Saturday, August 25, 2018

Success Starts in the Mind (But Doesn’t End There)

What if there was a way to think your way into success, a way of turning ideas into reality?
Maybe it takes more than creativity. Maybe your mindset matters more than you think but only when backed up by intentional action.
And if that’s true, maybe there’s a process to follow…

It begins in the mind

What we think about when we are free to think about what we will — that is what we are or will soon become.
—A.W. Tozer
I cannot simply will myself to become a best-selling author or a world-class entrepreneur. I have to work at it, too. Everyone knows that.
But there is a step before any visible success that most people overlook. It goes beyond dreams and ideas and is what ultimately leads to meaningful action.
You must visualize what you want before you can get it. [Tweet that]
I know this runs the risk of sounding esoteric, but hear me out. So much of what matters in life involves faith:
  • We trust friends with our deepest secrets.
  • We put our kids to bed, believing they’ll wake up safe and sound in the morning.
  • We hope a tragedy will turn out for good — somehow.
This is where all great endeavors begin: in the mind. With faith-filled thoughts that lead to action. The thinking initiates the dream, but faith causes you to take that first, uncertain step.

Then you must commit

It was character that got us out of bed, commitment that moved us into action, and discipline that enabled us to follow through.
—Zig Ziglar
This is the place where most people fail, myself included.
We get a great idea, think about it awhile, and then move on. Or we take the first step, maybe even a few, and then get distracted. And we move on or forget what we wanted in the first place.
The point at which we make a difference is not during a brainstorming session; it’s when we step out of the board room. When we decide to act and then start moving. Not recklessly, but intentionally.
All great things become great when we act, and not a moment before. The only way ideas take off is with a decision, a choice that costs you something.
Faith without works is dead, and dreams without action are just fantasies.[Tweet that]
You were meant for more than that. You were made to do great things, and that means at some point, you must not only decide to act but commit to a plan of action.

And it gathers momentum

If I find something I like, I’ll chase it and see what comes out the other side. Once a song gets momentum and gets away from you, that’s a good sign.
—Dave Matthews
Once we decide, we have to move. To sign up for class, board the plane, or quit that job. This is the scariest part, but if the first two steps are satisfied, the third comes almost naturally.
But if the laws of physics teach us anything, they should tell us that once something is set in motion, it wants to remain in motion. Which means that one step leads to another. And another.
The hard part, though, is inertia. Objects at rest want to stay at rest. So we have to exert a lot of force and energy on those objections, those projects that could be great if only they had a chance to succeed.
So the first step is, in fact, just the beginning — as it should be. But what’s the difference between a bunch of empty starts and stuff that actually takes off?
Momentum. It’s the reason successful people keep succeeding and failures keep failing.
How do you overcome inertia and set into motion the law of momentum? Focus intensely on one project and don’t let up or move on until it takes on a life of its own. Do this enough, and you’ll create a whole portfolio of success.

Let’s put it all together…

If you’re like me, you need things broken down occasionally. So here is a series of three steps you can practice over the next week:
  1. Cultivate a habit of positive thinking. Pay attention to your thought life and look for ways you might be sabotaging yourself before you begin. Cut out of your vocabulary (both internal and external) any negative language that doesn’t encourage an attitude of faith. Healthy skepticism is find; perpetual self-doubt is not.
  2. Commit more. Let your “yes” be yes and your “no” be no. Follow through on what you say you’re going to do, and stop making empty promises. Teach yourself how to be a person of integrity, even if it hurts (and it might).
  3. Work harder than you’re used to. Do what you do, and do it well — without cutting corners or selling yourself short. This is how discipline is built: like a muscle, stretching more and more each time you exercise it.
Try these three habits for a week, then a month. And once you’ve done it that long, look back at what you’ve accomplished. If you’re pleased with the results, why not keep going?
If you’re looking for a resource to help you, check out The Strangest Secret (affiliate link) by Early Nightingale (you can listen to it for free on YouTube).
Where does success start for you? Is there a process you follow? Share in the 45 Comments.

DIY Home Improvement

25 Products All DIYers Should Have at the Ready for Quick-Fix Repairs

Sometimes the key to making a fix is just knowing the right product to use. We asked our team of professional carpenters, plumbers, painters, electricians and fix-it gurus what their favorite products were, and this is what they told us they never leave home without.
It all begins here.

Where to Learn Information Technology (Self Taught)

I am wanting to learn about IT, network security, networking, IT as a whole, but I am having trouble finding books/ websites that I can teach myself. Before you say "just go to college" I already am. I am in the military, so college is progressing slower than normal. So I am looking for anyway to learn what I can. Thank you for you help :)

7 Signs You’re A Person Who Is Mad At The World

1. You’re Always Cranky

You’re not a morning person. You’re not an afternoon person. You’re not an evening person. Basically, you’re always cranky when you feel like it, which is most of the time. You’re not a patient person either. You get ticked off by the smallest of inconveniences, and you don’t like being bothered most of the time. You’re a straightforward person. You want people to get straight to the point when talking to you. Your anger sometimes scares people off, but you don’t care. Sometimes people wonder why you act a certain way, but you would never explain to them what’s going on.

2. You Question Everything

You like to analyze what’s going on. You want to know everything behind the scenes. “Why did he do that to me?” “Why do I feel this way?” You like to dig deep and you try to figure out everything. You sometimes blame others for the things that happen to you. You like to feel that it’s not your fault these things happen. You also like getting to the bottom of things so you can understand them better and try to fix it.

3. You Think That Society Is Messed Up

Society tells you to be yourself, then they judge you— that’s what you hate most about society. You feel that the world supposed to make you feel welcome and it’s supposed to make you feel good about yourself, but instead it judges you for being different. You hate bullying and discrimination because you think it’s pathetic. You want justice. You want people to always be right and do right. You can’t stand the fatal flaws society has. You wish you could just change all of their mistakes and wrongdoings.

4. You Feel Like You Deserve Better Than The Shitty Hand That Was Given To You

You feel sorry for yourself all the time. You like to mope around all day. You’re never contented with what you have because you always compare yourself to others and think that they have it better than you. You can’t stop thinking about the life you could’ve had if you were a different person born with different things and a different lifestyle. You don’t necessarily hate your life, but a part of you doesn’t want it. You wish you could be someone else, someone who has it better.

5. You’re Against Almost Everything And Everyone

You don’t take anyone’s side but your own. You only value your opinion because no one else’s opinion matters. You always think you’re right, even when you’re not. If you don’t like something, you sure as hell will never like it. You’re against people who are against your philosophies. You don’t take shit from anyone and you won’t tolerate anyone who bothers you or pisses you off. You also don’t like things that will add to your misery. So basically, you’re against anything that doesn’t make you happy.

6. You Feel Like The World Should Revolve Around You

You feel like you deserve all the credit in the world. You lack appreciation, which is why you act the way you do. You want people to notice you more. You crave attention. You want people to look up to you and follow your footsteps. But that’s not how it works. You don’t receive that much praise. People don’t notice the little things you do for them. Sometimes the effort you put into things are just wasted.

7. You Feel So Alone

This doesn’t necessarily mean that you don’t have any friends; it’s just that you think that no one will ever understand the way you feel. You don’t have anyone to run to or rant to. You bottle your emotions and keep everything to yourself. You have a hard time expressing yourself to others. You want to be understood, but you just don’t know how to reach out to people. All you want is for someone to understand your pain and deal with it as well. You hate feeling alone. For once, you just want someone who will be by your side through everything — someone who will be worth it.

Friday, August 24, 2018

David Pecker About to Give Trump the Dick

David Pecker, CEO of National Enquirer Publisher, Granted Immunity in Michael Cohen Case

This isn't even news, bye Donald.

Citizens of America, You Lose

 Intelligent people knew their vote went from "who they wanted" to "the lesser of two evils or fuck it, let's not vote" when they saw these two losers facing off.

 Some are sitting at home praying that Trump weathers the storm, he won't, as other are celebrating his impending downfall because they're childish.

 No matter what happens from this point forward the Trump administration is hobbled and forever stained. Any future endeavors by this administration will be so scrutinized that true progress is just a joke.
 The Democrats, on the other hand, are hobbled as well, they don't have anyone to answer the call. Listen to them closely, none, not a one has a viable plan. Every time they get the chance to speak, it's about Trump, we already know about Trump, what the hell will You Do Differently? No answer.

 So how does everyone lose?

 The bullshit rubber banded, patched and quilted system that was in place is forever gone. Intelligence would dictate that all parties back away from the table and begin all over again but as you and I know, "America doesn't run on intelligence"!
 This is a quagmired conundrum, and guess who's going to pay for it? Your kids.
Healthcare, big pharma, DEBT, schooling, loans, interest rates, ally support & assistance, treaties, nuclear development, stock markets, etc. but most of all, "Neighborly trust and global trust". "Trust" on any level has shit the bed!

 Your college grads, teens, millennials and nondescript are headed for a whirlwind of change and there is no blueprint to follow.
 I have no proof but you can bet your bottom dollar that the enemies of the United States have been paying more attention to these developments than you have.

 Look above your head, you may see the vultures circling.

10 Easy Ways to Boost Your Metabolism (Backed by Science)

Eating food can increase your metabolism for a few hours.
This is called the thermic effect of food (TEF). It's caused by the extra calories required to digest, absorb and process the nutrients in your meal.
Protein causes the largest rise in TEF. It increases your metabolic rate by 15–30%, compared to 5–10% for carbs and 0–3% for fats (1).
Eating protein has also been shown to help you feel more full and prevent you from overeating (2345678).
One small study found that people were likely to eat around 441 fewer calories per day when protein made up 30% of their diet (9).
Eating more protein can also reduce the drop in metabolism often associated with losing fat. This is because it reduces muscle loss, which is a common side effect of dieting (101112131415).

People who drink water instead of sugary drinks are more successful at losing weight and keeping it off (1617181920).
This is because sugary drinks contain calories, so replacing them with water automatically reduces your calorie intake.
However, drinking water may also temporarily speed up your metabolism (1821).
Studies have shown that drinking 17 ounces (0.5 liters) of water increases resting metabolism by 10–30% for about an hour (2223).
This calorie-burning effect may be even greater if you drink cold water, as your body uses energy to heat it up to body temperature (2124).
Water can also help fill you up. Studies show that drinking water a half an hour before you eat can help you eat less (252627).
One study of overweight adults found that those who drank half a liter of water before their meals lost 44% more weight than those who didn't (19).

High-intensity interval training (HIIT) involves quick and very intense bursts of activity.
It can help you burn more fat by increasing your metabolic rate, even after your workout has finished (28293031).
This effect is believed to be greater for HIIT than for other types of exercise. What's more, HIIT has also been shown to help you burn fat (323334).
One study in overweight young men found that 12 weeks of high-intensity exercise reduced fat mass by 4.4 pounds (2 kg) and belly fat by 17% (35).

Muscle is more metabolically active than fat, and building muscle can help increase your metabolism (36373839).
This means you will burn more calories each day, even at rest (40).
Lifting weights will also help you retain muscle and combat the drop in metabolism that can occur during weight loss (41424344).
In one study, 48 overweight women were placed on a diet of 800 calories per day, along with either no exercise, aerobic exercise or resistance training (45).
After the diet, the women who did the resistance training maintained their muscle mass, metabolism and strength. The others lost weight, but also lost muscle mass and experienced a decrease in metabolism (45).
Highly interactive yet the bottom line is, "Get off your ass".

Forgiving and forgetting isn't attainable

“We’ve all suffered in life, but I like to forgive and forget,” a friend recently said, probably expecting me to nod in agreement. Instead I visibly grimaced. I call B.S.
To me, the alliterative phrase "forgive and forget" represents a romanticized sentiment more than actual helpful life advice. I believe it serves to smooth things over more so than it heals or amends wrongdoing. 
We’ve all suffered in life, it’s true. But the thought of forgetting about wrongs I’ve faced seems offensive to me. How could “forgetting” help? And how is it even possible? We don’t live in the film Eternal Sunshine for the Spotless Mind wherein it’s possible for people to surgically remove past wounds from their memory. Plus, if we forget about past wounds, how are we to avoid the same situations again? Another common phrase, “fool me once, shame on you; fool me twice, shame on me” comes to mind.
Of course for most of us, we don’t forget. We remember the hurts we’ve experienced, and we revise our behavior to avoid them. Even if we don’t consciously pay attention to the wounds or wrongdoers in our lives, often our body remembers them, and whether we’re conscious of them or not, they affect how we live our lives. So rather than banish our issues, let's rethink how we move on. 

01. Forgetting is not possible. Period.

As Julia Hogan, LPC, told me, “it's impossible to truly forget a wrong that has been committed against you. It happened. It happened to you, and you experienced how hurtful it was. That is something that is impossible to erase from your memory. Nor would it be fair to you to ask you to forget that the wrong happened despite the harm that you've suffered. You are allowed to acknowledge the hurt that you've suffered and it is often beneficial for someone to say, ‘Yes, I've been wronged by someone.’”
The thing is, if someone tries to forgive and forget, it's possible they haven't really forgiven, because by the quick act of “forgetting,” they haven't fully processed the wrong they've been done. And acknowledging the wrong is essential to real forgiveness.
The leading researchers on forgiveness, Drs. Robert Enright and Richard Fitzgibbons, describe forgiveness as "people, upon rationally determining that they have been unfairly treated, forgive when they willfully abandon resentment and related responses (to which they have a right), and endeavor to respond to the wrongdoer based on the moral principle of beneficence which may include compassion, unconditional worth, generosity, and moral love (to which the wrongdoer, by nature of the hurtful act or acts, has no right)."
Enright and Fitzgibbons describe the process of forgiveness as a four-stage process of uncovering the hurt; understanding what forgiveness is and isn't and deciding to forgive; working to change the way they view the offender, themselves, and their relationship with the offender; and finally, finding meaning in suffering, connecting with others, and feeling a renewed purpose in life.

02. Moving on takes time.

When it comes to grave hurts, “to grow in true personal healing and truly forgive is incredibly difficult and has no timeline,” Hogan told me. 
“It can be very difficult and emotional process and so a therapist can be a great resource to help you with this.” Despite the difficult process, though, seeking true forgiveness can be a much more freeing experience than forgetting. “True forgiveness doesn't erase the wrongdoing but rather frees the person who was hurt.”
So, forgetting has nothing to do with real forgiveness. Forgetting actually impedes it.
“Pretending the wrongdoing never happened doesn't make the effects of it go away,” Hogan continued. While it might be easier in the moment to ignore the wrongdoing and act as if nothing has happened, the emotional effects of the wrongdoing are still there. Once the person who was wronged is ready to acknowledge the hurt, the healing process of forgiveness can begin.”
Hogan has seen this to be true in counseling her patients. “If I were to tell my patients who were abused as children to ‘forgive and forget’ what happened to them, I would be saying to them that the ways their lives have been negatively impacted by that abuse doesn't matter. And nothing could be further from the truth. Their lives have been incredibly impacted by what they experienced as children.”

03. Forgetting can be useful but costly.

Dr. Jennifer J. Freyd, psychologist, professor at the University of Oregon, and editor of the Journal of Trauma & Dissociation, notes that there are situations where forgetting can be a helpful coping mechanism—but it comes with a price. Also author of the book Blind to Betrayal, Freyd told me “the basic idea in betrayal trauma theory is 'forgetting' can serve a function of someone who’s really stuck in a bad situation.” It’s not uncommon for someone to forget a painful experience in order to “stay attached to a person who keeps you alive, for instance.” A child needs a parent to stay alive, so in cases of abuse, for children, “forgetting harms done to them serves a function. But it comes at a great cost.”
For those facing betrayal trauma, the notion of forgetting often comes in the form of dissociating. “We have many kinds of memories,” Freyd explains. “I can remember facts, I can remember how to do things like how to ride a bicycles; some memories I can talk about they’re very consciously accessible”; others, not so much. 
“People who are betrayed traumatically in childhood are much more likely to have dissociative tendencies in life and difficulties having intimate relationships later in life. These are things people can heal from, but it takes effort, relationships, and admitting the truth to oneself.”
But can we handle the truth? We can’t handle without it, actually. 

04. Forgiveness is possible.

Freyd stresses that forgiveness can be incredibly beneficial under the right circumstances, but truth is a necessary precondition to reconciliation. Even when one has been harmed by a person who is unable to admit the truth, that person can still admit the truth to themselves about the the wrong they’ve been dealt—a necessary step to move forward. 

How to Apply for Jobs Abroad *I take this personally

Moving abroad is a dream for many, but unless you have a small fortune to support yourself during your stay - you're going to have to find some way to work abroad to make it happen. This is no small task. On top of the usual stress that comes with searching for work and standing out amongst the masses, you'll also have to go through a visa process to be able to work in another country legally.
The good news is - it's all worth it.
The new and deeper understanding you'll receive from becoming apart of a foreign workforce is like no other travel experience you've had before. It gives you the chance to form long-lasting relationships with people from other countries, see how the rest of the world operates and learn things that you normally would not in your own country. You might find a better way of doing things while working abroad that could totally transform your career, but at the least you’ll have a unique encounter with a foreign land. Working in another country, rather than just visiting it, allows you to truly become apart of that culture and embrace every aspect of it.
Are you ready to work outside your own country? We’re here to show you how to apply for jobs abroad.

Step 1: Find a position

The first and probably most daunting task in applying for jobs abroad is actually finding a position that you can apply for. This is confusing, because there is no clear-cut model to finding work abroad, no website that lists every job open to Americans around the world and you probably won't have a lot of people in your life to go to for advice. But there are jobs out there, you just need to know where to look.


Networking is key to finding a job in every situation. These days networking is done the old fashion way - through word of mouth, friends and parties - as well as online. LinkedIn is a fantastic place to start to mingle with CEOs, startups, etc. and maybe even catch a few breaks on the job front.
Create a profile that stands out. Once your name, photo and details are online, you never know who will find you. But don't just sit back and watch - be proactive. Ask people who hire on behalf of prospective companies abroad to connect. Maybe even send them a message asking to pick at their brain. Look at the job listings every day based on your preferences. Also, join groups on LinkedIn as well as Facebook for people in your profession as well as other interests. A lot of times startups or employers from larger companies will post on online groups looking for applicants from around the world, because they don't want to pay recruiters to do it for them.
If you graduated from university, use your alumni association to create contacts. See what the rest of your fellow alums are doing. If any are working abroad, contact them and see how they found the position and if they known of any other companies looking for foreigners. Go to alumni event as well. In fact, go to as many events as possible for people in your field. Usually different parties and mingles will attract foreign visitors in the same career. Pick at their brain and form a relationship. You never know where one chat will lead you.

Job Fairs

Attend overseas job fairs. They do exist. Just google the phrases "overseas job fair" or "abroad job fair" then the name of your nearest city and you'll find events that are focused on it. There you'll be able to see what companies are recruiting people to work in their foreign offices. You could even go through an interview on the spot, but at the least you'll get your foot in the door.

Worldwide Companies

Rather than just applying straight through, say a UK company, in hopes of moving to London, apply for jobs with US companies that have offices around the globe. Companies like Price Waterhouse and Cooper, Wells Fargo, Datacom, Hilton and Conde Nast are worldwide. They're looking for people willing to travel and move abroad in an array of positions too.
Understand that for some people, having to move abroad for a job is actually a bad thing, so apply for positions knowing that your willingness to do so is a huge asset. The only drawback of applying for foreign jobs this way is that you might have to wait a year or so to actually move abroad with your company. They’ll want to train you from their headquarters or see if you can handle the move before just sending you off.
This method is especially good for those who want to work in hotels. One of the biggest things an American hotel company needs when it opens a new location abroad is English speakers who know the company and how it works.

Job Search Engines

Just like at home, websites like Craigslist, Monster, and Gumtree are wonderful sources to finding work abroad, but it's key to go through your desired country's specific job search engines, so you're not going to be looking at Craigslist USA for a job in Australia. In fact, while Craigslist is helpful in several countries around the world, it's barely known in Australia. For this country, you'll want to use sites like Seek and Gumtree to search for jobs. Use this method to whatever countries you are hoping to apply in. Certain jobs will say in their description that they're open to sponsorship. Some websites even have a filter to help you search for companies looking for US citizens or English speakers specifically. But at the very least, you'll see where is actually hiring in foreign countries and you'll have a chance to get your name out there.


The US government probably offers more foreign jobs to its citizens than any private company and they also have an in on getting your visa sorted out with foreign agencies. Plus the US government almost always needs its own citizens to work for it at all times, so you won't be going up against people who are from the foreign country you are trying to work. Like in America, companies in foreign countries often try to hire citizens over foreigners - so that weakens your application to work with foreign companies.
This is not the case when applying for a job with the US government abroad. Searching and applying for foreign jobs through the US government is simple. Go to, type in the sort of job you are skilled in and country you wish to work and a listing of available positions will come up. You can apply directly through the website.


This option is risky, but it will definitely prove your determination. Basically, just show up in a country and start applying in-person or setting up interviews for while you're there. Though the internet is a fantastic source, nothing compares to actually being in a place and meeting people. While it's illegal to work in another country on a visitors visa, it's not illegal to look for work. However, you will probably be asked to leave the country while you sort out work permits and visas.

"Practical" Preppers

About Practical Preppers

Practical Preppers offers unique and innovative approaches to being prepared for what may lie ahead. We believe whole heartedly that to be truly prepared means having a plan, the equipment, and the knowledge to handle any unexpected situation. Our approach allows us to focus on our client's home and creative custom solution to meet their needs. 

Our Approach

Our passion is learning more and more about enjoying our homes and living independently, while keeping costs as low as possible. Most investigations involve hands-on research. There are lots of inventions that, when we read about them, seem to offer inventive and economic approaches to common preparedness problems. Too frequently, the neat idea is lost in poor execution. We seek to keep our customers from dealing with such surprises. This principle extends to all of the products we recommend to our customers. We have installed and tested every product we might recommend.

Low-tech experimentation

We are constantly experimenting, seeking ways to use and modify commercially available devices, to increase their value in grid-down scenarios. We try every combination we can think of, that might be practical, to come up with low-tech, low-expense approaches to getting more from the equipment that people already have. Our general rule is: Easier is better. That includes using parts that are generally available. We are thoroughly familiar with metal fabrication and other ways to repurpose devices. However, as much as possible, we work on approaches that minimize the skills required to use them.

One of many examples

We have worked on a number of ways to heat water, in a home, if the electric grid goes down. For example, we have tried different ways to heat water using a wood stove. What makes this more of a challenge than in years past is that the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) no longer allows coils inside a wood stove. You cannot order a stove with a coil inside, unless it is a cook stove. The easiest way to heat water from a fire is, obviously, running water through a pipe that runs directly through the heart of the fire. So, we sought other approaches to heat water, using an existing stove, while maintaining EPA compliance. We attached a commercially-available metal coil onto the outside of the back of a wood stove, and connected the piping it to a storage tank. We first tried it as a passive siphon -- that is, without using a pump to circulate the water. In another experiment we used the same setup, with the addition of a little 12-volt pump. This kind of experimenting is what we do all the time.

Higher-difficulty, low-tech experiments

We also tackle higher-difficulty projects. Bigger or more difficult projects make sense when there are big payoffs. Taking just two examples, we have used wood to power a pickup truck and to generate all the electric power for a home. Specifically, we:
  1. Modified a gasifier and mounted it in the bed of a 1962 Ford pickup truck. We then made the modifications necessary to connect its output to air intake of the engine. We now have a pickup truck that is fueled on wood!
  2. Used the output of the wood gasifier in the pickup to power an electric generator. The generator was connected to the electrical system of a house. It was set up so that, when a switch was thrown, the power source was switched from the grid, to drawing its power from the generator.

Playing within the rules

Even our more novel and difficult experiments are designed so that all the rules are followed. So, if it works, the results are meaningful and create no risk with any authorities. For example, prior to the house power cutover, we secured the approval of the local power company.

These experiments help our clients

The many products and technologies available to preppers can be traded off in a wide variety of ways. Our research, testing and experimentation keeps us current on the available options. This includes refining our ideas of what options are appropriate to clients with different skill sets. See the Products section of this site for specific examples of the sort of tradeoffs we help clients with.

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