Friday, February 19, 2016

Explore Nicaragua Online


Besides its capital city, which is the administrative center of the country, the department of Managua has many attractions. Its territory has coasts on the Pacific Ocean and also goes through the 'Sierras de Managua' (low mountains) and continues on the wide plains that surround most of Lake Xolotlan (also known as Lake Managua).
The department has famous beaches that are easily reachable and include luxurious or rustic tourist infrastructures. A few of them remain unexplored. Also, Managua has three important natural reserves: the Chiltepe Peninsula with two volcanic lagoons, the El Chocoyero - El Brujo natural reserve and the Montibelli Natural Reserve, which famous for being a birdwatching destination.
The region was home to many indigenous tribes, all of them absorbed by the cultural and ethnic mix of colonial times. Furthermore, visitors can see artifacts and even prehistorical traces in local museums. Also, there are many historic sites offering information about important episodes of the Nicaraguan recent history.
Managua measures 3,465.10 Km². Its tropical savannah climate gives the area mostly warm temperatures throughout the year. The only exception to this characteristic is the area of the 'Sierras de Managua'. About a 91.1% of its population live in the many cities and towns of its territory, although there is a large rural productive area. Managua has nine municipalities with a lot of destinations to visit.


  • Managua

    Located in a valley that goes from the 'Sierras de Managua' (South) to the shores of Lake Xolotlan (North), this municipality is mainly occupied by its capital city, which is the administrative and political center of Nicaragua. Managua has its own personality: its chaotic design gathers several modern residential areas, poor settlements, volcanic lagoons, shopping malls, a hectic nightlife, hotels, restaurants and tour operators.
  • Ciudad Sandino

    The capitol city of the municipality of Ciudad Sandino is the second most important one after Managua. Even though there are not significant tourist attractions, the municipality has many farms and shores in Lake Nicaragua. The local festivities are held in honor of San Francisco Javier on December 3rd. Furthermore, its inhabitants are also part of the celebrations in honor of Santo Domingo de Abajo, in August.
    • El Crucero

      Located on the summit and slopes of the 'Sierras de Managua', this municipality is known for its cool weather, despite being in the middle of a department of warm temperatures. Its urban center is the town of El Crucero, which has a hotel, a canopy tour, many restaurants serving international food and viewpoints with panoramic views. An interesting site is the community of El Ventarron, from where one can see the ocean and feel the strong winds that do not allow anything grow except grass and a few trees. Fog is also common in the area, as well as a sulfur smell brought by the winds coming from the Masaya Volcano.
      • Mateare

        The major attraction of this rural municipality is the Chiltepe Peninsula Natural Reserve, situated on the shoreline of Lake Managua. The Xiloa Lagoon, which has a tourist center, is located here, as well as the little known (and barely accessible) Apoyeque Lagoon. There are other attractions like a small forest and some caves on the southern side of town. In addition to Mateare, the capitol, other important centers are Los Brasiles and San Andrés de la Palanca.
      • San Francisco Libre

        Also known as San Francisco del Carnicero (former name), this remote rural municipality has many plains and hills. It is located on the Northern side of Lake Managua and also has a wide shoreline in it. There are several livestock and agricultural farms, which also preserves a wild forest partially affected by loggers. In addition to the rural town of San Francisco, which is the capitol of the community, one can find several scattered communities. The only hydro-mud therapy hospital in the countr is located near the the capitol town; it offers treatments, tours and lodging options.
        • San Rafael del Sur

          The beaches of Pochomil, Masachapa and Montelimar are the main attraction of this municipality. The three of them are easily accessible and have tourist infrastructure (rustic and luxurious). The small town of San Rafael del Sur is the capitol of this municipality. This territory covers coasts, where one can find beautiful sugar cane landscapes, mountainous slopes that are also part of the 'Sierras de Managua' and some preserve inacessible forests.
        • Ticuantepe

          Natural landscapes, fauna, flora and archaeological remains are part of the attractions of this municipality. Visitors will find natural reserves such as El Chocoyero - El Brujo and Montibelli. Also, the National Zoo is located here, with diverse national exotic species. Its urban center is the small city of Ticuantepe, which as a nice archaeological museum and many parks. There are other villages nearby, where wide pineapple plantations can be seen. Furthermore, Ticuantepe has several restaurants, hotels and tourist centers along the highway that crosses the whole territory.
        • Tipitapa

          This municipality of flat lands has several attractions, such as the coasts on Lake Managua or the Tipitapa riverbanks. The San Jacinto Hacienda, an important stie during a historical important battle, features a nice museum in its interiors. The tourist center of El Trapiche, which has wide ponds surrounded by infrastructure and some restaurants, is also located here. Furthermore, the municipality is also known for its pools of thermal waters. The city of Tipitapa is the urban local center. Here, visitors will find good restaurants; some of them offer the famous 'Pescado a la Tipata', which basically consists on a boneless fish. The local festivities are held from January 6th to 30th, in honor of the 'Señor de Esquipulas' or the Black Christ.
        • Villa Carlos Fonseca

          Better known as Villa El Carmen (former name), this rural municipality has coasts in the Pacific. Its many beaches are quite solitary, have little infrastructure and are rarely known. Although, there is a surf hostel and houses for rent. The territory is flat and occupied by livestock and agricultural farms. The town of Villa El Carmen is the urban center. Also, it has villages and fishing villages.

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        14 Reasons You Can't Lose Weight

        Are you eating well and exercising, but your weight just won't budge? Or it's going up? Desperate attempts to lose weight can be so frustrating and create a real stress in our lives. In fact, I'll go as far as saying that weight is the NUMBER ONE stress for women I know. 

        It's a vicious cycle of trying to control what we eat, feeling like a failure because the scale doesn't move, punishing ourselves for not being "more in control," and then manifesting a huge amount of bodily stress that causes further havoc in our bodies. Then we binge or take our diet to an extreme (never healthy) and the cycle continues… 

        Oh gosh I’ve exhausted myself just typing that!

        Our self-esteem is measured by what the scales say, right? 

        Of course not, but that’s what I believed. Now I believe that when we are kinder to ourselves, and practice positive thinking, our body will start to work in our favor. And the weight will go down.

        Of course it’s not thaat simple, but it's the first part of being more in control of your own body weight. 

        And it doesn't need to be such a stress! There is a way to live without worrying about your weight and watching everything that enters your mouth. Once we have the skills in place to find happiness and psychological wellbeing, healthy eating habits (and a healthy weight) will follow easily. 

        Here are 14 reasons you may be hitting the wall with your weight… 

        1. Your hormones aren't balanced. 

        If you are fatigued, suffer from PMS, experience irregular menstrual cycles, find it hard to lose weight, feel depressed or anxious, you may have a hormonal imbalance. Best to see a nutritionist or doctor who can support you and suggest certain tests that will confirm this so you can take appropriate action. 

        2. You're not getting enough Vitamin D. 

        A huge number of the population have low Vitamin D, which is associated with weight gain and several metabolic processes. If you spend much of your life indoors, get your Vitamin D checked with your doctor.

        3. You're exercising, but not in a way that’s benefiting your body! 

        You are either exercising too much or you need to mix it up a bit and give the body a bit of a shock. (Funnily enough, most people I see who over exercise tend to put on weight easily.) Enjoy a variety of workout techniques: weight training, Pilates, yoga and interval training. Quick and hard bursts are good. And weight training is very helpful to raise your metabolism.

        4. Your digestion and absorption is not optimal. 

        You are not what you eat; you are what you digest and absorb! Our gut health will determine our overall wellbeing. The bacteria that lies in our gut helps us to fight disease, process our food, make nutrients and make hormones etc. 

        5. You're sitting on your ass all day.  

        You're not moving your body enough throughout the day, and your body does not like this. I understand some of your have office jobs and are tied to your desk, but is it possible to go for a few minute stroll every hour? Or walk 20 minutes to grab lunch?

        6. You're eating too much. 

        I'd love to be able to say you can eat as much healthy food as you like, but unfortunately this is just not the case. The body cannot cope with a lot of food at once. It's vital to put good portions on your plate. (I usually say: ¼ of the plate should be protein, ¼ carbohydrate and ½ veggies.) Fill that plate with your greens, my love, and eat 5 to 6 small meals a day. We must learn to listen to our bodies when it's full and to stop eating! We all need to work on this.

        7. You're not chewing your food. 

        Chewing your food until it's liquid will really help with weight loss and better digestive performance.

        8. You're stressed and not finding balance in your days. 

        Stress can impact your weight in a number of ways. Long term stress = high cortisol, which is linked to blood sugar imbalance and weight gain around the mid-section.

        9. You're not sleeping enough. 

        Sleep = repair. When your body gets enough rest, it's able to perform.

        10. You're a fad dieter. 

        This is not way of life. I often ask people are you weight conscious or health conscious? They're very different mentalities that foster very different choices. 

        11. You're eating out too much and not cooking at home. 

        Trust me, you just don’t know what that restaurant is using to cook your food. Assume they're using the worst vegetable oils, heavy amounts of butter and oil, and poor-quality produce. Unless you're dining at a place that claims healthy cooking and uses healthy produce, learn to love your kitchen!

        12, You're not adding protein to your plate. 

        Protein is the satiety macronutrient that helps us to balance out blood sugars and therefore helps to control our weight

        13. You're scared of good fats. 

        Don't be! Good fats are so so important to your brain and for making hormones. (So you can imagine why many of those who suffer from hormonal imbalances usually eat a low-fat diet) and your heart. The body actually uses the good fats and they will help to lower your LDL cholesterol.

        14. Your liver is sluggish and you need a good cleanse! 

        If you're feeling low, tired, and moody and your diet contains alcohol, coffee and sugar, you need to give your body a break. When your liver is sluggish, it struggles to process substances/toxins/hormones efficiently and this leads to toxic build up and this will inevitably cause weight gain. You might benefit from a seasonal cleanse

        Get rid of all your remotes with Bluemoo

        Remote controls for audio and video equipment were designed to provide the user with convenience and a higher level of media enjoyment. At times, though, these small, button encrusted contraptions have developed into a massive headache that actually prevent the enjoyment they were designed to provide.
        For example, we spend countless hours looking for lost remotes deep in the crevices of our furniture, we seem to endlessly be swapping batteries, and they can be confusing to use, especially if we are juggling between 3 or 4 remote controls for all of our audio and video devices.  But now you will never have to experience those problems again with the Blumoo Bluetooth Universal Remote, available for a limited time at BGR Deals.
        The Blumoo Bluetooth Universal Remote beautifully does what other remote controls couldn’t:  Provide the user with enhanced convenience, allowing for a heightened media enjoyment experience.  The Blumoo allows you to control your all of your media equipment with your smartphone.  Just pair your compatible smartphone via a Bluetooth connection to the Blumoo and you are ready to go.
        The Blumoo controls over 225,000 different A/V components and is a cinch to set up.  Not only can you control all of your devices, but you can also stream your music to your stereo.  It makes it easy to upgrade all of your A/V equipment, and the Bluetooth functionality works up to 150 feet away!
        Blumoo works with the iPhone 4S or newer, iPod Touch 5th gen or newer, iPad 3rd gen or newer, or any device running Android 4.0 or better.
        *Don't go for that, there are other types of universal controllers on the market.

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