Thursday, February 25, 2016


World’s first 3D-printer gun fired

BBC News
The world’s first gun made using a 3D printer is successfully tested in the US by a group planning to make the blueprints available online.

Wired Space Photo of the Day: Stunning Supernova

Wired Science
These delicate wisps of gas make up an object known as SNR B0519-69.0, or SNR 0519 for short. The thin, blood-red shells are actually the remnants from when an unstable progenitor star exploded violently as a supernova around 600 years …

Wired Space Photo of the Day: Blowing Bubbles in Trapezium

This glowing region reveals arcs and bubbles formed when stellar winds – streams of charged particles ejected by the Trapezium stars – collide with material.

Wired Space Photo of the Day: Moon Shadow Over Neptune

In 2009, amateur image processor (and philosophy professor) Ted Stryk discovered something no one had recognized before — images that show the shadow of Despina in transit across Neptune’s blue cloud tops. His composite view of Despina and its shadow …

Indian public cloud services market to reach $443 mn in 2013

Business Standard
The public cloud services market in India is expected to grow 36% in 2013 to total $443 million, up from $326 million in 2012, according to Gartner.

Galaxy S4: A star is born

Business Standard
“Parting is such sweet sorrow,” William Shakespeare had said.

Government Lab Reveals Quantum Internet Operated Continuously For Over Two Years

Technology Review
A quantum internet capable of sending perfectly secure messages has been running at Los Alamos National Labs for the last two and a half years, say researchers …

After nearly 10 years, Adobe abandons its Creative Suite entirely to focus on Creative Cloud

The Next Web » Insider
Adobe first launched Creative Suite 1 back in 2003, and now, ten years and six versions later, the company is taking a left turn: Adobe is abandoning its Creative Suite entirely to focus efforts on Creative Cloud. There will be …

Breakthrough in solar efficiency by UNSW team ahead of its time

The Sydney Morning Herald
Australian scientists have found a way of hugely increasing the efficiency of solar panels while substantially reducing their cost.

Adobe Goes All-In With Subscription-Based Creative Cloud, Plans To Stop Selling Regular CS Licenses & Shrink-Wrapped Boxes

Adobe believes its future lies in digital distribution and subscriptions – and it’s about to bet the company on this. As Adobe announced at its Max conference in Los Angeles today, it’s about to stop selling shrink-wrapped versions and perpetual …

Anti-Abuse Ad That Is Only Visible To Children

TAXI Daily News
[Click here to view the video in this article] Spanish organization Aid to Children and Adolescents at Risk (ANAR) Foundation has created an anti-abuse ad that is only visible to children. Created using lenticular printing, the ad shows a different …

Pizza Receipt Shows Intense Vancouver Hockey Fan Cancelled Pick-Up Because Game Was Tied (PHOTO)

Huffington Post
The latest hilarious receipt to go viral comes to The Huffington Post courtesy of Vancouver’s rabid hockey fans (and Reddit.) A picture of the receipt, posted to the r/funny subreddit Saturday by BrandiBean, apparently shows what happens in Canada when …

First 3D-printed gun fired on video ahead of Monday’s blueprint release

The Verge
Just a few days after revealing its 3D-printed “Liberator” handgun, said to be a world first, Defense Distributed now claims to have successfully fired the prototype weapon. Forbes documented the test firing, which took place in the prairies of Texas …

Anti-abuse campaign uses lenticular printing to show different ad to adults, children

The Verge
A new awareness campaign meant to stop child abuse (and help victims find support) is delivering its message in a unique way. The ANAR Foundation has turned to lenticular printing to create outdoor ads that appear differently to adults and …

Why a good education benefits us all — even if you’re long past being a student

TED Blog
Timothy Bartik says that investing in early childhood education is not just good for the children involved — but for communities as a whole. In today’s talk, he offers a detailed look at how preschool education boosts local economies in colossal …

How To Break Through Mental Barriers

There are so many different mental barriers that stop us from doing the things we want. They could be labeled as anything from depression to anger or come in any form such as negative thinking to just a cluttered mind. Whatever form they take and however it is they came about the problem is that they are stopping you dead in your tracks when you try to become successful.
How many times do you feel as though you are about to become successful, then out of the blue you fail? More times than you should, right? This is because you have hit a mental barrier and it won’t allow you to progress anymore. The blow can be so hard at times it can actually cause you to have depression, anxiety, anger, frustration, guilt,stress etc.
There is no reason to let one little wall stop you from achieving your dreams. Especially when you work hard, for so long, and get so far, to just be let down at the last minute. What I am about to share with you might be life changing. It was for me. Or it might just be something else you read and you don’t pay any attention to it at all. I’ll leave that choice up to you.

How To Break Through A Mental Barrier

WarningIf you break through a mental barrier your life may change dramatically very quickly. Don’t be afraid because this is almost always a good change.
Stop and look at how you view yourself and your thoughts. Some people view themselves as mostly right or mostly wrong. Other view might be that they can’t do something because … or that they can do anything because … Whatever view you hold about yourself is wrong. I am going to tell you right now that it is wrong and that you need a wake-up.
Your thought process is flawed and you are thinking about things entirely the wrong way. I don’t mean to sound so negative, but this is one time that negativity can be helpful. Don’t beat yourself up about this, because here in a minute I am going to explain how and why this will greatly benefit you. If you want me to prove your wrong stop and look at your success. If you have everything you want then maybe you aren’t wrong and this isn’t the article for you. If you have gotten so close, but no matter how hard you try, then guess what?

Now it doesn’t make you a bad person and you shouldn’t let your self esteem drop down to low just because you realize that you aren’t perfect. Who is? What you need to do is go at life from a different angle. If you thought you were always right admit to yourself that you are wrong about a lot of stuff. Admit that you hide the fact you are wrong behind something to protect your ego. Most of us are so stuck in the current mindset that this may shatter our thought process and cause us to draw a blank.
It’s OK if that happens to you. When you shatter your current thought process you will be able to build a new one from scratch, that will do you much much better. You need to open up to yourself and let out some stored emotion. Cry if you have to, its OK. Feel the breakthrough happening even if it’s tearing you apart temporarily.

Once you are done breaking your mind down and have the clean slate it’s time to reprogram success. You should have all or most of the weight of the world off your shoulders now. You should be feeling a little better, but still beat up. At this point you need to affirm to yourself whatever it is you want out of life. If you want to be happy then it’s time to accept things for how they are, and get out to smell the roses. If you want more money then it’s time to get focused on how your going to get there, and affirm that you won’t need to be right all the time, just work harder. Whatever it is you want, you need to realize you can get it and get there without your previous way of thinking.
What really does matter is how you are going to think from this day forward. Bring into your life emotions you have had buried for years. Show love and appreciation for things and people around you. Get involved in your life by living in the now. Things that were so important to you in the past may come forward again. Focus on what you love and what makes you happy. Do this and move forward through mental barriers and achieve whatever it is your dreams desire. Good Luck!

The One Thing Successful People Never Do

The One Thing Successful People Never Do
Success comes in all shapes and colours. You can be successful in your job and career but you can equally be successful in your marriage, at sports or a hobby. Whatever success you are after there is one thing all radically successful people have in common: Their ferocious drive and hunger for success makes them never give up.
Successful people (or the people talking or writing about them) often paint a picture of the perfect ascent to success. In fact, some of the most successful people in business, entertainment and sport have failed. Many have failed numerous times but they have never given up. Successful people are able to pick themselves up, dust themselves off and carry on trying.
I have collected some examples that should be an inspiration to anyone who aspires to be successful. They show that if you want to succeed you should expect failure along the way. I actually believe that failure can spur you on and make you try even harder. You could argue that every experience of failure increases the hunger for success. The truly successful won't be beaten, they take responsibility for failure, learn from it and start all over from a stronger position.
Let's look at some examples, including some of my fellow LinkedIn influencers:
Henry Ford - the pioneer of modern business entrepreneurs and the founder of the Ford Motor Company failed a number of times on his route to success. His first venture to build a motor car got dissolved a year and a half after it was started because the stockholders lost confidence in Henry Ford. Ford was able to gather enough capital to start again but a year later pressure from the financiers forced him out of the company again. Despite the fact that the entire motor industry had lost faith in him he managed to find another investor to start the Ford Motor Company - and the rest is history.
Walt Disney - one of the greatest business leaders who created the global Disney empire of film studios, theme parks and consumer products didn't start off successful. Before the great success came a number of failures. Believe it or not, Walt was fired from an early job at the Kansas City Star Newspaper because he was not creative enough! In 1922 he started his first company called Laugh-O-Gram. The Kansas based business would produce cartoons and short advertising films. In 1923, the business went bankrupt. Walt didn't give up, he packed up, went to Hollywood and started The Walt Disney Company.
Richard Branson - He is undoubtedly a successful entrepreneur with many successful ventures to his name including Virgin Atlantic, Virgin Music and Virgin Active. However, when he was 16 he dropped out of school to start a student magazine that didn't do as well as he hoped. He then set up a mail-order record business which did so well that he opened his own record shop called Virgin. Along the way to success came many other failed ventures including Virgin Cola, Virgin Vodka, Virgin Clothes, Virgin Vie, Virgin cards, etc.
Oprah Winfrey - who ranks No 1 in the Forbes celebrity list and is recognised as the queen of entertainment based on an amazing career as iconic talk show host, media proprietor, actress and producer. In her earlier career she had numerous set-backs, which included getting fired from her job as a reporter because she was 'unfit for television', getting fired as co-anchor for the 6 O'clock weekday news on WJZ-TV and being demoted to morning TV.
J.K. Rowling - who wrote the Harry Potter books selling over 400 million copies and making it one of the most successful and lucrative book and film series ever. However, like so many writers she received endless rejections from publishers. Many rejected her manuscript outright for reasons like 'it was far too long for a children's book' or because 'children books never make any money'. J.K. Rowling's story is even more inspiring because when she started she was a divorced single mum on welfare.
Bill Gates -co-founder and chairman of Microsoft set up a business called Traf-O-Data. The partnership between him, Paul Allen and Paul Gilbert was based on a good idea (to read data from roadway traffic counters and create automated reports on traffic flows) but a flawed business model that left the company with few customers. The company ran up losses between 1974 and 1980 before it was closed. However, Bill Gates and Paul Allen took what they learned and avoided those mistakes when they created the Microsoft empire.
History is littered with many more similar examples:
  • Milton Hershey failed in his first two attempts to set up a confectionary business.
  • H.J. Heinz set up a company that produced horseradish, which went bankrupt shortly after.
  • Steve Jobs got fired from Apple, the company he founded. Only to return a few years later to turn it into one of the most successful companies ever.
So, the one thing successful people never do is: Give up! I hope that this is inspiration and motivation for everyone who aspires to be successful in whatever way they chose. Do you agree or disagree with me? Are there other things you would add to the list of things successful people never do? Please share your thoughts...
Thank you for reading my post. I regularly write about performance management 
as well as the mega-trend that is Big Data for LinkedIn and Forbes. If you would like to read my regular posts then please click 'Follow' and feel free to also connect via TwitterFacebook and The Advanced Performance Institute.
Other recent posts by Bernard Marr:
About : Bernard Marr is a globally recognized expert in strategy, performance management, analytics, KPIs and big data. He helps companies and executive teams manage, measure and improve performance.
*Recruiting, must be able to obtain a passport.

Life After the GED: I Passed! Now What?

You never needed a GED.

Congratulations on passing the GED! The high school equivalency credential that you've just earned can open up many professional and educational opportunities. Read on for ideas on where to go from here.

Completing the GED: The Next Step

Passing the General Educational Development (GED) exam is a true accomplishment. According to GED Testing Service, the organization that manages the GED, the test is designed to show that you have the academic skills demonstrated by 60% of high school seniors.
Successful completion of the exam means you've earned a high school equivalency credential, which reflects a similar (but not identical) level of academic achievement compared to a high school diploma. In order to use this credential, you need to obtain a copy of your GED transcript. For people who took the test in the U.S. or Canada, this can be acquired by contacting your original testing center. Military personnel, test takers in correctional facilities and individuals who took the exam overseas can request a copy via the GED Testing Service transcript request form.
Once you have a copy of your transcript, there are two main ways you can take advantage of your new credential - you can pursue postsecondary education or advance in your career.


Some of the many reasons to pursue a college degree include increased career opportunities and better earning potential. Although your new credential doesn't guarantee college admission, it can open doors: According to GED Testing Service, over 95% of colleges and universities accept the GED transcript in lieu of a high school diploma for admission.
If you're considering postsecondary study, you'll first want to decide on your long-term goals. If you have a career in mind, find out what the typical educational requirements are, including specific subject areas and advanced degrees. For example, most states allow you to become a registered nurse with just an associate's degree in nursing, but you'll eventually need a master's degree in the field to become a nurse practitioner.
Once you've determined the degree path that meets your goals, look for local schools that offer relevant opportunities. If you're unsure what you want to do in the long run, consider starting with a local 2-year institution. Most community colleges offer lower tuition and convenient locations. Earning an associate's degree can also reduce the time and cost required to earn a bachelor's degree should you eventually transfer to a 4-year college or university.


Passing the GED can also help you advance your career. Even if you aren't interested in pursuing long-term postsecondary education, your new credential can help you access professional training programs at community colleges and vocational schools.
Your GED transcript can also help you get through the door at a new job or advance within your current company. GED Testing Service reports that 96% of employers accept the high school equivalency credential for hiring eligibility.
If you are currently looking for work, be sure to include your new credential on your resume. There are many services available to adults who are looking for a job. First, contact the career services center at the institution at which you took the GED exam. If the testing center doesn't offer services, stop by your city library or look up your local workforce development office for assistance.
If you're happy with your current company, ask your boss to meet with you. Tell him or her about your recent achievement and find out if it opens up any new opportunities for you within the company. You may not be offered a promotion right away, but your GED credential could qualify you to apply for another position at the appropriate time.
*This was created by I agree and disagree.
There are but two questions to consider: What is your skillset and have you placed that skillset within a nurturing market?
Perhaps... Your local community isn't fertile soil for you to cast your seeds?
I left my hometown with $275 more than 25 years ago, just a thought...

Porn Is Not the Problem—You Are

*Are you not responsible for your actions?

Porn is not addictive. Sex is not addictive. The ideas of porn and sex addiction are pop psychology concepts that seem to make sense, but have no legitimate scientific basis. For decades, these concepts have flourished in America, but have consistently been rejected by medicine and mental health. The media and American society have accepted that sex and porn are addictive, because it seems intuitively true - we all feel like sometimes, we might do something stupid or self-destructive, when sex is involved. But, this false belief is dangerous, and ultimately not helpful. Because when people buy into the belief that porn is addictive, it changes the argument, and all of a sudden, it seems like it is porn and sex that are the problems. Porn addiction becomes a label, and seems to be an explanation, when in fact, it is just meaningless words and platitudes that distract from the real issue. But sex and porn aren’t the problems. You are.
People do have a strong response to video pornography. Internet porn is very good at triggering male sexuality. The economic forces of the open market have driven modern internet porn to be very, very effective at triggering male sexual buttons, to get them aroused. But women actually have a stronger physiological response to porn than men and based upon this research, women should be more addicted to pornography than men. But the overwhelming majority of the stories we hear about are men. Why is this? Because one part of this issue is an attack on aspects of male sexuality, includingmasturbation and use of pornography, behaviors which society fears and doesn’t understand.
Porn can affect people, but it does not take them over or override their values. If someone watches porn showing something they find distasteful, it has no impact on their behavior or desires. But, if someone watches porn depicting acts that they, the watcher, are neutral about, then it does make it slightly more likely that they express interest in trying that act themselves. Take anal sex for instance. If a porn viewer finds it disgusting, watching anal pornography isn't going to change that. But, if they are neutral on it, then watching anal porn probably will slightly increase the chance that I would be willing to at least give it a try. But, there is the crux of the issue—the people who gravitate towards unhealthy, violent porn, are people who already have a disposition towards violence. So—the problem is not in the porn, but in those people. Regulating porn access really is going to have no impact on these people as they can (and do) find far more violent and graphic images in mainstream Hollywood films like "Saw."
Here’s some often-ignored empirical science about porn – as societies have increased their access to porn, rates of sex crimes, including exhibitionism, rape and child abuse, have gone down. (See the work of Milton Diamond(link is external)) Across the world, and in America, as men have increased ability to view Internet erotica, sex crimes go down. Believe it or not - porn is good for society. This is correlational data, but it is extremely robust, repeated research. But, it is not a message that many people want to hear. Individuals may not like porn, but our society loves it, and benefits from it.

It is getting increasingly difficult to find men in our society, who’ve never viewed pornography. But, if porn were the problem – if porn were addictive, then the problems of porn would be far, far greater than they are. In fact, in recent studies(link is external), fewer than 1% of people report that they have had problems in their life due to difficulties controlling their sexual behaviors, including watching porn. Now - higher numbers, around 10%, report "feeling" that their sexual desires are hard to control, but it is very different to feel something, versus ACTUALLY being out of control.
So – if you are one of that 1%, then what’s going on? If it isn’t the porn, then it must be you. Something about you (more than one thing, usually) has led you to be a person who makes bad decisions about sex. Now in that, you’re not alone – it is in fact a universal truth that people tend to make poorer decisions when they’re turned on, whether it’s choosing not to wear a condom, or choosing to masturbate to porn when you shouldn’t. Call it “sex-goggles,” and recognize that human sexual arousal affects our decision-making.
But, there’s more than that going on for you, if you’ve decided that porn is your problem. Here’s some more real science, that suggests some of the things that are going on for you – you like sex. Wow – earth-shattering, right? But several empirical studies (here's a link(link is external)to one of several) have found that self-identified porn addicts tend to be people with high libido. You are also a person who can get turned on very quickly (when you choose to). Further, you might have grown up in a home (or culture) where sex and masturbation were seen as morally wrong.
Having a high-libido is not a bad thing. In fact, one of the things I often argue is that men (and women) who like sex have changed this world, and made it better. Rock stars, politicians, military leaders and sports stars often tend to be people with high libidos, and a high desire to succeed. Sometimes, they actually want to succeed, just so they can have lots of sex.
But, if you are a man who likes sex, and likes porn, is that something you’ve ever really owned? I’m sad to say that our society has not taught men how to identify and negotiate their sexual desires or needs. We treat sex like a dirty secret. Then, when men get caught, they feed into that dirty secret mentality, and treat sex like it’s the problem.
Those other men, who like sex, watch porn, and don’t get in trouble - How do they do that? One thing is that they understand themselves, and their desires. Sometimes, they sit down with their wives and girlfriends and have a real, open discussion about their use of porn, their interest in it, and what it means, and doesn’t mean, about their attraction to and interest in their partner. That’s a hard, scary discussion (and not one for the first date, please), because it requires a man to stand up for himself and his sexual desires, to be willing to negotiate for those needs, to be willing to compromise, but stay true to himself, while asking for the same in return.
 Another thing about those guys, who don’t get in trouble for watching porn? They are paying attention to themselves, and they are doing the work that is needed to make good decisions. Some men have the internet or cable turned off in their hotel rooms, or install a net nanny on their own computer, so they have less temptation. That’s not because porn is the problem, but because these men are recognizing (when they’re not turned on), that they need to do the prepwork, in advance, to make good decisions. It’s okay to admit that you make poor decisions when sex or porn are involved – you’re not alone in that, and it’s not a sin.
But, the responsibility is on you to identify why and how you make bad decisions, and take steps to make better decisions in the future. When you blame the problems on porn, you’re telling yourself “porn is more powerful than I am.” And I’m here to tell you, that’s not true – you CAN take responsibility for your life, your sex, for your good decisions and your bad ones, and have the life you want. Porn's not the problem - you are. But you know what? You're also the solution.
  You can follow David Ley on Twitter@DrDavidLey

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