Thursday, April 28, 2016

11.3 Testing Basic Connectivity

The ping command tests whether a remote host can be reached from your computer. This simple function is extremely useful for testing the network connection, independent of the application in which the original problem was detected. ping allows you to determine whether further testing should be directed toward the network connection (the lower layers) or the application (the upper layers). If ping shows that packets can travel to the remote system and back, the user's problem is probably in the upper layers. If packets can't make the round trip, lower protocol layers are probably at fault.
Frequently a user reports a network problem by stating that he can't telnet (or ftp, or send email, or whatever) to some remote host. He then immediately qualifies this statement with the announcement that it worked before. In cases like this, where the ability to connect to the remote host is in question, ping is a very useful tool.
Using the hostname provided by the user, ping the remote host. If your ping is successful, have the user ping the host. If the user's ping is also successful, concentrate your further analysis on the specific application that the user is having trouble with. Perhaps the user is attempting to telnet to a host that only provides anonymous ftp. Perhaps the host was down when the user tried his application. Have the user try it again, while you watch or listen to every detail of what he is doing. If he is doing everything right and the application still fails, detailed analysis of the application withsnoop and coordination with the remote system administrator may be needed.
If your ping is successful and the user's ping fails, concentrate testing on the user's system configuration, and on those things that are different about the user's path to the remote host, when compared to your path to the remote host.
If your ping fails, or the user's ping fails, pay close attention to any error messages. The error messages displayed by ping are helpful guides for planning further testing. The details of the messages may vary from implementation to implementation, but there are only a few basic types of errors:
Unknown host
The remote host's name cannot be resolved by name service into an IP address. The name servers could be at fault (either your local server or the remote system's server), the name could be incorrect, or something could be wrong with the network between your system and the remote server. If you know the remote host's IP address, try to ping that. If you can reach the host using its IP address, the problem is with name service. Use nslookup or dig to test the local and remote servers, and to check the accuracy of the host name the user gave you.
Network unreachable
The local system does not have a route to the remote system. If the numeric IP address was used on the ping command line, re-enter the ping command using the hostname. This eliminates the possibility that the IP address was entered incorrectly, or that you were given the wrong address. If a routing protocol is being used, make sure it is running and check the routing table withnetstat. If RIP is being used, ripquery will check the contents of the RIP updates being received. If a static default route is being used, re-install it. If everything seems fine on the host, check its default gateway for routing problems.
No answer
The remote system did not respond. Most network utilities have some version of this message. Some ping implementations print the message "100% packet loss." telnet prints the message "Connection timed out" and sendmail returns the error "cannot connect." All of these errors mean the same thing. The local system has a route to the remote system, but it receives no response from the remote system to any of the packets it sends.
There are many possible causes of this problem. The remote host may be down. Either the local or the remote host may be configured incorrectly. A gateway or circuit between the local host and the remote host may be down. The remote host may have routing problems. Only additional testing can isolate the cause of the problem. Carefully check the local configuration using netstat andifconfig. Check the route to the remote system with traceroute. Contact the administrator of the remote system and report the problem.
All of the tools mentioned here will be discussed later in this chapter. However, before leaving ping, let's look more closely at the command and the statistics it displays.

11.3.1 The ping Command

The basic format of the ping command on a Solaris system is: [2]
[2] Check your system's documentation. ping varies slightly from system to system. On Linux, the format shown above would be: ping [-c count] [-s packetsizehost
ping host [packetsize] [count]
The hostname or IP address of the remote host being tested. Use the hostname or address provided by the user in the trouble report.
Defines the size in bytes of the test packets. This field is required only if the count field is going to be used. Use the default packetsize of 56 bytes.
The number of packets to be sent in the test. Use the count field, and set the value low. Otherwise, the ping command may continue to send test packets until you interrupt it, usually by pressing CTRL-C (^C). Sending excessive numbers of test packets is not a good use of network bandwidth and system resources. Usually five packets are sufficient for a test.
To check that can be reached from almond, we send five 56-byte packets with the following command:
% ping -s 56 5
PING 56 data bytes
64 bytes from ( icmp_seq=0. time=32.8 ms
64 bytes from ( icmp_seq=1. time=15.3 ms
64 bytes from ( icmp_seq=2. time=13.1 ms
64 bytes from ( icmp_seq=3. time=32.4 ms
64 bytes from ( icmp_seq=4. time=28.1 ms PING Statistics----
5 packets transmitted, 5 packets received, 0% packet loss
round-trip (ms)  min/avg/max = 13.1/24.3/32.8

The -s option is included because almond is a Solaris workstation, and we want packet-by-packet statistics. Without the -s option, Sun's ping command only prints a summary line saying " is alive." Other ping implementations do not require the -s option; they display the statistics by default.
This test shows an extremely good wide area network link to with no packet loss and a fast response. The round-trip between peanut and took an average of only 24.3 milliseconds. A small packet loss, and a round-trip time an order of magnitude higher, would not be abnormal for a connection made across a wide area network. The statistics displayed by the ping command can indicate low-level network problems. The key statistics are:
  • The sequence in which the packets are arriving, as shown by the ICMP sequence number (icmp_seq) displayed for each packet.
  • How long it takes a packet to make the round trip, displayed in milliseconds after the string time=.
  • The percentage of packets lost, displayed in a summary line at the end of the ping output.
If the packet loss is high, the response time is very slow, or packets are arriving out of order, there could be a network hardware problem. If you see these conditions when communicating over great distances on a wide area network, there is nothing to worry about. TCP/IP was designed to deal with unreliable networks, and some wide area networks suffer a lot of packet loss. But if these problems are seen on a local area network, they indicate trouble.
On a local network cable segment, the round-trip time should be near 0, there should be little or no packet loss, and the packets should arrive in order. If these things are not true, there is a problem with the network hardware. On an Ethernet the problem could be improper cable termination, a bad cable segment, or a bad piece of "active" hardware, such as a hub, switch, or transceiver. Check the cable with a cable tester as described earlier. Good hubs and switches often have built-in diagnostic software that can be checked. Cheap hubs and transceivers may require the "brute force" method of disconnecting individual pieces of hardware until the problem goes away.
The results of a simple ping test, even if the ping is successful, can help you direct further testing toward the most likely causes of the problem. But other diagnostic tools are needed to examine the problem more closely and find the underlying cause.

Previous: 11.2 Diagnostic Tools TCP/IP Network AdministrationNext: 11.4 Troubleshooting Network Access
11.2 Diagnostic ToolsBook Index11.4 Troubleshooting Network Access

15 Quotes That Will Inspire You to Pursue Your Dreams

Following your dreams isn't always all it's cracked up to be. Watch a movie about someone following his/her dreams, and the conventional narrative formula leads you to believe that, after one or two hiccups and a couple of hours, you'll eventually get exactly what you wanted. The real world operates somewhat differently; for some people, this dream path may pan out, but for most of us, the road to our dreams is long, challenging, and unexpected.
Of course, none of this means that the pursuit isn't worthwhile--in fact, the experience of pursuing your dreams is often more rewarding and more enlightening than the achievement of your dreams themselves.
In trying to put the pursuit of dreams into perspective, below is a list of insightful, inspiring, and in some cases, amusing quotes:

1. "You have to dream before your dreams can come true." -- A. P. J. Abdul Kalam.
Some people throttle their potential by refusing to think "what if?" and ignoring what's truly important to them in life. You have to start dreaming before you can achieve anything.
2. "I have lots of things to prove to myself. One is that I can live my life fearlessly." -Oprah Winfrey.
Fear is a limiting factor, and it's present in all of us, but moving past that fear is essential for success.
3. "Don't give up on your dreams, or your dreams will give up on you." -- John Wooden.
The moment you believe you can't do it, everything else begins to crumble. Never stop believing.
4. "You will never find time for anything. You must make it." -- Charles Buxton. M
any people convince themselves they'll have time for their dreams in the future--but there's never a better time than now. Make time for your dreams.
5. "Never be ashamed! There's some who will hold it against you, but they are not worth bothering with." -- J. K. Rowling.

If your dreams are big, people will mock you for them. Forget those people; they will not help you succeed.
6. "To be a human being is to be in a state of tension between your appetites and your dreams, and the social realities around you and your obligations to your fellow man." -John Updike.
Our dreams are often at odds with our realities, demanding freedoms and resources we may not have. But this doesn't make them impossible to achieve.
7. "Press on. Nothing in the world can take the place of persistence. Talent will not; nothing is more common than unsuccessful men with talent. Genius will not; the world is full of educated derelicts. Persistence and determination alone are omnipotent." -- Ray Kroc.
Persistence is much of what separates the successful from the pure wishful thinkers. Distinguish yourself by staying motivated even in the toughest of circumstances.
8. "Once in a while it really hits people that they don't have to experience the world in the way they have been told." -- Alan Keightley.

This is the realization that fuels most people to follow their dreams relentlessly. Staying complacent never led anybody to greatness.
9. "I can't imagine a person becoming a success who doesn't give this game of life everything he's got." -- Walter Cronkite.
You can't follow your dreams at a leisurely pace. You need to give them 100 percent of your effort if you want to achieve them.
10. "When you reach an obstacle, turn it into an opportunity. You have the choice. You can overcome and be a winner, or you can allow it to overcome you and be a loser. The choice is yours and yours alone. Refuse to throw in the towel. Go that extra mile that failures refuse to travel. It is far better to be exhausted from success than to be rested from failure." -- Mary Kay Ash.
Following your dreams is an exhausting, draining effort--but the rewards are well worth it all.
11. "Love what you do and do what you love. Don't listen to anyone else who tells you not to do it. You do what you want, what you love. Imagination should be the center of your life." -- Ray Bradbury.
Ignore everybody who tries to tell you what to do or think. Follow your own instincts and goals.
12. "I don't focus on what I'm up against. I focus on my goals and I try to ignore the rest." -- Venus Williams.
It's easy to get lost in thinking only about the challenges and obstacles before you. Instead, think only about your ultimate destination.
13. "It is better to risk starving to death than surrender. If you give up on your dreams, what's left?" -- Jim Carrey.
This quote may be a bit extreme, but it carries a great point; your dreams define you. If you abandon them, what else could possibly motivate you?
14. "Remember to celebrate milestones as you prepare for the road ahead." -- Nelson Mandela.
Every milestone is a miniature victory in the road to achieving your goals. Don't neglect or underestimate them.
15. "The only thing worse than starting something and failing... is not starting something." -- Seth Godin.
In some cases, failure is inevitable. Don't let that stop you from starting something new.
Be sure to consult this list the next time you feel challenged or disillusioned in the pursuit of your dreams. By adopting the perspectives of people who have already achieved their dreams, you can wrap your mind around the challenges you face in your own life, and remain resolved in accomplishing your goals.
*Your doubters and naysayers are only conveying "their" limitations. No caged human being wishes to see you free.

Back to the basics, "Just for Us"

*I began my career by taking apart my mother's radios and televisions. I stayed to myself, played with hammers, nails and wood in her basement.
 My highest grade of diploma was the 8th. I went on to college via a GED and graduated none of the 3 colleges I attended.
 I am a stationary electrical systems engineer that met all the requirements as set forth by the state of MD via IBM & Grubb & Ellis
 I say this to tell you, "Let no one's negative / destructive opinion of you have meaning". A "friend" nurtures your wildest dreams while most that you commonly socialize with will do nothing but knock you. Misery and ignorance are lonely, don't be their company.

 I'm getting ready to depart for Asia where I'll sit with the heads of departments at technical universities to sell the "ideas" conveyed in the last 4 or 5 posts. I may also visit S Korea and do the exact same thing.
 No matter who you are, find your passion, find your love and make it profitable.

Let's begin where this blog began: Oct 2015'

"Just for Us"



What is AC voltage?

AC voltage is voltage that does not have a Plus and Minus terminal on the supply.
AC voltage symbol: NO plus min power.PNG
Other names for AC voltage:
  • Directed power or voltage
  • Sine wave power or voltage
  • Inverter type of power or voltage

AC voltage safety[edit]

AC electricity with a voltage less than 50 V (RMS) is called Extra Low Voltage. This voltage is unlikely to give a human being a dangerous electric shock.

What is low voltage?[edit]

Other names for low voltage:
  • Shock free power or voltage

What is DC voltage?[edit]

DC voltage is voltage that has a Plus and Minus terminal.
DC voltage symbol: Plus min power.PNG
Other names for DC voltage:
  • DC power or voltage
  • Battery type of power or voltage
  • Plus-minus power or voltage

Electric DC polarity: plus and minus[edit]

For most kinds of devices it is important to have the right voltage and polarity. Wrong voltage or polarity can destroy a device
How to mark the plus or to find the plus pole:
  • Red is always plus.
  • Painted line on the plus wire, no painted line on the min.
  • Square wire is plus, round wire is minus.
  • Sharp edge is plus, round wire is minus.
  • Knot is plus, no knot is minus.
  • Mark on the plus wire, the plus wire is special.
  • and so on, the plus wire is special or not normal than a normal wire.

These must be in good working order to save your electric material:
  • The voltage.
  • The amperage.
  • The plus and minus position.
  • The type of power, AC or DC.
  • The type of low voltage coax connector.
  • Protect your plug and connector against mechanical pulling force.
  • Take your time to check these 6 items.

Moving forward / home defense systems

As technology in the security sector advances, so does the intelligence of the burglars in beating this technology. Gone are the days when a simple alarm system, connected to your phone line, was sufficient to protect you from potential intrusions. Criminals have figured out a way around it – Cut the phone lines, and render the security system practically useless.

So what now?

Now is the time for bringing cellular technology into the picture.

What is a Cellular Alarm System?

Cellular alarm systems are a replacement of the traditional wired phone line security networks. These systems work just like your cell phone. A cellular module is installed in the main control panel and it sends signals, without the use of wires, to the monitoring station.  The cellular signal is sent via the data part of a cellular signal, much like a text message.

How Does a Cellular Alarm System Work

  • Emergency Occurs: The first step requires the occurrence of an emergency. This could include a variety of situations, such as a break-in through a window or a door, a fire or a gas leak or even someone trying to force open a security safe.

  • Sensor Triggered: Sensors can be placed anywhere in your house.  Whenever there is an instance of emergency, the relevant sensor picks up the unusual activity and is triggered.

  • Control Panel: The control panel serves more than one purpose:

  • Sounding the Alarm: The triggered sensor sends a cellular signal to the main control panel, where it is registered to sound the alarm. The alarm could be in the form of high-pitched sirens, turning on and off lights, in or around the house or flashing probe lights.

  • Alerting the Authorities: The control panel simultaneously sends a cellular signal to the monitoring service at the back end. The monitoring service, subsequently, informs the relevant authorities. In case of a fire, this would be the fire rescue services; in case of a break-in, it would be the local Police and so on.

  • Help Arrives: Typically it takes a few minutes for emergency services to arrive at the scene. Depending on the efficiency of your monitoring service and the local authorities, help should arrive soon and deal with the potential threats.

Added Benefits:

  • Emergency Notification: It can be programmed to notify you of an emergency via text, call or email.

  • Remote Monitoring: It allows you to monitor your house remotely. Even if you are far away from your home, you can still look at what’s going on inside the house. All you have to do is simply access the cameras from your phone and keep a check for any unusual activities while you are not around.

  • Simple Installation: One of the best parts about going for wireless technology with your home security is that you don’t have to go through the process of an extensive rewiring of your entire house.   The installation procedure is also very simple. 

  • Peace of Mind: With cellular technology securing your house, you don’t have to worry about power outages or even burglars cutting your phone lines. In addition to that, wireless systems are safer and more dependable, giving you a genuine sense of security.

Will the Cell Service Make a Difference?

A common misconception about cellular alarm system revolves around the strength of signals of the cellular service. To clarify, as long as you can make calls and send texts with your cell service at home, you are good to go. And in case the cell service coverage is not very strong at your home, you can always request for having a particular provider’s cellular module inserted.

What About Burglars Using Jammers?

Jammers can easily scramble the communication channel and disrupt cellular signals, giving the burglars a window of opportunity to rob your house. With a jammer in place, the burglar can simply break-in to your house and there would be no notification generated via your alarm system and therefore the monitoring service would not have any knowledge of an intrusion.

To combat this, a lot of alarm companies use a ‘dedicated channel’ to communicate with your alarm system’s control panel. This ensures that there is no disruption in services due to consumer cell phone signal outages. So, be sure to ask your carrier whether or not it provides this service.  

A Quick Word of Caution:

With a cellular alarm system, there are a few things you should keep in mind:

  • Batteries: Since these systems operate on batteries, you should be cautious about when the batteries die out. Most alarm systems would beep to notify you, but ideally, you should check the batteries after every few weeks.

  • Potential Signal Disruption: There might be other appliances in the house that can cause disruption. Keep an eye out for any equipment in the house that uses radio wave technology including microwave ovens and wireless internet. Try and ensure that your cellular alarm system’s range is not affected by the presence of these appliances.

  • Cost: Wireless systems are usually more expensive than wired systems, due to the more advance technology and the convenience they offer.

  • Security: Some of the relatively cheaper and low quality versions of cellular alarm systems operate with a narrow band of security codes.  Other users with the same model may be able to disarm the system with nothing more than a remote control. For this purpose, when you go out to the market, make sure you buy your security products from a trusted supplier that offers a warranty for its products.

  • Installation: Many homeowners tend to go for wireless systems due to the ease of installation factor. However, keep in mind that a non-professional installation might actually leave the system vulnerable to tampering, and unintentional damage.

  • ://

Wednesday, April 27, 2016

Semi autonomous homes w/ defense systems

Do you feel that you’re lacking a connection with your environment?
Would you like to live in a house where you are in control of the services?
This article is a case study of a couple who created an autonomous house. We find out why they did it and how different it is to live this way.

Autonomous Means Possessing a Large Degree of Self-Governance

Mike Coe and Lizzie Stoodley built themselves an autonomous house in Cropthorne, Worcestershire. Although being autonomous might imply no connection to the outside world, in their case this is not strictly true because they are linked to the grid (albeit to export more electricity than they use!).
If they were completely self-sufficient and off-grid in all respects they would have an autarkic house, but autonomous is a better description of their home. They have no gas supply, they derive their water from harvested rain and they deal with their own human waste.

Architects Brenda and Robert Vale Inspired Them

The initial seed of an idea came in the 1990s, before they had any plans to build a house. Mike was an ITV News cameraman and he was sent to Southwell, Nottinghamshire, on an assignment to do a story on a new kind of house.
Mike describes his visit: “Nobody had the faintest idea what it was. Only when I got there did I realise that it was fascinating. We did an interview with Robert Vale and he showed us around and I thought this is a really interesting project.”
The feature was never shown on ITV because another story broke, but Mike’s journey was not in vain. He had been inspired.

Many years later Mike and Lizzie were considering a long-term plan to leave London and live somewhere less hectic, when they returned to the idea of an autonomous house.
Increasingly concerned about what the human race was doing to the environment and with a strong desire to take action somehow, the ideas came together in their ultra low energy house. It would be based on the house at Southwell but would try to take everything to the next level, with improved materials and greater experience, etc. As this was a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity they wanted to do this properly and take the ideas as far as was sensible.
You can read about the autonomous principles at :
*Sys Nica is not attempting to convert homes to "full" autonomy in fact, we're against full autonomy.
 Our goal is to employ "fuzzy logic" as well as other software programs and interfaces to give the customer specific controls of a home.
 We don't believe alarm systems that "notify" law enforcement / comm centers and fire departments are adequate.
 Sys Nica endeavors to arm homes with non lethal and or lethal "defense systems" backed by multiple fail safes.
 Proximity badges, retinal scanners, palm readers, motion detectors, weight sensors, etc. that have to be duplicated to engage and or disengage the systems.
*No one that I know is going to need a full scale defense system such as the one I'm developing yet I am not my customer.
 The goal is to provide options that can be specialized to fit everyone's needs that fit their specific purpose.
 The first prototypes have been created, tested and are very effective.
 The finished products will go on sale very shortly "minus" the weapons, be that lethal or non lethal. The customers will describe the make and model of their choice of defensive device  and the custom fitting will be created.
 *Weight of the devices is limited to 3 pounds presently keeping the models below $1500
 I'm creating videos yet for obvious reasons, they will not be uploaded to public forums.
 I will keep those who have expressed interest within the loop.
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