Friday, July 7, 2017

The Languages and Frameworks You Should Learn in 2017

The software development industry continues its relentless march forward. In 2016 we saw new releases of popular languages, frameworks and tools that give us more power and change the way we work. It is difficult to keep track of everything that is new, so at the end of every year we give you our take on what is important and what you should learn during the next twelve months.

The Trends

Progressive Web Apps

In 2016 we saw the rise of the Progressive Web App concept. It represents web applications that work offline and offer a native, app-like experience. They can be added to your smart device's homescreen and can even send you push notifications, bridging the gap with native mobile apps. We think that in 2017 PWA are going to become even more important and are well worth investigating. See our overview here.

The Bot Hype

Everybody is talking about bots right now. From platforms for running them, to frameworks for building them, the community is buzzing with activity (read our intro here). Bots are the new mobile apps, and if you hurry up you can catch the wave while everyone is excited. Once the novelty wears off, bots will probably be relegated to some boring role such as automated customer support. But hey, we can dream!

Consolidation of Frontend Frameworks

In the JavaScript community we have an incredible churn of frameworks and tools, with new ones being born almost every week. Until recently, the expectation was that the old tools would just be replaced by the new, but this is not what we saw in 2016. Instead, we saw the popular frameworks exchanging ideas and incorporating the innovations put forth by newcomers. So in 2017 it won't matter much which of the major JS frameworks you choose, their features are mostly comparable.

The Cloud

Companies and developers everywhere are embracing "the cloud". This is virtualized computer infrastructure that is available on demand and fully configurable from a control panel. The big three cloud providers are AWS, Google Cloud and Azure. Thanks to their ongoing competition prices have been falling, bringing it within the budgets of smaller companies and individual developers. Familiarizing yourself with the cloud workflow would be a good investment for 2017.

Machine Learning

Machine Learning (ML) has exploded in popularity during the last twelve months. And with the historic AlphaGo vs Lee Sedol match in March, it entered the mainstream. Smart computer systems that learn from raw data are revolutionizing the way we interact with our mobile devices. By the looks of it, ML will be an even bigger factor in 2017.


JavaScript continues its incredible pace of innovation. Catalyzed by the quick release schedules of web browsers, the JS standard is updated every year. The next edition, ES2017, is expected to be finalized in mid 2017. It will bring the dream feature of many JS developers - аsync/аwait for working with asynchronous functions. And thanks to Babel, you can write ES2017 in every browser even today.
TypeScript 2.1 was released in late 2016, bringing async/await for old browsers and improved type inference. TypeScript is a statically typed language which compiles to JavaScript. It adds powerful features like a classic OOP model and optional static typing to make large codebases easier to maintain. It is the preferred language for writing Angular 2 apps, and we recommend giving it a try. Here is our quick start guide about it.
C# 7.0 is expected in 2017 and will enhance an already excellent language. Microsoft surprised everyone when they introduced the open source Visual Studio Code editor and .Net Core. Both of these run on Linux, Windows and macOS and allow you to write fast and performant applications in C# (read more here). A vibrant community is forming around both of these tools, and we are confident there is an exciting year ahead of them.
Python 3.6 was released in December. It is solidifying its place as the scripting language of choice for devs, IT pros and scientists. It is suitable for automation, web development, machine learning and scientific computing. The Python 2/3 split has been an years-long struggle for the community, but these days you can confidently choose 3 and enjoy full library support. For those in need of extra performance, they can take a look at PyPy, an alternative JIT enabled Python runtime.
Ruby 2.3 was released earlier this year with a number of performance improvements. Ruby is also a good choice as a general purpose scripting language, but it shines when paired with Rails. The Ruby 3x3 initiative was announced, which will attempt to make the upcoming Ruby 3 release 3 times faster that the current version, opening the doors to using Ruby in more contexts.
PHP 7.1 was released in December, and brings minor enhancements to the language. This builds upon the major performance improvements that were had in version 7.0 last year, turning PHP into a fast platform for building web applications. We recommend PHP The Right Way for good practices and a modern take on building web apps in the language.
Java 9 is expected in 2017 and will come with welcome new features like a repl for evaluating code, HTTP 2.0 support and new APIs. There is a strong demand for talented Java developers and a breadth of exciting projects that use the language. If Java is not your thing, there are a number of JVM based languages like Kotlin and Scalathat you can check out.
Swift 3 was released earlier this year. This is Apple's vision for a modern programming language that eases the development of apps on iOS and macOS. Swift is open source and has attracted a large community. Version 4 is planned for 2017, which will improve the language and introduce server APIs, making it a good choice for writing web apps and backends.
If you are looking for something more exciting, you can try out Crystal and Elixir, which both combine a friendly ruby-like syntax with superior performance. Or you can look into a functional language like Haskell or Clojure. Two other fast languages are Rust and Go which we recommend.
Learn one or more of these: JS (ES2017), TypeScript, C#, Python, Ruby, PHP7, Java/Kotlin/Scala.



The web platform made two major advancements recently - Web Assembly and Service Workers. They open the gates for fast and performant web applications that bridge the gap with native compiled applications. Service Workers in particular are the enabling technology for Progressive Web Apps and bring support for Notifications to the web platform, with more APIs to follow in the future.
Angular.js 2 was released this year. The framework is backed by Google and is very popular with enterprises and large companies. It has a vast number of features that make writing everything from web to desktop and mobile apps possible. The framework is written in TypeScript, which is also the recommended language to write applications in. There is a lot to read about, but we think learning Angular 2 in 2017 would be a good investment.
Vue.js also saw its 2.0 release this year. It borrows the good ideas from Angular, React and Ember, and puts them into an easy to use package. It is also quite a bit leaner and faster than the first two. We suggest that you give it a try this year, by starting with one of our Vue.js tutorials.
Ember is another solid choice for a JavaScript framework. It supports data bindings, auto-updating templates, components and server-side rendering. One benefit that it has over its competitors, is that it is more mature and stable. Breaking changes are much less frequent and the community values backwards compatibility. This makes the framework a good choice for long-lived applications.
Two other frameworks that are worth a look are Aurelia and React. The ecosystem around React has grown considerably more complicated in the last year, making it difficult to recommend for beginners. But experienced devs can combine the library with GraphQLRelayFlux and Immutable.js into a comprehensive full stack solution.
No frontend compilation would be complete without mentioning Bootstrap. Version 4 is currently in Alpha and a release is expected in 2017. Notable changes are the new versatile card component and the flexbox grid (see our comparison with the regular grid here), which modernize the framework and make it a joy to work with.
SASS and LESS remain the two most popular CSS preprocessors today. Although vanilla CSS is finally getting support for variables, SASS and LESS are still superior with their support for mixins, functions and code organization. If you haven't already, take a look at our SASS and LESS quick start guides.
Learn one or more of these: Angular 2, Vue.js, Ember, Bootstrap, LESS/SASS.

Sys Nica / Systems Nicaragua / American Veteran Owned

 Wouldn't it be great to have all your low, medium and high voltage tasks completed in one house? Wouldn't also be great to have your website built, SEO'd and backlinked in one house? I've made that dream a reality over the last 4 years and the concept dates back 15 years.

                                            Visist >

Don't have the app to view multiple pages?


*Apologies for the typo originally posted, I'm on 3 craptops at once so....

The Reflections and Warnings of Aaron Russo

Before he died in August of 2007, Aaron Russo gave an interview to Alex Jones. He wanted to give warning about the "New World Order" to the public.

Detractors who want to deny, debunk, or disbelieve him will be able to do so. He makes errors in this interview, he believes some things that are false to be true, and he has used several misleading techniques in his America: Freedom to Fascism documentary to boost its appeal — to make it more compelling he has been dishonest in several places.

Thus, to those who want to find and seize on errors in his narrative, his worldview, or his fact base, and use those errors to categorically dismiss him and his "reflections and warnings", I promise you will be able to do so.

 — be careful if you do think you can categorically dismiss him. People are quick to spot the errors and bias of others, and to be merciless in their condemnation of others for having a false or erroneous worldview, yet people are often not so quick to spot or condemn their own errors and bias. In fact, people are amazingly blind to their own bias and errors.

Do we not all know a Republican who can gleefully recite ten contradictions in the mind of the average Democrat and yet simultaneously be amazingly blind to the contradictions in his own party? And of course likewise in the reverse, and of course likewise for any third-party enthusiast — they all are generous to themselves and blind to their own contradictions, even as they so easily see contradictions in others.

. . .

I made this full transcript so that I could share the highlights of Aaron Russo's words with anyone. Even if he wasn't wholly right, I think he is right on the whole.

And if his story about what Nicholas Rockefeller told him is true, then this is an absolute bombshell of an interview, and would be the basis for prosecution.
           Full Transcript:
Below are the highlights of the interview. I have edited and abridged them considerably, to make them more readable and coherent. The full transcript contains the quotes without edition and in their full, original context.

On philosophy and morality:
One should be able to respect one's self and one's actions. You have to take actions that you'd respect if somebody else did them. What's the point of living if you don't like who you are? You can have all the money in the world, and if you look in the mirror and you don't like what you see there, what's the point of it?

The most important thing is that I like who I am, and that I take actions that I would respect if somebody else did them, and live a life of character, honesty, and truthfulness.

I believe that a person has the ability to mold their character like a sculptor molds a piece of clay. There's an old saying that "a leopard never changes its spots" — I don't believe that. I believe people have the total ability to mold their character into what they choose to be in their life, what their ideals are.

And that's what I try to do with my life. I am not the same person today as I was thirty years ago. I've changed a lot. Because I wanted to be something better than I was before. And my philosophy is that you have to like yourself, you have to be a decent person, with character and integrity and honor. And that's what's important.

* * *

People don't seem to have the courage to do what they have to do.

[Q: I want to say you've got a lot of courage.]

Well, thank you. I don't know if I have a lot of courage, I just have a sense of conscience and I have a sense of justice. I get nervous about what I do, but I do it because there's no other choice. I couldn't live with myself if I didn't do it.

But the fact of the matter is — I've ostracized myself pretty much out from Hollywood. People are afraid to deal with me in Hollywood a lot, because of what I do, and the things I say. I don't go along with routines. A lot of people in Hollywood know the truth, and they're not willing to stand up and speak about it. I know many of them have seen my movie, and they know I'm right, and they won't talk about it — because everybody's afraid.

Everybody's afraid because they think that this money they get, these Federal Reserve Notes, are really money, and they think they have a comfortable life-style, and they're afraid to change. They're afraid to stand up for what's right.

And until people are willing to stand up and have the courage to do what they need to do, it's not going to change. And hopefully what you're doing, what I'm doing, what other people like us are doing, can effect the change that people will stand up and say: "Hey. I've had enough."

* * *

The thing is, we have one advantage: they need us to co-operate. See, if we don't co-operate with them, they can't win. And so they always need our co-operation to go along with their programs.

Once we learn not to co-operate with them, then we win the game. And that's the point. Don't co-operate with them. Don't go along with the program any more. Stop it.

* * *

The only way to stop it is for good men to stand up. Was it Edmund Burke said: "Evil can only thrive when good men do nothing"? We've got to do something. That's what it is. "Silence is golden, but what it comes to your freedom, it's yellow."

We have to stop being scared, we have to stand up and do what's necessary, to take back the country, to stop these bankers, these elite, this government.

* * *

We're dealing with complete evil. We're dealing with complete evil. And until the American people wake up, and say "We don't want this evil in our country any more, and we want to come back to being a country of decency, and goodness, and integrity, and honor," we're going down that road.

And that's what it going to take, it's going to take people standing up and saying: "We don't want to live in this kind of a world anymore."

I believe we should pull all our troops out of Iraq. I believe we should leave other countries alone. Let other countries live their lives the way they choose to. Stop trying to spread democracy around the world, which is the worst form of government there is anyway. Restore our Republic to what it's supposed to be, and go back to what the Founding Fathers gave us. And try and restore that. Restore the Republic.

Look, the point of everything is: that we have to mobilize. Each one of us. You and I can't do everything. You and I may be leaders, we may be out there and people listen to us, to what we have to say, and follow us, but the truth of the matter happens to be that it takes all Americans to stand together, to stand tall, to mobilize and say "I'm mad as hell. I'm not going to take it any more. We're going to stand up and fight the battle."

And you and I can't do this alone, we're just leaders of the thing, but other people have to join in with us, and stand side-by-side, shoulder-to-shoulder, and say "I'm not going to take it any more." That's what it's going to take to win this effort.

And to stop co-operating with the government. And with all their rules and regulations. And to wake everybody up. To educate everybody to what's going on.

* * *

Well, freedom, or liberty, is what people really want. And it's time to stop the duplicity of the government in lying to us. You see, many many people know the truth of what's happening in this country. They know the truth. But they're afraid to stand up. People have to find their courage, and stand up and say "I'm not going to take this anymore; I know the truth."

* * *

It's like they create a situation where if you tell the truth, you're considered a lunatic. In other words, if someone goes on a TV show and says "9/11 is an inside job," — "Oh, you're an idiot! You're crazy!" They call you names. You can't be afraid of that.

Don't be afraid to be ridiculed by these people. You know?

If 9/11 was a phony — and I know it was — then stand up and say it's a phony. Don't be scared to tell the truth. Don't allow their powers or trying to make you look silly to frighten you.

* * *

[Q: What do you think happened with Alan Greenspan? In the late '60s he wrote a section, in a book for Ayn Rand. And he talked about how horrible the Federal Reserve was, how we needed a gold standard, and how the bankers are robbing us. And then someone offered him something, and now you see somebody who basically made a deal with Beelzebub.]

Exactly. It's a deal with the devil. It gave him a chance to be one of the most powerful men on the Earth. And it gave him a chance to accomplish things he never thought he would have accomplished in his life, other than that.

And it's very seductive. It's a very attractive perfume. I mean, I was attracted when they came to me and spoke to me about it. I thought about it. I was attracted to it. They asked me if I wanted to open up a chain of bay-watch nightclubs, you know? — and "we'll do this, we'll do that. We can do this—"

I mean all these things were proposed to me. Business ventures.

But I can't do that to people, and I just can't be in a position where I can do that to other people. I have a conscience. And my conscience would not permit me to do that.

You know, people say I'm very courageous. I don't think I'm courageous. I think I have a conscience. And my conscience doesn't allow me to do that to people. I just — it makes me feel sick. I just don't believe in it.

[Q: Oh, I agree. When I do bad things, I feel bad. When I do good things I feel good.]

Yeah, exactly. And I feel the same way.

* * *

If you don't fight the corruption, and you don't stand up for what's right in life, you're going to end up being a serf and a slave and you're leaving your children a world that you wouldn't want to live in yourself.

So how can you, in decency, behave that way? You have to stand up for what's right in life. And unless you do that, you're nothing.
          Full > 


It is an interesting conspiracy theory that I’ve heard bandied about for years but ultimately I think it is just that: an interesting conspiracy theory, and an utter waste of time. Here is a good primer that sums it up:
For an article that explains in detail the intricacies of this conspiracy theory, you’d think they could fact-check the one verifiable piece of information not subject to tin-foil hypotheticals: The Federal Reserve act of 1913 happened 5 years BEFORE the armistice, therefore WWI could NOT have “depleted the treasury” and could NOT have been an impetus for the Fed.
Moving on…

Why is your name in all capital letters on government documents?

Google the “All Caps” thing. Nothing but conspiracy theories all saying more-or-less the same thing. The ALL CAPS version of your name is a shell corporation which is owned by the government/NWO/Rothschilds/Illuminati/etc. You believe that it’s you, they use this ruse to extract your productive labor in order to service the national debt.
Is it true? Some people claim you can get out of all sorts of trouble by invoking your individual sovereignty and rejecting the assertion that you and all caps YOU are one and the same. Try it in court, and let me know how it turns out for you. There are two reasons why I think this portion of the conspiracy theory is utter bullshit:
  1. The idea that there’s this secret loophole, the “Strawman corporation” defense basically assumes that, despite whatever ill intentions led people to set up such an elaborate ruse (to circumvent individual sovereignty), these same usurpers would actually respect individual sovereignty when called on it, is inconceivable.
  2. If these laws are in-fact secret, if most of the people (95%+) don’t even know they exist then fact is, these laws could say anything, which negates the intent of drafting secret laws and then secretly adhering to them in the first place let alone the preposterous notion that the slavemasters can rely on an army of patsies none of whom have any knowledge of what they’re supposed to be enforcing, yet all of whom miraculously enforce the secret laws (that they don’t know about and would probably abhor if they did know about) in exact accordance with the conspiracy theory.
The other reason is that capitals seem easier to deal with. Fifty or 60 years ago, hell even 30 years ago you were talking about typewriters and whatnot, why worry about 52 characters in the alphabet when you could deal with only 26? It simplifies things. Not a bulletproof rebuttal by any means, but certainly worth noting.

Is your birth certificate the government’s title to property (i.e., you)

The theory takes great pain to establish an “obvious” link between birth certificates and warehouse receipts. The theory claims these are printed by the American Banknote Company and as a result of this therefore your birth certificate is a bond which indentures you to pay off or service the national debt (that the debt is held by a private banking cartel is basically true, though).
According to this belief, everything printed by the American Banknote Company is  imbued with some magical properties and in the case of your birth certificate, this magic makes it a “bond” and this makes you liable for some amount of federal debt which you pay off during the course of your life. My principle objections to this part of the theory are elementary:
  1. The ABNC is essentially a printer/engraver who specializes in stock/bond paper, banknotes, and other secure documents. In other words, they make very nice and durable paper, the sort you would naturally choose for documents intended to survive the test of time.
  2. The mere fact that some (or even all) birth certificates were printed on paper by a company that also produces banknotes does not necessarily mean that these birth certificates are bank notes, bonds, etc.
  3. I further doubt the ABNC produces all birth certificates – some are printed by Midwest Banknote Company which, founded in 1956 does not appear to be a subsidiary of ABNC, and according to this report, there are over 14,000 legitimate forms of birth certificates in existence, and they are issued and processed by over 6,000 entities) and that makes it even less believable.

The government really does own you, though

Yes, as a matter of fact we are essentially slaves. I just think this particular conspiracy is mental masturbation, that’s all.
Whether your birth certificate is (according to the secret law) a title establishing someone else’s ownership of “you”, is irrelevant.
The fact of the matter is that nations, or rather their ruling classes, have always treated the working classes as a sort of “capital” or productive property which enables their largesse – that is, the ruling classes have always bought them, sold them, and mortgaged them as collateral for their debt. They don’t need a “warehouse” receipt. Propaganda is usually sufficient and when that fails firepower almost always works.

The trick is to overcome the propaganda and misinformation without drawing fire.

When enough people have  swallowed the proverbial “red pill” the threat of violence will not be sufficient. Their weapons are only useful against individuals, not ideas. And when the idea that we should all be free has blossomed, neither bullets nor batons will be able to keep us enslaved.

Warren Buffet's investment in wearables points toward the category's future.

Wearables didn't exactly close out 2016 with a bang. According to an IDC report, the sector only grew 3.1 percent year-over-year in Q3 of 2016. While that statistic, along with reports of wearable companies' struggles (Fitbit recently laid off six percent of its workforce) may signal a problem for the sector, Warren Buffett is actually embracing wearables. The billionaire investor, who has been cautious about investing in the tech sector in the past, is diving into wearables with a new smart jewelry line produced by his company Berkshire Hathaway's jewelry subsidiary Richline Group.

The line, dubbed Ela, will debut this spring, starting with smart wristwear—but don't expect to see a smartwatch from the get-go. According to a report from ZDNet, Ela has been working on elegantly designed smart bracelets and plans to extend into other product categories, including rings and earrings, in the future. Ela devices will connect to both Android and iOS devices and share activity data with Apple's HealthKit and Google Fit, although the specific activity sensors that each device will have are unknown. Ela devices will also receive smartphone notifications, and the user can set gems on the device to glow in different colors and vibrate depending on the alert they're receiving.

Cliff Ulrich, product innovation manager for the Richline Group, told ZDNet that a goal was to create devices that are more than just "prettier step trackers." Ela devices will also have their own mobile app with which users can create "memories" that can be shared with a specific device. Content like photos, voice recordings, and songs can be preloaded to Ela devices so that users who are given the device as a gift can open up the content on their smartphones and relive "special memories" they have with the gifter.

"Jewelry is a lot about sharing special moments," Ulrich told ZDet. "We wanted to create the modern-day locket and allow people to store memories in their jewelry.... If someone wants all the features in the world, they'll get a smartwatch. But we tried to create a much more emotional connection with a product, rather than being purely about the functionality."

Buffett and Richline Group are taking a different approach to wearables than we see from most tech companies. Richline Group specializes in jewelry, and Buffett sees investing in wearables as an extension of the jewelry business. "Jewelry is a centuries-old business that isn't going anywhere, so it's a safe bet," Buffett told CNBC in an statement. "With the addition of technology, we're simply updating something everyone knows and loves to better fit our modern age."

This is just another example of a fashion and accessories company figuring out the best way of incorporating wearable technology into what it knows best. Fossil Group is the fashion company that has made arguably the biggest investment in wearables so far, starting off by making a few Android Wear watches and smart bracelets. Now, most of Fossil Group's brands, including Michael Kors, Emporio Armani, and Diesel, have hybrid smartwatches that look like regular watches they would have produced anyway but with fitness tracking and smart notification features.

We'll likely see more companies, like Richline Group, experiment with this strategy in the future, trying to determine how they can fit wearable technology into their business model. Instead of trying to make the best wearable or smartwatch (like Apple, Google, and other companies are competing to do), these companies are going to focus on how technology can work within their current business structure. And there's room for both methods in the wearable space: some people will want the most high-tech smartwatch available, but others are going to want a device that speaks to their sense of style and also offers a few complementary tech features. Richline Group's Ela jewelry line will debut sometime this spring and will start with stainless steel, silver, and gold bracelets priced between $195 and $295.

There never was a great depression, people are just greatly ignorant

The Jekyll Island duck hunt that created the Federal Reserve

By Tyler E. Bagwell
In October of 1907 several banking firms, starting with the Knickerbocker Trust Company of New York, collapsed as depositors withdrew funds for fear of unwise investments and misuse of money. Lines of people waited in front of the Knickerbocker to close their accounts. Days later, the Trust Company of America had droves of depositors removing their money. Then, shortly thereafter, a run took place at the Lincoln Trust Company. Across the country apprehension that the panic would continue to spread occurred. In the fall of 1907 the United States was in a recession, it's banking system lacked a lender of last resort mechanism, and an intricate network of directorships, loans, and collateral bonded the fate of many financial institutions together.
Several banking leaders including Jekyll Island Club members George F. Baker, president of the First National Bank, and James Stillman, president of National City Bank, met with financier J. Pierpont Morgan and began examining the assets of the troubled institutions. A decision was made to offer loans to any of the banks that were solvent. The secretary of the treasury George B. Cortelyou was eager to divert the situation and offered the New York bankers use of government funds to help prevent an economic disaster. President Theodore Roosevelt, while the panic of 1907 transpired, was on a hunting trip in Louisiana.

Ron Chernow in his book The Death of the Banker offers this account of the 1907 Panic, "In the following days, acting like a one-man Federal Reserve system, [J. Pierpont] Morgan decided which firms would fail and which survive. Through a non stop flurry of meetings, he organized rescues of banks and trust companies, averted a shutdown of the New York Stock Exchange, and engineered a financial bailout of New York City." In the end, the panic was blocked and several young bankers including Henry P. Davison and Benjamin Strong Jr. were recognized for their work organizing personnel and determining the liquidity of the banks involved in the crises. In 1908 J. Pierpont Morgan asked Henry P. Davison to become a partner in his firm J. P. Morgan & Co. and in 1914 Benjamin Strong Jr. was selected to be the first president of the Federal Reserve Bank of New York.
Soon after the 1907 panic, Congress formed the National Monetary Commission to review banking policies in the United States. The committee, chaired by Senator Nelson W. Aldrich of Rhode Island, toured Europe and collected data on the various banking methods being incorporated. Using this information as a base, in November of 1910 Senator Aldrich invited several bankers and economic scholars to attend a conference on Jekyll Island. While meeting under the ruse of a duck-shooting excursion, the financial experts were in reality hunting for a way to restructure America's banking system and eliminate the possibility of future economic panics.
The 1910 "duck hunt" on Jekyll Island included Senator Nelson Aldrich, his personal secretary Arthur Shelton, former Harvard University professor of economics Dr. A. Piatt Andrew, J.P. Morgan & Co. partner Henry P. Davison, National City Bank president Frank A. Vanderlip and Kuhn, Loeb, and Co. partner Paul M. Warburg. From the start the group proceeded covertly. They began by shunning the use of their last names and met quietly at Aldrich's private railway car in New Jersey. In 1916, B. C. Forbes discussed the Jekyll conference in his book Men Who Are Making America and illuminates, "To this day these financiers are Frank and Harry and Paul [and Piatt] to one another and the late Senator remained 'Nelson' to them until his death. Later [, following the Jekyll conference,] Benjamin Strong, Jr., was called into frequent consultation and he joined the 'First-Name Club' as 'Ben.'" This book as well as a magazine article by Forbes is the only public mention to the conference until around 1930, when Paul Warburg's book The Federal Reserve System: Its Origin and Growth and Nathaniel Wright Stephenson's book Nelson W. Aldrich: A Leader in American Politics were published.

Nathaniel Stephenson, in the Notes section of his biography on Senator Aldrich, suggests that B.C. Forbes learned of the Jekyll conference from an incident taking place at the Brunswick train depot. Stephenson writes, "In the station at Brunswick, Ga., where they ostentatiously talked of sport, the station master gave them a start. 'Gentleman,' said he, 'this is all very pretty, but I must tell you we know who you are and the reporters are waiting outside.' But Mr. Davison was not flustered. 'Come out, old man,' said he, 'I will tell you a story.' They went out together. When Mr. Davison returned he was smiling. 'That's all right,' said he, 'they won't give us away.' The rest is silence. The reporters disappeared and the secret of the strange journey was not divulged. No one asked him how he managed it and he did not volunteer the information." From the Brunswick train station the men boarded a boat and traveled on to Jekyll Island.
The Jekyll Island conference offered a secluded location to discuss banking ideas and enabled the development of a plan that eventually became the Federal Reserve Banking System. The Federal Reserve System is the name given to the twelve central banks regulating America's banking industry and it insures that depositors will not lose their money in the event of funds mismanagement from an accredited bank. Paul Warburg in his book The Federal Reserve System: Its Origin and Growth explains the reason for secrecy behind the meeting. He states, "It is well to remember that the period during which these discussions took place was the time of the struggle of the financial Titans- the period of big combinations [of businesses], with bitter fights for control. All over the country there was a deep feeling of fear and suspicion with regard to Wall Street's power and ambitions."
Obtaining permission from J. Pierpont Morgan to use the facilities of the Jekyll Island Club, the conference attendees most likely resided in the clubhouse for about ten days. The meeting required long days and late nights of contemplation and reflection. European banking practices were assessed and numerous conversations held regarding the best way to craft a non-partisan banking reform bill. Paul Warburg in the book Henry P. Davison: The Record of a Useful Life recalls, "After we had completed the sketch of the bill, and before setting down to its definitive formulation, it was decided that we had earned 'a day off' which was to be devoted to duck shooting." The Jekyll Island Club was originally formed in 1886 as a hunting preserve and in the 1910s was well stocked with animals such as pheasants and wild hogs. Several ponds on the island attracted numerous game birds and wild ducks.

William Barton McCash and June Hall McCash in the book The Jekyll Island Club: Southern Haven for America's Millionaires offers this narrative of the Jekyll conference. They mention, "How long the surreptitious meeting lasted is uncertain, although the group spent Thanksgiving on the island, where they dined on 'wild turkey with oyster stuffing.' They worked throughout the day and night, taking only sporadic time out to explore Jekyl and enjoy its delights. Aldrich and Davison were both so taken with...[Jekyll Island]... that they joined the club in 1912."
For years members of the Jekyll Island Club would recount the story of the secret meeting and by the 1930s the narrative was considered a club tradition. The conference's solution to America's banking problems called for the creation of a central bank. Although Congress did not pass the reform bill submitted by Senator Aldrich, it did approve a similar proposal in 1913 called the Federal Reserve Act. The Federal Reserve System of today mirrors in essence the plan developed on Jekyll Island in 1910.

America Has Fallen Victim To The Normalcy Bias

 The Normalcy Bias condition is well known to psychologists and sociologists. It refers to a mental state of denial in which individuals enter into when facing a disaster or pending danger. Normalcy Bias leads people to underestimate and minimize both the possibility of a catastrophe actually happening, as well as its possible consequences to their health and safety.

   The Normalcy Bias often results in situations where people fail to prepare for a likely and impending disaster. The Normalcy Bias leads people believe that since something has never happened before, that it never will happen. Therefore, like an infant with a security blanket we cling to our habitual, repetitive, and normal way of life, despite overwhelming proof that serious danger lies ahead.

   The Normalcy Bias is part of human nature and, to some extent, we are all guilty of participating in it. Unfortunately, the Normalcy Bias inhibits our ability to cope with a disaster once it is underway. People with Normalcy Bias have difficulty reacting to something they have not experienced before. The Normalcy Bias also leads people to interpret warnings and to inaccurately reframe information in order to project an optimistic outcome which leads to the person to infer a less serious situation. In short, it is kind of a pain-killing drug which numbs a person to an impending danger.

   Do you suffer from Normalcy Bias. Could you become a victim of the “my people parish from a lack of knowledge?”  If you are being honest with yourself, and do not see a threat in the existing power structure, then you do indeed suffer from Normalcy Bias.

   The Nazi Holocaust provides the best example of Normalcy Bias in a way that is most applicable to what is beginning to happen in America.

The Normalcy Bias explains why so many Jews ignored and underestimated the omnipresent signs of danger even after they were forced to wear identifying yellow stars, possess a J stamp Identification card and discriminatory laws were passed which targeted the Jews and their businesses of which many were destroyed in The Night of the Broken Glass.

Many of the Jews could have afforded to move out of the country, but stayed, and were subsequently exterminated. It could be accurately stated that they ultimately perished because of their Normalcy Bias.

   Bill Ayers, the leader of the 1960′s Weatherman Underground terrorist organization, the man who financed Obama’s Harvard education and launched his political career in his Southside Chicago home, told FBI informant, Larry Grathwohl, that his people would have to murder 25 million Americans which could not be re-educated after these “Read Diaper Babies” had taken over the government.

I hate to be the one to bring cognitive dissonance to your Normalcy Bias party, but the communist thugs of Ayers, his convicted criminal spouse, Bernardine Dohrn, Senior White House Advisor,Valerie Jarrett, Frank Davis and his real son, Obama, have taken over this government and they have the means, the motive, the opportunity and the desire to commit genocide against you and other freedom-loving American.

For example,  Valerie Jarrett, has stated that the Obama administration is going to enact revenge against their opponents in a “there is going to be hell to pay” threat. Have you ever criticized the President using any form of electronic media? Did you vote for Obama in both elections? Remember, they actually know if you have been naughty or nice!

   The sad fact remains, that most of us will not even know what has hit us until it is too late. Part three will examine the factors which will determine if your fellow countrymen will acquiesce to authority and carry out the globalist genocidal plans and fire on you and your family when ordered to do so.

Knowledge is power. My hope is that you will use this information to empower yourself and your family for protection in emergencies. Decide today that you will not be a victim of normalcy bias. Sit and make a plan for a few scenarios that you think could take place. Familiarize yourself and your family with escape routes at home, at work, and at school. Decide on places where you can meet should something occur when you’re apart.

Prepare an emergency bag/bug-out bag. You may never have to use any of these skills, but should you have to, its better to be able to act without having to think. Better to be able to take the information you prepared and be ready to go within the shortest amount of time possible instead of walking in circles making phone calls. 
It could make all the difference.
Original article >

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