Tuesday, July 25, 2017

The Role of Technology in the Transformation of Sexuality

In the present master thesis I aim to describe how technology reshapes and transforms sexuality, but also to present a normative account of how the role of technology in the transformation of sexuality should be addressed as an issue of sexual education. The starting point of my analysis is the split between sex and reproduction.

I argue that contraception technologies freed sexuality from the needs of reproduction, played an important role in the emergence of what Anthony Giddens defines as plastic sexuality and in the reordering of sexuality in relations to lifestyles. I then use the work of Don Ihde and Peter-Paul Verbeek in order to present how contraception technologies determine the very possibilities we have for interpreting our sexuality due to their role in our bodily and sensory involvement in a sexual act. My next step is to use Anthony Giddens’ approach towards modernity. I argue that our sexual identities, as part of our self-identities, are reflexively organized in the light of new information and knowledge. I then proceed in introducing pornography. I elaborate on its new cultural position and role and the role of technology in the transformation of pornography, both in qualitative and quantitative terms. I argue that due to the emergence of plastic sexuality and due to the reflexive organization of our sexual-identities, pornography emergence as a source of information about sex and sexuality. By using this analysis I argue that the role of technology in the transformation of sexuality should be addressed as an issue of sexual education and should be understood in connection with plastic sexuality, the reflexive organization of our sexual identities in the conditions of modernity and pornification.
Philosophy of Science, Technology and Society MSc (60024)
Link to this item:http://purl.utwente.nl/essays/70619

4 Tips to Understanding Bandwidth

When you purchase a plan from a hosting company, you will notice that  an amount of bandwidth is included in that package. So what exactly is bandwidth? How does it effect you and your website? How does it relate to web hosting?  Here are the keys elements explained. 

  1. Bandwidth is actually a term containing several components. It is not only the amount of traffic or data transfer passing through a website, it is also the size of the conduit that this data passes through and the speed of the conduit. There are some technical equations that calculate all of this into a number that really doesn’t mean much to a website owner.
  2. Bandwidth can be easier to understand if we use an analogy from everyday life that we can all relate to.Think of Bandwidth as highway “traffic”. If someone was to ask you “what was the traffic like on your way over?” Your answer would most likely take into consideration the number of lanes, the max speed of the highway, the speed you were actually able to travel and the number of cars on the road at the time, all factoring in to your answer as to how you perceived the “traffic” to be.
  3. In website hosting, the term “bandwidth” is often incorrectly used to describe the amount of data transferred to or from the website or server within a prescribed period of time, for example understanding bandwidth consumption accumulated over a month measured in gigabytes per month, ie.. the number of cars actually passing through the highway. The more accurate way to state this is the amount of data passing through a hosting account each month or “monthly data transfer”. If you happen to exceed the amount of monthly data transfer that is allocated to your plan you will run into additional charges, just like you would on a cell phone when you go over your minutes. Every hosting plan has a limit. Hosting companies offering “unlimited” bandwidth will usually have some fine print explaining exceptions or will simply slow your rate of transfer. There is no such thing as unlimited, so if it sounds too good to be true- chances are it is.
  4. What you can do to reduce your monthly transfer: Be careful to choose a hosting plan that includes more than enough bandwidth space to fit your sites needs. Its better to have too much than too little. If you find that you are experiencing constant overage fees, you will want to to determine if you should upgrade to a higher hosting plan.
Let’s finish by stating that most personal or small business sites will not need more than a few GB of bandwidth per month. If you do go over the amount of bandwidth allocated in your plan, your hosting company could charge you overage fees. If you think the traffic to your site will be high, you will want to calculate the bandwidth required in a hosting plan that will fit your needs. For full details on hosting plans, please check out our site 

A Robot Has Just Passed a Classic Self-Awareness Test For The First Time

A researcher at Ransselaer Polytechnic Institute in the US has given three Nao robots an updated version of the classic 'wise men puzzle' self-awareness test... and one of them has managed to pass.
In the classic test, a hypothetical King calls forward the three wisest men in the country and puts either a white or a blue hat on their heads. They can all see each other's hats, but not their own, and they're not allowed to talk to each other. The King promises that at least one of them is wearing a blue hat, and that the contest is fair, meaning that none of them have access to any information that the others don't. Whoever is smart enough to work out which colour hat they're wearing using that limited information will become the King's new advisor.
In this updated AI version, the robots are each given a 'pill' (which is actually a tap on the head, because, you know, robots can't swallow). Two of the pills will render the robots silent, and one is a placebo. The tester, Selmer Bringsjord, chair of Rensselaer’s cognitive science department, then asks the robots which pill they received. 
There's silence for a little while, and then one of the little bots gets up and declares "I don't know!" But at the sound of its own voice it quickly changes his mind and puts its hand up. "Sorry, I know now," it exclaims politely. "I was able to prove that I was not given the dumbing pill."
It may seem pretty simple, but for robots, this is one of the hardest tests out there. It not only requires the AI to be able to listen to and understand a question, but also to hear its own voice and recognise that it's distinct from the other robots. And then it needs to link that realisation back to the original question to come up with an answer.
But don't panic, this isn't anything close to the type of self-awareness that we have as humans, or the kind that the AI Skynet experiences in The Terminator, when it decides to blow up all humans.
Instead, the robots have been programmed to be self-conscious in a specific situation. But it's still an important step towards creating robots that understand their role in society, which will be crucial to turning them into more useful citizens. "We’re talking about a logical and a mathematical correlate to self-consciousness, and we’re saying that we’re making progress on that," Bringsjord told Jordan Pearson at Motherboard.
Right now, the main thing holding AI back from being truly self-aware is the fact that they simply can't crunch as much data as the human brain, as Hal Hodson writes for New Scientist"Even though cameras can capture more data about a scene than the human eye, roboticists are at a loss as to how to stitch all that information together to build a cohesive picture of the world," he says.
Still, that doesn't mean that we don't need to be careful when creating smarter AI. Because, really, if we can program a machine to have the mathematical equivalent of wants and desires, what's to stop it from deciding to do bad things?
"This is a fundamental question that I hope people are increasingly understanding about dangerous machines," said Bringsjord. "All the structures and all the processes, informationally speaking, that are associated with performing actions out of malice could be present in the robot."
Bringsjord will present his research this August at the IEEE RO-MAN conference in Japan, which is focussed on "interactions with socially embedded robots".
Oh, and in case you were wondering, the answer to the King's original 'wise men test' is that all the participants must have been given blue hats, otherwise it wouldn't have a been fair contest. Or at least, that's one of the solutions.

Could You Handle an Emergency? What to Do in 12 Scary Situations

*I didn't have time to go through the details of this post yet I strongly advise you take my 2 cents:
 - Remain calm.
 - If you do not know the medications a person takes, dig through drawers and cabinets.
 - Explain Slowly to the emergency staff the nature of your situation
 - Talk to the victim even if they are not alert.
 - Remain calm
 - Remain calm.
I have buried more men and women than I can count and for those who have followed me since American Citizen's Admin - This probably sounds like a broken record.

You see your toddler at the bottom of the pool.

Imagine this: You take your eyes off your toddler for just a few seconds in your neighbor's backyard, and suddenly you see her body at the bottom of the deep end of the swimming pool. Terrified, your first instinct is to leap in.
Don't do it. First tell another person to call 911, and then grab something that floats -- like a raft or a chair cushion -- before you jump in, experts warn. "Most people actually aren't strong enough swimmers to get a child out of a pool without using a flotation device," says B.J. Fisher, director of health and safety for the American Lifeguard Association. "The child will drag you back down." This is just one of the many errors that parents make in those types of scary situations you have nightmares about. Sometimes, we simply react without thinking. Other times, we rely on outdated medical information or home remedies that have no scientific evidence to back them up. Here are more worst-case scenarios, and the right and wrong ways to help your family.

    A cup of hot coffee spills on your child's leg.

    Wrong response: Put ice on it.
    Smart move: Quickly remove any clothing, run cool water on the burn for 10 minutes, and then cover it loosely with gauze. Ice and even cold water may further damage the skin. "Your child can actually get a frostbite-like injury if you put ice directly on the skin, especially if the skin is already damaged from a burn," says Bob Waddell, who trains paramedics in pediatric care for the National Association of Emergency Medical Technicians. Don't put butter or antibiotic ointment on the burn either. If the wound blisters, call the doctor, especially if the blisters are larger than a quarter.

      You're driving and see a tornado approaching.

      Wrong response: Take shelter under an overpass as soon as possible.
      Smart move: If traffic is light and you can see that the tornado is distant, try to drive out of its path by moving at a right angle to it. Otherwise, park your car and go inside a sturdy building, says Roger Edwards, a meteorologist at the Storm Prediction Center. If you're in open country, run to low ground away from cars and trees, which could be blown onto you. Lie facedown, protecting the back of your head with your arms, and tell your children to do the same. "Seeking shelter under a bridge or an overpass offers little protection against deadly flying debris," Edwards says.
      Smart move: Call out to your child, do a quick search, and then immediately find a store worker. "Don't be afraid to ask for help," says Nancy McBride, national safety director for the National Center for Missing and Exploited Children. "Store associates have been trained to know what to do if a child is missing -- manning exits and entrances, checking restrooms, and looking under clothing displays." If you don't find your child soon, call the police.

        You're confronted by a black bear in the woods.

        Wrong response: Play dead.
        Smart move: Most black bears are not interested in people and can be scared away, says Tim Smith, a former wilderness EMT and owner of Jack Mountain Bushcraft and Guide Service, in Masardis, Maine. Stand up as tall as you can (hold your arms up to appear bigger), and speak in a deep, loud voice while backing up slowly. If the bear charges or starts to attack, believe it or not, you should fight back vigorously. If you can, hit him in the nose, since that's a bear's main sensory organ. Whatever you do, don't run. "If you run, the bear is going to chase you, and it can run faster than you can," says Smith. However, you should play dead if a brown grizzly bear charges at you, because they typically won't be scared away. (There are no grizzlies east of the Rocky Mountains.)

          You find your toddler holding medicine, but don't know if she's eaten any.

          Wrong response: Watch her carefully for signs of sickness.
          Smart move: Call Poison Control immediately at 800-222-1222 -- experts are available 24/7. "Don't wait to see what happens," says Richard Dart, MD, director of the Rocky Mountain Poison and Drug Center. "They'll be able to tell you right away if the medicine is toxic and whether you should take your child to the emergency room." Some poisons take a while to have a serious impact, and by that time it could be too late.

            You and your child get caught in a riptide.

            Wrong response: Try to swim directly toward shore.
            Smart move: Swim parallel to the beach until you're beyond the pull of the current, and then slowly swim back to shore so you don't get tired. Most riptides are only 20 to 60 feet wide, says Fisher. People can drown when they panic or become exhausted struggling against the current.

              Your child gets hit in the head and falls to the ground, unconscious.

              Wrong response: Take him to the hospital.
              Smart move: Call 911. He could have a spinal or brain injury, and moving him could make the injury worse, says Anne Stack, MD, clinical chief of pediatric emergency medicine at Children's Hospital Boston. Make sure that your child is breathing and that he has a pulse. If he doesn't, start CPR immediately. Otherwise, shake him very gently and call his name to see whether he'll wake up.

                Your child gets stung by a jellyfish.

                Wrong response: Put rubbing alcohol or urine on the wound.
                Smart move: Rinse it with sea water (fresh water will make the wound even more painful) and remove any visible tentacles, recommends Paul Auerbach, MD, an emergency physician at Stanford University Medical Center and author of Medicine for the Outdoors. Then soak a napkin or cloth with white vinegar and apply continuously until your child no longer seems to be in pain. (Lifeguards often carry a vinegar solution. But if none is on hand, send someone to get some from a nearby home, store, or restaurant.) Vinegar will deactivate the stinging cells of most jellyfish, which otherwise can cause pain for 30 minutes or more. If your child has any sign of an allergic reaction (difficulty breathing, wheezing, or hives), seek emergency medical care right away.

                 I disabled the feature that shows my followers, it's not about the numbers. Read the side bar.

                Easiest Way to Load Your Task Bar Windows 10

                (Here I go trying to Explain)
                Click the Windows logo in the left hand corner like always >

                When your program appears, don't open it. Left click and there will be a drop down menu.
                Click > Pin to the Task Bar >
                Basically the same on all Windows OS

                Finished product

                If you've been with my blog for 30 days or so, this picture was taken with the cell phone hybrid camera that I designed and built. I don't have a name for it yet, call it a hybrid.


                Ghosting may refer to any of the following:
                1.ghost image is a permanent discoloration in a certain area on an electronic display; more specifically, those which use cathode ray tubes. See our burn in page for further information on this term.
                2. A ghost is a description of a person who has gone offline, yet appears as though they are still logged into chat or another service. When this occurs, the user will receive an error indicating they are already logged in upon attempting to rejoin, forcing them to wait for their account time out.
                3. Ghosting is a form of cheating in online games where players are privileged to information they shouldn't have about another player's whereabouts, hand, etc.
                For example, in many first-person shooters, dead players may disclose the location of living players on the opposing team to their teammates. Another example would be watching a Hearthstone: Heroes of Warcraft player who is streaming on Twitch to discover what cards are in their hand.
                4. When describing an LCD or flat-panel display, ghosting is used to describe an artifact caused by a slow response time. As the screen refreshes, the human eye still perceives the image previously displayed; causing a smearing or blurring visual effect.
                5. When using Norton's Ghost, ghosting is the method of copying the complete hard drivecontents to a CD or network drive. Once ghosted, this image can be distributed over several computers. Ghosting is commonly done in a corporate environment where the same operating system and corporate software needs to be installed on dozens of different computers.
                Computer Hope

                Understanding What Is Net Lag

                *Very old

                "The other thing is if someone complains about the speed. The server can be as fast as you like, and to have so many players online the server has to be quite good (and expensive!). However, noone can deny that there is netlag. And you CAN complain about the net speed, tweet (or any other admin) can say that the server is fast, and he can't do anything . . . . . ( *  continued further down)
                The point here is _how_ you do it.

                Of course, I know fully well what netlag means (I was there when the term was introduced to everyday use in IGS), and most everyone who thinks just a fraction of a second understands that the net speed is not:

                   a)  the same all over the world
                   b)  dependant on the IGS
                   c)  something IGS admins can fix

                In particular, generalizing someone's netlag to apply to everyone is not at all realistic. I've had some 600 msec round trip (read: playing is totally impossible) condition persisting for months, and several times too, while no-one in the US would notice anything.

                And I want to emphasize, even when for one reason or another the connection from (even large) parts of US or Europe to IGS become slow, it doesn't mean that the connection would be slow for everyone.

                Hence it is very clear, that when _your_ connection is slow, it is not correct (or an excuse) to advertise on IGS, that IGS is slow.

                (  *  continued from above) . . . . . to speed the net. I don't see how this is a violation to the disclaimer. Also I don't see why you don't alert others to the fact (it can be benefical to alert the admin)."

                It is not in violation to grumble about netlag, and it's not in violation to tell people things are slow. To my best understanding, however, it is wrong to claim _IGS_ is slow (AFAIK, it isn't). And the admins cannot do anything about it since not all persons would be having the same problem. The speed of the net varies wildly from one connection to another (it is a _net_, remember), hence the speed or lag tends to be a very local issue -- indeed, you can see little difference between a problem local to you and another somewhere further away. Net lag comes and goes.

                "Other times I start a game and I place a stone and don't get a servers response. This things happen. I can complain about them. I can also warn others about that, especially when the other player start to get nervous about the idiot on the other side who don't play."

                This is the normal netlag. Some clients can take this into account.

                "However I also know that this happens due to the number of players online. And that is one of the reasons why I play at IGS, the sheer number of available players and excelent games to observe."

                The actual connection and the machine IGS resides in are perfectly capable of dealing with the needs of far larger player populace. For instance, the client protocol is very much an improvement over the traditional telnet connection in terms of the bandwidth use, and even that is not all that large.

                What you've hit is the netlag, which is largely induced by all the other things happening in the net, like DOS- and misrouting attacks, governments hindering Internet, ISP's sparing money and not buying sufficient hardware, the net use growing faster than expected, WWW-browsing, spamming, and then some other things.

                How Using Social Media Affects Teenagers

                Many parents worry about how exposure to technology might affect toddlers developmentally. We know our preschoolers are picking up new social and cognitive skills at a stunning pace, and we don’t want hours spent glued to an iPad to impede that. But adolescence is an equally important period of rapid development, and too few of us are paying attention to how our teenagers’ use of technology—much more intense and intimate than a 3-year-old playing with dad’s iPhone—is affecting them. In fact, experts worry that the social media and text messages that have become so integral to teenage life are promoting anxiety and lowering self-esteem.

                Indirect communication

                Teens are masters at keeping themselves occupied in the hours after school until way past bedtime. When they’re not doing their homework (and when they are) they’re online and on their phones, texting, sharing, trolling, scrolling, you name it. Of course before everyone had an Instagram account teens kept themselves busy, too, but they were more likely to do their chatting on the phone, or in person when hanging out at the mall. It may have looked like a lot of aimless hanging around, but what they were doing was experimenting, trying out skills, and succeeding and failing in tons of tiny real-time interactions that kids today are missing out on. For one thing, modern teens are learning to do most of their communication while looking at a screen, not another person.

                “As a species we are very highly attuned to reading social cues,” says Dr. Catherine Steiner-Adair, a clinical psychologist and author of The Big Disconnect. “There’s no question kids are missing out on very critical social skills. In a way, texting and online communicating—it’s not like it creates a nonverbal learning disability, but it puts everybody in a nonverbal disabled context, where body language, facial expression, and even the smallest kinds of vocal reactions are rendered invisible.”

                Lowering the risks

                Certainly speaking indirectly creates a barrier to clear communication, but that’s not all. Learning how to make friends is a major part of growing up, and friendship requires a certain amount of risk-taking. This is true for making a new friend, but it’s also true for maintaining friendships. When there are problems that need to be faced—big ones or small ones—it takes courage to be honest about your feelings and then hear what the other person has to say. Learning to effectively cross these bridges is part of what makes friendship fun and exciting, and also scary. “Part of healthy self-esteem is knowing how to say what you think and feel even when you’re in disagreement with other people or it feels emotionally risky,” notes Dr. Steiner-Adair.
                But when friendship is conducted online and through texts, kids are doing this in a context stripped of many of the most personal—and sometimes intimidating—aspects of communication. It’s easier to keep your guard up when you’re texting, so less is at stake. You aren’t hearing or seeing the effect that your words are having on the other person. Because the conversation isn’t happening in real time, each party can take more time to consider a response. No wonder kids say calling someone on the phone is “too intense”—it requires more direct communication, and if you aren’t used to that it may well feel scary.
                If kids aren’t getting enough practice relating to people and getting their needs met in person and in real time, many of them will grow up to be adults who are anxious about our species’ primary means of communication—talking. And of course social negotiations only get riskier as people get older and begin navigating romantic relationships and employment.

                Cyberbullying and the imposter syndrome

                The other big danger that comes from kids communicating more indirectly is that it has gotten easier to be cruel. “Kids text all sorts of things that you would never in a million years contemplate saying to anyone’s face,” says Dr. Donna Wick, a clinical and developmental psychologist who runs Mind to Mind Parent. She notes that this seems to be especially true of girls, who typically don’t like to disagree with each other in “real life.”

                “You hope to teach them that they can disagree without jeopardizing the relationship, but what social media is teaching them to do is disagree in ways that are more extreme and do jeopardize the relationship. It’s exactly what you don’t want to have happen,” she says.

                The Future is Coming / Are You Ready

                Score how well your organization is prepared for these three event disruptors

                As the world continues to evolve at an exponential rate, the rapid pace of change has created a new dynamic for the events industry, where audiences now arrive at events with higher expectations for engagement, interaction, and personal gain.
                A successful event and a powerful experience is never the result of just one thing – it is the culmination of numerous forces that converge. How these forces, or trends, oscillate and change have powerful implications for the events industry.

                We have identified three future disruptors that event marketers will either need to embrace as an opportunity or they will be seen as a challenge to overcome. And when we say “future,” we mean immediate—not long term. In fact, some of them are happening today!
                Technology: Devices, platforms, and tools are impacting the way we communicate, interact, and manage everything – and your event is no exception.
                Global Change: Social, economic, generational, and demographic shifts are making the world a smaller place and rapidly expanding your event audience.
                Learning: A variety of approaches, philosophies, and technology solutions are changing and enhancing how we learn.
                To help you see how ready your organization is to take advantage of these future trends, you can now rank yourself on the groundbreaking Freeman Connections Index.
                Inspired by PechaKucha 20x20, this interactive quiz is comprised of 20 questions that each take no more than 20 seconds to answer, resulting in an immediate custom report with valuable insight on your organization’s readiness to make these trends work for you.
                Are you ready for the future? Get your score now.

                Internet Growth Statistics

                And the "Global Village" became a Reality
                Internet has made real what in the 1970's that visionary of the communications Marshall McLuhan (1911-1980) called the "Global Village".

                The Internet is defined as the worldwide interconnection of individual networks operated by government, industry, academia, and private parties. Originally the Internet served to interconnect laboratories engaged in government research, and since 1994 it has been expanded to serve millions of users and a multitude of purposes in all parts of the world.

                In a matter of very few years, the Internet consolidated itself as a very powerful platform that has changed forever the way we do business, and the way we communicate. The Internet, as no other communication medium, has given an International or, if you prefer, a "Globalized" dimension to the world. Internet has become the Universal source of information for millions of people, at home, at school, and at work.

                Internet is changing all the time. Two things, in our opinion, have marked it's evolution recently: the social web and mobile technology. These two innovations have changed the way people use the Internet. In the social web people have found a new way to communicate. Since its creation in 2004, Facebookhas grown into a worldwide network of over 1,679 million subscribers. Mobile technology, on the other hand, has made possible a much greater reach of the Internet, increasing the number of Internet users everywhere.

                The Internet continues to be the most democratic of all the mass media. With a very low investment, anyone can have a web page in Internet. This way, almost any business can reach a very large market, directly, fast and economically, no matter the size or location of the business. With a very low investment, almost anybody that can read and write can have access and a presence in the World Wide Web. Blogging has consolidated the social media and the people everywhere are expressing and publishing their ideas and opinions like never before.

                History and Growth of the Internet from 1945 to 1995

                Before getting into the numbers, let's take a look at the
                fascinating history of the Internet, from 1945 to 1995, by
                courtesy of the
                 World Wide Web Consortium (W3C).History and Growth of the Internet from 1995 till Today

                Today the Internet continues to grow day by day making
                 Global Village a reality. The following table
                shows the incredibly fast evolution of the Internet from
                1995 till the present time:


                My Theme Song

                Have a great day.
                Just imagine a "Tri Breed" in your neighborhood playing this.

                For the Super Techs

                *I've taken the last 45 days or so since I've been back in Florida and shared just a tad bit of the information spinning "daily" in my mind. All the blue, orange, green, brown, slate / all the TTP, OSI, Load bearing beams / fire stop / multi mode, single mode / divergent / asynchronous transfer mode, etc. Begins with this book.


                One last thing before I get the bleach, stop calling with job offers, I will not work for you. "I contract".

                How to Clean Your Air Conditioner's Condensate Drain Line

                *Only because I have to do my own right now and one more tip when visiting FL.

                 Taking the time to clean your air conditioner's drain line (or the condensate line) can have a great positive effect on how efficiently your system runs. Here's how to quickly and safely prevent problems with your unit.

                 With all that yadda said, pour some bleach into that PVC (Your's may look "slightly" different) opening once a month.

                If you are in FL on the Banana River or Intercoastal / almost any river. Never walk in the water, slide your feet. Even baby Rays will have you flat on your back for a week.

                It's a 10' swim and you can walk to those mangroves.

                Preparing for a NOC job has been in front of you the entire time

                Please learn how to click things > http://tinyurl.com/y7mrd62z

                You claim you'd like a career / posted for the sake of young adults

                I have kept this a secret for 10 years or more and I have my reasons "but" if you want a great career and training with all the bells and whistles?

                 Click this link > SysNica go to the bottom of the page in the lowest right hand corner and click the picture I placed above.

                 I can't make it any easier.

                 Only RE: Today
                 If you're working with a cell phone, I "sincerely" have never gone online with a cell phone, I do Not know what to tell you.

                7 Ways You Can Use SMS Text to Make Your Life Better

                *I observe individuals that pay $25 a month for cell phone service and others - $35, $50, $100, $150... With MagicJack and MJ app + prepaid international SIMs, I pay $100 a year MAX. I don't know how to teach this yet an individual needs to learn to, "Out think his / her conflicts". 

                t seems that we are constantly on the hunt for ways to make our lives just a little bit better and more convenient. But did you know that SMS text messaging can do just that? SMS stands for Short Message Service and allows messages of 160 characters or less to be shared – primarily between mobile devices, but also through the web and even landlines. If you think texting is just for teenagers, consider the following list of seven ways that SMS messages can make your life simpler and hassle-free.
                1. Quick communication
                You are a busy person and so are the people with whom you communicate. When you only need to ask a simple question or give someone a quick reminder, sending a text can be the best solution. It has the added advantage of not causing a major interruption in either party’s day, too. While most texts are received and read within minutes, this form of communication allows you to respond when you can, rather than demanding your immediate reply.
                1. Keep track of important information
                Have you ever painstakingly written something down only to find that you either wrote it down incorrectly or could not find it when you needed it? One of the best attributes of text messaging is that every text is stored in your cellphone’s memory exactly as it was sent. Since most of us tend to keep our cellphones close at hand at all times, this factor ensures that you will have all of your important details when needed.
                1. Appointment reminders
                You can also use text messaging to receive reminders of important appointments. More and more professional service providers – like physicians and dentists, make it possible for you to receive a text message reminder of your upcoming appointment. You can also use web-based calendar services like Google Calendar to send SMS reminders of important dates and events.
                1. Mobile banking
                Many financial institutions even allow you to receive texts about your bank account. Want to know your current balance or whether a check has cleared? You can probably find out by sending a simple text command to a number designated by your bank. You might also be able to report a lost or stolen credit card, find the nearest branch or ATM, and a lot more.
                1. Receive updates from businesses
                From time to time, you may notice that businesses that you patronize will ask if you would like to receive texts. Businesses often use text messages to notify customers of product releases, sales, or special discounts that are only available with a code included in the text. These companies are generally aware that customers get annoyed by too many texts, so they tend to limit their messages to once or twice a week.
                1. Track packages
                Did you know that you can keep track of a package that you have sent or are expecting to receive with a text message? If you ship through USPS, for example, you can send a text message to 28777 (2USPS) that includes your tracking number, and you’ll receive a reply that provides the most up-to-date shipping information.
                1. Travel
                Texting can also come in handy when you or someone you know is traveling. A text is an easy way to let others know when you have arrived or if you are running a little late. You can often receive text confirmations for hotel rooms, car rentals, or other services you have reserved, ensuring that you have all of the information you need right at your fingertips. If you are traveling by airplane, most airlines offer free SMS notifications of changes to your flight’s schedule.
                There are many ways in which SMS text messaging can simplify your day and help you get the information you need – when you need it. Consider taking advantage of some of the phenomenal benefits of SMS technology to enhance your day-to-day life. magicJack now offers free SMS messaging through the magicJackEXPRESS phone service.

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