Saturday, May 12, 2018

What Devices Make Up My Home Network Setup?

Welcome to the first in Fing’s crash course in home networks!
If you are reading this then you are probably sat amongst a load of Ethernet cables and flashing boxes wondering what do all these things do?!
Don’t worry, we at Fing are here to save the day. No longer will you have to nod your head blankly at the sales person whilst they tell you which router to buy. Crying over not knowing what a gateway is will be a thing of the past.
You are about to become a home network genius.

Home Networking: Why Should I Learn This Stuff?

You are not alone in feeling overwhelmed by your own home network setup. The whole reason behind creating Fingbox (our easy-to-use home network security and troubleshooting device) was because of how daunting the majority of homeowners find the topic of home networking.
Although in the back of our minds we know that our lack of knowledge leaves us vulnerable, it tends to not bother us – but then things stop working.
We’ve all glared at our router and politely asked it why it has decided to stop working during the season finale of our latest Netflix binge watch. As the amount of Internet of Things (IoT) devices in our homes increases so will the likelihood of you encountering tech that is refusing to work. Learning the basics of home networking will not only help you troubleshoot any problems that arise, but also help you make more informed choices when purchasing tech for your home.
You may leave all your network worries to a tech support company and so feel even more that you don’t need to learn about your home network setup. However, as smart homes grow we will see more tech and support companies taking advantage of homeowners’ lack of understanding of home networking, pushing products or services they don’t actually need onto their customers. A basic knowledge will give you more power to understand the usefulness of your tech support, and hold them accountable for poor service.
We at Fing are determined you are not going to be caught short on your home network – by the end of our crash course you’ll be making tech companies shake at the knees.

Understanding Your Home Network Setup: Where to Begin?

One of the most difficult things about understanding networking is the fact that most of what is happening isn’t actually visible! It’s harder to grasp how your Wi-Fi works when you can’t physically see what is happening. This is why we decided to start this series with looking at the part of your home network you can see – the networking devices.
Home networking devices are the physical boxes and cables that are required to setup and run your network. The collective term in networking for physical devices is hardware.
Networking hardware comes in all shapes and sizes, and their functions vary massively. We’re going to take you through the 10 most common network devices that you are likely to find in your home.

What Networking Devices Are You Likely to Find in Your Home Setup?

To get things started we’ve made you a cheat sheet of the most common networking devices. You can scroll below the infographic for more detailed explanations.

Friday, May 11, 2018

A New World order and a New World currency in 2018?

With Global debt reaching unprecedented and unserviceable levels it has got me thinking where this is all going.
Current US debt clock:

It has been nearly 30 Years since the Rothschild publication “The Economist” suggested on their front cover that there would be a new World currency in 2018. The picture shows a phoenix rising from the flames of a pile burning bank notes.
If you do not know who the Rothschilds are basically they are the richest family in the World and have a long history in banking and finance.

Whilst this does sound a little far-fetched; in my opinion there could be some truth behind this. It is no secret that the current Gold price is being heavily manipulated. This suggests to me they are trying to dampen the demand by constantly selling naked shorts on the comex (the commodities exchange) hence, gold cannot reach its true value. If they were to allow private investors to hold all the physical gold then creating a new World currency backed by Gold would prove impossible. This is also why there is does not seem to be independent auditing of U.S gold reserves. If there was then I suspect there would probably be far less Gold held centrally than people realise. When you consider over recent Years Russia and China have become major players buying up a lot of gold and not to mention India to.
My observations are that they are losing control when you look at the price of gold in recent Years gold performance has been very good and dumping naked shorts on the comex is starting to lose effect.
This is what Dr Paul Craig Roberts had to say. He was Former editor of the Wall Street Journal and was former US Assistant Secretary of the Treasury for economic policy in 1981 under Ronald Reagan. This is what he said to Greg Hunter in 2014:
Source- Greg Hunter USA Watchdog

“The reason they want to hold the gold price down is they are afraid of its impact on the dollar. The reason why they had to suppress the gold price is they had to protect the dollar from quantitative easing (QE) because they were printing trillions and trillions of new dollars.This was worrying people around the world who hold dollars because the dollar was increasing, but not the goods and services in the American economy. So, when the gold price took off, the Fed said this endangers QE because if the dollar is declining in value relative to gold, it must also be declining in value relative to other currencies. Once the exchange rate starts collapsing, we lose control. So, we got to suppress gold. I don’t know which side of the equation will play out first. I don’t know if they will run out of gold to deliver to India and China or people will say this is a rigged scheme and we are just not participating anymore.”
According to official reports, which I think needs verifying by an independent body, the U.S Holds the most Gold. My question is if they hold all this gold who is the legal owner? And that is assuming there is only one owner per ounce of Gold which is highly unlikely given the amount of leveraging that goes on.
The World’s top holders of Gold (please take these figures with a grain of salt):

 Full article >

Endgame Part 2 - How the Bilderberg Group is Secretly Merging the North American Continent

This video clip from the Alex Jones film ”Endgame” explains specifically how the Bilderberg Group has been using stealth for strategically paving the way toward full consolidation of the North American countries, for merging the populations, monetary systems, militaries, and highways of the United States, Canada and Mexico.

Following is a written transcript from the video:

For over 50 years, the Bilderberg group constructed the European Union by stealth, under the guise of trade deals. Now the Elite are using the same secretive approach to complete the North American Union (NAU)— but this time, superstate integration is on the extreme fast track. International agreements like NAFTA, GATT and APEC are just stepping stones in the formation of the NAU.

The North American Union was officially born at Baylor University in Waco, Texas, on March 23, 2005. The leaders of the United States, Canada and Mexico told the press that they were only meeting to discus trade. It soon leaked that a secret meting had been held during the Security and Prosperity Trilateral summit. The three governments had refused to release the secretive deal to the public. In September 2006, their operation was exposed. From September 12 to September 14 in Banff, Canada, hundreds of elected and appointed government leaders from Canada, Mexico, and the United States met in secret. On the last day of the conference, someone inside the forum leaked the agenda, and the front pages of newspapers across Canada carried the story. The Judicial Watch Foundation submitted freedom of information act requests to obtain the full agenda and minutes of the secret assembly. Many federal agencies refused, citing national security. The foundation finally succeeded, and did receive thousands of documents which are the blueprints of a shadow government ruling by bureaucratic and executive fiat. The pages chronicle an already operating North American Union— transportation, law enforcement, agriculture, regulation, banking, manufacturing, construction, education, immigration, and the military— are being merged, with no input from the people, or their elected representatives in congress and parliament. One of the first items on their agenda is to stress how important it is that their plan be ”carried out by stealth.” The controllers also talked about exploiting the public's fear about climate change to push a continent-wide tax to fund the new government.

”Globalist Tool” Robert Pastor tried to push the idea of a continent-wide security perimeter for protecting the North American Continent rather than at the borders.

For the past decade the Pentagon has been training with Canadian and Mexican forces, and has openly discussed using them inside the United States for disasters and to quell domestic unrest.

There are already 100,000 non-us citizens serving in the US armed forces. The Pentagon is now expanding its recruiting centers in Mexico, the Philippines, and Eastern Europe. Big city police departments nationwide are lobbying to change laws so they can recruit non-citizens to join their police force. What we are witnessing is a red dawn scenario in slow motion. Tyrants throughout history have brought in foreigners to oppress their domestic populations.

On April 30, 2007 a summit was held at the White House. The Security and Prosperity Partnership's secretive approach had alarmed the public, so this time President Bush, German Chancellor Merkle, and EU commission president Moruso hid their treachery in plain sight.

The BBC reported that the US and the EU had agreed on a ”single market”, repeating what had been done in America and the EU in a larger scale. The report states that the two blocks will push for regulatory convergence in more than 35 areas, from financial services, intellectual property, military, education, mergers and acquisitions, and they also agreed to jointly push a global carbon tax.

The African Union arose out of the African economic community set up in the early 1980's. The African Union is financed by a group of international bodies, governments and corporations. The african army serves as an enforcement arm for the New World Order's exploitation of Africa.

In Asia, APEC and Asian have announced plans to form an Asian Union consisting of Asian and Pacific nations.

As the unions are formed individually and they are simultaneously merged to form the first planetary government.

Daniel Estulin: ”They are trying to destroy every nation on Earth in the name of promoting process, because you see these people are land owners, they don't need progress because they control the land. They are trying to bring the masses back to the 'middle ages' in a post-industrial age world order.”

Michael Coffman: ”One of the things that is very shocking is that the United Nations Global Diversity Assessment which came out in 1985 clearly states that to protect planet Earth we have to go back to a feudal system— they actually said that in the document.”

To craft a modern feudal society, the globalists are crafting modern standardized North American Union ID cards, to track, trace, and control their surfs as they travel throughout the NAU.

Building on the massive displacement of humanity caused by globalization, the New World Order is rapidly constructing the physical infrastructure of the North American Union— the NAFTA superhighway control grid.

The proposed Trans-Texas corridor would be a patchwork of superhighways and railroads stretching 4,000 miles from the border of Mexico, with a private Spanish company winning the bid to collect the tolls for the next 50 years. These deals with private companies are being negotiated largely in secret.

The roads are instrumental in tearing down borders and merging nation states into larger Federations. Foreign Government and private corporations are seizing infrastructure across North America. In Texas over 8,000 miles of existing roads and land is being handed over to government-backed foreign companies. Foreign companies purchase influence of legislators who then turn over complete control to the same foreigners who finance their campaigns. Government power is then illegally transferred to unelected quasi-governmental regional boards, who circumvent local governments and the will of the people.

More than 80 state and federal highways have been designated as international arteries. The I-35 NAFTA corridor starts deep inside Mexico, travels through the middle of the United States, and ends in central Canada. Container ships from Asia dump their cargo in the Pacific side of Mexico it then travels duty-free by rail to the new Kansas city inland port, now considered sovereign soil of mexico, in the heart of the United States.

Under international agreements, foreign companies are placing tolls on already existing paid for roads. Federal, state, and corporate documents show that they will then use the revenue raised to build up the transportation infrastructure of Mexico— not the United States or Canada, so that Foreign made products can pour in even faster from Mexico. Revenues raised will also be used to fund the fledgling North American Union, and its growing bureaucracy. The bottom line is that they are using our own money to enslave us.

Gina Parker Ford - Chairman for Judicial Reform, National Eagle Forum: ”First of all, they are proposing a North American Tribunal, which would be similar to what we have in chapter 11 in the NAFTA agreement, which is trumped by International law. The US Supreme court and the US Constitution could potentially be rendered invalid, and what we would have is the North American business law that would trump what we have here in the United States.”

In 2005, ”Centra,” a Spanish owned company, signed a secret agreement with the Texas Department of Transportation to erect toll roads on existing roads, and to toll new roads there were completely paid for by tax dollars.

TexDOT— an unelected state agency, claimed that the agreement with the foreign company was even secret from the Texas legislature. When the truth come out, Centra's response was to have its Australian subsidiary make its first newspaper buy. Every newspaper they bought was along branches of the trans-texas corridor, and had been critical of the toll road plan. The cost of 40 or 50 newspapers is nothing compared to the profits that will be made. Just phase one of a state toll road plan is enough to raise 200 billion dollars in just the first fifteen years, and Texas is only a small part of the global panorama. A columbine of trans-national companies is aggressively consolidating public financed infrastructure worldwide, and the same interests are erecting a world government according to their rules, a literal wonderland of corporate corruption, where governments simply act as vacuum cleaners, sucking up the wealth and resources of the middle class, and transferring it to off-shore bank accounts, leaving behind a cultural and economic wasteland of easily managed slaves.

RFID Chips embedded in state inspection stickers are already used to track the population. The new system is meant to control growth and steer development by so-called ”smart growth”.

Michael Coffman: ”'Smart growth' is nothing more than an effort to bring control into the cities.. You have the rewinding of American and the wildlands project in the convention on biological diversity which is to control our rural population.”

Toll roads on interstate highways nationwide are walling off exit ramps to small towns and rural communities, and are creating ghost towns by design. This trend is accelerating under the NAFTA highway system, and is meant to re-wild more than half of the country.

Michael Coffman: ”All of these things are designed to bring more and more control to bureaucracies than to the independent individual of this nation. What brought me into this discussion is the fact that while I was doing this multimillion dollar research effort in the 1980's and the early 1990's, I became aware of an agenda to lock up essentially one half of the United States into wilderness corridors and reserves, what is called the ”Wildlands Project” which is also a key cornerstone of the United Nations Convention on Biological Diversity. It was during that study in which I began to realize that this was not an effort to protect the environment, but an effort to control you and I. They were dividing the United States up into little compartments in which they would rip out whole roads and communities to put them back into the wilderness.”

The federal highway system was designed by Pentagon war planners in the 1950's to serve as a rapid conduit, to move ground forces for the Defense of the United States During invasion. The unconstitutional ”Northern Command” is now using the highway system as a ”forced projection matrix” to dominate populations across the United States. Through federally funded emergency command centers, county and city governments are being quietly federalized nationwide.

Billions of dollars per city is being spent to install millions of surveillance cameras— every town and hamlet, no matter how small— is surveilled. License plate reading software tracks Americans wherever they go. New systems are being employed to read your lips, scan your face, and analyze your walk.

Under the treasonous military commissions act of 2006, american citizens can be secretly arrested, stripped of their, citizenship, flown to offshore torture camps and secretly executed.

Under section 802 of the Patriot Act, all misdemeanors are considered terrorism. Federal police squads called ”Viper Teams” randomly force Americans to line up and show their papers, from the sidewalks of Miami, to the subways of New York, to the streets of Houston, Texas, citizens are being searched by heavily armed gangs of paramilitary police.

View a full bibliography of the information presented in this video clip.

ISIS Nuke Proofs Part 2 – the science of the small, clean neutron bomb

Editors note by Ian Greenhalgh:
Once again, Jeff Smith delivers a truly devastating information bomb, one that will lay waste to entire paradigms that have become increasingly anachronistic in the modern age. For almost everyone, when they think of nuclear weapons they picture the 1950s newsreels of colossal hydrogen bombs blasting immense mushrooms clouds into the stratosphere and spreading deadly fallout over huge areas. That type of bomb still exists, but are unlikely to ever be used, they have existed for almost 70 years and no-one has ever dared to use one and I doubt anyone ever will.
However, those are very obsolete and outdated weapons, what we need to be concerned about today is four or five generations evolved from those old megatonne H-bombs – a totally different type of weapon that does not require a critical mass and therefore requires only a tiny amount of fissile material by comparison and best of all doesn’t produce a huge amount of nasty fallout and ionising radiation.
In fact, they produce no EMP, virtually no harmful fallout and only a small amount of radiation that is gone within hours.  The yield of these bombs is, of course, much smaller, in the low kilotonne range, starting around 0.5kt and scaling upwards by adding more fissile material. All these factors make these weapons far more usable than the old megatonne monsters.
Now for the really scary part – these small clean neutron bombs are also very simple and cheap to manufacture, so much so that even non-state actors such as Islamic State could feasibly manufacture them in a decent machine shop.
Then it gets even worse – you can make these things out of the used fuel rods from nuclear reactors – something that is common and, given the political situation in some countries that contain nuclear reactors, quite readily available on the black market – certainly far easier to obtain than any ‘weapons grade’ material, which has been closely monitored for decades.
This scenario totally undermines all the years of political anti-proliferation negotiations, all the treaties and international monitoring agencies, all of it is now irrelevant due to the new designs of the 4th and 5th generation as described here by Jeff. 

by Jeff Smith

Note below 1KT all charts stop. There is a reason why. Below 1KT you don’t need a “critical Mass” because you just hold it together longer. 32 neutron chain reaction is equal to 1KT or more in yield. So a much smaller amount will still go bang.

Critical Mass

Scientists define criticality as a measure of the ability of nuclear material to sustain a fission chain reaction. If a system is subcritical, it cannot sustain a fission chain reaction. If a system is supercritical, the fission chain reactions grow greatly. A system that is “critical” is the bounding case – this means that it sustains a chain reaction with a constant rate. The critical mass of fissile material depends on many factors:
  • Purity of material
  • Shape of material
  • Density of material
  • Temperature of material
  • Surrounding materials
The “bare sphere critical mass” of weapons-grade uranium and weapons-grade plutonium is approximately 52 kg and 10 kg (respectively).
The critical mass of fissile material informs the most fundamental question of nuclear weapon design. The question which scientists have asked for the first time at the beginning of the Manhattan Project and which every nuclear weapon state has asked since then is: how much fissile material is necessary for a nuclear weapon? The class of nuclear weapon design (see section nuclear weapon design ) determines the amount which is needed. For a
gun-assembled design, more fissile material is necessary than for an implosion device, for example.
The International Atomic Energy Agency defines “significant quantities” of uranium and plutonium as 25 kg and 8 kg (respectively). However, the figures which are below show that it is possible to produce reasonable nuclear yields with much less nuclear material than this, even if the technical capability is low.

Thursday, May 10, 2018

Do you race RC's? *Updated

 I'll teach your RC to beat any competition that stands in your way or my modifications are Free!


Yep, I bought a new one and I don't have a driver's license.
I could use a driver.

*Don't be confused, most of these pics are of my electric "Losi" and now that Nitro might beat it @ a grand in modifications.

I can teach you to do this...

 I get payments 24/7, no need for me to be awake. All I need do is apply myself. Care to learn? Figure out how to contact me, that will show ambition.

So you want to see me on Facebook

*Against all my practical thinking I'm going to allow it.


Is your website or blog stagnant, need more foot traffic?

 It's as easy as, "1, 2, 3".

And even more discounts

*Tell Mike or Craig, "Niko" recommended you.

Do you have a vehicle in need of repair or to sell near Daytona Beach?

*Receive immediate discounts and offers to purchase your vehicle at Walt's Automotive by mentioning my name, "Niko or Nick".

Nursing Home Evictions

Tens of thousands of Louisiana residents could face eviction from nursing and group homes

(CNN)More than 30,000 Medicaid recipients in Louisiana, many in nursing or group homes, could lose their benefits due to proposed state cuts -- a situation that could force thousands to move.
Louisiana Department of Health Deputy Secretary Michelle Alletto said the agency will notify about 37,000 Medicaid recipients, whose eligibility to receive the benefit could end on July 1, they may have to move out of the nursing and group home facilities because of the lack of state funding.
The letters, which will be mailed out Thursday, also will go to Medicaid patients with developmental disabilities and some who receive home-based services to give recipients time to develop appropriate plans, the agency said. The health department also will evaluate any eligibility options, according to the agency.
"We cannot provide services with no money to pay for them," agency Secretary Dr. Rebekah Gee told reporters Wednesday.
    The proposed cuts could force nursing homes to close, leaving more than 25,000 people unemployed, according to the Louisiana Nursing Home Association.
    "Worried over calls from Broadway Elder Living Center advising that #Medicaid support for my 90 y/o father (a Korean War vet) and my 86 y/o mother may get cut off," David Grabert wrote on social media on Tuesday.
    "Mom called me crying over this unconscionable threat to losing nursing home care desperately needed," Grabert wrote.
    Grabert couldn't be reached late Tuesday.
    Medicaid is a health insurance program for certain low-income individuals and their families that is jointly run by the federal government and individual states. People 65 years of age or older who meet the income and asset limits for their state are eligible for Medicaid.
    More than 1 million people are part of the Medicaid program in Louisiana, health officials said.
    Last month, the Louisiana House of Representatives approved a state budget that would cut four Medicaid programs for the disabled and elderly, The Times-Picayune reported. The House version of the state budget included $538 million in state health care cuts, the paper said, citing documents from the health department.
    The four programs are optional programs under Medicaid that the state doesn't have to provide to maintain its status as Medicaid provider, said Jay Dardenne, commissioner of the Division of Administration.
    The largest of the four programs slated for elimination is the Medicaid Long Term Care Special Income Level Program, which provides Medicaid to the elderly, blind and disabled with incomes between $750 a month and $2,250 a month or less, according to state health officials.
    Alletto said that group includes 17,000 people living in nursing facilities, about 2,000 in group homes for those with developmental disabilities, another 7,000 receiving certain waivers from the health department and hundreds of other people in community-based programs.
    The Louisiana Nursing Home Association said the Medicaid Long Term Care Special Income Level program provides health services for about 80% of nursing facility residents.
    Alletto said other Medicaid programs are slated to be affected in the proposed budget, including outpatient drug and alcohol treatment for those with a substance use disorder and mental health programs for adults.
    Dardenne said the health department need about $648 million to fund the programs slated to be cut.
    "The budget that left the House of Representatives, as we all know, has eviscerated the Medicaid program," Dardenne said.

    'The stress .... could kill people'

    Jim Tucker, CEO of CommCare Corp., a nonprofit that operates 12 nursing homes in Louisiana, said residents could be affected by the glum news.
    "Our patients are old, they are frail. They have multiple health issues,' said Tucker, a former speaker of the Louisiana House. "And the stress of coming to realize that they are going to lose their funding that allows them to stay in a nursing home, and have no other known option, I believe could kill people."
    "It is the worst treatment for Louisiana 's greatest generation that you could possibly fathom coming out of Baton Rouge," Tucker said.
    The Senate hasn't voted on the budget yet, The Times-Picayune reported.
    The budget shortfall is largely a result of the elimination of certain state taxes, which are set to expire on June 30, The Times-Picayune said. Dardenne said the loss amounts to about $1.4 billion.
    Once residents are deemed ineligible for the benefits, "they will have to be discharged from their nursing facility overnight, leaving their families to scramble to find other housing options and the vital healthcare services that they require to continue to live," said Mark Berger, director of the Louisiana Nursing Home Association
    Changes to the Medicaid system, however, will not happen overnight.
    The state would have to get approval from federal Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services, and nursing homes residents can appeal the state's request, Tucker said. If the state's request is approved, the state would have create plan to relocate Medicaid recipients.
    Some nursing homes are hoping for the best.
    "We've been knowing about this, but now it's real and it's not about the letter, it's about the faces of real people who we've been serving for years and years," Sister Ann Lacour of Chateau de Notre Dame, a New Orleans faith-based retirement community, told CNN affiliate WVUE.
    She added: "Hopefully we won't have to work with it because our Legislature will find a solution to answer this."

    I've made a lot of people a lot of money.

    *Niko Johnson *With over 10 blogs beginning in 2002' and over 1 million visitors I have yet to be contacted by a Black-owned business or individual to run ads or links.

    Wednesday, May 9, 2018

    And I do it all, manana

     Fried cabbage with ham hocks, chorizo, hot water bread and lime rice.

    Do you know what a "Geechy" is?

    I had a fun day

    Get a grip!

    Perhaps you thought I listen to hip hop? You may have even thought you know my race? We all share a common plight > We're trapped in a jail with no bars and no walls, there is no escape from your own perception.

    Can you interpret what sets me apart from most?

     I know nothing and understand even less! My sensory receptors gather information and my mind interprets that information. It is impossible for me to know anything as all received information has losses and changes through synapses, neurotransmitters, neuro pathways, etc.

     My mind "compares" all information according to its own shaded experiences i.e. I see things the way I do because of my upbringing, indoctrination, where I was born, the perception of positive and negative ends to my endeavors, etc.

     *Look up the "Socratic Paradox".

    Depopulation Revisited

     *Are you still concerned with Russian collusion and Stormy Daniels? You really need to stop coming to my blog, you're a fucking idiot!

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