a “gateway drug”, if a man senses that his use of porn is out of control, he needs therapy. When the need for sexual thrills has escalated from a dirty book, to a porn habit, to live chat rooms, to stranger pick-ups, escorts and/or prostitutes, the level of his risk-taking has exceeded his control. Any behavior considered illegal – exposure, peeping, up-skirting, child pornography, or paid-for sex warrants immediate action. Break the denial – these activities are not about sex.
    What to do about this? If any of these signs are present it is time to consult a sex therapist or a psychiatrist and potentially consider inpatient treatment.
    You can find Laurie Watson at

    The U.S. is the most obese nation in the world, just ahead of Mexico

    *Why won't I date in America? Because most are H U G E + broke.

    Mirror mirror on the wall, who’s the fattest country in the world? Ouch.
    The obesity rate for American adults (aged 15 and over) came in at a whopping 38.2%, which puts the birthplace of the hamburger and the Cronut at the top of the heftiest-nations-in-the-world rankings, according to an updated survey from the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development.
    Running at a not-too-close second is border pal Mexico, with 32.4% of population considered obese, followed by New Zealand, Hungary and Australia (the U.K. comes in at No. 6). The skinniest nations are Japan, with a tiny 3.7% of the population tipping the scales, followed by India, Korea, Indonesia and China. And across much of Europe, less than 20% of the population can be considered obese, according to the survey that was released Thursday.
    Here’s a visual on those statistics:

    In most countries, the OECD has found that women are more obese than men, though obesity rates for the male population are growing rapidly. Education is a determinant as the organization found that less schooling makes a woman two to three times more likely to be overweight than the more educated in about half of the eight countries for which the data was available:

    That's enough for me >

    America is a cruel, self-destructive oligarchy

    Ihaven’t touched this blog in nearly a month. I suppose that’s due in no small measure to my general state of disillusionment with the direction of the country into which I was born and still hold great affection. Frankly, it’s become hard for me to put words to it, on this site or anywhere else.
    Following the widely publicized (but soon-to-be-forgotten) episode several weeks ago in which a ticketed and boarded Asian passenger was violently dragged off of a United flight because he refused to give up his (paid-for) seat for a group of airline employees, this viral article did a fantastic job articulating many of the sharpest grievances I hold against a nation I now often feel ashamed of:
    The reality is plain: United Airlines is not the disease. United Airlines is a symptom of an infected country whose institutions of power no longer respect the dignity or the sanctity of the individual life. They don’t care about you…
    It is commendable and necessary to direct your outrage at this particular corporation, on this particular day, but keep the larger truth in mind:
    You are not mad at United Airlines; you are mad at America.
    Exactly right. I needn’t list every one of America’s societal sins to which the article aptly alludes, but many bear mentioning or repeating at least in part:
    • Majority Republicans in Congress are talking about “tax reform.” But don’t be deceived: The word “reform” to them — whether in relation to taxation, health care, workers’ rights, or otherwise — really just means taking away what little the poor and middle class still have and transferring it so that the already-wealthy and powerful become even more so. If you’re a billionaire, you probably don’t have to worry if insurance protections for pre-existing medical conditions get repealed. But if you’re almost anyone else who won’t have a steady, full-time job with benefits throughout your life, well, tough shit, I guess.
    • Pharmaceutical companies profiteer on misery and suffering. Because shareholders’ bottom lines matter more than public health (or almost anything else) in the United States, there’s no check on price gouging for prescription drugs, which cost more here than anywhere else in the world. Meanwhile, drugmakers are allowed to advertise directly to consumers, so many of whom could never even afford the medications they see in the ubiquitous ads that pollute primetime television. In a particularly cruel twist, at least one pharmaceutical outfit ends its commercials with this PR stunt: “If you can’t afford your medication, AstraZeneca may be able to help.” Right.
    • Along with other bastions of human rights like Saudi Arabia or China, the United States still executes prisoners for sport. Arkansas’ death machine ate up four in just a week. Texas…well, Texas. By the way, it’s not the rich or well-connected who populate death rows across America.
    • We sanctimoniously scream about aborted fetuses while simultaneously doing everything we can to leave vulnerable women with no other choice. We’re the only country in the world without any kind of mandated paid family or sick leave. There is no universal health care, and tens of millions still lack insurance because, again, corporate profits come before citizens in this so-called “democracy.” Republicans are chomping at the bit to rescind Medicaid expansions, and access to birth control is regularly attacked under the guise of “religious freedom.” Those who aren’t wholly self-sufficient or independently wealthy are branded as moochers or bums. Those who need public assistance of any kind are immediately viewed with suspicion in a dehumanizing way, as though they exist only to game the system.
    • We’ve turned guns into false gods. After 20 children and six adults were slaughtered at an elementary school, the U.S. government did absolutely nothing. We did nothing again when 49 people were massacred at a nightclub in Orlando. We have blood on our hands because we’ve idolizedmanmade instruments of death (and, yet again, because certain entities are making lots and lots of money from it). And don’t think for one second that there isn’t a racial component to the debate euphemistically labeled “Second Amendment rights.”
    • Corporations and monied special interests are free to spend limitless amounts of money to buy elections and legislative outcomes, drowning out the voices and grassroots efforts of actual human constituents. (Example: Congress recently voted to allow Internet service providers to sell your browsing history without permission. Do you know of anyone — as in, even one single person — who was writing or calling his or her lawmakers asking for this law? Neither do I…of course, I don’t know anyone who owns stock in Comcast.)
    • As the world’s polar ice caps melt and the natural environment faces irrevocable harm at the hands of human activity and greed, the current administration is committed to denying the reality of global warming. At the helm is an incoherent, mendacious, pathological narcissist who knows less than nothing about policy or governance and cares little about such petty details as long as his delusions of greatness and omnipotence are maintained. As I write this, concerned citizens are gathered in 90-degree heat in Washington, D.C., to protest the climate policies of this regime. Their concerns will certainly fall on deaf ears, since lawmakers are focused solely on protecting the profits of their monied backers, no matter what devastating costs may befall our natural resources or the people who live near and rely on them.
    • Racism today is as real in America as it was during the Civil Rights Era of the 1950s and 1960s. As an upper-middle-class white male, I’m not particularly qualified to speak to this issue. I’ve never lived in Flint, Michigan, or Ferguson, Missouri; I’ve never been viewed with suspicion at an airport security checkpoint, during a traffic stop, or late at night at a convenience store just because of the color of my skin. I had the opportunity to go to college and eventually graduate school, not because of my intellect or scholastic performance but because I came from a family wealthy enough that I never had to contend with tens or hundreds of thousands of dollars of student debt. I never lived in a neighborhood where my parents worried I might end up dead on the way home from school or work. So, no, it might not be my place to speak about racism in the United States — but I’d be remiss to not at least mention it.
    • This country is ruled by a political party bent on maintaining its power and influence, even if the pursuit of that goal shreds any remaining vestiges of democracy. North Carolina is perhaps the most hideous example of this — but like a malignant tumor, it has spread all across the country. And lest you feel tempted to accuse me of favoring Democrats, consider this: That milquetoast “opposition” party has failed spectacularly at addressing in any meaningful way the issues I’ve outlined. Even with supermajorities in Congress, for example, Democrats couldn’t pass anything resembling universal health care in the United States. As a result, even with the gains made under the Affordable Care Act, Americans still end up declaring bankruptcy because of medical bills. This is a country that still has more wealth, by the way, than any other place on earth.
    What did I forget? Undoubtedly a lot — not just as a matter of memory lapse, but as a function of keeping this post a reasonable length. Like I said, it’s profoundly difficult to put words to all of this. The level of corruption, self-promotion, and general malevolence that embodies our society, from the local to the federal level, should overwhelm and sicken anyone who cares about this country, even if we don’t all agree on the solutions to it.
    This is not, by the way, a proclamation that America is all bad. Far from it. Indeed, I live in a country that gives me the freedom to speak about these maladies. I don’t take that lightly. I will not be arrested by a secret police force for pushing the “publish” button on this post (at least not yet). Accordingly, I consider it my duty to do precisely that. The sanctity of free speech is derived not merely from repeating talking points that are popular or laudatory.
    So we ought to take that responsibility seriously and call a spade a spade: America has become a cruel, self-destructive oligarchy where wealth and power are envied by those who will never have it, only to constantly provide more of both to those who already have way too much. I don’t oppose the idea of becoming rich, or even inheriting lots of money; I oppose the idea of a society where an increasingly tiny number of people are fabulously successful while everyone else struggles just to survive.
    We can do something about it now — or reach a point where the opportunity no longer exists.

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