Thursday, February 25, 2016

The Science of Productivity [Video]

*After fielding those emails.

In today’s busy world we’ve become a people obsessed with productivity and “work hacks.”
Getting more done in less time lets us to get ahead, and even gives us more availability to do the things we love outside of work. The problem we run into is that it is easy to get motivated, but hard to stay disciplined.
Most of us look at productivity in the wrong way: task management tools are shiny at first and then go unused. Being chained to your desk is as unhealthy as it is unproductive.
At Help Scout we hold the belief that “achievement isn’t about doing everything, it’s about doing the right things.” Productivity is about saying no.
Focus and consistency are the bread-and-butter of being truly productive. Let’s take a look at the science behind how the brain works in the synthesis state, and what changes you can make for the better.

  • Why worrying about having “more willpower” is a fool’s game.
  • How world class experts stay productive… and what they do differently.
  • The reason why better energy management = a more productive you.
  • Big pitfalls that lead to busywork and procrastination.
Watch and enjoy.
Once you’ve done that, if you want to know more just scroll down: a dozen studies and far more explanation await.

Abandon All Willpower, Ye Who Enter Here

The first thing to acknowledge in the pursuit of getting more done is the mountain of evidence that suggests willpower alone will not be enough to stay productive.
According to research by Janet Polivy, our brain fears big projects and often fails to commit to long-term goals because we’re susceptible to “abandoning ship” at the first sign of distress.
Think of the last time you went on a failed diet.
You stocked your fridge with the healthiest foods & planned to exercise every day… until the first day you slipped up. After that, it was back to your old ways.
To make matters worse, research by Kenneth McGraw was able to show that the biggest wall to success was often just getting started. Additional research in this area suggests that we’re prone to procrastinating on large projects because we visualize the worst parts; the perfect way to delay getting started.
According to researcher John Bargh, your brain will attempt to simulate real productive work by avoiding big projects and focusing on small, mindless tasks to fill your time.
Big project due tomorrow? Better reorganize my movie collection!
Perhaps worst of all, numerous studies on the concept of ego-depletion have provided some evidence that suggests our willpower is a limited resource that can be used up in it’s entirety. The more you fight it, the more gas you burn. An empty tank leads to empty motivation.
With all of that stacked against us, what can we possibly do to be more productive?
In order to figure this out, one of our best bets is to observe the habits of consistently productive people.

The Habits of Productive People

If I were to ask to describe the practice regiments of world-class musicians, you’d probably envision a shut-in artist who plays all day long and then tucks in their instrument at night.
Amazingly though, research by Anders Ericsson that examined the practice sessions of elite violinists clearly showed that the best performers were not spending more time on the violin, but rather were being more productive during their practice sessions.
Better yet, the most elite players were getting more sleep on average than everyone else.
How is that possible?
Subsequent research by Anders reveals the answer: the best players were engaging in more deliberate practice. You’ve heard the term, but beyond the hype, what is it all about?
It’s nothing more than spending time on the hardest tasks, and being better at managing your energy levels.
Think of it this way: If you were trying to get better at basketball, you’d be much better off practicing specific drills for two hours rather than shooting hoops all day long.
Since deliberate practice requires you to spend more brainpower than busy work, how can you implement it without draining your willpower?
The first answer is an inconvenient truth: the best way to overcome your fear of spending a lot of energy on a big project is to simply get started.
The Zeigarnik Effect is a construct that psychologists have observed in numerous studies on suspense. One such study gave participants brain-buster puzzles to complete, but not enough time to complete them. The surprising thing was, even when participants were asked to stop, over 90% of them went on to complete the puzzles anyway.
According to the lead researcher:
It seems to be human nature to finish what we start and, if it is not finished, we experience dissonance.
It’s the same thing that happens when we become engaged in a story in a book, movie or TV show: we want to see how it ends.
You can use this knowledge to your advantage by just getting started on that next big project; in the most basic sense, don’t focus your motivation on doing Activity X. Instead, focus on making Activity X easier to do.
Start the night before. Is your to-do list already written up? Is your place of work ready for you to get started? Break down barriers of friction before relying on willpower.

On Working Like an Expert

A multitude of research has shown us that discipline is best maintained through habits, not through willpower.
According to Tony Schwartz, CEO of The Energy Project, most people hold their productivity back by not rigidly scheduling work & rest breaks throughout the day.
Since most of us are worried about willpower, we don’t push ourselves to maximum output: instead of “giving our all” for brief sessions, we distribute our effort throughout the day, leading us back to busywork to fill our time.
What should we do instead?
Schwartz often cites a research study conducted by the Federal Aviation Administration that revealed how short breaks between longer working sessions resulted in a 16% improvement in awareness & focus.
Research from Peretz Lavie on ultradian rhythms matches up with these findings: longer productive sessions (of 90 minutes) followed by short breaks (of no more than 15-20 minutes) sync more closely with our natural energy cycles and allow us to maintain a better focus and higher energy level throughout the day.
Ultradian Rhythm
Both of these studies on energy management match up with the practice schedules of the violinists: the most common regimen for the cream of the crop players was a 90-minute block of intense practice followed by a 15-minute break.
The moral of the story is that it’s hard to be productive while trying to maintain high energy levels through your entire day.
It’s much easier to work intensely when you know that a break is just around the corner, not at the end of the day. Instead of trying to conserve energy for hours, break big projects down into smaller chunks and plan a recovery period right after.
For projects done on your own time, try scheduling blocks of 90-minute work sessions with a planned cool down time of 15 minutes directly afterwards. When you know a break is on the horizon, you won’t try to pace yourself with your work, and will be more inclined to dive into the difficult stuff.
While great for tackling the toughest parts of large projects, this technique doesn’t really address many problems related to discipline, an important part of staying productive for more than just a day or two.

The Art of Staying Disciplined

One segment of the population known for struggling with discipline are those who are addicted to hard drugs.
Given their disposition for being unable to commit to many things, you might be surprised to find that during an experiment testing the ability of drug addicts to write & submit a 5 paragraph essay on time, those who wrote down when & where they would complete the essay were far more likely to turn it in.
These findings have some interesting correlation with those related to discipline in other people: in a study examining the ability of average people to stick with a strict dieting plan, researchers found that those participants who rigorously monitored what they were eating were able to maintain far higher levels of self-control when it came to maintaining their diet.
Last but not least, Dan Ariely and colleagues conducted a study involving college students and found that students who imposed strict deadlines on themselves for assignments performed far better (and more consistently) than those who didn’t.
These findings were especially interesting because Ariely noted that students who gave themselves too generous of a deadline often suffered from the same problems as students who set zero deadlines: when you allot yourself too much time to complete a task, you can end up creating a mountain out of a molehill.
Since we now know that tracking our progress is a key component of productivity, how can we implement this practice into our daily routine?
One method is to use an Accountability Chart to track what work you’ve completed during your 90-minute productive sessions, similar to how the dieters tracked their food consumption.
To easily implement one, simply create two-columns on a piece of paper, Google Docs spreadsheet, or even a whiteboard.
  • Column 1 will list the time-span of one of your productivity sessions.
  • Column 2 will list what tasks you’ve accomplished in that limited time-span.
Accountability Chart
Don’t include any columns for your 15-minute breaks, as those times are for your own sake and means to replenish your willpower.
This works well for 2 specific reasons:
Dr. Kentaro Fujita argues that tracking your progress in this way is helpful because you’ll be exposed to the work you’ve actually accomplished, and not the (inaccurate) assumption of work you might construe in your head.
Forcing yourself to write down the fact that you spent 2 hours on YouTube isn’t about shaming, it’s about awareness; you’ll be less likely to do it again.
Progress tracking is also a known strategy for stopping yourself from engaging in robotic behavior (also known as ‘busywork’), a habit thatresearcher John Bargh describes as the #1 enemy of goal striving.

Productivity & Multitasking

With a work schedule, an energy management strategy and a task-tracking system in place, the last challenge we have to face is that of multitasking.
According to a 1999 study, we have a tendency to view multitasking as effective, even when it isn’t
However, researcher Zhen Wang was able to show that on average, multitaskers are actually less likely to be productive, yet they feel more emotionally satisfied with their work—creating an illusion of productivity.
Worse yet, Stanford researcher Clifford Nass examined the work patterns of multitaskers and analyzed their ability to:
  1. Filter information
  2. Switch between tasks
  3. Maintain a high working memory
He found that they were terrible at all three.
According to Nass:
We were absolutely shocked. We all lost our bets. It turns out multitaskers are terrible at every aspect of multitasking.
When working on the computer, the best thing you can do is turn on Airplane Mode; no need for temptation when you can’t even access the web. If you’re unable, help yourself with tools like and StayFocusd to block distracting sites.
The next best strategy is to create an evening planning ritual where you select a few priority tasks to accomplish the next day.
The reason this method works far better than planning your daily tasks in the morning is because research from the Kellogg School has shown that we miscalculate the amount of focus we’ll be able to maintain in the future. We strongly believe that we’ll be able to quickly plan our day the next morning, but when tomorrow rolls we stumble off track.
You can create an evening planning ritual with a simple pen & paper or use an online tool like TeuxDeux each night. List only priority tasks (the “big 5”) for the day.
Instead of listing, “Work on research project,” as a daily goal, try something like, “Finish introduction,” or, “Find additional sources,” as a task you can actually complete.

The Instant Replay

Too long, didn’t read:
Willpower alone is not enough: Your productivity shouldn’t be reliant on your sheer force of will alone. Mental toughness will go a long way, but in order to stay disciplined you’re better off relying on systems.
Give yourself the ability to go “all-in”: Working harder on the stuff that matters is going to drain you mentally & physically. Don’t be afraid of giving yourself multiple breaks throughout the day. It’s better to “chunk” productivity sessions into 90 minute periods (in order to keep yourself sharp and to alleviate the stress of pacing your energy throughout the entire day.
If it’s not worth measuring, it’s not worth doing: Tracking has been proven to be the best way to stay diligent about your progress. Create an accountability chart to list what productive things you’ve gotten done throughout the day. You’ll see how much you’re really accomplishing.
Multitasking is your enemy: Treat it as such. Block out unwanted distractions and as Ron Swanson would say, “Never half-ass two things, whole-ass one thing.” Plan your day the night before so you won’t get consumed with the wonderful distractions of the internet when you start your day.

Helping Gen Y Declare Their Financial Independence

*Although retired, this is my second retirement plan. I'm investing in myself.
This is where a dog shakes his fleas.

For some members of Gen Y and their parents, it’s time to make a declaration of independence – independence from debt, from parents and from financial stress. They’ve struggled with more debt, lower incomes and a turbulent stock market, and as they move into their 30s, many of them are determined to establish a greater sense of financial security for themselves, despite the roadblocks in their way.
Two studies released this month suggest that Gen Y, generally defined as the group currently in their early 20s through early 30s, continues to struggle with some serious financial challenges, including high debt levels and a lack of saving, but they are committed to improving their financial well-being. The PricewaterhouseCoopers 2014 Employee Financial Wellness Survey, which tracks over 2,100 full-time working adults, found that Gen Y employees tend to struggle with cash management, including carrying balances on their cards. Four in 10 Gen Y employees said they struggle to pay their monthly household expenses.
“A lot of them are carrying a pretty heavy debt burden, especially out of school, and they’re not saving a lot for the future between student loans, credit card debt and trying to meet everyday expenses,” says Kent Allison, a leader of PwC’s employee financial education practice. He notes that the economic rebound has most benefitted those who already have savings, investments and homes, while those who do not yet have assets, like students and young 20-somethings, haven’t seen as much of a boost.
Still, other studies, including a new one from  a financial services company, The Principal Financial Group, often find that Gen Y also cares about financial literacy and is motivated to make smarter financial decisions, perhaps because they saw their parents struggle so much in the recession. The Principal’s survey of 591 employees between ages 18 and 34 last September found that 84 percent say they are “passionate about creating financial security for themselves,” and 80 percent say they expect to be “better off financially” than their parents when they are their parents’ age.
“Gen Y individuals are pretty passionate and optimistic about the future. They realize they need to be more self-reliant and recognize the need to take responsibility for their own future,” says ​Greg Burrows​, senior vice president of retirement and investor services at The Principal Financial Group. The survey also found that 80 percent of respondents had a monthly budget, and two out of three had an emergency fund and had started saving for retirement by age 25 – encouraging signs, Burrows says.
Given that mix of challenging circumstances and optimism, Gen Y and financial experts offered these nuggets of wisdom for 20-somethings trying to becoming financially independent:
1. Take risks and leave your comfort zone.

“I think it’s really up this generation to put themselves out there and tell people what they want to do,” says Lauren Berger​, author of the new book “Welcome to the Real World” and CEO of She even recommends reaching out to strangers on LinkedIn – as she has done herself – to pitch ideas or make connections. After she reached out to a Ford executive she didn’t know over LinkedIn, the connection eventually turned into a marketing collaboration between Ford and the Intern Queen.
2. Review your budget.
Berger says she used to waste money on Forever 21 clothing purchases, multiple coffees each day, happy hour drinks, other people’s weddings and countless other costs before she took a close look at her expenses and started tracking them. She recommends continuing to attend dinners with friends and happy hours, but to do it in a cheaper way, by eating beforehand, or only getting one drink.
3. Accept some help.
“It’s not only helpful, it’s necessary,” says Lauren Stiller Rikleen​, author of “You Raised Us – Now Work With Us,” referring to parental financial assistance. She says parents who can help their young adult children by inviting them to live at home or with cash assistance can help them find their footing and set them up for success. “Young people are trying to find their way in the work world, and it’s very difficult,” she says. (She adds that parents have to make sure they don’t put their own retirement in jeopardy with the help they give their children.)
*If you can't see it, it wasn't meant for you to see.

Oh my, this is not about dating, count yourself out.


This is just an information and tech blog, not a whole lot to it. I am seeking individuals after the ultimate prize, "Omnology". Don't worry about money, housing or food, I'll take care of that.
 Don't send me your resume.... Demonstrate that you are in the quest.
There's a "contact me" box at the bottom of the blog.

I got it like that.

A Tip For Inner Peace

*As you go about your daily routine and observe individuals turning without their blinkers, paying for a candy bar with check, planting a garden, spanking their children or even dropping bombs...

They're all people being people, this is what people do.

If I smell a flower, I shall get fragrance, if I stick my hand into a lion's cage, he will most likely take that hand.

Look to the nature of all things.
People being people is their nature.

Why it's time to let the OSI model die

* Original OSI model doesn't fit today's networking protocols; time for a simplified three-layer approach

One of the most enduring models in networking is the famous seven-layer OSI model. X.25 roughly, but pretty accurately, is based on the first three layers. And it stopped there. Subsequently - partly because of technology and partly because of marketing - Layers 4 through 7 have taken on a life of their own in the network as well as the applications.
The lines began to blur more than 20 years ago. Frame relay didn’t exactly fit the model because it contained some, but not all, of both layers 2 and 3. And TCP/IP didn’t even come close to following the seven layers as specified.
As stated in a recent column "Carrier Ethernet and the New OSI"by Tom Nolle of CIMI Corporation: “Despite the longevity of the references to the OSI model, the conception of the OSI model has changed over the years. Some 'layers' have been added, and some don’t seem to be getting used very much. Most recently, there is talk about concepts like 'virtual networks' and 'abstract topologies' that don’t clearly relate to the old OSI concepts. To make matters worse, the Internet’s evolution, based on TCP/IP, never strictly followed the old OSI model at all. A reasonable person might ask whether people who talk about 'Layer 1' or 'Layer 3' aren’t blowing kisses at an old friend instead of recognizing the relevance of the original OSI model.”
A few years ago, Larry Hettick and Steve attempted to redefine the “real” meaning in today’s world of the seven layers in a paper titled "Data Networking Basics". However, Tom, in his column proposes a simplified three-level model to replace the traditional seven-layer model.
In this model, Tom calls the first layer the Connection Layer, and according to Tom, “This layer is responsible for information delivery to the user access point.” The Facilitation Layer is used to provide “services to users/applications to enable their use of the Connection Layer and to provide other facilitation for even higher-layer services.” And on top there’s the Application Layer, which is used for “'user' and 'application' services.”
This makes a lot of senses to us. We’ve put the DB-25 connectors into the museum (or the trash), and it's time to move on to a new architecture as well and to stop trying to shoe-horn terminology for a 30 year-old model to today’s technology.

Iranian Nuclear Deal? Chanting, "Death to America".

ayatollah ali khamenei iran

"The slogan 'death to America' is backed by reason and wisdom; and it goes without saying that the slogan does not mean death to the American nation; this slogan means death to the U.S.'s policies, death to arrogance."
In his tour of history, Khamenei included an American-backed coup in Iran in 1953 and the spying he said was done from the U.S. Embassy in Tehran, which Iranian students and radicals took over in 1979. They held dozens of American Embassy workers hostage for more than a year.
Having completed his explanation, Khamenei announced, according to his official website, that he had proved his point.
"This slogan means death to the policies of the U.S. and arrogant powers," he said, "and this logic is accepted by every nation when explained in clear terms."
Khamenei's comments came on the eve of the 36-year anniversary of the seizure of the U.S. Embassy.

National day against 'Global Arrogance'

Iran's state-run news agency IRNA reported that demonstrators in Tehran marked the anniversary Wednesday by burning U.S. flags and making a statement declaring that the United States was Satan.
"We consider U.S. as Great Satan and we believe that fighting the arrogant powers is logical," it quoted the statement as reading.
The U.S. Embassy was known as the "Den of Espionage," IRNA reported.
A day earlier, the news agency reported that Iranian President Hassan Rouhani had told the Cultural Revolution Supreme Council that the embassy takeover was considered Iran's second revolution.
"The U.S. embassy takeover formed the pillars of the country's independence and fighting against the arrogant power by the Islamic Revolution in Iran," it quoted him as saying.
The November 4 anniversary was referred to as the national day against the "Global Arrogance,'" it said.

From school assemblies to Friday prayers and city billboards, it is a slogan still ubiquitous in Iran: “Death to America!”
And Iran’s supreme leader, Ayatollah Ali Khamenei, has made it clear that the refrain will not leave the Islamic republic’s political lexicon any time soon.
“The slogan ‘death to America’ is backed by reason and wisdom,” the 76-year-old ayatollah said in remarks published on his website on Tuesday.
But Khamenei, who has faced criticism from hardliners at home over the landmark nuclear agreement with the US, also attempted to draw a line between the American people and their administration.
“It goes without saying that the slogan does not mean death to the American nation; this slogan means death to the US’s policies, death to arrogance,” he said.
Khamenei was speaking ahead of the anniversary on Wednesday of the start of the 1979 hostage crisis, which began when angry students stormed the US embassy in Tehran and took 52 diplomats hostage for 444 days.
The Iranian establishment celebrates the incident every year, holding anti-western rallies in big cities. Hollywood’s dramatisation of the hostage crisis a few years ago with the film Argo particularly infurated Iranians.
But 36 years after the Islamic revolution, “Death to America!” has lost much of its potency inside the country, reduced to a rote phrase of state propaganda which few Iranians take seriously.
The nuclear accord struck between Iran and world’s six major powers, including the US and Britain, in July raised hopes that Tehran and Washington would finally leave their troubled past behind.
The Iranian revolutionary student who designed the hostage-taking episode and a senior American taken hostage told the Guardian in August that they both advocated a peaceful settlement to Iran’s nuclear dossier and believed it was time for a thaw in bilateral relations. 
Khamenei is anxious to show that he is not appeasing the “Great Satan” and has been adamant that the nuclear deal does not mean that relations between Tehran and Washington will be normalised.
In recent months, he has repeatedly said that the US is not to be trusted and remains hostile towards Iran. His comments indicate that despite direct contacts at international talks over Iran’s nuclear programme and Syria, the two countries are unlikely to re-establish diplomatic relations any time soon, analysts say.
In his speech to students in Tehran on Tuesday, the ayatollah said that Iranian politicians would be naive to think that US has changed its overall approach to Iran. Although Khamenei did not name any officials, it is believed that he is concerned with views expressed in Iran that appear to be conciliatory towards the US. 
“The truth is that the US’s objectives regarding the Islamic Republic of Iran have not changed at all,” he said, according to Iranian agencies. “And they would not spare a moment if they could destroy the Islamic Republic; but they can’t.”
“In recent years, some have attempted, either deliberately … or naively,” Khamenei said, “to overlook the [Iranian] nation’s repeated experience [of US hostility], to portray a whitewashed image of the US and to pretend that if the Americans used to be an enemy of Iran one day, they have now stopped plotting [against Iran].” He said this has not changed.

Big Brother: You're Being Watched—Practically Everywhere

Think government spying is only for James Bond and his ilk? You might be surprised at where—and by whom—you're being monitored every day.

Casinos. Banks. Airports. We all know there are public places where we're being watched, ostensibly for crime-prevention purposes. But with the advancement of digital technologies, "Big Brother's" reach has gotten way wider, recording our movements—and our conversations—in a surprising amount of places.
"Big Brother is becoming more and more intrusive in our private lives and until something is done to scale it back or eliminate it, it's only going to get worse," says David Bakke, Money CrashersTech Expert.

License Plate Readers

For the most part, there's no such thing as being "under the radar" when you're driving your car. First off, many police cars and objects like road signs and bridge are outfitted with automatic license plate readers designed to track the movements of every vehicle that passes. At a rate of thousands per minute, these readers "capture and collect the license plate number, and the date, time, and location of every scan," according to the American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU).
"Police departments are retaining data on people who aren't a threat," says Jay Stanley, Senior Policy Analyst at the ACLU. "As this technology gets more densely deployed, the records of your movements will become richer and richer."
And this data collection carries the potential risk that a third party could get a hold of this information and use it for criminal, or at least personal gain, says a report by the International Association of Police Chiefs. Case in point: "It seems like anyone can buy your car location now for about $10," says Alok, founder of the Epic Privacy Browser, a free browser which protects your browsing & searching online. "So there's massive surveillance of license plates by the government, as well as the private sector."

Sidewalk & Public Space Cameras

You car isn't the only thing that's being monitored on the street, according to Bakke. "The Department of Homeland Security has spent millions of dollars on high-tech video cameras that can monitor you as you walk down the street," says Bakke.
For instance, an ACLU report from 2012 says the City of Chicago "has access to 10,000 publicly and privately owned cameras throughout the City…and in the downtown district, virtually every segment of the public way is under video surveillance." NPR also reports that there is a growing trend of medium- to small-sized cities are spending "hundreds of thousands of dollars" on surveillance cameras and software.
Is any of this street surveillance lowering crime rates? A 2011study by the Urban Institute's Justice Policy center found that with proper monitoring and community education, areas with security cameras saw reduced crime rates, so while it's potentially invasive, use of surveillance cameras does show public-safety benefits.

On Public Transportation

The Department of Homeland Security has funded installation of public bus video and audio surveillance in numerous U.S. cities. "Video cameras are permeating our public spaces," says Stanley. "We've even seen some moves on buses to put microphones on them. We don't think that's legal."
Cities that already have listen-in bus surveillance: San Francisco, Baltimore, Detroit, Hartford, CT, Concord, NH (Park & Ride system), Boston (high-def video only)
In Detroit, city officials and the police department insist that audio/visual surveillance on buses will deter crimes and allow the police to more easily prosecute offenders.

When You Use Credit and Loyalty Cards

While it's no secret that loyalty cards are intended to create repeat customers by offering exclusive benefits to the cardholder, did you know that the purchases you make on it are being tracked and analyzed, as well?
"What you buy with credit and loyalty cards, that data, is regularly sold and bundled with your online browsing data," says Alok. "[That way] an advertiser on Facebook can target only people who buy Cheerios and Metamucil, for example." And he suspects most card companies collect data about your personal shopping habits, citing Visa and Mastercard privacy policies that allow the company to "perform data analyses" unless you explicitly ask them not to.

On the Phone

While it's not legal for the government to listen to the content of private landline or cell phone conversations conducted entirely within the U.S., the National Security Agency is allowed to collect phone call metadata (i.e.: time, date, location, phone numbers of each party), and has been doing so since 2001, says Bakke. However, the NSA can legally listen in on your conversation if you're talking to someone who's out of the country.
"Cell phones reveal your location, and companies want to retain and use that information," says Stanley. "There's no reason they should be [allowed] to exploit that."

While You Watch TV

In the not-so-distant future, your couch-potato time may become a public experience. "There is technology that's built-in to so-called 'smart' TVs, which would allow the cable company (or potentially the government) to watch you through your television," says Bakke. "To date, however, it is not being used for that purpose."
On the slightly-less-creepy end of the spectrum, Nielson is currently permitted to (and does) sell TV-watching habit data from the households it monitors, says Alok. "[It can] be used to target ads to you." Nielson's web site promotes the company's wide-reaching data collection methods: "We measure more than 40 percent of the world’s viewing behavior—hundreds of channels, thousands of programs, and millions of viewers, …allowing clients to plan programming and advertising for their ideal audience."

10 Creative (But Legal) Tax Deductions

* Thoughts to carry throughout the year.

Politicians are always taking corporations and the super-rich to task for exploiting loopholes in the tax code. Don't you wish someone was yelling at you for paying too little in taxes? Where are the loopholes for the average American taxpayer? The best we can hope for is to take as many deductions as humanly (and legally) possible.
It's tax time again, which means it's time to get creative with those deductions. Can you convince the Internal Revenue Service (IRS) that your pet iguana is a service animal? Can you deduct toilet paper as a business expense because you come up with some of your greatest ideas in the bathroom? Can you deduct your bar tab as a form of stress reduction therapy? No, but you'll give your auditor a good story to tell around the IRS water cooler.
Keep reading for our list of 10 creative tax deductions that won't land you in jail. Think of them as loopholes for the little guy.
Image result for pics of u haul trucks
If you move to another town for a new job, the Internal Revenue Service (IRS) will let you deduct a portion of those expenses from your taxable income. But did you know that you can even deduct moving expenses if you're self-employed? Or if you get fired from the job that you moved for in the first place? Yup, the IRS is uncharacteristically generous with this one, so take full advantage!
The IRS applies two basic "tests" to determine if you can deduct moving expenses: distance and time. First, the distance test: If you move for a new job -- or even to find a new job -- the new location must be at least 50 miles (80 kilometers) farther than the distance of your old commute [source: Internal Revenue Service]. So if you used to drive 30 miles (48 kilometers) to work, the new location must be at least 80 miles (129 kilometers) from your old home. If you're self-employed and work from home, then you only have to move 50 miles away, which can be as close as the neighboring city or town.
Now the time test: Once you move into your new location, you must be employed full time for at least 39 weeks of the next 12 months [source: Internal Revenue Service]. What's great about this is that you don't have to work for the same company that brought you out to the new location. Even if you quit that job or get canned, you can still deduct the moving expenses if you get another job in the same geographical area that keeps you employed for the minimum 39 weeks. Note that if you're self-employed, the time rule is more strict; you must remain employed full time for at least 78 weeks of the next 24 months after the move [source:SmartMoney].
What exactly does the IRS let you deduct as moving expenses?
  • Packing and shipping costs (moving company, for example)
  • Up to 30 days of storage
  • Travel to the new home, including gas at $0.24 a mile
  • Hotel rooms, but not meals
  • Disconnecting utilities at the old home and connecting new ones [source:SmartMoney].
The cool thing about moving expense deductions is that they're an "above the line" deduction, meaning you don't have to itemize deductions to claim them []. Now let's look at some ways to get creative with education expenses.
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The U.S. tax code is designed to encourage certain purchases and activities that strengthen society. Home ownership is one of those, and so is higher education. That's why the Internal Revenue Service (IRS) lets you deduct the interest you pay on both home mortgage loans and student loans. But did you know that you can deduct the interest paid on student loans -- even if you aren't the person that's paying it? If you qualify, you can deduct up to $2,500 in student loan interest every year.
As the IRS sees it, the person who is legally obligated to pay back a student loan has the right to deduct the interest [source: TurboTax]. In most cases, that person is the student. So even if your parents are the ones writing the check each month, you can still deduct that interest on your tax return [source: Stanton].
With the IRS being the IRS, nothing is straightforward, so there are a few conditions that could potentially disqualify you from claiming the interest deduction on your tax return:
  • If you're claimed as a dependent on someone else's tax return (your parents', for example), then you cannot claim the deduction.
  • If your modified adjusted gross income is greater than $75,000 for a single filer or $155,000 for a married couple filing jointly, then you can't claim student loan interest as a deduction.
  • If the loan is a Direct PLUS loan for parents or a similar loan in which your parents are legally obligated to repay it, then you can't deduct the interest from that loan [source: TurboTax].
Now let's look at some creative deductions you can take from contributing to a good cause.
*Here's the nav bar, go for it.

Zika virus spreading as weather warms

China's health authority warns about Zika virus spreading as weather warms.

China's health authority has warned about the spread of theZika virusas the weather warms up in mosquito-prone parts of the country.
State news agency Xinhua reported that National Health and Family Planning Commission spokesperson Xiong Huang told a press conference on Wednesday that China had confirmed five imported cases of the virus since its first case on February 9.
Zika has been blamed for a big spike in babies born in Latin America with microcephaly, a birth defect that causes the babies to have unusually small heads and is associated with developmental problems, after their mothers caught the virus while pregnant. The World Health Organization (WHO) has called the outbreak an international health emergency.
The virus has no vaccine or treatment, and in about 80 percent of people causes no symptoms.
The Chinese official said that the country's latest confirmed cases were a 38-year-old man and his eight-year-old son from Yiwu City in the Zhejiang Province, who were bitten by mosquitoes while visiting Fiji and Samoa. The other three people diagnosed with Zika were from the Jiangxi, Guangdong and Zhejiang provinces.
"We should be vigilant as the spread of the illness can not be ruled out in some regions where the mosquito population will increase as the weather warms," Zinhua quoted Xiong as saying. The official added that authorities would intensify efforts to quarantine infected people and reduce the number of mosquitoes.
The announcement came as the head of the WHO warned on Wednesday that the Zika outbreak would likely worsen before nations hit by the virus got any relief.
Director-General Margaret Chan made the comments at the end of her two-day visit to Brazil, the country at the epicenter of the Zika crisis. So far the virus has mainly been found in the northeastern part of Brazil but Chan said, "Don't be surprised to see microcephaly reported in other parts of Brazil."
Brazil has confirmed more than 580 cases of the birth defect and is investigating more than 4,100 additional cases.
Chan underscored that scientists were still working to determine causality between the virus and microcephaly.
The WHO has said there is a "strongly suspected" relationship between Zika infection in pregnancy and microcephaly. Scientists are also studying a potential link between Zika infection and Guillain-Barre, a rare neurological disorder that can weaken the muscles and cause paralysis.
The U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention said on Tuesday that 14 more people had caught Zika virus in the U.S. without traveling to affected zones, which was seen as evidence the virus was relatively easily transmitted via sex.
And in Australia on Wednesday, authorities sprayed houses and businesses near a hotel in the state of Queensland, where a guest with Zika had stayed. The guest had caught the virus during a visit to South America.

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