Sunday, August 12, 2018

Build Redundancy into Your LAN/WAN

These standards and practices will help you ensure that packets continue to flow

The server is down! The Internet is down! Systems administrators and network administrators would prefer never to hear these words—and after all, the words are seldom literally accurate. How often is an entire server destroyed? How often does the Internet suffer a global failure? Most system failures are the result of a single component failure. Your job is to find that component, fix it, and return the system to normal operation.
For crucial systems, you're always looking for ways to predict and reduce downtime. One approach is to analyze the system's communication path from servers to users and look for potential single points of failure—that is, individual system components that, when broken, can cause the unavailability of the entire system. After you identify potential single points of failure, your next challenge is to decide what to do about them. Because money is often a consideration, you undertake risk analysis—either formally or informally. A considered response often includes one or more of the following strategies:
  • Do nothing. Either the risk is low or the cost of a fix is too high.
  • Acquire cold spare parts. Cold spare parts are components that you can use to replace broken parts quickly. This strategy comes with moderate cost and risk and is appropriate when some downtime is acceptable.
  • Acquire hot spare parts. Hot spare parts are redundant components that are running all the time, ready to take over for broken components in the system. Clustering, load balancing, and hot sites are all forms of such redundancy, depending on the part of a system that needs repair.
As a network administrator, you need to ensure that packets continue to flow. Often, redundant network connections are your best bet. In a network setting, you can use redundancy to provide fault tolerance and to increase communications capacity. To build reliable network communications paths, you need to understand how to implement redundant LAN and WAN connections. For information about the standards and protocols that enable the following redundancy scenarios, see the sidebar "A Glossary of Standards and Protocols Relevant to Redundant Networks," page 62.
Redundant LAN Connections
Sooner or later, you'll need to handle a system communication failure that occurs within a server's local subnet. The server's NIC and default gateway are both potential points of failure, but you can add redundancy in a variety of ways.
Multiple NICs on the same subnet. Whether your server system is standalone, clustered, or load-balanced, the NIC is a potential point of failure. Starting with Windows 2000, Microsoft simplified the installation of multiple NICs configured for the same IP subnet. To provide NIC redundancy, you can connect such NICs to the same hub or switch or preferably to different switches. The Interface metric property determines which of the active (i.e., enabled) NICs the system will use for outbound traffic; the system uses the NIC with the lowest number in the Interface metricfield. Go to Control Panel, Network and Dial-up Connections, Local Area Connection, Properties. Select Internet Protocol (TCP/IP), and click Properties. On the General tab, click Advanced. Clear the Automatic Metric check box at the bottom of resulting dialog box, and enter the metric you want to assign to this NIC.
Multiple default gateways. A failure of the default gateway on the subnet will cause traffic to remote subnets to fail. Implementing multiple routers on the subnet provides a measure of fault tolerance to this kind of failure. The Virtual Router Redundancy Protocol (VRRP) and the Hot Standby Router Protocol (HSRP) support such fault tolerance without requiring configuration changes at the client. You can also implement multiple default gateways at each client by defining more than one default gateway address on each NIC. Starting with Win2K, Microsoft lets you assign a metric to a default gateway the same way that you assign a metric to a NIC.
In earlier versions of Windows, you can assign a metric to a default gateway by installing additional default gateways directly into the IP routing table. To make such routing table changes, you use the Route Add command with the metric option at a standard command prompt. For example, the command
route ­p add mask metric 15

adds a persistent default gateway for the router at with a metric of 15. Understand that only connection-oriented traffic such as TCP will trigger a default gateway change; UDP and Internet Control Message Protocol (ICMP) traffic such as Ping won't. Defining different default gateways for different NICs in a multihomed computer can cause problems when the NICs connect to networks that can't communicate with one another. Even when default gateways are defined on different NICs, only one of a computer's default gateways is active at a time. For more information about configuring default gateways, see the Microsoft article "Default Gateway Configuration for Multihomed Computers" (
The Internet Router Discovery Protocol (IRDP) is yet another way to handle dead-gateway detection. Routers that support IRDP use ICMP messages to advertise their presence. In Windows NT 4.0, Microsoft added IRDP support, which is disabled by default. You use registry modifications to enable IRDP individually for each NIC, as described in the Microsoft articles "Internet Router Discovery Protocol (IRDP) Client Support Added to Windows NT 4.0" ( and "Router Discovery Protocol Is Disabled by Default" ( After you enable IRDP, the protocol stack will listen for and request router advertisements and use them to set a default gateway.
Link aggregation. Several years ago, NIC vendors began to offer proprietary solutions to the single-NIC vulnerability. These solutions evolved into the IEEE 802.3ad Link Aggregation Control Protocol (LACP) standard. LACP supports multiple parallel switch-to-switch and server-to-switch connections. You can use this standard—variously called NIC teaming, port bonding, and link aggregation—to configure LACP-based products for fault tolerance, increased bandwidth, and load balancing across parallel links.

Friday, August 10, 2018

Something I've never shared

 I'm often asked, "How did you accomplish that" concerning jobs, traveling abroad, contracts, relationships etc.
 There's a very simple equation that I employ 24/7! "I have met and will meet more greedy people in life than I will decent people". I couple that with, "I will always meet more people seeking immediate gratification than I will people willing to work and invest in their own benefit and lives".

*Here are some examples:

- People want to lose weight but not exercise or eat right so they drink shakes and swallow pills.

- People buy Superbowl tickets for thousands of dollars to see a 90 minute show but won't go to a PTA meeting to invest in their child's education.

- People will buy 3 automobile tires to get one free at less than $100 investing nothing into stopping on the freeway in the rain... With their kids onboard.

People will go to a fast food place to get garbage but won't cook a healthy meal.

- People will actually sit on their lazy asses and watch work out shows but won't go outside.

- People will cry oppression but won't get up and vote.

- People will buy lottery tickets every day of the month but won't buy soap to wash their ass.

- People will try and have technology based careers and at "this very moment" they're reading this post from a fucking phone LMAO

- People will buy clothes for an event, turn the tags inside out and take the clothing back to the store the next day.

 When you can grasp these "few" things about people, their traits, their greediness, their laziness and cheapness you rule the world!

One of thee most important things you'll ever learn, "Time management".

Thursday, August 9, 2018

12 Hidden Benefits of Being an Over-Thinker That You Need to Realise

The notion of overthinking is often deemed as a hindrance to personal growth, but not everybody believes this is the case. Thinking on its own is very normal, very human practice, so overthinking must have some beneficial use in society. Today we are asking why has it gained such a bad reputation, and what are the benefits of being a deep thinker.

1. Creativity

Researchers at King’s College in London discovered that people who worry a lot are more likely to be creative geniuses! This is due to the fact that they like to find meaning to every situation, and thus develop a superior imagination. They can piece together multiple interconnections and patterns to create something truly original.

2. Problem solving

Over-thinkers are more likely to brood over problems which means they are more likely to figure out how to deal with them before they’ve actually happened. In a crisis situation, an over-thinker would be more prepared than a carefree person.

3. Brilliant observational skills

They are more capable of noticing minor details than those who are more happy-go-lucky. This makes over-thinkers ideal for certain careers such as scientific researchers, designers, occupational therapists, teachers, and much more.

4. Able to predict the future

This doesn’t mean over-thinkers are psychic per se, but their intuition gives them the ability to see patterns and predict outcomes of events based on information they have gathered over time. They are fantastic analysts and can be great at giving advice to those who are more ‘in-the-moment’ types.

5. Better at working on relationships

Because over-thinkers prefer to mull over issues, rather than react immediately, they are more likely to take the time to think about the other persons point of view. Seeing both sides of an argument is an admirable quality that can save relationships.

6. Learns faster

Over-thinkers are able to easily pick up what others expect from them. Their perfectionist nature means they will take the time to learn the details and gather knowledge over a wide range of subjects. This makes them very interesting conversationalists and sought after employees.

7. Always prepared

Since they can predict every possible scenario, an over-thinker is always prepared for any situation. This gives them enough time to prepare how to ‘get over’ things quickly and move on faster than others would. For this reason, they’d make excellent project managers.

8. Calm nature

Over-thinkers are surprised by few things. This enables them to react in a much calmer, more controlled way than a person who is more easy-going. People generally feel at ease around them because of how secure they come across (even if their mind is going 1000mph inside).

9. Tactful

They are less likely to fly off the handle and insult others, because they know they wouldn’t want others to do the same to them. You’d never hear an over-thinker say “Sorry, I wasn’t thinking”, because they’re ALWAYS thinking.

10. Self-aware

An over-thinker is very introspective, which means they are more likely to spend time studying themselves. This gives them an opportunity to improve what they don’t like about their character. Rather then taking out their insecurities on others, they can deal with them in a more healthy way.

11. Socially selective

While some may see it as a handicap to be less social and introverted, over-thinkers see is as an advantage. Being more guarded and selective about who they spend time with, means they are less likely to invite unnecessary drama into their lives.

12. Makes better decisions

Yes, being indecisive is also perceived as a negative trait, but an deep thinker knows that decisions effect everything and should not be made lightly. An over-thinker will have less regrets than those who rush into things.

Cheap Kit Car List

Continued at > "Cheap Car List"


 Many people will tell you, "Your Blessed" after a fortunate circumstance yet I don't believe this.

 Here's what I believe > 

- If you move towards anything constructive, "God Allah, Buhdha, Basketball, Orange, Apple will move with you". *This statement is not derogatory because God is all things and all things are God no matter your label.

- If you sit on your ass and watch TV, God will sit with you.

- If you were born with no legs yet put in the effort to walk, God will assist you in your efforts.

- If you are fired from your job yet begin to look for another, God will search with you.

 All in all, you create your blessings "or" you can sit there on your ass and what for a miracle.

Promote your business or cause with every email.

 Here's how you can add your business card, logo or URL to all your emails.

- Go to your email settings and click options.

- Now look for your, "Email signature".

- Simply click this to open your signature settings and here you can add you graphics, wording or whatever you like just like a document.

 - The finished product.

Wednesday, August 8, 2018

Just sitting on the back of "JP" with "Nietzsche" / Kizoa

Never cry

 So... The employment situation has changed, so what! Adapt & overcome.

For the first time I'm struggling

 6 years ago I could have posted my CV at a number of international job sites and been employed within weeks. Now it seems that all countries want are English teachers, should I get another cert?
*I have a valid passport and funds for travel to anywhere on the planet.
(I have no clue where that Puerto Rican frog came from LOL)

Puerto Rico, Florida, Nicaragua & Cambodia  
Mensa invited > 157 IQ

Nicholas Johnson
Objective - I complete contracts selectively. Seeking more arduous tasks.

I have successfully had a great deal of lateral training and experience within the electrical industry.

2014 - Current
Niko’s Toy Box,  Walt’s Auto & Transmission & Chart House Restaurant
Complete ownership and responsibility to assume high, medium and low voltage contracts. Asses conflicts and convey the results directly to the owner. Fix, repair and or replace standing equipment. All installs are designed with 80% future expansion in mind. Build redundancy within systems vis NEC / TIA codes & better means and practices. Create as built prints. Build websites setting new email accounts with associated blog. All endeavors are turn key. @ Walt’s Auto I’m a mechanic, office assistant and an all around maintenance person. 1st chef Chart House restaurants

Sep 2013 - 2014
General Contractor
Complete restoration of a 1941 48' Chris Craft Flush Deck - electrical, fiberglass, hull, decks, navigation & electronics, diesel engine rebuild, install solar power, revamp bilge system, fabricate mechanical parts, create as built prints via Visio,etc.
 Jan 2014 - Sep 14' Dental Gallery Prosthetics Lab Titusville . FL
Dental Lab Equipment Technician
Assess and repair dental lab equipment - Alvacor, compressors, wiring harnesses, low voltage applications, vehicles (replace front end on one), repair master dental tech's boat, create advertising tools, too much to list.

06’ - 07’ IBM via Grubb & Ellis Gaithersburg,  MD
Stationary Electrical Engineer Class III
Monitor and maintain - High voltage room from 69K KV field - Sub station - Paralleling switch gear - UPS & battery rooms - PDU’s / CACU’s - CDU’s - Liebert cooling system (CRAC’s) -DDC system (monitor only) - Generators - create liquid tight circuits within the NOC using pin sleeve devices / HVAC monitor & maintain - Chillers - Condensers - Cooling towers (belt driven) - Pumps - Control wire / line power - Air Handlers -ADR / ADS - VAV’s / FPVAV’s - Boilers and all associated devices. Working knowledge of PLC and its software environment & interfaces.

Dec 03 - 06' & Current NTECH Solutions Various
Project Manager
Complete ownership & responsibility to drive projects to conclusion - Translate project requirements into project objectives - Manage task assignments to project resources - Develop detailed project schedules, resource plans & status reports - Conduct project meetings, safety meetings, and mange client and GC expectations - Manage all interactions among end users, vendors and, services - Review project deliverables & set appointments with local inspectors by section or time line - Ensure satisfactory transfer of product upon completion - create documentation to be shared as learning tools for the next project.

July03’ - Feb04' CDI Braggs Electrical Little Rock,  AR
Electrician/Telecommunication Installer
Build switchgear QA-QC all circuits and pilec connections - set and monitor ATS for a smooth transition at all times report directly to GC of all changes in electrical environment - Phone - Data - EMS - Fire Alarm - Controls - Sound Sys. - AV - CCTV - Satellite - RTAC,s - Dips -  Locknetics  -  Electrician/IT21
Jun02’- Nov02’ PROSOFT Various
Senior Telecom Tech
Senior Telecom Tech -NMCI Installs-OSP/ISP Walk Troughs-Team Leader (Get it done correctly; on time; and under budget).  Lead man for all of Prosoft’s construction of PDS’s on all NMCI contracts (cable tray-conduit-fabrications penetrations-fire stop-tech support-cert-etc).  List of completed contracts upon request. Complete knowledge of PDS Quality Assurance Checklist as set forth by General Dynamics.

May01’ - Nov02’ CBC Norfolk,  VA
Fiber Optic Technician/electrician
Conduit bending, emt- ridged, core drilling, wire devices-panels-breakers-ATS-Complete rough-ins etc. Certified ST/SC connector termination, fusion splicing. OTDR Testing. Fiber optic organizing trays. Certified by Lord & Bayer. Data punch down (Cat.5-Cat.5e-Cat.3) (RG6-8-11) Telephone Main Frame-skeleton & enclosed rack construction, IDC connection blocks. Wavetek Testing, Fire Alarm Install.  Strobe+ Pull boxes,
May98’ - May01' Milcom Systems Corp VA Bch Va

Primary Company Category-Assembler 1, IT21 Division-Assemble MBTs, ABTs, Transformers, Power panels, MDVO boxes and RJ45 connectors, Fiber Optics, Multi-pin connectors, Marine and commercial power, Radar Domes, Dry Air management systems. Read blueprints, (structural-electrical-welding-Telecom backbone-run sheets-mapping)
US  Coast Guard 84’ - 86’ - Snipe
1981-Buffalo State College, Buffalo, NY
Liberal Arts, 3.0-4.0 GPA
1986-NTS Welding/ Electrical
1990-Genesee Community College, Olean, NY
Liberal Arts, 3.8-4.0 GPA
86’ -91’  Master Electrician - William Anderson
Apprenticeship -  Anderson  Marine -  Buffalo,  NY.
FEMA Independent Study - Emergency Preparedness, NIMS
Linux Ubuntu basics


Popping vitamins and mineral supplements might feel virtuous, but it actually carries surprisingly few health benefits and could even do harm, according to researchers. 
A team of researchers in Canada found that common supplements such as multivitamins, vitamin D, calcium and vitamin C provide no protection against heart disease, heart attack, stroke or premature death.
Folic acid and B-vitamins were associated with a reduced risk of heart disease and stroke. But niacin and antioxidants were linked to a very small risk of all-cause mortality: the term used to describe all of the deaths that occur in a group of people, regardless of the cause. 
The study's lead author, Dr. David Jenkins of St. Michael’s Hospital at the University of Toronto, said in a statement: "We were surprised to find so few positive effects of the most common supplements that people consume."
While the review found that taking multivitamins, vitamin D, calcium, or vitamin C do no harm, “there is no apparent advantage either," he said. 
"We were surprised to find so few positive effects of the most common supplements that people consume," said Dr. David Jenkins, the lead author of the study.GETTY IMAGES
"In the absence of significant positive data—apart from folic acid's potential reduction in the risk of stroke and heart disease—it's most beneficial to rely on a healthy diet to get your fill of vitamins and minerals," Dr. Jenkins said.
"So far, no research on supplements has shown us anything better than healthy servings of less-processed plant foods including vegetables, fruits and nuts."
Dr. Jenkins and his colleagues arrived at their findings by reviewing existing data and single randomized control trials published between January 2012 and October 2017. The studies investigated the effects of vitamins A, B1, B2, B3 or niacin, B6, B9 or folic acid, C, D and E. They also looked into the effects of beta-carotene, calcium, iron, zinc, magnesium and selenium. Multivitamins were defined as products that contained a number of these substances. The results were published in the Journal of the American College of Cardiology.
Among the downfalls that the authors acknowledged was their findings may be skewed by the fact that most people who take health supplements are generally more conscious about their well-being and may not be representative of the general population. 
The research mirrors a 2013 study that also suggested supplements have no long-term health benefits for health adults, but could be potentially harmful. 
The authors of the paper entitled "Enough Is Enough: Stop Wasting Money on Vitamin and Mineral Supplements," wrote at the time that "despite sobering evidence of no benefit or possible harm," the use of multivitamin supplements rose among U.S. adults from 30% between 1988 to 1994 to 39% between 2003 to 2006.
Aisling Pigott, a qualified dietitian and spokesperson for the British Dietetic Association who was not involved in the study, told Newsweek the research was "powerful" and "further supports our current understanding that there is no ‘pill’ we can take in lieu of a good diet." 
"If you have a healthy balanced diet, you do not need to take vitamin and mineral supplements. However recent guidelines suggest we all may wish to consider vitamin D supplementation, particularly during winter months," she said, alluding to the fact that the vitamin is absorbed into the body from sunlight. 
Certain groups of people may require supplements, such as young children, who can benefit from vitamins A,C and D; vegans, who are advised to take vitamin B12; and pregnant women, who should consider taking folic acid, Pigott said. 
Updated with comment from Aisling Pigott. 

Our fight with fat: Why is obesity getting worse?

 I have my own opinion concerning the price of garbage foods and individuals living at or below the invisible line of poverty.

Gyms across the country will be packed in the new year with people sticking, however briefly, to their New Year’s resolution to lose weight. Most of them do not know that the cards are stacked against them and that weight loss is much more complicated than working out and not eating dessert.
Years into the obesity epidemic, millions of Americans have tried to lose weight, and millions of them have failed to do so long term.

It’s so serious now that close to 40 percent of Americans are obese. The average woman in the United States today weighs about 168 pounds, or roughly the same as an average man in 1960.

Not that guys’ waists haven’t ballooned, too. Men have gained on average nearly 30 pounds since John F. Kennedy’s inauguration in 1961.
Now, despite people’s concerted efforts, obesity is at its highest level ever, with about 40 percent of U.S. adults and 18.5 percent of children, considered obese. This is itself an increase of about 30 percent, just since 2000 when roughly 30 percent of American adults were obese.

The U.S., and increasingly the world, is in the grip of a real epidemic – the seriousness of which is lost in our obsession with diets. One study estimated an additional 65 million obese Americans by 2030, and increased medical costs between US$48 billion to $66 billion a year.
As an endocrinologist, I study obesity and treat people with obesity every day. Here are some things I see, and some things I see that could begin to address the problem.

Costs across the board

Obesity, defined as a body mass index of at least 30, is about far more than vanity. It impairs quality of life and exacerbates health risks involving many medical conditions in children and adults. Obese people incur more medical costs, live shorter lives and miss more work than their thinner counterparts.
The health risks include gallbladder disease, osteoarthritis, gout, sleep apnea, polycystic ovarian syndrome, cardiovascular disease and a broad spectrum of cancers, such as pancreatic, liver, breast and kidney cancers.
Obesity also leads to metabolic conditions such as hypertension, Type 2 diabetes and nonalcoholic fatty liver disease, which has long been overlooked as a life-threatening consequence of poor eating habits. This disease was rare until 1980.

The medical costs associated with obesity are enormous – and growing. One study estimated the annual medical care costs of obesity in the United States in 2008 dollars at $209.7 billion. To put that in perspective, consider that that’s almost half the amount of the estimated federal deficit for fiscal year 2018. About 1 in 5 health care dollars are spent to treat obesity-related illness.
The costs are also high to individuals. Compared with normal-weight individuals, obese patients spend 46 percent more on inpatient costs, 27 percent more on outpatient care and 80 percent more on prescription drugs.

A sickness of American society?

Obesity’s roots are in American culture, from the stress of the workplace to the onslaught of food advertising, to our tradition of holiday overindulgence. The taste buds of our youth are raised on junk food and sugary treats, habits that follow children into adulthood.
American society is structured around productivity and long work hours. This leads to unbalanced lives, unhealthy lifestyles and unhappy people. Stress and lack of sleep can contribute to obesity.
For many families struggling between paychecks, the foods that make the most financial sense are the processed, packaged, fatty choices serving up the most calories.
Meal portions at restaurants have sharply increased in recent decades as well. The percentage of our food budget spent on out-of-home dining climbed to 46 percent in 2006, up 20 percent since 1970. The temptation of unhealthy food greets us on every street corner, in our breakrooms and at our favorite supermarkets. We Americans are eating too much yet we can’t seem to reverse it. Why?
Some blame the epidemic on the advent of the microwave and the growth of fast food options since the 1970s. Also, our food choices have changed, with food industries mass market fattening foods to children.
Americans are more sedentary than we were decades ago. Our lives are tied to computer screens, big and small, in both our jobs and our homes. Our children are now raised on hand-held devices that serve as surrogate playmates in a world where “playing ball” is more likely to be done via internet connection than the actual playing field.

Tuesday, August 7, 2018

Alex Jones?

 9/11 was an inside job, "In my opinion"...

 Take the time to think, do you really believe Osama Bin Laden was killed and buried at sea? Mind you there were no pictures what so ever and what happened to the team that went in?

 What happened to Arron Russo after he spoke with Nick Rockafella?

 In fact, weren't the greatest inventors of all time "first" labeled insane?

 Is it a conspiracy theory that George Bush purchased over 300,000sq acres in Paraguay?

 Is it a conspiracy theory that the US government in tandem with Big Pharma wants you able to work but high?

 Is it a conspiracy that the Great Depression was a hoax / land grab fully planned on Jekyll Island?

 All I'm suggesting is everything labeled a "conspiracy theory" should be researched several times before you come to a conclusion.

*The answers to my questions are in this blog.

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